Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3279 Haotian Divine Eye! Bloodthirsty Demonic Sword!


Ye Weiyang shook her head and sighed. The next moment, a bright light flashed in her eyes, replaced by boundless fighting spirit.

Now that I have decided to fight Ling Feng, I must go all out.

This is the way of the night god.

Once the night blade comes out, it will return covered in blood.

"Seniors, please retreat far away and set up a barrier. I don't want to hurt innocent people in this battle."

Ye Shen took a deep breath and looked at the clan leaders around him.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and just smiled coldly, "Hmph, it's unnecessary. With your barrier, can you block my sword?"

In his possessed state, he was completely arrogant and looked down upon everyone present.

Even if the opponent is Ye Shen, it is Ye Shen Weiyang, who is known as the most evil genius in Xuanling Continent.


The leader of the Yodel clan glared angrily, clenched his fists, looked at Ye Changtian, and said coldly: "Clan Leader Ye, do you want to see the good saint in your clan misbehaving here? That boy is extremely powerful now. Ordinarily, with just Ye Shengzi alone, I'm afraid..."

"Yes, now is not the time to show off your courage!"

The leader of the Tiangui Clan also tightened his grip on the sword, "If he loses, will we seriously stop taking action?"

Ye Changtian took a deep breath, feeling equally hesitant in his heart.

Finally, Ye Changtian gritted his teeth, stared at Ye Weiyang, and said in a deep voice: "Weiyang, you are sure!"

"Outside the Haotian Divine Realm, I naturally have no confidence, but this place is the Haotian Divine Realm!"

Ye Weiyang's eyes were firm and her words were sonorous, "Clan leader, don't worry and leave it to me! I will never let Brother Ling make a big mistake!"

"did you mean……"

Ye Changtian's eyelids twitched suddenly, and he immediately understood what Ye Weiyang was thinking, and finally nodded, "Okay, Weiyang, I believe you!"

After saying that, he looked at the clan leaders and said loudly: "Everyone, according to Wei Yang's wishes, we will withdraw from the distance and set up a barrier!"


Clan leaders, although they still have doubts in their hearts, now that Ye Changtian has spoken, it is obvious that Ye Weiyang should still be hiding some extremely powerful cards.

It might as well just let Ye Weiyang consume Ling Feng's power first.

It would be great if he could defeat Ling Feng.

If they lose, this matter is very important, and they will never watch Ling Feng take Mu Qianxue away.

It is a matter of life and death for the entire universe. Even if you are a despicable villain who goes back on your word once, you will admit it.

"Brother Ye Shen..."

Mu Qianxue bit her lip, took a deep look at Ling Feng, then looked back at Ye Weiyang, and finally said slowly, "No matter what, please save Brother Ling's life, he...he must not be there yet" Sober, don’t know what you are doing!”

To save Ling Feng’s life?

Ye Weiyang looked at Mu Qianxue and understood everything from her eyes.

At this critical moment of life and death, it was clear who Mu Qianxue was looking for in her heart.

From beginning to end, she probably only had Ling Feng in her heart.

Even at this moment, the only person she cared about was Ling Feng.

Even now, she should be his immortal companion in name.


Ye Weiyang laughed to himself. Although he was full of confidence when talking to other clan leaders, even if he used that trump card, he was not sure of victory!

He took a deep look at Mu Qianxue and nodded slightly, "I will. Okay, you will also withdraw from the distance with everyone. This battle will definitely be very tragic."

Mu Qianxue gritted her teeth, showing her heartfelt concern and deep love for Ling Feng.

For Yagami, there is only respect and guilt.

Although at this time, she knew that she should not say such words, but she could not control herself at all.


Two lines of tears fell from the corners of Mu Qianxue's eyes, and she turned to look at Ling Feng across from her. Now, she could do nothing but silently pray in her heart that Ling Feng would wake up as soon as possible.

This battle can be avoided.

"Shengzi Ye, I hope you won't let us down!"

"I'll just sit back and watch!"


For a moment, a group of clan leaders led the crowd to retreat thousands of feet away. Haotian Square, which was originally crowded and bustling with people, suddenly became deserted and deserted. From time to time, there were gusts of wind, like ghosts.

The next moment, the nine chiefs flew in nine different directions, using all their magical powers to arrange a nine-layer top-level defense formation.

