Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3285 Beiming Demon Kun! Origin fusion!

"Brother Ling, we can do it. I can definitely help you suppress your demonic nature!"

Mu Qianxue bit her lip, took a deep breath, and followed Ling Feng's instructions. She no longer simply transformed her own original fire into the demonic dragon's world-purifying fire and poured it into Ling Feng's body. Instead, she directly aroused the original fire. , merging and converging towards Ling Feng's Dantian Qi Sea.

The Dantian Qi Sea is one of the two vital gates of a warrior, and is as important as the sea of ​​divine consciousness.

Generally speaking, unless the power is absolutely overwhelming, it is difficult for external forces to invade the Dantian Qi sea.

However, Ling Feng's Dantian did not rule out Mu Qianxue's original divine fire at all. Instead, he actively activated and integrated this power into his body.

Back when she was at the ruins of Shenshui Palace, she and Ling Feng completed the fusion of the original divine fire by accident.

The reason probably stems from the fact that Mu Qianxue injected almost half of her divine blood into Ling Feng's body in order to save Ling Feng.

An indelible bond has been established between the two of them.

Sure enough, just as Ling Feng had guessed, Mu Qianxue's original fire automatically activated Ling Feng's original fire once it poured into Ling Feng's dantian.

The fusion of the two original fires has indeed condensed into a more pure Demonic Dragon Purifying Fire!

One yin and one yang, the power of yin fire and yang fire are perfectly integrated, and the demon dragon's world-purifying fire inspired by it is more than ten times more pure than the flame condensed by Mu Qianxue alone!


The roar of the dragon resounded throughout the sky!

The dragon roars endlessly and roars for nine days!

Above Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue, a terrifying aura rose into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely huge ancestral dragon appeared in the sky above the mountain forest.

It is the Dharma of the Pure World Demonic Dragon!

The huge dragon-shaped shadow stretched hundreds of miles across, covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles in a blazing fire.

It actually formed a kind of boundary space similar to the demon dragon realm.

Within this realm, all evil spirits are suppressed no less than the ten-star phenomenon in heaven and earth!

For a moment, the demonic dragon's world-purifying fire began to swim around in Ling Feng's body.

As if the ice and snow were melting, wherever the demonic dragon's world-purifying fire passed, the demonic energy actually retreated on its own.

The Purifying Demonic Dragon is one of the ten great ancestral dragons and is known as the dragon of blazing fire and light.

The power of light is the nemesis of all darkness and evil!

Under the influence of that power that purifies everything, the falling love in Ling Feng's body was actually suppressed.

His eyes gradually changed from crazy to calm, and became kind, full of tenderness and kindness.

However, his Dantian was still frantically absorbing the original fire from Mu Qianxue's body.

In fact, there was a feeling that all Mu Qianxue's energy would be drained away in one breath.

Ling Feng's expression changed slightly, but he saw that Mu Qianxue's face was pale and her body was soaked with sweat, but there was a hint of joy in her bright autumn eyes.

"Brother Ling, have we...succeeded?"

Mu Qianxue's weak voice sounded, her beautiful eyes firmly fixed on Ling Feng's body, not caring about her own situation.

"It worked, we succeeded!"

Ling Feng looked back at Mu Qianxue, with gratitude and joy flashing in his eyes, and said quickly: "Stop, Qianxue, don't waste your original fire anymore!"

How could Ling Feng not know that Mu Qianxue had already frantically injected the original fire in order to save himself, even starting to burn his own essence and blood?

Now, it is almost exhausted.

Every ray of original fire she inputs is almost burning her own life force.

Mu Qianxue smiled weakly, "You're okay, that's great... great, I'm relieved!"

"Stop it! Qianxue, stop talking, stop it!"

Mu Qianxue took a deep look at Ling Feng, and a teardrop fell from the corner of her eye, "But... I can't stop..."

Her voice became weaker and weaker, and Ling Feng's dantian Qi sea was like a huge whirlpool, and like an abyss that never knew how to satisfy.

He frantically absorbed Mu Qianxue's original fire, never stopping.

Mu Qianxue's power had been exhausted, and she no longer had the strength to resist the terrifying devouring power of Ling Feng's Dantian Qi sea.

"how so?"

Ling Feng's expression changed greatly, and he wanted to control his Dantian to stop absorbing Mu Qianxue's original divine fire, but he was surprised to find that even he could not control this devouring power at all.

