Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3287 I, Ling Feng, dare to take responsibility!

The evil moon rises over the sea.

Under the blood moon, the earth was soaked in desolation.

Hundreds of ancestral realm experts from the Yuan Temple and the Star Realms were surrounded by the demons and ghosts that escaped from the Demon-Sealing Tower. The most terrifying thing was the Evil Bone Demon Lord who had merged with the three corpses and returned to his peak. .

He controlled the dark Jiuli Demonic Fire, suspended in mid-air, like a flaming king.

Many of the fire magic powers he displayed clearly belonged to the former ancestor of Jiuli, Mulong City!

Could it be that, as Evil Bone Demon Lord said, he has become one with Mulong City?

Then, I'm afraid the situation will be even worse.

Mu Longcheng and the Evil Bone Demon Lord, one good and one evil, one immortal and one demon, were both peerless experts who stood at the pinnacle of the Xuanling Continent thousands of years ago. They were only just a few steps away from the realm of the Void Immortal (Devil). It’s just the last half step.

Now, the two people's powers are completely integrated, isn't it equivalent to...

Immortal and demon fellow practitioners?

The power of both immortal and demonic paths has reached perfection, and the power after fusion is simply unimaginable.

“Those who follow will live, those who go against will perish!”

A cold light flashed in the Evil Bone Demon Lord's eyes, "I don't have much patience. I only have one chance."


Qin Zheng, the leader of the Tai'a God Clan, looked up to the sky and laughed, "There have always been Tai'a Gods who died in battle and never surrendered! The Tai'a Divine Sword in my hand was born to kill all of you evil heretics! "

As soon as the words fell, Qin Zheng's figure turned into a rainbow and soared into the sky.

Soaring into the sky with him were more than a dozen ancestral realm elders from the Tai'a God Clan.

Each of them was fearless and fearless, with determination shining in their eyes.

Even if he dies, he will die with the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

"You don't know how to live or die, how dare you act so arrogantly in front of Lord Demon Lord?"

Mo Bei glared angrily and sneered as he stared at the ancestral realm experts of the Tai'a clan in front of him, "Lord Demon Lord, you are just a bunch of ants. There is no need to bother Lord Demon Lord, just leave it to me!"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord narrowed his eyes slightly and just smiled coldly without comment.

How could Mo Beikuan miss this opportunity to perform? His muscles all over his body instantly flexed, and his figure suddenly grew taller, turning into a giant three meters away, covered with long black hair, with blue skin and a ferocious look. His face looked even more terrifying.

"Tai'a's sword is indestructible!"

More than ten ancestors of the Tai'a God Clan formed a sword formation, and they actually seemed to turn into a giant sword over a hundred feet long.

Qin Zheng controlled this giant sword. Even though he knew he would die, at the last moment of his life, he still wanted to bloom the most gorgeous bloody flower.

"You are so invincible, I will break your broken sword today!"

Mobei Kuang's figure turned into a blue arc of electricity and soared into the sky, actually overwhelming Tai'a's edge.


More than a dozen powerful men from the ancestral realm of the Tai'a God Clan jointly inspired the blood of Tai'a, and the Tai'a Divine Sword that was formed by the fusion actually trembled violently under Mo Bei's crazy punch.

In an instant, more than ten powerful men from the Tai'a Divine Clan spurted out a mouthful of blood at the same time, and the Tai'a Divine Sword almost collapsed at the first touch.

The power of just one Mo Beikuan was already so powerful!

Of course, this was also due to the Evil Bone Demon Lord passing on part of his demonic energy to Mo Beikuan after breaking the formation.

Otherwise, his strength is at best on the same level as the nine chiefs. Even if it is slightly better, it is not much stronger.

Mo Bei laughed wildly, "The Tai'a God Clan is nothing more than that!"

Qin Zheng's face was stern, and the fighting spirit in his eyes was even stronger. He had already put life and death aside, controlled the Tai'a Divine Sword, and combined the power of more than ten Tai'a elders, he actually faintly inspired a power approaching the half-step Void Immortal level.


With a loud shout, the terrifying sword light swept thousands of feet, and the violent sword pressure swept away. Even Mo Beikuan's expression suddenly changed.

