Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3288 A man who is upright and upright!

Haotian Divine Realm is in ruins.

Black clouds were looming overhead, and a dark and depressing aura filled the entire space.

Suddenly, a thin parabola emerged from the dark clouds. This line was red and translucent, shining with golden light. It was like a boiling solution splashing up, dyeing the dark clouds and ink into a bright golden light.

"Its daybreak!"

"Yes, it's dawn!"

A genius named Zhuxingwanyu looked in the direction of the Demon Sealing God Realm.

They didn't know what happened on that battlefield that night.

But they knew that the chances of those clan leaders and elders who left last night coming back alive were extremely slim.


Along with the ruins of Haotian Square, a huge stone sculpture that was already broken collapsed suddenly. Immediately afterwards, a disciple of the Haotian Divine Clan all knelt down on the ground, looked at the sky, and cried out in sorrow and pain.

"The clan leader's soul lamp...went out!"

The natal soul lamp represents the vitality of a warrior.

When the vitality is cut off, the natal soul lamp will naturally go out.

In other words, Ye Changtian, the leader of the Haotian Divine Clan, has died.

At this moment, Ye Weiyang had woken up, but the forced use of the Haotian Divine Eye had already overwhelmed his body.

The Haotian Divine Eye in his left eye socket has disappeared, leaving only a hollow eye socket, giving people a ferocious and terrifying feeling.

He stood silently on the statue that had just collapsed. This statue was engraved with the ancestors of the Haotian clan.

Now that the statues of the ancestors have been destroyed, does it mean that the Haotian Divine Clan has exhausted its strength?


Thinking of this, Ye Weiyang spurted out a mouthful of blood. He was already seriously injured, and now he was even worse.

For a moment, Ye Weiyang felt dizzy in her mind, and her body began to stagger. She lost her balance and almost fell to the ground.

"Brother Ye, my condolences."

Qin Yu, the Holy Son of Tai'a, stepped forward to hold Ye Weiyang's shoulders, support his body, gritted his teeth and said: "Nowadays, most of the seniors of all races have encountered misfortunes. As the Holy Son of Haotian, you are the younger brother of us." The myth of the generation, Ye Shen Weiyang, how can you never fall?"

Ye Weiyang took a deep look at Qin Yu. Overnight, the Holy Son of Tai'a seemed to have grown a lot.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ye Weiyang smiled bitterly, but because of the injury, she coughed violently.


The director of the medical battalion, Hua Xiaoshuang, quickly stepped forward, and together with Qin Yu, he helped Ye Weiyang sit down on a stone pier aside.

Because they had to stay and take care of Ye Weiyang, only Hua Xiaoshuang stayed among the senior officials of the Saofeng Camp who came to Haotian Divine Realm to express their congratulations.

As for the other chiefs and captain-level ancestral realm experts, they all went to the Demon Sealing God Realm to fight against the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Among them were Pang Shiliang, commander of the third battalion, Xiao Yang, captain of the second team, and Ji Ruye, deputy captain.

Now, Ye Changtian's natal soul lamp was extinguished. Apparently, they had encountered the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

I'm afraid, not only the Haotian Clan leader, the two generals from Sao Feng Camp, but also the general commanders and captains, I'm afraid...

At this moment, Hua Xiaoshuang's heart was also extremely heavy.

After all, although she has never expressed her attitude and officially accepted Pang Shiliang, in her heart, she has already identified that fat man who is not tall and stalwart, nor handsome, and even looks a bit obscene and has a lot of bad taste. .

It is said that companionship is the longest confession of love. Pang Shiliang's companionship to Hua Xiaoshuang is the most gentle and longest love.

Although there was no official bad news yet, she knew that Pang Shiliang was probably in a similar situation.

But at this moment, there is no time to grieve, or even to mourn or miss.

Those of them who survived had more important things to do.

Because they carry the hopes of those who have died.

They are the last hope.

Hua Xiaoshuang hid her inner sorrow deep in her heart, raised her palm and gently placed it on Ye Weiyang's pulse gate.

However, the more she sensed Ye Weiyang's vitality map and the aura in his body, the more solemn Hua Xiaoshuang's complexion became.

The injury is too serious!

Forcibly activating the Haotian Divine Eye is simply squeezing one's own potential and vitality.

Ye Weiyang is now like a broken container, and her body is already riddled with holes.

The energy in his body will only dissipate and pass away bit by bit as time goes by.

In other words, throughout his life, he will not be able to go any further, or even return to the peak he was at before yesterday.

