Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3283 The strong man is gone!

Haotian Divine Realm.

With Haotian Square as the center, everything within a radius of ten thousand feet was reduced to ruins.

The earth turned into a pitch-black scorched earth. Countless houses, buildings, fairy gardens and spiritual fields were all destroyed in the half-step Void Immortal level battle between Ling Feng and Ye Weiyang.

This was because the heads of the nine major clans had tried their best to set up barriers to prevent this violent force from spreading to a wider area.

Otherwise, the brutality of this battle would probably be even greater than the previous battle with Shenshui Yinji.

At this moment, the stars in the sky shifted, and the vision of ten stars in a row finally took shape!

At this moment, the awe-inspiring aura in the world was at its strongest, and all the demonic auras were suppressed to the extreme.

Even the bitch felt as if a huge boulder was pressing on his chest. His whole body froze and he fell straight to the ground, unable to move.

"Asshole, what's wrong with you?"

Not far away, Yu Junyao saw the donkey falling straight to the ground, and quickly stepped forward to help him.

The so-called love for the house and the donkey, no matter what, the donkey is also Ling Feng's spiritual pet.

"This... this divine beast is fine. It's just that the ten stars in the sky and the earth are really suppressing the demon clan!"

The bitch gasped hard, "But it should be fine in a while. It's just hateful that it happens at this time!"

Originally, Jianlu wanted to catch up with Mu Qianxue and the others, but suddenly, all the strength in his body seemed to be drained away.

He couldn't even move, let alone catch up with Mu Qianxue.

"It seems that we have to wait until tomorrow to find the Ling Feng boy."

The bastard sighed softly, and the ten-star streak would last for about an hour. During this time, he could not move.

"Are you going to find the brat?"

Yu Junyao's eyes lit up, "I...I want to go too!"

When she saw Mu Qianxue taking Ling Feng away, Yu Junyao felt as if a big stone had been dropped in her heart.

In any case, it would be great if that brat could survive.

Although his demonic nature has not been eliminated, Yu Junyao believes that nothing can stop Ling Feng.

After all, he has always been a guy who is good at creating miracles.


The bitch snorted, noncommittal, then rolled his eyes again, and moaned feebly on the ground...

And on the other side among the ruins.

Seeing that the ten-star connection was completed, and the two parties were supposed to get married today, Mu Qianxue left with the possessed Ling Feng, while Ye Weiyang was seriously injured and comatose, and she didn't know when she would wake up.

After missing out on the ten-star continuum and the seven-life soul-locking formation of marriage, it seems that it is destined to fall short.

"Chief Ye, what should we do now? That Evil Bone Demon Lord, I'm afraid..."

Mu Xuanxiao's brows were furrowed, and he looked at the ten-star-studded vision of heaven and earth above the sky, his face as sinking as water.

When the vision dissipated, the awe-inspiring righteousness between heaven and earth also dissipated.

Then, the evil spirit will inevitably bite back.

At that time, the Evil Bone Demon Lord will inevitably break through the seal and reappear in the world.


Ye Changtian sighed, and the left eyeball had lost its light forever.

Although Ling Feng temporarily woke up at the last moment and pushed Ye Changtian away in time, allowing him to save his life, the Nine Palace Sealing Star Formation had exhausted all the spiritual power of his Haotian Eye.

His left eye also followed Ye Weiyang's footsteps and lost its light.

At this moment, all the worries and depression in his heart turned into a long sigh.

All the clan leaders had frowns on their faces. They knew very well what was waiting for them.

"It's all that rebellious girl's fault!"

Mu Xuanshuo clenched his fists tightly, and his beard trembled with anger, "I never expected that that damn girl would be so ignorant! It's my goddaughter who is incompetent, it's me, Mu Xuanshuo, I'm sorry to everyone!" "

As he spoke, Mu Xuanshuo knelt down on his knees and bowed his head to admit his mistake to the clan leaders.

"Well, it's useless to blame anyone now."

Mu Xuanxiao raised his hand and pressed Mu Xuanshuo's shoulders, helped him up, and said in a deep voice: "Everything may be doomed. It is destined that the Seventh Life Marriage Soul Locking Formation will eventually fall short."


A clan leader kept sighing, but he didn't know what to say.

Once the Evil Bone Demon Lord breaks through the seal and reappears in the world, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Everyone, maybe we have one last chance!"