Seeing that he was about to completely drain Mu Qianxue's original divine fire, Ling Feng suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Could it be that Qianxue is going to die because of me?


no way!

Seeing Mu Qianxue's face getting paler and her vitality getting weaker and weaker, Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly and his eyes turned red.

If he had to sacrifice Mu Qianxue's life to regain his own sanity, he would rather fall into the devil's path for the rest of his life and never recover!

"Brother Ling, it seems that we are destined to be... destined."

Mu Qianxue was so weak that she looked at Ling Feng and said intermittently: "But I... I have never regretted... being able to recognize... knowing Brother Ling is... the happiest thing... in my life..."

"Stop talking, stop talking! I won't let you die! Never!"

Ling Feng took a sharp breath, hugged Mu Qianxue into his arms, and kissed Mu Qianxue's cherry lips regardless of risk.

Since his Dantian was uncontrollably absorbing Mu Qianxue's original fire, he re-infused his own original fire into Mu Qianxue's body through their mouths.

This method may be stupid, but it is also the only method that Ling Feng can think of at the moment!

As time passes bit by bit, the ten stars hanging high in the sky are gradually disappearing.

The stars in the sky are shifting, and the stars that were originally connected in a straight line are also moving towards different trajectories and scattering.

As the vision disappeared, the awe-inspiring aura dissipated between heaven and earth, and was replaced by a violent counterattack of the evil aura.


Deep in the earth, there seemed to be a cry of mourning, and the entire world was shrouded in the extremely desolate bloody moonlight.

Sealed Demonic God Realm.

An Ancestral Realm expert from the Yuan Temple and all the major racial forces in the Star Territory sat cross-legged under the Demon-Sealing Tower. They looked at the disappearance of the ten stars in the sky, and their hearts were hanging. .

"The vision disappeared and the moment for the Evil Bone Demon Lord to counterattack has finally arrived."

Ye Changtian took a deep breath, his face looking extremely solemn.

A trace of tragedy appeared on the faces of the clan leaders and elders. They knew very well that if this battle could not prevent the Evil Bone Demon Lord from fusing the soul source sealed in the Demon-Sealing Tower, then the Evil Bone Demon Lord's strength would surely The peak will be replayed.

Even better than before.

By that time, with the combined strength of all the warriors in the Stars and Ten Thousand Realms, they would probably be no match for the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

"His grandma, no matter what, it's a battle. Come on! Let the storm come more violently!"

The leader of the Titan clan shouted violently, as if he was venting his uneasiness and mania. After all, what they were going to face next was the ancient demon who had brought annihilation to the Xuanling Continent thousands of years ago. .

This battle can almost be said to be a narrow escape from death.

Deep in the endless sea.

The seawater suddenly rolled, and immediately after, three figures rose into the sky from an isolated island.

These three figures turned out to be the ugly slaves under the Evil Bone Demon Lord, Ran Hongyan and Mo Beikuan.

As the ten-star phenomenon in heaven and earth disappeared, the awe-inspiring aura gradually dissipated between heaven and earth.

And next, it is the time for the Evil Bone Demon Lord to come to the world again.

The island beneath their feet was the location where one of the three corpses of the Evil Bone Demon Lord was sealed!


All of a sudden, raging waves rolled across thousands of miles of sea!

And in the turbulent waves, thick black smoke rose up, and the whole world was filled with ominous and evil atmosphere.

The seven-generation soul-locking formation of marriage that had bound the Evil Bone Demon Lord for nearly ten thousand years was finally completely broken by the Evil Bone Demon Lord at the moment when the ten-star continuum of visions dissipated.


Immediately afterwards, a black figure slowly walked out from the thick black smoke.

However, what surprised the three powerful demon clans was that the Evil Bone Demon Lord who came out of the seal was not that hideous-looking, festering, extremely hideous and disgusting monster.

It turned out to be a middle-aged man who looked quite a bit immortal.

That face...

Surprisingly, it is the former ancestor of Jiuli, Mu Longcheng!

"Demon...Lord Demon Lord?"

The three powerful demon clans looked up and saw the Evil Bone Demon Lord in front of them, and their expressions changed slightly.

They recognize the Evil Bone Demon Lord and they also recognize Mu Longcheng.

In the past, Mulong City killed three corpses, divided the soul of the Evil Bone Demon Lord into three channels, and sealed them separately.

