Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3280 There is only one chance!

Clang clang clang!

In the flash of lightning, the sword blade in Ling Feng's hand had collided with the Thousand Blade Wings behind Ye Weiyang no less than a hundred times.

Ye Weiyang was scratched by Xiao Bai, and dark golden blood flowed from the wound on her chest.

Under the blessing of the Haotian Divine Eye, to a certain extent, Ye Weiyang has acquired a certain amount of immortal magic power. His golden blood is a symbol of the evolution of life form into a virtual immortal.

However, despite this, Ling Feng, who faced the possessed state and initiated the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, still found it very difficult.

Moreover, Xiaobai's claw wound was also corroded by Asura's demonic energy. The dark golden blood flowing out was not only unable to stop the bleeding, but gradually became darker and darker, as dark as ink.

This is already a symptom of demonic energy invading the body.

If it weren't for the suppression of Haotian's divine eye, the usual Ye Weiyang would have completely lost the ability to move and could only sit back and wait for death.

"Blood Shadow Guard! Now!"

Ling Feng swept the sword in his hand, and while the sword energy danced wildly, a crimson vertical pupil suddenly opened between his eyebrows.

Surprisingly, it is the Demonic Eye of Asura!

A terrifying bloody light burst out from the demonic eyes, and then, forty-eight Blood Shadow Guards appeared behind Ling Feng and gathered together, each holding the same Shifang Destruction in Ling Feng's hand, just like the forty-eight Ling Feng. Feng, mighty and mighty, killed Ye Weiyang.

Just one Ling Feng was already causing a huge headache. Forty-eight clones, plus his body, instantly put Ye Weiyang into an unprecedentedly difficult battle.

Boom boom boom!

The world was shaken, and the terrifying forces collided. The entire Haotian Square was devastated, and the originally prosperous square had been reduced to a sea of ​​​​purgatory fire.

The forty-eight Blood Shadow Guards do not need to worry about injuries at all, and they are not afraid of death. As long as Ling Feng's energy and blood are not exhausted, they can continue to be re-condensed through the ability of Asura's Demon Eye.

Therefore, these Blood Shadow Guards all used suicidal tactics, crazy and self-destructing to destroy Ye Weiyang.

Even though Ye Weiyang's body was protected by the layers of Thousand Blade Wings, it was still blasted to the point of blood boiling. Even the number of invisible night blades gradually became scarce.

Everyone can see that if this continues, Ye Weiyang will probably be defeated.

"The situation is not good!"

“Can’t even the power of heaven and earth in the entire Haotian Divine Realm suppress him?”

Thousands of feet away, the heads of the clans maintained barriers to prevent the aftermath of the battle between Ling Feng and Ye Weiyang from harming innocent people.

On the other hand, they pay close attention to the situation on the battlefield.

Although Ye Weiyang relied on the power of Haotian's Divine Eye, she temporarily reached the level of half-step virtual immortal and was able to compete with Ling Feng.

However, the ability displayed by Ling Feng now is even more incredible.

In the end, Ye Weiyang used external forces to forcibly improve her own strength.

If this continues, Ye Weiyang will definitely not be able to defeat Ling Feng.

"We can't wait any longer!"

Qin Zheng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Now that everyone has evacuated, it's time for us to take action. If we can't completely suppress Ling Feng today, given time, there will be another Evil Bone Demon Lord!"

"Yes, by then everything will be too late! Even the Evil Bone Demon Lord may be born again!"

Mu Xuanxiao also nodded and looked at Ye Changtian, "Brother Ye, we can't wait any longer! Even if he is accused of not keeping his promise and betraying his trust, today, we must not let this boy go!"

"It's time to take action!"

Clan Leader Tiangui, Clan Frey, Clan Yodel, and others all held weapons.

Seeing that the situation is not good, if Ye Weiyang is seriously injured and cannot marry Mu Qianxue in the end, and cannot catch up with the fusion of yin and yang when the stars are connected, then everything will be in vain.

All the previous efforts of the Seventh Life Marriage Soul Locking Array have been wasted, and the Evil Bone Demon Lord will surely reappear in the world.

At that time, all life will be devastated, and the entire star realm will probably become a demon realm.

No matter what, we must not let this happen!


Even the leader of the Noting clan, after a fierce ideological struggle, took hold of the giant hammer in his hand and gritted his teeth and said: "I agree with the views of several clan leaders, clan leader Ye, the overall situation is the most important thing!"

"Yeah, we can't delay it any longer!"

The clan leaders all looked at Ye Changtian with anxious expressions on their faces.

It was Ye Changtian who proposed that they come to facilitate this wedding, so naturally he could only be the one to make the final decision.

Ye Changtian raised his head and looked at the sky. Although the entire sky was shrouded in darkness due to the battle between Ye Weiyang and Ling Feng, he could vaguely make out the zodiac signs and the ten-star phenomenon in the sky and the earth, which were gradually taking shape.