" is it possible?"

A look of fear flashed in Mo Bei's crazy eyes, he never expected that Qin Zheng would actually hide such a sword.

However, just when everyone thought that Qin Zheng's sword could at least take away one of the capable subordinates around the Evil Bone Demon Lord, a sudden change occurred.


There was a loud noise, and in an instant, the Tai'a sword was broken. More than a dozen elders who had transformed into the Tai'a Divine Sword were crushed into powder in the void and scattered in a rain of blood.

And all of this was just a glance from the Evil Bone Demon Lord!

"Although an ant is small, it can kill an elephant sometimes. When a lion fights a rabbit, it still needs all its strength."

Evil Bone Demon Lord narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Arrogance will only give the enemy an opportunity. Even if it is just an ant, he needs to be completely crushed to death before he can feel at ease."

"Many...thank you Lord Demon Lord..."

There was a layer of cold sweat on Mo Beikuan's forehead. If the Evil Bone Demon Lord hadn't taken action, he might have fallen into Qin Zheng's trap.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord stood with his hands behind his back and looked at Qin Zheng, "With just that sword strike just now, you are considered a talent. I will give you another chance."

"Even if Tai'a's sword is broken, the endless sea is dry, Tai'a's will is unyielding-"

The voice stopped suddenly, but it was the Evil Bone Demon Lord who raised his palm and pinched Qin Zheng's direction gently.

Then, Qin Zheng's body exploded, covered in a layer of pitch-black flames, burning his body to ashes bit by bit.

However, from beginning to end, Qin Zheng did not scream. He just looked at the eastern sky and continued: "Tai Ah's will, don't - break - don't - scratch -"

In an instant, his figure dissipated in the fire and turned into ashes.

In this world, there is no Tai'a clan leader Qin Zheng anymore.


A complete crushing!

This is no longer a one-dimensional power at all.

Even if a strong man at the level of the Nine Chiefs does not hesitate to burn his life force to explode, the only result is death.

"What about you? How are you?"

With a wave of his hand, the Evil Bone Demon Lord killed Ye Changtian, the leader of the Haotian clan, and Qin Zheng, the leader of the Tai'a clan. The shadow of death had enveloped the entire audience, like an invisible claw, firmly strangling everyone's hearts. .

"Jiuli people..."

Mu Xuanxiao's eyes were blood red, with tears glistening in his eyes. However, every word was sonorous and powerful, and he let out a deafening roar, "Array!"


An elder named Jiuli Divine Clan, including Mu Xuanshuo, simultaneously inspired the original fire in his body.

The tragic deaths of the two clan leaders and the elders did not break their unyielding heart.

Also shouting and roaring were the patriarchs and elders of various clans present.

For the hope of all the stars and all realms, even if I die, I will never give in!

"It's a pity, it's a pity..."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord shook his head, waved his palm, and just said one word coldly——


Kill until dawn, kill until rivers of blood form.

The blood of all races dyes the earth red.

The demonic catastrophe swept across once again.

The sun rises in the east.

However, for countless people in the coastal city, what comes with the rising sun is an unprecedented catastrophe.

The sky finally became bright, and then it was shrouded in darkness again.


"Oh my God, what kind of monster is that?"

"Grandpa, mom..."

"Child, my child..."

But it turned out that a huge giant monster suddenly appeared in the sky above the coastal city.

The giant monster was suspended tens of thousands of feet in the air, but it looked like a floating castle.

It slowly marched towards the land of Zhongyuan Realm. The speed seemed very slow. However, wherever it passed, it seemed as if there was a layer of dark clouds. The sky above the entire city was in darkness, without any light.

Immediately afterwards, streaks of soul-stirring light were emitted from the huge body. As long as they were swept by the light, all living creatures seemed to have their souls taken away, and their physical bodies remained in place, as if Turned into stone sculptures.

Soon, the huge city, the traffickers, and the passing merchants, from ordinary people to monks and warriors, didn't even have the slightest room for resistance, and they turned into stone sculptures.

The souls of all living creatures seemed to be captured by transparent bubbles, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Immediately afterwards, he was swallowed into the belly by the huge creature in the sky.

