Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3282 A different future!

Fierce and bright golden light shines in front of your eyes.

The terrifying magic power that merged with the spiritual energy of the entire Haotian Divine Realm was about to completely devour Ye Changtian.

"Lao Yuan, when I sacrificed my life for righteousness, I think I was more free and unrestrained than you."

"Haha, don't think that you are the only one who has such courage."

"Old friend, I never thought that among us old guys, I would be the fastest one to accompany you..."

At the last moment of his life, what flashed through Ye Changtian's mind was the figure of Yuan Xiaotian, the old chief executive of Xiaofeng.

He was a little curious, what was the boss thinking when he sacrificed his life?

However, all this is no longer important.

He had even seen the figure of Boss in the clouds on the horizon.

"Old friend, are you here to pick me up?"

A faint smile appeared on Ye Changtian's face.

This life has been glorious and dazzling. Even if I die, it is for the safety of the entire Xuanling Continent.

Even if he dies, there will be no regrets.

"Haotian's righteousness, the Kingdom of Heaven - is in ruins!"

Ye Weiyang said. Letting out a hysterical roar, as if he had exhausted his last strength, as he swung out that blow, the wings of Thousand Blades instantly withered away, leaving only the bare skeleton.

And his complexion instantly became extremely pale, and he even spurted out a mouthful of blood.

A mighty aura swept out along with this blow.

Wherever he passes, it is like a pure and flawless heaven, as if Sanskrit music is singing, purifying the heaven and earth.

This move is to use the supreme righteousness to purify all evil and sycophants.

Above the sky, rays of holy light projected down, driving away the clouds that lingered for thousands of miles.

The ten-star celestial phenomenon that had been hidden among the dark clouds had actually begun to gather.

The flying stars shift and ten stars appear in a row!

Between heaven and earth, all evil forces have been suppressed to the extreme.

Not to mention being an evil heretic, even the cheap donkey felt a burning sensation all over his body, and the holy power of light almost burned his demonic body to ashes.

The frightened bitch quickly hid in the shadows, not daring to show his face at all.

Not to mention, Ling Feng's Asura demonic energy was the first to bear the brunt and became the target of countless holy lights.

However, under the awe-inspiring righteousness of Ye Weiyang's blow, and under the shroud of countless holy lights.

Ling Feng's originally sharp and fierce gaze became a little hesitant and complicated.


Ling Feng trembled all over. His self-awareness actually suppressed his demonic nature for the first time and gained the upper hand.

"my head!"

Ling Feng pressed his forehead firmly, feeling as if his mind was about to be torn apart.

The ferocious tentacle between the eyebrows actually began to shrink back into the body.

However, this situation only lasted for less than three breaths, and was immediately suppressed by the demonic nature.

Ling Feng held his head in pain, and the memories after he became possessed poured into his mind bit by bit.

It turns out that I almost became a sinner through the ages!

At this moment, although he had gained temporary sobriety, his terrifying demonic nature was almost uncontrollable.

"No, I will never become the devil who destroys this world! Never!——"

Ling Feng's whole body was trembling and twitching. He used up his last strength, gritted his teeth and slapped forward.

However, he was not trying to resist Ye Weiyang's attack. Instead, he blocked Ye Weiyang in front of him with his palm, and used his Haotian Eye to guide Ye Weiyang to attack Ye Changtian, who was covering the door, and sent him flying out.

He didn't want to see anyone sacrifice their life for his own sake.

If one person must die in this catastrophe, then...

It's enough to sacrifice just me!


Although it was a hastily swung palm, Ye Changtian was still knocked away by the palm without any resistance.

Qin Zheng, who was guarding the southwest position, quickly flew to catch Ye Changtian, and then everyone stared at Ling Feng with some confusion.

His consciousness seems to have...


"That brat is awake, he's awake!"

On a cliff thousands of feet away, Yu Junyao had been staring at Ling Feng's figure. Then she saw Ye Weiyang seriously using his final killing move, even at the cost of Ye Changtian's life. When she dropped Ling Feng, she almost fainted.

However, because of this, when she saw Ling Feng push Ye Changtian away with his palm, she instinctively yelled.

"Did you see that? Ling Feng is already awake. Stop it! Stop it!"

"Boy Lingfeng!"

Even though Bitch was hiding in the shadows, he also witnessed this scene.

His eyelids twitched, and he suddenly woke up.