I'm afraid, it won't be more than an hour before the ten stars are connected.

That moment was also the most critical moment for the completion of the seventh life marriage and soul locking.

If Ye Weiyang continues to fight hard with Ling Feng here, then even if Ling Feng fails to take Mu Qianxue away, it will be too late.

"Do it!"

Ye Changtian closed his eyes slightly and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, what replaced him was extremely fierce killing intent.

Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters.

What's more, this time, it is for the peace of the entire universe.

"No, those clan leaders are probably going to take action!"

Among the crowd below, Yu Junyao saw a clan leader with his palms already on his respective weapons, and his heart suddenly thumped.

Although Ling Feng made a big fuss about the Immortal Couple Ceremony and even fought against the clan leaders and Ye Shen.

However, he is still Ling Feng after all!

No matter what, Yu Junyao couldn't bear to see Ling Feng bleeding on the spot.

"You bitch, think of a solution!"

Yu Junyao grabbed the donkey's ears tightly, making the donkey bark in anger.

"Stupid woman, let go! Let go of this beast!"

The bitch pretended to bite Yujunyao, and Yujunyao was so frightened that he let go of his hand, but still said anxiously: "Aren't you a mythical beast? Don't you say you know everything? Now the brat has something to do. You can’t do anything to help me? It’s really a waste of money!”

"What! What a waste of money! How did this beast know that the boy took the wrong medicine, and suddenly..."

Suddenly, the bitch's eyelids twitched and he muttered to himself: "Took the wrong medicine? Hey, took the wrong medicine! That's right, just took the wrong medicine!"

Scenes of memories flashed through Bitch's mind, and he finally became more and more sure of the guess in his heart.

"Why did you take the wrong medicine?"

The little donkey in Yujunyao was talking to himself, muttering, and hurriedly stepped forward, "B*tch donkey, have you thought of a solution?"


The bitch spread his hands with a look of helplessness on his face, "However, although I didn't expect the solution, I probably know how this kid became like this. From the beginning to the end, the most suspicious thing..."

The next moment, the ugly donkey's eyes fell on the ugly sheep.

"Ugly Sheep, it's your fault, right?"

The bitch stared at the ugly sheep coldly, "This divine beast has always felt that something is wrong with you, but I couldn't tell what was wrong. Now, this divine beast finally thought of it!"

"Asshole, what are you talking about..."

Yu Junyao's eyelids also twitched suddenly, "You mean, he caused the brat to become like this?"


The ugly sheep blinked several times, "Donkey...Brother Donkey, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand you?"

"Hmph, still pretending!"

The stupid donkey kicked the ugly sheep directly into the air, and then used a close-in locking technique to lock the ugly sheep and twist the joints of his limbs directly.


A series of joint dislocation sounds sounded, causing the ugly sheep to cry out in pain.

"Brother Donkey, what have I done to make you do this to me! Oh, let me go, let me go!"

"Still pretending to be stupid!"

The bitch increased his strength again and asked in a cold voice, "You were brought out by this divine beast. You have not learned anything since you were a child. How can you recognize Trina Liusehua?"


The ugly sheep cried out: "We have been separated for hundreds of years. Can't I make some progress after such a long time?"

"Hmph, even so, with your strength, you can travel through the deepest part of the Ten Thousand Demons Mansion, find the Tianhe Six-Colored Flower, and escape unharmed? I should have thought of it a long time ago. Damn it, this beast has long been Should have thought of it!”

The bitch began to curse, "It's because this beast trusts you so much, and boy Ling Feng really needed such a spiritual flower with extreme attributes at that time. Tell me, what tricks did you put on that flower!" "

"Hey hey hey..."

This time, the ugly sheep did not cry out in pain, but instead let out a sinister laugh, "I can't believe it, tsk tsk, it's really unexpected! Among so many people, the smartest one is actually a donkey? What a pity, you It’s too late to know, it’s already too late!”

"Damn it!"

The bitch stared angrily, "You bastard, you dare to plot against this divine beast! Broken Melon Fist!"

With a roar, the cheap donkey hoofed its way towards the ugly sheep to greet him.

However, a wisp of black smoke was seen floating out from the ugly sheep, and then, it turned into a sinister grimace, and said with a sneer: "This stupid sheep is of no use anymore. It's up to you to do with it. As for you, You stupid donkey, I, Erling, will remember you! Hey, when Lord Demon comes to the world, it will be your death!

"Want to run away? Old man Wang, old man Yan, you have heard it, why don't you take action quickly!"

Jianlu was not slow to react. He knew that the only ones who knew how to rescue Ling Feng now were probably the ones with hands and feet.

That black shadow must be caught!

Therefore, he had already informed General Yan and General Wang about everything through spiritual transmission.

At this moment, the two elders were not far away, waiting for an opportunity to strike at any time.

It's a pity that although the three of them were very fast in their attacks and pounced on them in an instant, they still missed.

I could only watch the black smoke dissipate and disappear in the blink of an eye.

