Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3286: Bow down and worship me and praise my true name!

Sealed Demonic God Realm.

Along with the disappearance of the ten-star phenomenon, in its place, hanging high in the sky, was a blood-colored demon moon.

The nine chiefs led the entire Yuan Temple and a large number of ancestral realm experts with the highest strength among all the stars and realms to guard the periphery of the Demon-Sealing Tower, sealing off the Demon-Sealing Tower within a radius of hundreds of miles. Strictly true.

Even if the Evil Bone Demon Lord comes in person, if he wants to break through this layer of defense, he must step over all of their corpses.

"The ten stars in a row have completely disappeared!"

Ye Changtian's words made everyone's hearts seem to sink to the bottom of the frozen lake.

Ice cold!


Filling everyone's hearts.

What is more terrifying than death is the feeling of waiting to die.

However, even though they knew that this battle would definitely lead to a narrow escape, there was no way to retreat.

This battle is a battle that carries the hope of all stars and all races.

If the three corpses of the Evil Bone Demon Lord were allowed to merge into one, then there would be no hope for all the stars and the realms.


At this moment, among the nine chiefs, the Yodel clan has the strongest spiritual perception ability.

Patriarch Yodel suddenly opened his eyes and said two words that made everyone present tremble.


Evil Bone Demon Lord is here!


Qin Zheng clenched the Tai'a Divine Sword in his hand, and a look of determination appeared on his stern face.

"Come so fast!"

Mu Xuanxiao took a deep breath and looked at Mu Xuanshuo. The two brothers' bodies were ignited with the blazing Jiuli Divine Fire.

The other clan chiefs and elders stood up one after another. A powerful man in the famous ancestor realm sacrificed his own magic weapon, and slowly rose into the air under the leadership of the nine clan chiefs.

Next, what they will face will be an unprecedented fierce battle.


In the distant sky, the figure of the Evil Bone Demon Lord was like a black flame, piercing the sky and flying out.

Every blink of an eye seemed to cut through a period of time and space, and then the figure appeared thousands of miles away.

A thousand miles in an instant, a thought in heaven and earth!

The realm of the Evil Bone Demon Lord has indeed touched the threshold of the immortal path.

This is no longer a simple half-step to the virtual immortal, but ninety-nine percent of them have advanced to the realm of the virtual immortal (demon). There is only a chance to break through the legendary realm.

Even his three subordinates who had already reached the peak of the ancestral realm could only reluctantly follow behind the Evil Bone Demon Lord even if they tried their best.

Moreover, this distance is getting farther and farther.

In this matter, the figure of the Evil Bone Demon Lord is still thousands of miles away, but a suffocating terrifying pressure has almost enveloped the entire Demon Sealing God Realm!

What kind of cultivation is this, and what kind of magical power is this?

The nine clan chiefs looked at each other and took a deep breath.

Before the three corpses have been fused, the Evil Bone Demon Lord is so powerful. When he completely fuses the last soul source, who else in the world can defeat him?


Deep in the earth, there was a rumbling sound, and the strong wind above the nine heavens roared wildly!

Immediately afterwards, a strong ominous aura came oncoming, and among the billowing black smoke, the figure of the Evil Bone Demon Lord slowly emerged from the county.

It was a middle-aged man with a stern face, who actually seemed to have a bit of an immortal spirit.

If it weren't for the soaring demonic aura around him, it would be hard to imagine that he was actually the legendary Evil Bone Demon Lord.

"It's a neat arrival. It saves me the trouble of looking for you again."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord stood with his hands behind his back, a faint smile on his face, but he was in no hurry to take action.

"Are you the Evil Bone Demon Lord?"

Ye Changtian's remaining one-eyed gaze was fixed on the Evil Bone Demon Lord. The heart-stopping and powerful pressure on him actually caused the hundreds of Ancestral Realm experts present to gather together in an instant. The momentum formation was completely dispersed.


It's incredibly powerful!

"I am the Evil Bone Demon Lord."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord did not look like an aggressive demon. Instead, he answered Ye Changtian's questions very gracefully.

He smiled lightly, "At the same time, I am also the former head of the Jiuli clan, Mu Longcheng."

As he spoke, Demon Lord Evil Bone's eyes were fixed on brothers Mu Xuanxiao and Mu Xuanshuo, "Are you my descendants? Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk tsk. It has fallen to this.”


Mu Xuanxiao and Mu Xuanshuo's eyes widened in an instant, staring at the Evil Bone Demon Lord, "You are not allowed to insult my ancestor Jiuli! You are not worthy of carrying shoes for our ancestors, and you dare to pretend to be my clan. Ancestor!"

In an instant, the two brothers shouted loudly, and the Jiuli Divine Fire merged around them. Although they didn't want the fusion of Mu Qianxue and Ling Feng's original fire to be as magical as the demon dragon's purifying world fire, there was actually a hint of it. The power of the demon dragon to purify the world.

The flames swept out and roared towards the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

However, the next moment, the Evil Bone Demon Lord opened his mouth wide and actually swallowed the fusion fire of Mu Xuanxiao and Mu Xuanshuo directly into his belly.

