Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3289 The Evil Bones Plot! Ling Feng returns!

Sealed Demonic God Realm.

After a night of fierce fighting, the ground has been dyed blood red.

Within a hundred miles, there were corpses everywhere, landslides and rocks, and the entire demon-sealing god clan had turned into scorched earth in purgatory.

The Demon Sealing God Clan no longer exists.

The blood-red earth reflected the sky, covering the sky with a layer of blood.

Under the bloody sky, apart from the Evil Bone Demon Lord and the three demon generals under his command, there were only probably less than ten demons who had escaped from the Demon-Sealing Tower.

As for the other weak demons, they all died in the hands of the Yuan Temple and many ancestral realm powerhouses in the star regions.

However, the price paid by the Yuanshen Alliance was almost the annihilation of the entire army.

"Well done."

Evil Bone Demon Lord's cold eyes swept across the corpses on the ground, and he said with an indifferent expression: "You can survive in such a battle, you are qualified to become my subordinates."

"Thank you, Master!"

The remaining demons quickly knelt on the ground to show their loyalty to the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

With just a few moves, killing a strong man at the pinnacle of the ancestral realm is as easy as squeezing an ant to death.

The elegant-looking middle-aged man in front of him is definitely the most terrifying being on this continent.

Even though they were all dominant overlords before they were captured in the Demon-Sealing Tower, now, they are no different from ants in front of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

"very good."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord waved his sleeves and poured a ray of pure demonic energy into the bodies of these monsters, using the method of enlightenment to forcibly increase their strength.

"Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish. Have you all seen that?"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord swept his eyes and finally landed on the two middle-aged men.

These two people were surprisingly Mu Xuanxiao, the patriarch of the Jiuli Divine Clan, and his younger brother Mu Xuanshuo, who was also Mu Qianxue's biological father.

At this moment, the two of them were covered in scars, their faces were pale, and they were tied to the stone pier by ropes. They were so weak that they could hardly even stand still.

With their cultivation level, they were so weak. Basically, the Evil Bone Demon Lord just left them a breath.

Their lives were held in the hands of the Evil Bone Demon Lord. As long as he had a thought, the two of them were like fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

"For the sake of you being my descendants, I will give you one last chance."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord stood with his hands behind his back.

As he said himself, he is indeed no longer simply the Evil Bone Demon Lord or Mu Longcheng.

He is a combination of two people. Their strength and soul are completely integrated into one.

Although the Evil Bone Demon Lord is still the leader, some of Mulong City's feelings towards the Jiuli God Clan still remain.

After all, he is still the ancestor of Jiuli.

"As long as you are willing to submit to me, the Jiuli Divine Clan will be saved from death."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord spoke calmly, word for word.


Mu Xuanxiao spat hard on the face of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, "A scholar can be killed, but not humiliated! You are just a dirty bug, and you are worthy of tarnishing the reputation of my ancestor Jiuli. I, Mu Xuanxiao, and you, It has nothing to do with him, and he is definitely not your descendant! Come on, kill him if you want!"


Mo Beikang, who had a violent temper and strong temper, saw that Mu Xuanxiao dared to spit in the face of the Evil Bone Demon Lord. He immediately clenched his fists and said coldly: "Master, I'm here to understand this guy!"

A trace of anger appeared on the gentle and elegant face of the Evil Bone Demon Lord. He took a deep breath, raised his big hand, and directly pressed Mu Xuanxiao's forehead.

"Hahaha, kill me, kill me! But you won't be proud for long. It won't be long before your end is coming! -"

The sound stopped suddenly, and then there was an explosion. Mu Xuanxiao's head exploded, and the blood splashed out, directly onto the face of Mu Xuanshuo beside him.

"Brother! No-"

Mu Xuanshuo burst into tears, his whole body shaking violently, "Devil, you devil!"

"Tell me your choice."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord looked indifferent, "This is the last chance. If you choose to submit, you will be the new head of the Jiuli Clan. As for the Jiuli God Clan, I can also guarantee that Qiu will not commit any crimes. Otherwise, let the entire Jiuli God Clan... Let your so-called justice and persistence be buried with you. I will keep my word, and I will give you ten breaths, nine, eight..."


Mu Xuanshuo stared at the Evil Bone Demon Lord with angry eyes, going from anger and hatred to struggle and pain...

In the short period of less than ten breaths, Mu Xuanshuo seemed to have experienced a lifetime of suffering.




Evil Bone Demon Lord's eyes turned cold, "It's time!"


Mu Xuanshuo's eyes shed tears at the same time, and his whole body was trembling. He bowed his head in the direction of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, "Subordinate... see... master..."