And now the "Evil Bone Demon Lord" who came out of the seal actually looks exactly like Mu Longcheng.

This is simply weird.

"Is it weird?"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord smiled coldly, "I am both the Evil Bone Demon Lord and Mu Longcheng. Mu Longcheng is the Evil Bone Demon Lord, and the Evil Bone Demon Lord is Mu Longcheng. We have long been... indifferent to each other. ”

"This this……"

The three demons looked horrified, but this did not affect their loyalty to the Demon Lord, "See the Demon Lord!"

"You have worked hard to help me break the seal. I will never forget your contribution."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord stood with his hands behind his back, a ball of pitch-black flames stepping on his feet.

Although this ball of flames is filled with strong demonic energy, there is still a faint trace of Jiuli Divine Fire that can be discerned!

Could it be that, as Evil Bone Demon Lord said, he and the former Jiuli Patriarch Mu Longcheng have long been inseparable from each other?

"Come out!"

Then, I heard the Evil Bone Demon Lord roar again, raising his hands high, as if he was chanting something.

Immediately afterwards, the sea water under his feet began to roll more violently.

The three demons looked at each other in confusion. Lord Demon Lord, are you summoning something?

Soon, they knew the answer.

In the blue water, a huge head suddenly appeared.

No, it was just the top of the head, but it actually stretched for thousands of miles!

"This...this is..."

Ran Hongyan's eyes widened, she had never seen such a huge creature before.


It’s incredibly big!

Chou Nu and Mo Beikang also swallowed hard. They had been following the Evil Bone Demon Lord since thousands of years ago, but they never knew that there was such a behemoth under the command of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

"This is my incarnation, Beiming Immortal Kun!"

Evil Bone Demon Lord smiled coldly, "But now, it should be called Beiming Demon Kun!"

"This this……"

The eyelids of the three demons all twitched.

They were all very familiar with Beiming Xiankun.

This is clearly the incarnation of Patriarch Jiuli.

In the past, the demon clan, under the leadership of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, could be said to have massacred all directions, and at one time almost the entire Xuanling Continent became a demon domain.

However, even so, countless powerful demons have fallen under the giant mouth of this Beiming Immortal Kun.

And now, Beiming Xiankun has actually become the incarnation of the Evil Bone Demon Lord!

In this way...

Those human races have no possibility of making a comeback.

"This demon Kun is thousands of feet high in the sun and hundreds of miles long in the night. It is constantly expanding and expanding every day. Sooner or later, it will be able to swallow all the living creatures in the entire Xuanling Continent!"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord put his hands behind his back, narrowed his eyes, and sneered, "Go and swallow more of the soul source for me to refine! This time, I will break into the supreme demonic realm!"


A terrifying roar sounded, and immediately after, the huge demon Kun soared into the sky, rising hundreds of thousands of feet into the sky.

However, even at such a high altitude, from below, it looks like a huge castle, giving people an unparalleled sense of huge oppression.

If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely be able to recognize him at a glance.

This demon Kun actually looks like the huge giant monster that Gui Lao predicted would bring about the doomsday catastrophe!


Immediately afterwards, the Evil Bone Demon Lord smiled coldly and looked at the three demons.

"Master, do you have any other orders?"

The three of them were trembling with fear.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord waved his sleeves, and three extremely condensed demonic energies were injected into the bodies of the three of them.

The next moment, the eyes of the three demons flashed red, and their power was even greater!

"Thank you, Master!"

The three demons were overjoyed. The Evil Bone Demon Lord's casual wave was far better than their hundreds of years of hard training.

Evil Bone Demon Lord narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "It seems that it is time to take back the last ray of my soul."

As he spoke, the figure turned into a bloody rainbow and flew towards the Demon Sealing God Realm.

And the other side.

At the same time, in the cave where Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue were, the Demon Dragon Purifying Fire that had been fused by the two had melted into a magma purgatory.

The demonic dragon's purifying fire that is constantly merging and circulating circulates in the bodies of the two people again and again.

With every cycle, the original fire seems to continue to grow, expand, become purer, and get closer and closer to the flawless demon dragon's world-purifying fire.

Gradually, and no one knows how much time passed, the fierce flames had already burned their clothes to ashes.

The two of them hugged each other tightly, wrapped in flames, and even their consciousness seemed to be completely swallowed up by the blazing fire of fusion.

What is left is probably only the original fire and the instinct of fusion.

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