Unless you have the absolute power to defeat nine people with one strike, you will never be able to break through this barrier.

For a moment, the sky was covered with nine-colored divine light, thunder was rolling, flames were blessing, the wind was howling, and the rain was pouring...

From the beginning to the end, Ling Feng just stood quietly on a dome with a touch of disdain and a sneer on his face.

"Hmph, are you all set up?"

Black energy billowed all over Ling Feng, and the evil in his hands was extinguished in all directions. It began to buzz, and the tiny barbs on it were looming, like a hungry beast that wanted to drink the blood of the enemy.

"Brother Ling, it's still too late to turn around now."

Ye Weiyang took a deep look at Ling Feng and said, "If you don't fight, everyone will help you."

"So much nonsense!"

In Ling Feng's eyes, a cold light surged, with a biting chill, without any trace of the brotherhood of the past, "I have listened to you talking too much nonsense, and I have wasted too much time here. Since If you think you can stop me, use all your strength, otherwise, you will only become a dead soul under my sword!"

Now, he has almost completely become a demon, inhumane, cruel and bloodthirsty.

"It seems that this battle is inevitable."

Ye Weiyang shook her head and sighed softly, "Remember that night before the ceremony of taking over the throne of Director-General Sao Feng, you and I had a drink under the moon. Do you still remember? You said that you and I will always be good brothers."

"Stop talking nonsense and accept your fate!"

Ling Feng's face suddenly became distorted, and his mood seemed to become irritable. He shouted loudly, and the Asura demonic energy around him suddenly exploded.

For a moment, the black smoke turned into thousands of roaring ghosts, sweeping towards Ye Weiyang.

"Endless night!"

Ye Shen sighed softly, swung his sword, and the whole world was instantly enveloped in a gloomy night.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Shen did not stop at all. The blades, which were as small as feathers, turned into an extremely huge thousand-blade wings in the high sky. The huge blade wings swept across the void. In the middle, extremely terrifying vacuum cracks suddenly appeared.

Just as soon as they met, Ye Shen directly used Thousand Blade Wings. The huge blade wings swept across the sky, and the terrifying sword energy storm was enough to tear through thunder and destroy the void.

However, this is not Yagami's peak state at all.

"Brother Ling, I will save you even at all costs, so please wake up!"

Under the flapping of the blade's wings, Ye Weiyang's figure slowly floated into the sky, almost blending into the hanging night.

Then, between his eyebrows, the divine pattern belonging to the Haotian clan shone, emitting an extremely dazzling divine light.

And in his right eye socket, the gemstone eyeball embedded in it actually popped out, revealing the hollow eye socket, making his originally handsome face look a bit ferocious and terrifying.

This eyeball was damaged during the battle with Shenshui Yinji.

Although it is inlaid with precious stones and looks lifelike, it is not the real Eye of Haotian after all.

But at this moment, he wanted to use another Haotian Eye to replace his missing eyeball.

And this Haotian Eye, its power is far greater than all the Haotian Eyes in the world, it is unique.

In an instant, the sky clouds changed color, the wind howled, and the thunder rolled.

The whole world was filled with darkness, thousands of thunderstorms intertwined behind Ye Weiyang, and waves of terrifying aura followed the force of the storm and poured into his Haotian divine pattern.

"This is……"

Mu Xuanxiao's eyelids twitched slightly and he stared at Ye Changtian.

Ye Changtian nodded, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Among the Haotian God Clan, apart from me, Wei Yang is probably the only child who has the ability to use this Haotian Eye. Once this eyeball is used, the entire The spiritual power of the Haotian Divine Realm will be blessed in his body through the mountain-protecting formation."

"This is why I feel comfortable letting Wei Young fight Ling Feng."

Ye Changtian clenched his fist tightly, "It's just that the price paid for using this Haotian Eye is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear. Weiyang, really regards Ling Feng as a real brother! He doesn't even hesitate to use it This force also wants to save his life.”

"Use the power of the entire Haotian Divine Realm!"

For a time, the clan leaders, elders, and disciples from all the major forces gasped.

In this way, Ye Weiyang's power has been blessed to the extent that it surpasses half-step Xuxian.

That is already infinitely close to the level of the powerful Void Immortal!