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord raised his hand and patted Mu Xuanshuo's shoulder. The rope on his body was automatically loosened, and even a wisp of the extremely pure Jiuli Divine Fire was injected into Mu Xuanshuo's Dantian Qi sea. .

At this moment, the Evil Bone Demon Lord was almost completely on guard, and at such a close range, Mu Xuanshuo definitely had the chance to fight back with all his might.

However, when the Evil Bone Demon Lord finally moved his palm away, Mu Xuanshuo did not make any move.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord nodded slightly, "Okay, very good! Among the Jiuli Divine Clan, there is finally a younger generation who is not too stupid and pedantic. I am deeply pleased. Hahaha..."

At this moment, the ugly slave suddenly took a step forward, bowed and said, "Return to the master, there is news from Erling."

"Say it." Evil Bone Demon Lord glanced at Chou Nu with a plain expression.

The ugly slave took a deep breath and said with some fear: "There are still a group of juniors left in the Haotian Divine Realm. It seems that they have received the news that all the nine clan leaders have died, so they decided to find the hidden ancestors of their respective clans. I want to join forces to deal with the master."


The Evil Bone Demon Lord narrowed his eyes and smiled coldly, "Interesting."

"What do you mean, Master?"

"Let them be."

Evil Bone Demon Lord waved his sleeves and walked to the edge of the cliff with his hands behind his back. He looked at the rolling sea of ​​clouds in the distance and said calmly: "Beiming Demon Kun's action will still take some time. What's more, I have the power to prove the supreme demonic path. We also need some sacrifices, so let them all come, so that I don’t have to go looking for them myself.”

"The master is wise!"

"Also, how is Ling Feng's condition?"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord put his hands behind his back and said, "Having been hit by this Lord's falling love heart, he should have fallen into the devil's path. It's time to come to me now."


The ugly slave took a deep breath, hesitated for a moment, and then said uneasily: "That boy is very strange. He has obviously been struck by the fall of love, but he can still wake up. Later, it seems that he was taken away by the Jiuli Saint. , and the trace was lost.”

"Interesting, this boy deserves to be from the Tiandao clan..."

Evil Bone Demon Lord narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly, "It doesn't matter, it would be more interesting if he could break through my fallen love heart calamity. In any case, it was with his help that I was able to break through the seal, and I still have to Thank him very much."


The ugly slaves and the demons looked at each other in confusion. The thoughts of the Demon Lord were really unfathomable and difficult to fathom!

Half a month later.

"I'm talking about you bitch, are you trustworthy?"

In the northern part of the Zhongyuan Domain, in the Forest of Heavenly Treasures, a human woman and a black donkey walking upright were walking on the official road.

This combination can be said to be extremely eye-catching.

"It's been half a month. It's been half a month since we came out of the Haotian Divine Realm. You said you could find the brat in three days. It's been half a month now. Where are the people? Where are the people?"

Yu Junyao stared at the donkey angrily. If she couldn't beat him, she would definitely make this unreliable donkey, make it into donkey meat, burn it and feed it to the dogs!

Because his meat must also be cheap and hard to swallow!

"Hey, hey, hey, does this beast not want to find that boy now? That boy doesn't want us to find him. What can this beast do?"

The bitch began to curse.

"Don't want to be found?"

Yu Junyao blinked her eyes, and suddenly her eyes lit up. The next moment, she became overjoyed again.

"Hey, you little girl, you were cursing and cursing a moment ago, and now you're smiling. Why are you going crazy because of the stimulation?"

"You are crazy!"

Yu Junyao glared at Bitch angrily, "Think about it, now that we have searched all the way, there are no traces of killings, and we haven't heard of any demons causing trouble. That means that after the brat left, The fact that he didn't continue to kill people means that his demonic nature should have been suppressed! At least, his mind should be awake. "


The bitch's eyelids twitched and he stared at Yu Junyao with wide eyes, "I didn't see that you little bitch still has some brains."


Yu Junyao kicked the donkey, but the donkey dodged.

"Hey, I can't kick!"

As a result, this guy didn't pay attention and hit a towering tree nearby, falling directly into the mud.

"Haha, you deserve it!"

Yu Junyao avoided the stupid donkey and continued walking along the path ahead.

She had a hunch that she would be able to find Ling Feng soon.

Although she doesn't have any prophetic abilities, she trusts her instincts.

"Hey, hey, wait for me!"

The stupid donkey kicked the big tree that knocked him over, and then another lazy donkey rolled and jumped up, chasing after Yu Junyao's back, "If this beast doesn't lead the way, can you find it?"

