Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3274 Ten Thousand Realms Gather!

"Is this place the Haotian Divine Realm? Although I have heard about it before, it is like thunder, but this is the first time I have come here in person. The impression is indeed very different!"

Chief Nuoding stroked his long red beard, looked at the towers and jade in the distance, and couldn't help but sigh to himself.

Although the power of Xiaofeng Camp is not any worse than that of the Haotian God Clan, in terms of the carved railings and jade structures, the Immortal Palace Yunque is far from comparable.

To put it bluntly, Sao Feng Camp is essentially a legion, one of the five legions under the jurisdiction of the Yuanshen Temple.

The Legion values ​​strict discipline and well-trained training, and its living conditions cannot be compared with those of a clan like the Haotian Clan, which has tens of thousands of foundations.

"It is indeed a beautiful place!"

Ling Feng nodded slightly, the Haotian Divine Realm was worthy of being the gate of the Haotian Divine Clan among the three upper-level divine clans.

"That's natural!"

Yu Junyao narrowed her eyes and said with a smile: "Although the three high-ranking divine clans have always been ranked side by side in no particular order, in terms of long history, the Haotian Divine Clan is far ahead of our Jiuli Divine Clan and the Tai'a Divine Clan. Above, especially the entire Haotian Divine Realm, the mountain-protecting formation itself is equivalent to an extremely huge Haotian Eye!"


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he looked at Yu Junyao, "How do you say this?"

"Hehe, you don't know this!"

Yu Junyao smiled proudly. Although Ling Feng also made great achievements in the formation of battles, Yu Junyao was a very famous talented woman in the entire Jiuli Divine Clan when it came to being knowledgeable about the past and present.

She was obviously in a good mood at the moment. Ling Feng finally felt relieved last night. In addition, when heading to the Haotian Divine Realm this time, neither Yue Yunlan nor Tuo Bayan came with them. She was the only one by Ling Feng's side. The so-called "near water tower" meant that she was Take advantage!

Of course, it's not that Ling Feng asked Yu Junyao to go with him by name, but he didn't bring anyone else with him.

It's just that Yue Yunlan and the others have no connection with Ye Shen, and secondly, their cultivation is still shallow. At this time, staying in Xiaofeng Camp with Xiaofan and the others is the most important thing.

If Gui Lao's prediction is true and a catastrophe is imminent, it would be better not to leave the protective range of the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation unless necessary.

"The mountain-protecting formation of the Haotian Divine Domain is integrated with the Haotian bloodline of the Haotian Divine Clan. In other words, all disciples of the Haotian Divine Clan can basically increase their own strength by more than 30% in the Haotian Divine Domain. The stronger it is, the stronger it will improve its own strength."

"Is there such an exquisite formation in the world?"

Yan Jinghong, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but sigh a little.

Although mortals cannot break the shackles of immortals with their own strength, they can use the mountain-protecting formation to mobilize the mighty power of heaven and earth.

In a sense, it may be able to reach a level of power comparable to that of an immortal.

Of course, it's just comparable.

"Yes, the Haotian Divine Clan's mountain-protecting formation has always been unparalleled in the entire Zhongyuan Domain. However, now that we at Xiaofeng Camp have the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain-protecting Formation, it is even more powerful than the Haotian Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation." The Celestial Clan’s mountain-protecting formation is definitely even better.”

Yan Shenjiang smiled slightly, with a hint of pride on his face.

"That's not all!"

Yu Junyao continued to add: "Didn't I just say that the Haotian God Clan's mountain-protecting formation is equivalent to a huge Haotian Eye. In other words, if someone can control this Haotian Eye, With the eyes, you can use the power of heaven and earth of the entire mountain-protecting formation to integrate into one body and exert unparalleled supreme power."

"Sure enough!"

Ling Feng secretly nodded. If Tiangang Xuanxiao's mountain-protecting formation focuses on defensive capabilities, then the Haotian God Clan's mountain-protecting formation integrates offense and defense. It is also a rather heaven-defying formation.

"Hahaha, Xiao Yu'er is indeed a famous and talented woman in the Zhongyuan Domain. It seems that she also knows a lot about our Haotian Divine Clan's mountain-protecting formation!"

At this moment, a burst of laughter came from the distance, and everyone followed the sound, but it turned out to be a handsome-looking man in white, leading several followers wearing the uniforms of disciples of the Haotian God Clan, and walked quickly towards the Lingfeng people. Coming from the direction.

"It turns out it's him." Yu Junyao narrowed her eyes and smiled faintly.

"Who is he? Do you know him?" Ling Feng asked lightly.

"Well, he is also a direct descendant of the Haotian Divine Clan and the cousin of Ye Shen. Ye Ge is also very powerful!"

Yu Junyao smiled and said: "After all, he is still my cousin-in-law."

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded slightly. It seemed that the Haotian Divine Clan and the Jiuli Divine Clan were indeed married for generations. Indeed, both clans were high-ranking divine clans. The marriage between the sons of the clan was also a perfect match.

"It turns out to be Brother Ye!"