Although Ye Changtian was exhausted, he still managed to take a breath and gritted his teeth and said: "In the past, because the Evil Bone Demon Lord was too powerful, the ancestor of Jiuli killed three corpses when he was sealed in Mulongcheng. , sealed in three places."

"you mean……"

Mu Xuanxiao's eyes lit up, as if he thought of something.


Ye Changtian nodded slowly, "The other two places are far away from the outer sea and are inconvenient to defend, and they are probably already controlled by the demon minions. But there is one place in the end, but it is definitely still under the control of my Yuanshen Temple."

"The Demon-Sealing Tower!"

For a moment, Mu Xuanxiao and Qin Zheng blurted out at the same time.

"It's the Demon Sealing Tower!"

Ye Changtian took a deep breath, "The Evil Bone Demon Lord, in order to recover his complete soul, must come to the Demon Sealing Tower to recover the last part of his body."

After a pause, Ye Changtian continued: "Before this part of the body is recovered, the power of the Evil Bone Demon Lord must not have reached its true peak."

"In other words, we have one last chance, which is to defeat the Evil Bone Demon Lord before he fuses the last part of his body!"

The leader of the Void Soul Clan analyzed in a deep voice.

"Yes, this is the opportunity!"

Ye Changtian nodded, "Now, we must rush to the Demon-Sealing God Realm and guard the Demon-Sealing Tower. This is also our last chance."


The heads of each clan nodded.

Instead of pursuing things that are irreversible, it is better to focus on the future that can be fought for.


Mu Xuanxiao seemed to remember something and said again: "Before nephew Weiyang fell into coma, he said that Ling Feng is the only person who can solve this catastrophe. What does this mean?"

"In my opinion, it must be a lie made up to stop us from chasing that kid."

Patriarch Yoder said coldly: "That boy has become a demon. Sooner or later he will be a disaster. I am afraid he will become the evil bone demon's right-hand man. How can we talk about resolving the catastrophe? It's just a fool's dream!"


Mu Xuanxiao shook his head and sighed. Judging from the current situation, Ling Feng was deeply demonic and could no longer control himself.

Mu Qianxue took him away, not sure if it was a blessing or a curse.

"Okay, there's no need to mention this matter again. The most important thing now is to guard the Demon-Sealing Tower."

Ye Changtian gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "We rush to the Demon Sealing God Realm and try to regain our strength in the shortest possible time. Next, I'm afraid there will be a tough battle to fight!"

The clan leaders of each clan nodded solemnly.

More than just a tough battle, in this battle, everyone's life or death will be uncertain!

However, they are already the most powerful handful of people on this continent.

Only they have the ability to prevent this doomsday catastrophe.

"Fellow clan leaders!"

At this moment, it was General Wang Shen and General Yan, leading a group of elites from the Sao Feng Battalion, who flew over.

"I also hope that I can do my part and bring my elite from the Sao Feng Camp with me!"

The two generals, with guilty expressions on their faces, bowed deeply to the clan leaders.

After all, Ling Feng is the commander-in-chief of Sao Feng, and the Sao Feng camp must also bear part of the responsibility for the disasters he caused.

"That's fine."

Ye Changtian nodded slightly. Although the two generals were slightly weaker than the clan leaders, they were also among the top strong men on the Xuanling Continent.

They are definitely qualified to participate in this decisive battle.

"I am coming too!"

Kurosaki Ikkuang from the Void Soul Clan also stood up immediately.

"I also need to go!"

Gaia, the Titan clan, is not lagging behind.

"Count me in!"

Qin Yu of the Tai'a Divine Clan also tightened his grip on the long sword in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, one by one, the proud men from all races also flew out.

This war concerns the entire Xuanling Continent and the entire universe.

No one can stay out of it.


Ye Changtian saw the young faces, and a smile appeared on his face, but he still shook his head slightly.

"You can stay, we still need someone to clean up the mess. What's more..."

Ye Changtian took a deep breath and looked at everyone deeply, but did not finish the second half of the sentence.

In this battle, their life or death is uncertain.

However, even if the older generation of warriors were completely wiped out, at least the sparks of the younger generation were left behind.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

As long as they are still there, then the hope of Xuanling Continent will always be there!


Qin Zheng patted Qin Yu's shoulder gently. He, who was always serious, rarely smiled at Qin Yu, "Son, father is proud of you!"

"You brat, this battle is not for you to join in the fun!"