At this moment, a burst of smoke curled up from the depths of the mountain forest in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, a strong aroma spread in the mountain wind.

"smell good!"

The bitch felt like his index finger was moving. Is there such a top chef in the mountains?

"It's a brat, it must be a brat!"

Yu Junyao's eyes lit up, "He has learned the true inheritance of Shura Cooking Sage, and only he has such cooking skills."

With that said, Yu Junyao rushed out following the aroma and smoke.

Not long after, I saw a small bamboo house deep in the jungle. The style was exactly the same as the bamboo house in the Valley of the Evil.

In front of the bamboo building, there is a flowerbed surrounded by fences, which is filled with various spiritual flowers and spiritual grasses.

Outside the yard, a young man with silver hair was spraying seasonings on the grill with a serious look on his face.

This silver-haired boy is naturally Ling Feng.


There was a trace of tears in Yu Junyao's eyes. For a moment, she could no longer contain the impulse in her heart and rushed forward, directly into Ling Feng's arms.


Tears fell uncontrollably, soaking a large piece of the robe on Ling Feng's shoulders.

Ling Feng was helpless and heartbroken, and patted Yu Junyao's back gently, then looked at Jianlu.

"You bitch, you guys came a little slower than I expected."

"Hehe, you kid has really brought harm to the legacy of thousands of years, why don't you die?"

The stupid donkey walked up to Ling Feng in a few steps, picked up the barbecued bamboo sticks very unceremoniously, and slurped a few times, eating until his mouth was full of oil.

While eating, he chuckled and said, "How long will you two hold each other?"

Ling Feng shook his head helplessly, while Yu Junyao blushed, turned around and glared at the bitch, gritted her teeth and said, "I want you to take care of me!"

At this moment, Mu Qianxue was seen walking out of the bamboo building, carrying a basket of vegetables in her hand. She was originally smiling, but when she saw Jian Lu and Yu Junyao, her face darkened slightly. .

But soon, another smile appeared and he came up to him.

"Yao'er, you are here."

It seems that today's scene has been expected.

She knew that from this moment on, her and Ling Feng's peaceful life would come to an end.

Although this period of time is very short, it is already a beautiful memory worth cherishing for a lifetime.


Yu Junyao's face turned slightly red, and she quickly kept some distance from Ling Feng, "I...I just..."

Mu Qianxue put down the vegetable basket and sat down next to Yu Junyao, "Let's not talk about this for now. Let's have a good barbecue together as a family today!"

"I agree, I agree, this beast agrees!"

The bitch grinned, showing his big white teeth. For him, nothing was more important than a barbecue.

If so, that's two barbecues.

Night falls.

Sisters Mu Qianxue and Yu Junyao walked into the bamboo house holding hands, while Jianlu and Ling Feng were outside the yard, drinking wine to the moon.

"Boy Ling Feng, you should know what you did, right?"

The mean donkey was leaning against a rock. Although the donkey's face was dark due to drinking, there was a trace of wine red.


Ling Feng nodded, "How is the situation outside?"

"very bad!"

"I probably guessed it too." Ling Feng sighed softly and clenched his fists.

"You guessed it, why don't you go out and solve the problem?" Bitch glanced sideways at Ling Feng, "This is not like the Ling Feng this beast knows. Hehe, although, whatever the world has become, it seems that it has nothing to do with this beast. It doesn’t matter, but I think the people in Saofeng Camp are actually pretty good, and that guy Ye Weiyang is also pretty good.”

"I also have my own selfish motives."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, "Just because I know what I will face next, I hope to be by Qianxue's side and spend a peaceful life with her. Although it is simple and dull, it is... rare It’s bland. Now I begin to understand the teacher’s (Yan Cangtian) mood.”

"However, I know that all this is just a luxury wish. For me, plainness is the most rare thing."

Ling Feng looked back at the bamboo building behind him and took another deep breath, "So, I deliberately just led you to this area during this period, but always concealed my own aura. I just wanted to enjoy this place more." It’s a dull life. But I also know that some things have to be faced, and avoiding them cannot solve the problem.”

"Okay, okay, this beast is not here to talk to you about the philosophy of life."

The bitch interrupted Ling Feng, "I don't even bother to ask how you got rid of the demonic nature. Let's go. The Night God is waiting for you. Next, it's time for you to return as the king. The Evil Bone Demon Lord is yours to free." It's up to you to deal with it! If it's your kid, I believe you can deal with him. What a demon!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Everything, if only it could be so simple as explained to the bitch...

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