Every day, his strength will continue to weaken.

For a warrior, this is equivalent to being sentenced to death.

And for a proud man like Ye Shen, it was an extremely cruel torture.

"How about it?"

Qin Yu asked anxiously.

"Yakami's injury..."

Hua Xiaoshuang bit her silver teeth and stopped talking.

"I know my own situation."

Ye Weiyang shook her head, "Forcibly controlling the Haotian Divine Eye is a huge gamble with your life. I am still alive, which is already a blessing. What's more, there were so many variables in the battle last night."

He smiled bitterly, "It doesn't matter, my situation is no longer important."

"How could it not be important!"

Qin Yu clenched his fists tightly and almost roared, "The clan leaders are dead! Dead! All dead!"

For a moment, an aura of grief swept through the entire place and quickly spread among the crowd.

The Void Soul Clan, the Titan Clan, the Frey Clan, the Sky Ghost Clan...

The young talents of all sects, tribes, and major forces clenched their fists.

They are not stupid, and they all guessed that there would be such a result.

However, when someone is cruel enough to speak out, it is still difficult for them to accept it for a moment.

Because this result is so cruel and desperate!

"No, I don't believe it!"

Gaia gritted her teeth and her eyes were red. For such a burly iron tower man, he couldn't hold back his tears at all.

"The matter has come to this, whether you accept it or not, you have to accept it!"

Qin Yu's eyes were also red, and he stared at Ye Shen, "Ye Shen, now you are our spiritual leader! On your shoulders, you carry the last hope of all our races in the star field!"

"No, not me."

Ye Weiyang shook her head weakly, "The real hope lies in Ling Feng. This is the future seen by Haotian's divine eyes."

"Ling Feng?"

Everyone looked at each other, but in the end, Qin Yu clenched his fists and said bitterly: "Maybe he used to be, but he is not now. If it weren't for him, things would not have developed to this stage. Dear clan leaders and elders, Death, in the final analysis, will all be blamed on him!"

Two lines of clear tears fell from Qin Yu's eyes.

The leader of the Tai'a clan is his father.

If the Evil Bone Demon Lord has a grudge against him for killing his father, Ling Feng also occupies half of it.

"Yes, that devil! If it weren't for him, the clan leaders wouldn't have to die at all!"

"He is no longer qualified to be Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng. He is just a dehumanized demon. If we meet him in the future, he will only be an enemy!"

"All the bad consequences today are caused by that little devil. The Evil Bone Demon deserves to be killed, and Ling Feng also deserves to die!"

The emotion of hatred spread among the crowd.

Those dead patriarchs and elders may be the parents, elders, or masters of some of the people present...

Not everyone can be so generous and treat everything as if it never happened.

In a sense, Ling Feng did kill those clan leaders and elders.

Although, at that time, he couldn't help himself at all, and even after a brief awakening, he did not hesitate to end his own life to stop all this.

But he did cause such evil consequences.

Everything has happened.

"No, that's not the case. Brother Ling...he doesn't want to either..."

Yu Junyao opened her mouth to defend herself, but her voice was quickly drowned out by curses and complaints.

Among the crowd, only a handful of people were still willing to believe in Ling Feng like Yu Junyao.

And even for Gaia and Kurosaki, who once regarded Ling Feng as a close friend of life and death, at this moment, it was difficult to convince themselves to forgive Ling Feng.

If Ling Feng hadn't kidnapped the bride, then the Seventh Life Marriage Soul Locking Formation had been completed, how could the Evil Bone Demon Lord reappear in the world?

They may be able to believe that Ling Feng was unable to control himself at the time, but the grief of losing a loved one cannot be suppressed solely by reason.

Ye Weiyang sighed softly. He knew that in the current situation, no matter what he said to help Ling Feng, it would be meaningless.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Weiyang could only force herself to cheer up, gritted her teeth and said: "Everyone, pursuing these matters now is of no use. I think the evil bone demon will come to clear the last obstacles for us next. , So, before that, we have to prepare for a desperate battle. "

After hearing Ye Weiyang's words, everyone calmed down.

Qin Yu nodded repeatedly, "Brother Ye, what's next? I, Qin Yu, am willing to follow Ye God's lead!"

"We are willing to follow the guidance of the Night God!"

The geniuses of all races also looked at Ye Weiyang.

At this time, Ye Weiyang has become the spiritual leader of everyone.

"The first step is to gather all the power we can!"

Ye Weiyang felt fainting from time to time in his mind. His body was too weak, but he gritted his teeth and struggled to hold on.

