Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3281 The War of Heaven! Sacrifice yourself for the Tao!

That move?

Ye Weiyang's expression changed again. It was obvious that Ye Changtian and the clan leaders wanted to kill Ling Feng completely.

Yes, if that move was used, Ling Feng would definitely die.


Ye Weiyang clenched her fists tightly, a look of hesitation flashed in her eyes.

No one could understand that he and Ling Feng had known each other for a short time and could even be said to be love rivals.

But why does he have such a deep and complicated bond and friendship with Ling Feng.

Maybe it's just because it's too cold at high places.

The name of the Night God resounds throughout the Zhongyuan Realm, and the name of the genius is unparalleled in the world.

However, the higher one gets, the more the songs are high-pitched and the music is rare, and it is difficult to find a close friend.

The world is so big, it would be too lonely if there was not even one person who could meet his opponent in chess.

And Ling Feng was the only opponent he could take seriously and compete with him.

"Weiyang, there is no time to hesitate. Sacrifice one person in exchange for the peace of the entire universe. I think if little friend Ling Feng is still conscious, he will also want you to do this."

Golden light surged around Ye Changtian, and behind him, a huge golden pupil slowly floated up.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining eight clan leaders, in cooperation with Ye Changtian, began to use the Nine Palaces Sealing Star Formation.

A huge six-pointed star flickered on the ground below the nine people. Nine beams of light descended from the sky and enveloped the nine people.

With Ye Changtian as the core and his Haotian Eye as the formation eye, a golden sky curtain descended from the sky, completely covering Ling Feng's shrouded figure and sealing it in.

In an instant, Ling Feng felt that the aura of heaven and earth and the evil aura around him had disappeared without a trace, and even the power of law could not operate.

Without the maintenance of power, the forty-eight Blood Shadow Guards instantly turned into blood and dissipated.

The Nine Palace Sealing Star Array can create an absolute realm in a short period of time. Within the realm, there is no energy or law, and no energy can be transmitted.

Unless the nine patriarchs in the manufacturing field are completely defeated, all of Ling Feng's powers will be absolutely suppressed within a period of time and will be unable to be used at all.

This is the supreme secret among the Haotian Divine Clan, the Nine Palace Sealing Star Formation!

However, every time it is used, as the core formation eye, the Haotian Eye will gradually become blind because it cannot withstand the backlash.

Ye Changtian is willing to pay the price of Haotian's Eye to stop Ling Feng. This determination is really touching.

"Do you think you can suppress me like this?"

Within the absolute realm, Ling Feng laughed ferociously. The dark lines on his body became more and more numerous and dense, and his complexion became green and black.

Even the ferocious vertical pupil on the forehead protruded a sharp blue-black horn, several feet long. At the end of the horn, a dark orb as black as ink flashed, making a "sizzling" sound. sound.

Although within the absolute realm, all the power of laws disappears temporarily, the energy belonging to the body will not disappear out of thin air.

Ling Feng wanted to use the extremely compressed immortal and demonic energy to trigger a huge explosion within the domain and completely break through the Nine Palace Sealing Star Formation at once.

And he possesses the secret method of blood rebirth. Even if he is blown into blood foam by his own energy, he can be reborn in the shortest time.

When the time comes, the nine chiefs will suffer backlash, their strength will be greatly reduced, and no one can be Ling Feng's opponent anymore.

By then, I'm afraid it will be another bloody disaster.


Within the absolute domain, at the end of the horn on Ling Feng's forehead, black arcs of electricity surged, and the immortal and demonic energy was continuously poured into it. Under his compression and condensation, arcs of arcs sizzled around, emitting extremely terrifying energy. breath.


The violent energy exploded the robe on his upper body into pieces. His long silver hair moved automatically without wind, and his naked upper body was actually covered with layers of fine dragon scales.

It is the nine-color dragon scales that can only be condensed after practicing the Hongmeng God Transformation Technique to the highest stage of dragon scale transformation!

The surface of that layer of dragon scales is actually covered with a layer of black lines, which are the Divine Patterns of Heaven.

With the blessing of the Heavenly Holding Divine Mark, the defensive power of that layer of nine-color dragon scales will be increased by more than ten times.

Obviously, Ling Feng also realized that although others could only temporarily suppress him with the help of the Nine Palace Sealing Star Formation, Ye Weiyang, who owned the Haotian Divine Realm, could pose a fatal threat to him.

Before he could condense the Immortal Demon Exploding Sphere that could destroy the entire Nine Palace Sealing Star Formation, he had to take an absolutely defensive stance to resist any attack that Ye Weiyang might launch.