The leader of the Gaia clan hit Titan on the shoulder with a fist, and then said with a loud smile: "You have awakened the blood of Behemoth, and your future achievements will be even greater than those of me, the clan leader. The future of the Titan clan is entrusted to you. It's on you."

The leader of the Void Soul clan directly handed over the sword in his hand to Kurosaki Ikkuang, "Take it, this is the king blade of my Kurosaki lineage. From this moment on, you are my Void Soul clan." The new patriarch."

As if they had a premonition, the clan leaders all passed on their clan's tokens, secrets, and magical powers to their intended successors.

It's like entrusting one's own affairs to the family.

However, they all had faint smiles on their faces. Even though they knew that the road ahead might be a dead end, no one backed down.

Even the leader of the Yodel clan, who had always been the most sinister and cunning, did not escape.

They knew very well that in this battle, the future of the entire star field was at stake, and there was no way out.

"Jade girl..."

General Yan Shen and General Wang Shen looked at each other and turned their attention to Yu Junyao.

"Two seniors..."

Yu Junyao was already in tears, looking at the two gray-haired old men, she burst into tears.

"If you have the opportunity to see Mr. Souji again, tell him that the happiest thing for us two old guys is to be able to follow him, even now, and it will never change!"

Wang Shenjiang smiled miserably, "No matter what he has done, he will always be our commander-in-chief of Camp Sao Feng!"

"No, no! Senior, you must come back, and you must tell him face to face, you must!"

Yujunyao shook her head repeatedly, hot tears falling down her cheeks.

General Wang Shen and General Yan took a deep breath, but neither of them spoke anymore.

Everyone knows that the chance of coming back alive from this battle is very slim.

"Let's go!"

Although Ye Changtian was weak, he managed to gather his energy and took the lead, rushing to the front of the team.

His peripheral vision lightly swept over the unconscious Ye Weiyang, and a hint of hope flashed in his eyes, "Weiyang, have you really seen everything? Then, do it according to your own ideas, I believe, You won't let me down. Darkness is only temporary, and after darkness comes dawn!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! …

One after another, figures rose into the sky.

The nine chiefs of the clans, as well as the older generation of ancestral realm powerhouses from various sects, clans, and major forces followed closely behind them, turning into a mighty army and soaring into the sky.

The purpose of this trip is to protect the Demon Sealing Tower at all costs!

The geniuses of all races looked at the resolute figures in the sky, with tears in their eyes.

The wind is blowing, the water is cold, and the strong man is gone...

I'm afraid it is, and it will never be returned!

"Hold on, you must hold on!"

Mu Qianxue hugged Ling Feng, who was still unconscious, and fled at full speed. Even though she didn't see the pursuers behind her, she still carried Ling Feng and kept flying for several hours before she finally became exhausted due to fatigue. Finally, he plunged into a mountain forest.

Soon, Mu Qianxue found a monster beast's lair. After expelling the monster beasts inside, she laid Ling Feng's body flat on a stone bed.

However, although Ling Feng was still unconscious, there was an expression of extreme pain on his face, so that his originally handsome face looked a little ferocious because of the distortion of his expression.

His body was curled up into a ball, with black mist like thick smoke rising all over his body, exuding a chilling and cold aura.

Just as the clan leaders said, Ling Feng was deeply possessed by the devil.

If he hadn't relied on his own strong will and the suppression of the righteousness of heaven and earth formed by the ten stars in a row, he would have fallen into the devil's way completely and would never recover.

"Please, Brother Ling, please wake up."

Mu Qianxue burst into tears, looking at Ling Feng's painful appearance, but she didn't know how to help Ling Feng.

Suddenly, she suddenly remembered that the demon dragon's world-purifying fire has the effect of purifying everything, and even to a certain extent, it is enough to suppress all evil heretics.

Maybe I can...

Thinking of this, Mu Qianxue didn't care much, and quickly straightened Ling Feng's body, then sat cross-legged behind Ling Feng, and transferred the pure Demon Dragon Purifying World Fire into Ling Feng's body bit by bit.

Sure enough, as Mu Qianxue expected, the demonic dragon's world-purifying fire indeed has the effect of purifying demonic energy.

However, what she purified was only the demonic energy that continuously escaped from Ling Feng's body.

But the calamity of falling in love is a series of terrible curses aimed at the origin of the host's own soul.

Mu Qianxue's method only treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

But even if she knew this, as long as it could make Ling Feng feel a little better, she would do her best no matter the cost.

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