"He actually let him run away! Damn it! Damn it!!!"

The stupid donkey was so angry that he kicked the ground with his hoof, causing a huge crack in the ground.

General Wang Shen and General Yan were beating their chests with hatred, seeing that Ling Feng's only chance to recover might have been completely missed.

Yu Junyao witnessed all this and quickly followed, "Bitch, what should I do now?"

"What else can we do? It's over, everything is over!"

The bitch looked at the ugly sheep who was knocked unconscious by a melon punch not far away. Even if he pursues the ugly sheep now, it will be useless.

"Could it be that Mr. Souji..."

Yan Shen clenched his fist tightly, "He really just..."

Wang Shenjiang also showed a look of great sorrow and anger, his eyes were red and tears were streaming down his face.

There are not many people he has convinced in his life, but Ling Feng is one of them.

Even, in his heart, Ling Feng once surpassed the status of the boss and was a wise master worth following for life.

But now...

Ling Feng's last hope of returning to his original state seemed to be completely shattered.

"Think of a solution quickly, bitch, you... think again, think of a solution again, you must have a solution, right? Please, I beg you, think of it quickly!"

Yujunyao was so anxious that she burst into tears. She only hated why she was so useless and couldn't do anything to help at this time.

Fortunately, she thought she was a well-read talented woman, but at the critical moment, she was just a loser!


A trace of despair flashed in the bitch's eyes, "This time, I'm afraid this divine beast is also helpless."

Not far away, Mu Qianxue also witnessed the scene in front of her. When she heard Bitch's last words of helplessness, her whole body froze. She felt like the world was spinning and the whole world seemed to have collapsed.

Could it be that this is the final outcome?


No! ! !

Tears fell one by one like a chain of beads, landing on the ground at your feet.

If I had known this, no matter what his fate, no matter what Evil Bone Demon Lord he was, no matter what he was about, the Seventh Life Marriage Soul Locking Formation...

She didn't care about anything anymore.

As long as Ling Feng can change back to the same as before, even if the whole world is destroyed, what does it matter?

"Everyone, let's take action!"

Ye Changtian took a deep breath, looked at each other with the team leaders, and said in a deep voice: "Please cooperate with me and use the Nine Palace Sealing Star Formation to restrict Ling Feng's movements. This character's current strength has already reached the level of He is half-step into the realm of Void Immortal, not to mention that he has a secret method similar to blood rebirth. If we want to completely kill him, we can only use the power of the same level as cultivating immortals!"

"What Chief Ye means is."

All the clan leaders looked at Ye Changtian.

"This blow can only be carried out by Wei Yang."

Ye Changtian tightened his fists, "At this moment, Weiyang has merged with the Haotian Divine Eye and has entered the half-step Void Immortal level. Only his attack can really cause trauma to little friend Ling Feng and give him a fatal blow."


The clan leaders of all clans nodded at the same time. Having lived to their age, their vision and experience are far beyond those of ordinary people, so it is natural for them to understand.

"Now, I will inform Weiyang of this plan!"

Ye Changtian's eyes narrowed, and then, through the Eye of Haotian, he taught the Nine Palaces Sealing Star Formation to the other eight clan leaders.

The next moment, nine figures were seen, each leaving an afterimage, maintaining the original barrier formation, and the nine figures' true form had already entered the battlefield.

"Oh, are everyone here?"

Ling Feng controlled the forty-eight Blood Shadow Guards and had completely taken the initiative. Seeing the nine chiefs of the clans coming, he was not surprised, but was filled with ecstasy.

"Come on, come on, come on! Come on one, kill one, come two, kill a pair!"

Ling Feng's eyes were filled with bloodthirsty light, and his killing intent was overwhelming and shocking to the world.

As soon as the sword edge swung, the forty-eight Blood Shadow Guards spread out and entangled the nine clan leaders, while he himself was dedicated to dealing with Ye Weiyang alone.

Ye Weiyang's face turned pale at this moment. She never expected that even though she used Haotian's Divine Eye, she could not defeat Ling Feng and was even suppressed by him.

If Haotian Divine Eye hadn't been able to continuously transmit the power of heaven and earth into his body with the help of the entire Haotian Divine Eye, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been able to hold on long ago.

"Master Patriarch, you... this is a battle between me and him!"

Ye Weiyang gritted her teeth and clenched her fists when she saw the nine chiefs coming to support her.

"This is a battle for the entire universe!"

Ye Changtian's face turned stern, and his spiritual consciousness said: "Weiyang, this time, none of us are qualified to be willful, including you! Otherwise, we will have to pay a price that you and I can't bear!"

Ye Weiyang froze, he had his own arrogance.

But he knows better what the price of arrogance is.

When the evil bones are born, the entire universe will face a catastrophe.

"Weiyang, use that move, that's the only move!"

Ye Changtian's message came again, "All of us will fully cooperate with you to perform that move. It must be killed with one strike, and there is no room for failure! There is only one chance!"

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