"Brother Kurosaki, brother Gaia, brother Immortal..."

Ye Shen looked at the geniuses of the major races in the Star Territory one by one, and said in a deep voice: "Please return to your respective territories. I believe that the background of the six major races in the Star Territory is definitely not like this. If we can invite all the members of the tribe to Those ancestors who are hiding in the world may still have a chance to fight. "

Although on the surface, the clan leaders of each clan are naturally the most powerful people in the clan.

But in fact, there are still many ancestors who have half-stepped into the realm of virtual immortals. In order to break through the last shackles, they will choose to abandon all distracting thoughts, integrate into the world and all things, and seek a way to break through.

There are more or less one or two such ancestors in each clan.

Now, things have reached a point of no return, and only by inviting an ancestor of this level can we have the last chance.

However, these powerful men are usually difficult to find, and even if they are found, they may only find a corpse.

But no matter what, even if the hope is slim, we can only give it a try.

"I understand, at this stage, we can only invite the ancestors."

The geniuses of all races nodded at the same time, which was a good idea.

Soon, the geniuses from all clans dispersed one after another, and even Qin Yu said goodbye to Ye Shen in order to find the ancestor of his clan.

On this ruins, only the Haotian Divine Clan and the Jiuli Divine Clan were left, plus some younger generation disciples from the Sao Feng Camp.

"Asshole, let's go!"

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth, glanced in Ye Weiyang's direction, hesitated for a moment, then grabbed the donkey's hooves and prepared to leave.

"What are you doing? Where are you going?"

The bitch held his chin, but his ruthless eyes were always looking at the ugly sheep who was still unconscious.

Logically speaking, this guy should wake up.

"Of course I'm going to find Ling Feng!"

Yu Junyao gave the bitch a vicious look, "You said yesterday, go find Ling Feng after you have rested!"


The bitch slapped his forehead, "I almost forgot about this divine beast, hehe, but before that..."

The mean donkey looked at the ugly sheep and hesitated.

Logically speaking, Chou Yang betrayed them and harmed Ling Feng like this, so he deserved death.

However, after all, this is an old friend for many years, not to mention, so many things he has done are probably controlled by that black shadow.

If you can't help yourself, you can't commit a crime that will lead to death.

In fact, if the ugly donkey hadn't been guarding here all this time, the ugly sheep would have been cut into pieces by the angry disciples of Xiaofeng camp and made into mutton stew.

"You bitch, I can't tell you are quite loyal."

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth and said, "Take this guy with you. If you leave him here, he will definitely die."

"Hehe, this is what you said!"

The bitch clapped his hooves and grinned, "Okay, just bring this stupid sheep to Ling Feng and let him deal with it."

"I just hope that brat can wake up now, otherwise, everything my cousin has done for him will be in vain. Alas..."

Yu Junyao bit her lips and sighed secretly in her heart.

At this moment, he saw Ye Weiyang walking slowly with the support of Hua Xiaoshuang.

"Miss Jade, and Brother Donkey..."


The bitch raised his tail and thought to himself: That boy Ling Feng robbed someone else's wife, and now the other party is coming to settle the score. I am that boy's spiritual pet, so I won't take the blame first, right?

"If you want to take action, this beast is not afraid of you. It just doesn't want to be said to be bullying patients!"

The bitch stared at Ye Shen with a fierce look on his face.

"Brother Donkey misunderstood."

Ye Weiyang forced a smile, "I just hope that after Brother Donkey finds Brother Ling, he can tell him that I will wait for him in the branch hall of the Yuanshen Temple in the Haotian Divine Realm. I have never blamed him. Maybe I should thank him. , he made me understand one thing, destiny is not unchangeable.”

Before Ye Weiyang finished speaking, he coughed a few more times. Yu Junyao couldn't bear it and quickly stepped forward to hold his arm.

"Thank you very much, Miss Jade."

Ye Weiyang nodded slightly towards Yu Junyao and continued: "It's just that he has to make up for the big mistake he has made. I always believe that he is a man who is upright and upright!"


The bitch gave Ye Weiyang a thumbs up and said, "You are still so perseverant despite so many drastic changes. This beast is beginning to appreciate you."

The cheap donkey nodded, raised his hoof and patted Ye Weiyang on the shoulder, grinning and said: "What you said, this beast will tell you word for word, don't worry, he will poke out the basket." Of course you have to wipe your butt yourself, otherwise, how can you be worthy of being the little brother of this beast? Hehe..."

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