"Haotian's divine power is bestowed upon me! Ah!——"

Ye Weiyang had an extremely ferocious expression on his face, as if he was suffering from immense pain, with veins popping up all over his body. Along with the storm of billowing black clouds in the sky, an extremely huge eyeball emitted a blazing golden light. , slowly appeared among the black clouds.

Eye of Haotian!

This is the Eye of Haotian formed by condensing the power of the entire Haotian Divine Domain, heaven and earth, and the tens of thousands of years of the Haotian Divine Clan's mountain-protecting formation.

Or, it should be called, Haotian Divine Eye!


The golden arc flashed, and the huge Haotian Divine Eye actually resonated with the divine pattern between Ye Weiyang's eyebrows.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the huge divine eye shrinking continuously, and finally embedded into Ye Weiyang's empty eye socket with extremely precise accuracy.

His golden eyes made his entire body shine with golden light.

And the aura on his body reached an unparalleled level.

He just stood there, as if he were an eternal god, allowing the stars to fall and remain immortal despite the ages.

From the moment he merged with the Haotian Divine Realm, he was already the master of this world.

Absolute master!

"Interesting! Interesting!"

Ling Feng laughed wildly. He looked at Ye Weiyang's changes. Instead of stopping her, he became even more excited.

"You're still pretty good now. I, Ling Feng, am willing to admit that you are the strongest among these trash!"

The sword blade swung in Ling Feng's hand, and with a sharp sound of breaking wind, his figure, shattered into millions of void fragments, appeared in front of Ye Weiyang like a ghost.

"Come on! Show me your greatest power!"

Ling Feng held his sword and struck back, and when he struck out, it was the Xuantian Poyun Sword's killing move.

Although he has fallen into the devil's path, he has returned to Lingfeng, and he is master of all his original sword moves and magical powers.

In fact, because there is no emotional burden when taking action, he becomes more ruthless and fierce.


The sword blade struck heavily on Night God's Thousand-Blade Wings, and the sword energy storms intertwined and collided wildly.

Their speed was so fast that in the blink of an eye, they had already clashed hundreds of times.

Everyone saw only sparks and roaring sounds in the sky.

Large areas of the buildings below collapsed and turned into ruins under the aftermath of the sword energy.


Ling Feng's eyes flashed with blood-red light, and the next moment, his face was covered with a layer of black lines.

After realizing that his sword moves could no longer break through Ye Weiyang's defense, Ling Feng directly resorted to Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, and his aura climbed again, reaching the absolute peak state in the true sense.

As soon as the Divine Mark of Heaven appeared, Ling Feng's arms seemed to swell in an instant, his muscles became knotted, and his brute force also surged in an instant.


With a loud shout, Ling Feng slashed out with his sword, and the blade that destroyed all directions actually turned into a dark shadow, directly entangled with Ye Shen's Thousand-Blade Wings, and swept up.

Like a living evil ghost.

Ling Feng's possessed state also affected Sword Spirit Xiaobai's mind.

Under Ling Feng's interference, Xiao Bai also inspired his own demonic nature and transformed into a terrifying beast covered with black barbs.


With a roar, Sword Spirit Xiaobai flew out from the blade, avoiding the layers of defense of Thousand Blade Wings, and actually tore three bloody marks on Ye Weiyang's chest with one claw.


Three streaks of blood splashed, Ye Weiyang's expression changed, and she slapped Xiao Bai hard with her backhand.

However, Xiao Bai retreated with one strike and turned into an illusory shadow, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and merged into the sword blade.

After being stained with blood, the blade of Destruction in All Directions became even weirder. The barbs on it became thicker, and the blood on Destruction in All Directions became more intense.

Even Ling Feng's expression became a bit more ferocious.

At this moment, all directions were destroyed, and it had completely turned into a terrifying magic sword.

Bloodthirsty Demonic Sword!

"a ha ha ha……"

Ling Feng stretched out his hand to cover half of his cheek, and let out a monster-like, terrifying laugh. He actually lightly licked the blade of the sword, and said with a grin: "What delicious blood, Xiaobai, are you excited too!" Hahahaha, come on, let’s tear him apart bit by bit! Hahahaha…”

Its shape is like a demon, its color changes when you hear it, it is shocking to your eyes.

At this moment, Ling Feng has completely transformed into a real demon!

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