As long as he delays for a while, until he completes the condensation of the explosive sphere, everyone will become the dead souls under his sword.

Indeed, he had almost completely fallen into the devil's path, but he was still Ling Feng.

All abilities belonging to Ling Feng, including his combat wisdom and combat experience, have been completely preserved.

At least, so far, he is not just a madman who only knows killing.

"Weiyang, act quickly, I can't hold on for long! Act quickly, quickly!"

At the same time, Ye Changtian, as the eye of the Nine Palace Sealing Star Formation, endured the backlash every minute and every second, which was almost more terrifying than the other eight people combined.

The pupil of his left eye had begun to shed tears of blood.

The golden eyeballs were so hot that they even began to burn his face.

His body was trembling slightly, but even so, he was still struggling to hold on.

His indomitable will and spirit of sacrificing one's life for justice, even though they were thousands of feet away, all the monks in the stars and realms felt the same. They looked at that steel-like tough back and clenched their hands. fist.

This world has such a rare peace precisely because there are countless seniors like Ye Changtian who sacrificed their own lives to drive out those demons and aliens.

Although those predecessors have long disappeared in the long river of history, this spirit will never die and is flowing in the blood of their descendants.

"Chief of the Night Clan!"

"Hold on, seniors!"

"It's such a shame that we can't do anything to help!"

Every monk and every warrior, no matter what race they are, at this moment, they have completely abandoned their racial differences. The only common belief is that these patriarchs and Ye Shen can completely suppress the possessed Ling Feng.

Perhaps it was because of the power of this belief that Ye Changtian and the others were able to persist until this moment.

Even though they were facing the demonized Ling Feng who had already half stepped into the immortal realm.

"Clan leader...uncle!"

Ye Weiyang clenched her fists tightly, her eyes turned red, looking at Ye Changtian's figure, she let out a roar that was enough to shake Jiuyou.


The roaring sound penetrated the clouds and split the sky, and Haotian's divine eyes seemed to sense Ye Weiyang's unprecedented strong will. Then, the wind and clouds swirled, gathering almost all the spiritual energy in the entire Haotian divine domain.

In fact, even the monks who were thousands of feet away felt the energy in their bodies, agitated, and felt like they had been robbed.

Haotian's divine eye drained away all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within a radius of thousands of miles almost in an instant.

At least within the next few months, I am afraid that it will not be able to return to its original state.

And the Haotian Divine Eye, which had absorbed such majestic and vast energy, also expanded to an unprecedented level at this moment.

Behind Ye Weiyang, an extremely huge and boundless golden eyeball slowly rose into the sky. Ye Weiyang's whole body slowly rose into the air with the golden eyeball.

He took a deep look at Ling Feng, his gaze like a torch, seeming to penetrate Ling Feng completely and completely.

"Brother Ling, even if you have to bear the name of treachery, you must be... killed here today!"

A look of determination flashed in Ye Weiyang's eyes, and the Thousand-Blade Wings behind her were raised high.

And under the energy infusion from the golden Haotian Divine Eye, each of his thousand-blade wings and night blades were covered with a layer of golden light.

These are wings that are condensed by gathering the power of heaven and earth and filled with mana.

Only such wings can penetrate Ling Feng's nine-color dragon scales and immortal golden body, and completely obliterate him.

"Then come on!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and wiped out all directions. For the first time since becoming a demon, Ling Feng showed a solemn expression.

While being suppressed by the Nine Palace Sealing Star Formation, he had to face Ye Weiyang's full force attack infused with mana.

Even he didn't dare to be careless at all.

"Brother Ling, if there is an afterlife, I will meet you again, drinking under the moon! Haotian's righteousness, the death of the kingdom of heaven! Destruction!——"

Ye Weiyang raised her Thousand-Blade Wings high, each mana wing standing upright.

The moment his blade wings swung down, they turned into thousands of streams of light and shot toward Ling Feng.

Bang bang bang!

Before the blade wings arrived, countless mana wings had already bombarded Ling Feng's body.

Even though Ling Feng had nine-color dragon scales to protect his body, his skin and flesh were still torn apart by the explosion, and his blood spurted out.

The path to immortality begins with mana.

With magic power, you have crossed the threshold of the path of immortality.

With the help of Haotian Divine Realm, Ye Weiyang fused all the auras of heaven and earth within a few thousand miles, and then fused the mana enough to cover the entire Thousand Blade Wings.

And once these powers are exhausted, there will no longer be the power to kill Ling Feng.