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted Ye Ge, and Ye Ge quickly stepped forward, bowed to Ling Feng and saluted, and said with a smile: "General Manager Xiao Feng is here. Ye Mou is not far away to welcome you!"

Immediately afterwards, he bowed to General Yan and said, "General Yan, this junior is polite!"


Yan Shenji supported Ye Ge and said with a loud smile: "Master Wan Ge, long time no see!"

"Brother-in-law, is cousin Ruoxi okay?"

Yu Junyao put her little hands on her back and looked at Ye Ge with a smile.

"Okay, okay, everything is fine." Ye Ge smiled slightly and said, "I'm just thinking about you, girl."

"Really? Where is cousin Ruoxi? I'll find her!"

"You girl, you're still the same impatient after so many years of seeing her. Once you've entertained Director Ling, I'll take you to see your cousin Ruoxi."

Ye Ge shook his head and smiled, and made an invitation gesture to Ling Feng, "Everyone who has come from afar, please come with me to the living room to talk. The clan leader and other clan elders have been waiting for you for a long time."

"That's fine!"

Ling Feng nodded, "Brother Ye, please lead the way."


Ye Qingge once again cupped his fists and saluted everyone, and immediately led the way. After a while, he came to a golden light curtain.

As everyone passed through the light curtain, there was a "buzz" sound in their ears, and then, a burst of colorful rays of light spread out, and everyone finally entered the Haotian Divine Realm.

Ling Feng raised his head and saw lush vegetation, magnificent palaces and towers, layer upon layer. From the bottom of the mountain to the top, there is a winding staircase made of copper waves and iron. On both sides of the steps, colorful flags and red streamers are flying in the wind.

Guests were coming and going in an endless stream, and the disciples of the Haotian Divine Clan were all arranging and preparing for the wedding day in an orderly manner.

The entire Haotian Divine Realm was in a state of joy.

"It seems that everything is ready, except for the wedding celebration tomorrow!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and as soon as the wedding was over, the prophecy of the Fountain of Mist Souls was nothing more than alarmist talk.

Not long after, Ye Ge led everyone to stop in front of a large hall with flying green tiles and high eaves.

The palace has only one floor and is square, but the space is extremely huge, covering thousands of acres. At a glance, it looks like a roc spreading its wings, which is extremely spectacular. Directly above the palace door, there is a gold lacquer plaque hanging high, with the four characters "Haotian Palace" written on it.

There were two rows of disciples outside the hall, standing in two rows with their hands behind their backs and serious faces. They were obviously the best among the best.

At this moment, there were crowds of people in the main hall, and it was obvious that many guests had already gathered.

"Director Ling, the guests from all races in the star domain have almost arrived and are waiting for you!"

Ye Ge smiled slightly, and before he could speak, several more figures walked out of the hall. The leader was none other than the leader of the Haotian Divine Clan, Ye Changtian.

"Director Ling, you are finally here! Please!"

Ye Changtian cupped his fists and saluted Ling Feng, and then made a "please" gesture.

"Please, Chief of the Night Clan!"

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, and under the guidance of Ye Changtian, he walked into the main hall.

I saw that in this extremely majestic hall, from left to right, from top to bottom, there were long cushions.

On both sides of the aisle are many long tables made of bronze. The table has patterns and a simple and elegant aesthetic. The height of the long bronze table is exactly what the warriors can reach when sitting cross-legged.

The banquets in the main hall were divided into several rows, and they were so densely packed that at first glance, there were thousands of them. The table was filled with melons, fruits and food, which were very rich. These were spiritual fruits full of spiritual energy that the Haotian God Clan had worked hard to cultivate. Those meats are also the meat of high-level monsters, which are great supplements for cultivators.

As Ling Feng and his party entered the hall, the guests also stood up to greet him.

"Director Ling, we meet again!"

"Brother Ling, you're fine! Hahaha..."

"Everyone is here and waiting for you!"


Most of the people present here are acquaintances, including the patriarch Mu Xuanxiao of the Jiuli Divine Clan and a group of clan elders, as well as the patriarch Qin Zheng of the Tai'a Divine Clan and the saint son Qin Yu of Tai'a, as well as people such as the Void Soul Clan, the Titan Clan, and the Frey Clan. …

In the star fields, all the sect forces with a head and a face are basically here.

If it were just a marriage between the Jiuli God Clan and the Haotian God Clan, there would be no chance of such a scene.

More importantly, the wedding between Holy Son Haotian and Saint Jiuli is related to a major secret that has been left for thousands of years, and it is related to whether the Evil Bone Demon Lord can be completely eliminated.

This is not only a matter between the Haotian and Jiuli clans, but also concerns the life and death of the entire universe.

Therefore, no matter what, there is no room for failure in this wedding.

These guests not only came to congratulate, but also to promote this wedding at all costs.

Anyone who dares to obstruct or ruin the wedding will be everyone's enemy.

There are so many top experts from all the stars and realms here. Even if those demons have some conspiracy, it is absolutely impossible for them to succeed in front of so many people.

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