Immediately afterwards, the flames circled inside his abdomen, returned the same way, and spit out from his mouth.

However, the flames spit out this time were actually more intense and domineering than the fusion fire of Mu Xuanxiao and the two, and they also had an extremely strong ominous aura attached to them.

But even so, it can still be clearly seen that this is indeed the Jiuli Divine Fire!


For a moment, screams rang out, but the flames spit out by the Evil Bone Demon Lord swept directly towards the crowd. In an instant, dozens of former Ancestral Realm members from the human camp were burned by the flames and turned into ashes.

"not good!"

Mu Xuanxiao and Mu Xuanshuo were shocked when they saw this. They wanted to extinguish the flames, but instead they were counterattacked by the dark fire. The flames swallowed them up almost instantly.

Fortunately, the two of them were proficient in the rules of fire and used the fire escape method in time. Their bodies turned into flames and dispersed, then regrouped not far away, thus avoiding death.

"With your little skills, you dare to play with fire in front of me? Playing with fire, I am the ancestor!"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord stood with his hands behind his back, a calm expression on his face, and while talking and laughing, he had already killed dozens of former ancestors in the ancestral realm.

"How, now can you believe that I am from Mulong City?"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord took a step forward. Under the terrifying pressure, the nine chiefs took a step back.

Behind the nine chiefs, hundreds of Ancestral Realm experts from all over the world also took a step back.

With the power of one person, he was able to completely crush hundreds of Ancestral Realm experts in terms of momentum.

Everyone looked at the Evil Bone Demon Lord in front of them in horror.

Could it be that, as he said, he is Mu Longcheng?

how come?

In the past, the hero who wanted to seal the Evil Bone Demon Lord at the cost of his life, has now become one with this demon and is working in collusion with him?

No! This is absolutely impossible!

However, the fact seems to be before our eyes.

Besides the former Mulong City, who else could control such a domineering Jiuli Divine Fire?

At this time, the three demons Ran Hongyan, Mo Beikuan and Chou Nu were out of breath and were late.

Just one Evil Bone Demon Lord is almost invincible.

Coupled with these three demons, I'm afraid...

Ye Changtian clenched his fists tightly and bit the tip of his tongue, forcing himself to wake up.

Otherwise, if this continues, I am afraid that even before the battle, I will be overwhelmed by the momentum of the Evil Bone Demon Lord and lose three points first.

"Mu Longcheng is an unparalleled hero. If you were really Senior Mu, how could you do something that would harm the common people?"

Ye Changtian roared loudly, and for a moment, the monks of all races who had been suppressed by the Evil Bone Demon Lord just now woke up one after another.

"That's right, you can't be fooled by this demon. Senior Mu is a peerless hero. Although this demon has mastered Jiuli Divine Fire, he is definitely not Senior Mu!"

"This demon must have devoured Senior Mu's body and gained some of Senior Mu's abilities."

"That's right, Evil Bone Demon, we will never be deceived by you!"

For a time, the crowd was excited and tense.

Mu Xuanxiao and Mu Xuanshuo also clenched their fists and gritted their teeth: "Brother Ye, it's a good thing you warned me, otherwise we would have almost fallen into the trap of the evil bone demon and almost suspected our ancestor!"


Hearing the voices of indignation among the crowd, the Evil Bone Demon couldn't help but laugh up to the sky, "The truth is always cruel. Since you don't want to believe it, I have no choice but to let you see with your own eyes what is Real reality!"

"Devil, don't even think about disrupting the morale of the army!"

Ye Changtian swung his sword and immediately raised his arms and shouted, "The more this devil uses all his methods to disrupt our military morale, it proves that he is powerless at this moment. We must take this opportunity to kill him." this!"

As soon as the words fell, a former member of the Famous Ancestor Realm sacrificed their magic weapons one after another, and under the leadership of the nine chiefs, roared and rushed towards the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

The Evil Bone Demon just stood there with a sneer on his lips, "I think you have all made a mistake. Your real enemy seems to be behind you."

"Cut the nonsense!"

The angry crowd surged out like a torrent.

The mighty power gathered by hundreds of ancestral realm warriors is almost enough to shake the world!

However, at this moment, behind everyone, the towering Demon Sealing Tower began to tremble violently.


The ground rumbled and trembled, and in just a few breaths, the towering tower actually fell down and turned into a huge ruin.

In an instant, gravel flew and smoke billowed, filling the air thousands of miles away.



A series of ferocious and piercing roars and roars were heard continuously, rushing out from the direction of the Demon-Sealing Tower.

The demons, evil spirits, and evil cultivators who were sealed in the tower rushed out one after another.

Whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, tens of millions of demons and demons reappeared in the sky and flew away in all directions.

These demons and devils are all the five legions of the Yuanshen Temple. They have captured extremely vicious demons over the past thousands of years, and many of them are powerful in the ancestral realm.

With so many demons rushing out of the Demon-Sealing Tower at once, it was already a huge catastrophe for the Xuanling Continent.


A former Ancestral Realm man who was known to kill the Evil Bone Demon Lord was all stunned by this scene.