However, at this moment, there was a cold arc on the corner of Ling Feng's mouth.

In an instant, Ye Weiyang's pupils suddenly shrank.

Fell into a trap!

He had completely fallen into Ling Feng’s trap!

Just now, he used Haotian's divine eyes to discern the flaws in Ling Feng's body.

At this moment, Ling Feng possesses the power of immortals and demons to protect his body, and has merged into the body of immortals and demons. Coupled with the secret method of blood rebirth, he is almost immortal.

Even if his attack was 100% sure to blow Ling Feng into pieces.

However, if he cannot break through his only shield and burn all his essence and blood in an instant, then Ling Feng will be reborn with a drop of blood and come back again.

And when that time comes, it's all over.

This is why Ye Changtian said that there is only one chance.

Ye Weiyang only had this chance to kill Ling Feng.

Once you miss it, everything is lost.

But now, he happened to fall into Ling Feng's scheme.

It turns out that the flaw that Ling Feng exposed just now was completely exposed intentionally by himself, and it was a fake flaw.

Ye Weiyang's Haotian Divine Eye has the ability to break through things, which is indeed very unnatural.

Unfortunately, what he encountered was the Eye of the Emperor.

The moment Ye Weiyang looked at Ling Feng with Haotian's divine eyes, he had already made his own plan to mislead Ye Weiyang.

Now, everything is as he expected.

Ye Weiyang's killing move that could destroy the world was aimed at his only "cover door".

It's a pity that it's just a fake cover.

As long as this blow passes and he is reborn with blood, who can still stop him?


Ye Weiyang shouted loudly, although she tried her best to take back the pouring mana.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

However, just when Ye Weiyang was about to despair, an old figure jumped out.

"Weiyang, continue the attack!"

That figure turned out to be Ye Changtian!

"Don't hold back, keep attacking!"

Ye Changtian's old face showed a somewhat tragic look, "Continue to attack towards my position!"


Ye Weiyang was completely stunned, "Uncle, what are you talking about?"

Ye Changtian smiled tragically, looked at Ling Feng, and said loudly: "Little friend Ling Feng, even if you are possessed by a demon, you are still so smart. It's a pity that Jiang is still old and spicy. Even though you were on guard against Wei Young, you didn't. Weiyang is not the only one who can guard against me."


Ling Feng's eyes showed horror. He never expected that Ye Changtian would have such courage!

He began to become a little manic. The direction of Ye Changtian was indeed where he was covering the door.

If Ye Weiyang attacks with all his strength in this direction, then it is absolutely impossible for him to leave any drop of blood, and naturally he will not be able to be reborn with blood.

"Attack me, quickly! He doesn't have time to move the door at this moment!"

Ye Changtian roared hysterically, "This is the last chance! Hurry!!!"

Ye Changtian screamed and urged, "Don't let my sacrifice go to waste! Take action quickly, you evil deed!"


Ye Weiyang burst into tears, her hands trembled slightly, and the blood all over her body seemed to boil at this moment.

"No, uncle, I can't do it, I can't do it..."

Ye Weiyang choked with sobs. It was the first time for a man like him to be upright and upright, so panicked.

He lost his father when he was young, and it was Ye Changtian who raised him single-handedly. The relationship between him and his uncle has long been like father and son.

Now, he was actually asked to kill the patriarch whom he had always regarded as his father.

How could he do it?

"A true man, sacrifice your life for the Tao, and die without regrets!"

Ye Changtian smiled tragically, and a drop of crystal tears fell from his old eyes, "Come on, Weiyang child! The future will be left to you young people to protect it!"


Ye Weiyang's arms trembled slightly.

Looking at Ye Changtian's eyes, a tear fell from the corner of Ye Weiyang's eyes, and he finally understood Ye Changtian's mood at the moment.

"I see."

If he didn't do this, how could he be worthy of Ye Changtian's determination to sacrifice his life for the Tao.

His body is no longer trembling, and his eyes are no longer confused.

"The kingdom of heaven - the tragedy!"

Ye Weiyang closed his eyes and couldn't bear to look anymore, but the Thousand-Blade Wings behind him had already contained all the mana condensed by Haotian's Divine Eye, pouring out, pouring it crazily, and rushing towards Ye Changtian. .

This force will penetrate Ye Changtian's chest like a beast, and then completely defeat Ling Feng's cover.

The next moment, the energy of the explosion will completely destroy Ling Feng, leaving not even a drop of blood.

This is the result of Ye Changtian giving up everything, even his own life, in exchange for it.

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