Countless souls gathered into a huge river of souls, and the only thing waiting for them was the fate of being devoured.

This gigantic monster is surprisingly the Northern Dark Demon Kun released by the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

It moved forward aimlessly, its body constantly expanding and expanding.

And wherever it passed, it left only empty dead cities.

Within the city, there were only countless hollow stone sculptures, lifeless.

The prelude to the end seems to have begun.

To the north of Haotian Divine Domain, deep in the mountains and forests.

The layer of blazing red light covering the mountains and forests lasted all night, and now it slowly dissipated.

The scorching breath had almost turned the entire mountain forest into a scorched earth. Everywhere was bare, and the animals that had no time to escape were turned into charred corpses.

And the initiators of all this were naturally the uninvited guests who suddenly arrived last night, Mu Qianxue and Ling Feng.

At this moment, both of them were still sleeping, until the sun shone in from a crack directly above the cave.

The warm sunshine shone on Ling Feng's face, and then a numb and itchy feeling came over him, as if something was covering his nose.


With a low groan, Ling Feng slowly opened his eyes. It turned out that what covered his face were strands of black hair.

Looking down, it turned out that it was Mu Qianxue who was pressing gently on his chest, and his hair was spread out. Was that why it was scattered on his face?

"It seems that the demonic nature in my body has been eliminated?"

Ling Feng sensed his inner breath and was surprised to find that the demonic miasma that originally enveloped the spiritual sea had been completely expelled from his body.

Not only that, even his own original fire seemed to have undergone some kind of qualitative change.

However, the next moment, what shocked Ling Feng even more was that he was surprised to find that the girl who was sleeping peacefully in his arms was actually...


Not only her, but also myself...

For a moment, Ling Feng's old face felt hot. What happened last night? Why did his memory seem like...


However, the current situation seems to be...

Suddenly, feeling that Mu Qianxue in his arms was about to wake up, Ling Feng felt guilty and quickly closed his eyes, leaning on the side and continuing to pretend to sleep.

After a while, Mu Qianxue also opened her eyes. When she found herself leaning on Ling Feng's chest, a blush suddenly appeared on her pretty face.

Not far away, there was a patch of falling red on the ground, symbolizing that she had officially become a woman from a girl.

Recalling everything that happened last night, Mu Qianxue bit her teeth and gave Ling Feng a somewhat resentful look.

Seeing that Ling Feng was still "sleeping", Mu Qianxue bit her delicate lips and kissed Ling Feng's face gently, like a dragonfly touching water.

Then, with a shy look on her face, she took out a piece of everyday clothes and covered her flawless fair body.

Then, with a red face, he covered Ling Feng's body.

After all, it was early in the morning, and Ling Feng, as a vigorous young man, had some physiological reactions that were naturally inevitable.

However, when she was covering Ling Feng's body, she found that Ling Feng's face was getting redder and redder, and his breathing was getting faster and faster. She didn't know that this guy had been pretending to sleep all along!

"Brother Ling, how long...are you going to pretend?"

Mu Qianxue stared at Ling Feng with great resentment.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng coughed dryly and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "Morning...morning, haha..."


Mu Qianxue bit her silver teeth and said, "You...don't you have anything else to say to me?"


Ling Feng smiled awkwardly, took a deep breath, hesitated for a moment, then held Mu Qianxue's shoulders again, and said with a serious face: "Don't worry Qianxue, I, Ling Feng, dare to take responsibility, and I will be responsible for you. No matter what we face next, you and I will face it together!”

Although it was not a sweet talk or an oath of love, Mu Qianxue's eyes were moist.

She took a deep look at Ling Feng, nodded heavily, fell into Ling Feng's arms, choked up and cried bitterly, but these were tears of happiness.

(PS: Sorry, Brother Feng has finally gotten rid of his status as a young man. Please give me votes and rewards. Let’s celebrate! But there will be more messes to clean up next. The plot of Xuanling Continent is about to go. Let’s wait and see the final climax.

In addition, although it seems that it is still one update recently, it is actually equivalent to the number of words in the previous two updates. I have tried my best...)

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