They looked at the countless demons and demons fleeing in all directions, and there was only one thought left in their minds: It's over!

The Demon-Sealing Tower is a sealed place where countless demons are imprisoned. The barrier is as strong as the mountain-protecting formations of the three upper-level gods.

But at this moment, it was destroyed so easily!

What happened inside the Demon-Sealing Tower?

And the most terrifying thing was that immediately above the ruins of the Demon-Sealing Tower, a blazing fire shot into the sky.

That aura was indeed the extremely pure Jiuli Divine Fire!

The blazing light dispersed, and a crimson figure slowly emerged from the billowing smoke.

If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely recognize this figure at a glance. It was indeed the senior who claimed to be "Jiuli Ancestor" whom he met on the 18th floor of the Demon-Sealing Tower.

At this moment, when the Demon Sealing Tower collapsed, the "Jiuli Patriarch" finally appeared.

And his appearance is actually the same as that of the Evil Bone Demon Lord...

Exactly the same!

"Holy fire burns the sky!"

Immediately afterwards, a roar was heard, and a dark cloud suddenly rose from the sky.

Countless huge fireballs suddenly fell from the billowing clouds, like meteors and fire showers, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles in an instant.


The terrifying shower of meteors and fire burned a large number of demons that had escaped into ashes in an instant, and the figure of the Jiuli ancestor slowly rose into the air, the flames added to it, and the entire sky was dyed with violent flames. Got all red.

"Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish!"

Ancestor Jiuli looked up to the sky and roared, "Bow down and worship me, chant my true name, and I will spare my life!"

"I am willing to surrender!"

"Kowtow to the devil!"

In the Demon-Sealing Tower, those demons and ghosts that were trying to escape like headless flies suddenly started to tremble, looking at the figure in the sky, they bowed their heads and knelt down.

These demons were also the heroes of the past. At this moment, under the great magical power of the "Jiuli Patriarch", they are like ants and can only worship.

The nine chiefs of the clan and a group of ancestral realm elders looked at the two "Evil Bone Demon Lords" in front and behind them, and they felt as if they had fallen into an ice hell in an instant.

Facing an Evil Bone Demon Lord was already a narrow escape.

At this moment, the clone that was sealed in the Demon Sealing Tower was actually able to break through the Demon Sealing Tower on its own.

And with a wave of his hand, he surrendered tens of thousands of demons in the Demon Sealing Tower!

Now, what they have to face is actually two "Evil Bone Demon Lords" attacking from the front and back, and being surrounded by countless demons.

For a moment, the situation seemed to have completely reversed.

Despair grew among the crowd, and death seemed to be right in front of them.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord smiled coldly, and under the gaze of the nine clan chiefs and countless powerful men in the star fields, his figure slowly floated into the air, and in full view of everyone, he walked through the void and walked to the front of "Ancestor Jiuli" .

"not good!"

Ye Changtian's expression changed drastically, he flew up and slashed with his sword, trying to separate the Evil Bone Demon Lord from the "Ancestor Jiuli".

Unfortunately, the Evil Bone Demon Lord flicked his finger, and Ye Changtian's figure shattered into pieces in the void.

The leader of the Haotian clan, the hero of the world, died in just one thought.


"Brother Ye!"

"Chief of the Night Clan!"

Everyone called Ye Changtian's name, and a feeling of death swept over them.

No one can stop the Evil Bone Demon Lord, no one can stop him anymore.

Hope has been annihilated!

In the next moment, the two demons merged together, and the Evil Bone Demon Lord, three corpses merged into one, returning to the top!

“Those who follow will live, those who go against will perish!”

The fused Evil Bone Demon Lord glanced at the other Ancestral Realm experts from the Yuan Temple and the Star Realms, "I also give you a chance to bow down and worship me, and praise my true name, and I will spare my life!"

Haotian Divine Realm.

In the ruins, countless strong men of the younger generation looked at the distant sky, feeling extremely uneasy in their hearts.

The strange phenomenon of ten stars dissipated, and the bloody moon in the sky seemed to be dyed red with blood.

The strange moonlight brought bursts of coldness, and seemed to be foreshadowing something.

Ye Weiyang was lying under the ruins that everyone had temporarily put away. He had been in a coma since the battle with Ling Feng until now.

Although Hua Xiaoshuang, the director of the medical camp, was looking after him and treating him, his condition still seemed to be very bad.

"I don't know what is happening to the clan leaders at this moment."

Not far away, Yu Junyao held on to a burnt tree trunk and clenched her fists.

"I'm afraid there is no chance of coming back..."

The bitch was lying on the scorched earth with its hooves raised. Seeing the unkind looks coming from all around, he quickly closed his mouth and did not dare to speak any more.

At this moment, the geniuses of all races all looked solemn and frowned.

Before the patriarch and elders left, their expressions had proven many things.

This trip is destined to be a narrow escape.

But they can only stay here, waiting for that glimmer of hope.

Tonight, everyone is destined to have no sleep.

This also includes Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue, who are hiding in the cave and struggling to suppress their demonic nature. (PS: Maybe he’s playing poker or something, (˙︶˙)~)

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