Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3275 Inexplicable restlessness!

Not long after, the guests took their seats one by one. The banquet was full of jade liquid, fine wine, delicacies from mountains and seas, and so on.

As the host, the Haotian Protoss took out the extremely precious "Haotian Sacred Fruit" to entertain all distinguished guests.

"Everyone, I believe you have heard about our clan's Haotian Holy Fruit."

Ye Changtian glanced across the hall, with a smile on his face, and immediately clapped his hands, and saw a graceful young woman walking into the hall, each carrying a jade plate.

On the jade plate, there are three light golden fruits, which are about the size of apples, but the skin of the fruits is actually engraved with light golden lines.

These lines are not man-made, but are formed by the aura of heaven and earth. In other words, they are like the elixir lines of the best elixirs. These lines are naturally formed by heaven and earth, and contain a trace of the power of the great laws of heaven and earth.

This kind of holy fruit is truly exquisite!

Sure enough, when everyone heard the name of "Haotian Sacred Fruit", their eyes lit up. Looking at the jade plate sent by the maid, their index fingers moved and their mouths watered.

You must know that the Haotian Holy Fruit was formed from an ancient holy tree within the Haotian Divine Clan. According to legend, the Haotian Divine Clan relied on this ancient holy tree to gain a foothold and develop.

This holy fruit blooms once every three hundred years and bears fruit once every three hundred years. It takes a full thousand years to fully mature.

Only the most distinguished guests can enjoy these fruits.

This time, as all the major forces from all over the world have arrived, the Haotian God Clan has spent a lot of money.

"Sir Souji, please enjoy!"

One of the maids walked to the seat where Ling Feng was sitting, gently put down the jade plate, and then bowed Yingying, and then exited the hall together with the other maids.

Each seat represents a clan power. Because the number of Haotian Holy Fruit is limited after all, top powers such as Jiuli, Tai'a, Xiaofeng Camp, and the six major races in the Star Territory all enjoy three Holy Fruits.

As for the subordinate sect forces, they can only enjoy one fruit.

From now on, it will take several sect forces to share one fruit.

Basically, it would be nice for everyone to have a small slice and try it out.

"Everyone, these are the fruits that I just picked. They are very fresh. Please enjoy them!"

Ye Changtianlang laughed, and everyone stopped being polite and cut the fruit open. A strong aroma instantly filled the entire hall.

Ling Feng took a deep sniff of the aroma of the Haotian Holy Fruit, and he could not help but secrete a large amount of saliva. The fruity aroma was too alluring.

Yu Junyao was even worse. Looking at the Haotian Holy Fruit, his eyes almost glowed green.

"nice one!"

With a flash of black light, the ugly donkey jumped out from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, and the ugly sheep appeared with him.

The appearance of a donkey and a sheep undoubtedly attracted the attention of many people.

However, the stupid donkey's sneaky eyes were always staring at the three Haotian Holy Fruits, and they almost fell to the table.


The bitch swallowed, and a pair of donkey hooves were almost touching the Haotian Sacred Fruit.


There was a crisp sound, but it was Ling Feng who slapped this guy's hoof away.

If he were to get started, the fruit would probably be eaten by this guy alone.

The bitch glared at Ling Feng angrily, not daring to make a mistake.

The ugly sheep on the side chuckled, seeming very happy to see the donkey being deflated.

"I didn't expect that the Haotian Divine Clan would be so generous this time. This is even my first time to have the opportunity to eat the Haotian Sacred Fruit!"

Yujunyao licked her lips. Even she began to lose control of her palms and wanted to pick up a fruit from the jade plate.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and said lightly: "With so many people sharing these fruits, we can only get a taste of them. The spiritual power contained in the fruits cannot be completely preserved. It is better to select three people and enjoy them exclusively. The fruit can also allow three people to have fun, what do you think?"

"That's what Mr. Souji said."

General Wang Shen and General Yan both nodded in agreement.

Three fruits were divided among twenty or so people. It would be good if each of them could taste one piece. In this case, it would be just a taste at best, and it would be far from achieving the effects of improving one's cultivation and nourishing one's soul. Wouldn't it be a waste of natural resources?

Then, the rest of the people sitting in the Sao Feng Camp nodded in agreement.

"As the Commander-in-Chief of Sao Feng, Mr. General, you deserve one!"

Wang Shen will be the first to make a statement.

"Yes, Mr. Souji deserves one!"

"Yes, I have no objection either."

"Hehe, this is natural!"

Everyone agreed, but Ling Feng did not refuse and nodded: "Okay, in that case, I'll take one."

With that said, he took a fruit from the jade plate and immediately handed it directly to Yu Junyao's hand, smiling and saying: "Here, you can eat it."


A blush appeared on Yu Junyao's face. What on earth does this brat mean?

"Since this fruit already belongs to me, I have the right to distribute it, right?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Just think of it as thanking you for telling me the truth last night."

Is that so...

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth, stopped being polite, and accepted Ling Feng's kindness.

As for the remaining two fruits, they were not distributed according to status. Everyone performed the drinking order, and the winner got the fruits.

With such a distribution, winning or losing will not hurt the harmony, it is the most fair.

Seeing Xiaofeng Camp using this method to distribute, the other tribes followed suit, which not only saved the trouble of distribution, but also allowed the Haotian Holy Fruit to fully exert its efficacy, killing two birds with one stone.

Although not everyone can eat the fruit, at least everyone has a sense of participation.

On the main seat, Ye Changtian looked at Ling Feng, a trace of satisfaction appeared on his face, and nodded secretly in his heart: This kid is really a rare talent! Xiaofeng Camp has indeed produced an amazing general!

Ling Feng's excellence is not only in martial arts talent, but also in his way of dealing with people.