The stupid donkey slapped his thigh and said, "Yes, it must be like this. The six-color Tianhe flower is incomplete because this divine beast picked part of it, so... so this kid can still be refreshed!" That’s great, hahaha, that’s great, this divine beast is really foresighted!”

"Stop, Brother Yagami, stop!"

Mu Qianxue flew out and rushed forward desperately.

As early as the moment Ye Weiyang took action, she had already decided that if she had to kill the possessed Ling Feng in order to save the world.

Then, she will never live alone!

Yellow springs and blue falls, to the ends of the earth, life and death follow!

A brief moment of surprise flashed across Ye Weiyang's eyes, and then, he gritted his teeth and manipulated the Thousand Blade Wings, trying to slightly reverse the trajectory of the previous attack.

In this way, even if Ling Feng was hit, with his ability, he would be able to revive with a drop of blood.

"Haha, that kid is awake!"

"Good, good!"

All the clan leaders breathed a sigh of relief.

Ask yourself, if there is any way to wake Ling Feng up, they will never want to kill Ling Feng.

After all, they have always admired Ling Feng and valued him very much.

Now, Ling Feng can wake up at the last moment, at least, it gives everyone a glimmer of hope.

Ye Changtian went through the gates of hell, although he was covered in cold sweat and his face was ashen, but he knew very well that it was Ling Feng who saved his life just now.

At the critical moment of life and death, he was still able to save him. In any case, it proves that although Ling Feng is possessed by the devil, he is not hopeless.

"Great, it's really great!"

Admiral Wang and Admiral Yan were so excited that tears came to their eyes.

However, just when everyone thought that the storm was about to subside, Ling Feng let out a hoarse and low roar.

"No! Don't hold back..."

Ling Feng's expression was extremely painful and distorted, but he still clenched his teeth, almost squeezing out from his teeth, "While I can still control myself, in a moment, it will be... It's not certain! I... I can't control it anymore! Ah - kill you! Kill! Kill all of you, hahahahahahaha -"

Ling Feng grabbed his head tightly, and his speech gradually became incoherent.

His head seemed to be about to explode, and the spiritual energy and demonic energy in his body continued to transform and fight against each other.

Moreover, as time went by, it was obvious that the demonic energy had gained the upper hand.


The hope that had just been ignited was disillusioned again in an instant.

Even Ling Feng himself had made a final judgment on his situation.

It seemed that there was no room for maneuver.

And Ye Weiyang's attack had already been launched, and he had no more time to waste.

Whether to change the attack trajectory of this last attack was only a matter of thought.

Moreover, there was only that last breath.

"Weiyang, listen to him!"

Ye Changtian shed tears and slowly closed his eyes, "All of us will remember that Ling Feng Zongshi will always be the hero of my Xuanling Continent!"

"As expected of the reincarnation of Lord Odin, my king, you will always be the king of our Odin clan!"

"Heaven and earth are unkind! Heaven has no eyes!!!"

The clan leaders of each clan looked heavy-faced, looked in the direction of Ling Feng, and bowed deeply to him at the same time.

A trace of hot tears appeared in Ye Weiyang's eyes, and he slowly closed his eyes.

This breath seemed extremely long and extremely short to him.

However, at the last moment, the Haotian God Eye actually saw an extremely amazing scene.

He actually saw Ling Feng's future for the first time!

All along, his Haotian Eye could see some future scenes, such as foreseeing that his and Mu Qianxue's fate would be entangled a long time ago.

However, he never saw through Ling Feng's fate, nor could he foresee anything about Ling Feng.

But this time, with the blessing of Haotian's divine eye, he actually saw something!

Something that shocked him for life!

And he believed that what Haotian's eye saw would never be wrong.

Because everything before was confirmed one by one.

"Brother Ling, you must not die! You must not die!"

The next moment, Ye Weiyang shouted loudly. Even though he was almost exhausted, he still burst out with all his blood and energy, and forcibly interfered with the final attack trajectory of "Heavenly Kingdom".


With a loud bang, Ye Weiyang's body fell heavily to the ground.

Under the exhaustion, he even lost the strength to float in the air.

And that last blow, although it hit Ling Feng's body accurately, deviated from the fatal trajectory.

Boom boom boom!

The terrifying explosion covered Ling Feng's body, and the sky was full of flames, illuminating the sky.

In that terrible explosion, half of Ling Feng's body was blown into ashes almost instantly, and the terrifying magic power almost wiped out his life mark.

However, he did not die completely after all.

The righteousness of Haotian that purified everything, and the holy energy of heaven and earth brought by the ten stars in a row, poured into his body through his wounds.

In other words, when Ling Feng was dying, he subconsciously absorbed these two forces that could suppress his own demonic nature.

Then, with an extremely painful roar, Ling Feng's broken body, although it recovered a little bit, seemed to have lost all the strength, and fell heavily from the sky.

A red figure flashed by, and the next moment, it was Mu Qianxue, who flew to catch Ling Feng's body.

"Qian... Qianxue..."

Ling Feng raised his palm weakly, wanting to gently touch her cheek, but his palm finally slipped heavily.

His consciousness also fell into a deep sleep at the last moment.

However, a thick layer of dark demonic energy still lingered around him.

His demonic state was obviously not completely resolved.

"Ah... Weiyang, you are still..."

Ye Changtian sighed and looked at Ye Weiyang deeply, but without too much blame.

He knew that Ye Weiyang had exhausted all his strength.

Moreover, if it were him, if he were to kill his most valued brother with his own hands, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to do it.

"In any case, although this kid is temporarily comatose, once he wakes up, none of us can be his opponent!"

The leader of the Yodel tribe sighed softly, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, "Just take this opportunity to kill him..."

As he spoke, the leader of the Yodel clan made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Although the other clan leaders were disdainful of his behavior, this approach was really despicable.

However, as he said, they have exhausted all their strength.

If Ling Feng wakes up again, facing the demonized Ling Feng, he may have no choice but to be at his mercy.

"No, absolutely not!"

Mu Qianxue hugged Ling Feng's body tightly, and the terrifying demonic dragon fire surged around her body. "I will never let anyone hurt him again. I want to take him away. Once we leave, he can no longer do anything to him." You pose a threat!"

"You're crazy!"

Mu Xuanshuo flew out and said sternly: "You have forgotten that today is the wedding day of you and Ye Shen. You have already boarded the Immortal Magpie Bridge. Today, you must get married!"

"Yes, Qianxue, I also know that it is indeed difficult for you, but you already know your fate, and you have already chosen to accept this fate. Otherwise, you would not agree to come here, right?"

Mu Xuanxiao patted Mu Qianxue's shoulder gently and said warmly: "Girl Qianxue, uncle knows that you have always understood the righteousness..."


Mu Qianxue's whole body was filled with momentum, and she actually knocked Mu Xuanxiao back a few steps.

Her eyes flashed with determination, "I will not give up on Brother Ling Feng a second time, never! I'm sorry, uncle! I'm sorry, dad!"

Mu Qianxue burst into tears and gritted her teeth, "I have already been sorry to Brother Ling once. This time, let me be selfish for once! I want to take him away, I must take him away!"

"If you dare to leave, I'll break your legs!"

Mu Xuanshuo roared angrily and stared at Mu Qianxue fiercely, "You unworthy woman, are you going to disobey me?"

"Just...just pretend that father never gave birth to a daughter like me!"

Mu Qianxue hugged Ling Feng, her figure soared into the sky, and she actually wanted to hug Ling Feng and leave from the Haotian Divine Realm.

At this moment, she no longer cares about the thousand-year catastrophe or the Evil Bone Demon Lord. She doesn't care about them all.

A world that can only be saved by Ling Feng's death, then let him destroy it!

"Rebellious girl! Rebellious girl!"

Mu Xuanshuo flew into a rage and flew after him. The other relatively aggressive clan leaders looked at each other and led the elite clan members to fly after him.

"No! Everyone! Don't... don't chase me! Please, for my sake, don't chase me!"

Ye Weiyang screamed with difficulty, "I saw...I saw a different future!"


Ye Changtian quickly stepped forward to support Ye Weiyang, "Weiyang, what are you talking about?"

"The only...the only person who can truly resolve this catastrophe is...only Ling Feng..."

After saying that, Ye Weiyang passed out completely.

At this point, in fact, regardless of whether Mu Qianxue stayed or not, in his current state, it was impossible for him to marry Mu Qianxue again.

The moment of ten stars in a row has almost reached its final moment. The sky changes suddenly and is about to disappear.

Everything is actually irreversible...

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