He is sharp but humble, smooth but principled, and he really has the style of a general.

After the trouble of the Evil Bone Demon Lord is completely resolved, these old guys should also retreat behind the scenes.

As the saying goes, every generation has talented people, and it is time for these rising stars to show their talents.

Not only Ye Changtian, Jiuli, Tai'a, Titan, Frey...

The patriarchs of these top forces also have the idea of ​​retiring.

The great era has come, and among these young generation of geniuses, perhaps someone can take the step that all the ancestors dream of.

One step from immortal to mortal, the difference between heaven and earth!

And these old guys can only sit and watch the wind and clouds.

"The Son of Haotian is here!"

"The Saint of Jiuli is here!"

At this moment, the voice of notification came from outside the hall, and Ye Weiyang and Mu Qianxue, who had not shown up, finally appeared.

Tomorrow is the day of their wedding, and they are the real hosts of today's banquet.

Ye Weiyang, dressed in brocade, walked slowly into the hall, and Mu Qianxue, dressed in a long skirt, followed behind Ye Weiyang, step by step, showing a graceful and elegant posture.

The two walked hand in hand, and even their auras complemented each other, like a pair of golden boys and jade girls, unparalleled in the world.

The power of seven lives in them has obviously been perfectly integrated with themselves.

The combined power of seven lives is enough to form a perfect seven-life marriage soul-locking formation to completely eliminate the evil bone demon.

For a moment, Ye Changtian, Mu Xuanxiao and other clan leaders all nodded secretly. Everything depends on tomorrow.


Seeing Mu Qianxue again, Ling Feng shouted silently in his heart, and his heart seemed to beat violently.

An inexplicable restlessness suddenly arose from the bottom of his heart.

What's going on?

Ling Feng's face changed slightly, and he actually had an impulse to take Mu Qianxue away from the hall regardless of everything.

This woman belongs to me!

She belongs to me!


In my mind, a voice that lingered like a nightmare echoed.

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly and felt his heart beating violently in his chest.



The speed and strength of the beating were far beyond the usual.

For a moment, he felt like he was in a madness, and his mind seemed to be a little unclear.

Ling Feng bit his tongue fiercely, and the severe pain made him sober up a little.

However, the crazy restlessness lingered all the time.

"Ling Feng, what's wrong with you? You look very bad."

Yu Junyao seemed to have noticed Ling Feng's abnormality, and put her hand on the back of Ling Feng's hand and shook his palm gently.

"No... nothing! Don't worry!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, shook his head slightly at Yu Junyao, and suppressed the inexplicable restlessness.

He had obviously decided to let go of everything, so why did he become so abnormal when he saw Mu Qianxue?

It seems that he still can't let it go completely!

"Sorry everyone, Ye is late!"

Ye Weiyang walked to the center of the hall, and then saluted the guests from all directions, clasping his fists, gentle and elegant, graceful, but not losing the spirit of a generation of genius.

"Tomorrow is the wedding of the Holy Son. As the saying goes, the guest should follow the host's wishes. Moreover, the leader of the Ye clan presented the Holy Fruit of Haotian to entertain everyone. This is all thanks to the great wedding of the Holy Son!" "Not bad, not bad. If it weren't for this great wedding, how could we have the honor to see such rare and precious fruits!" "If you ask me, the Holy Son of Haotian and the Holy Lady of Jiuli are really a perfect match!" "..." For a moment, the hall was boiling. Everyone stood up to congratulate. Ye Weiyang thanked them one by one and finally walked to Ling Feng. "Brother Ling, I'm very happy that you can come to congratulate." Ye Weiyang took a deep look at Ling Feng, personally filled a glass of wine for Ling Feng, handed it to Ling Feng, and raised another glass, "Come, I'll toast you a glass!" Mu Qianxue followed behind Ye Weiyang. When she saw Ling Feng, she subconsciously bit her lip and instinctively wanted to greet Ling Feng, but when the words came to her lips, they became a silent call. As Mu Qianxue approached, Ling Feng's restlessness in his heart became more intense and uncontrollable.

His eyes even turned red.

Take her away!

Take her away!

Take her away!!!

Ling Feng's body trembled slightly as his mind echoed with extremely strong thoughts.

Fortunately, his soul was extremely powerful, and he suppressed his restlessness again, gritting his teeth and saying, "Cheers!"

Ling Feng forced a smile, raised his glass to clink with Ye Weiyang, drank it all, and then looked at Mu Qianxue again.

Mu Qianxue looked evasive, not daring to look directly at Ling Feng's eager eyes.

She knew that if she looked at Ling Feng a few more times, the determination she had finally made might be shattered again.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and turned away, not daring to look at Mu Qianxue anymore. He just took a deep look at Ye Weiyang and said solemnly: "Brother Ye, congratulations."

Ye Weiyang nodded, raised her hand and patted Ling Feng's shoulder gently.

In this public place, many words can only be hidden in the heart.

The two people's eyes met, and nothing was said.

"This kid can actually suppress the calamity of falling in love? How is this possible?"

The ugly sheep on the side, although hiding among the members of the Saofeng camp, seemed to be drinking and eating meat, feasting, but his eyes were always fixed on Ling Feng.

When he saw Ling Feng's abnormality, a sneer flashed in his eyes at first. However, when he saw that Ling Feng actually suppressed the restlessness in his heart and everything was normal, he showed a look of surprise.

"However, it doesn't matter. Now that the fall in love has occurred, I want to see how long you can suppress it? Tomorrow, the master will definitely be able to break the seal and reappear in the world!"

The ugly sheep narrowed his eyes and smiled coldly, but all his expressions disappeared in an instant, as if there were two completely different souls hidden in his body...

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