Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3290 The strange dead city! Return to Haotian!

"By the way, boy Ling Feng."

The bitch put the bottle down, but a look of shame appeared on the donkey's face.

"Is something wrong?"

Ling Feng glanced at Jianlu, this guy rarely looked so serious.

Not to mention, he actually showed a guilty expression.

"It's something."

The bitch took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and said, "As for why you suddenly became possessed and made a big fuss at Ye Weiyang's wedding, this beast has now found the instigator."

"It must be an ugly sheep."

Ling Feng picked up the wine bottle, took a swig, wiped the wine stains from the corners of his mouth, and gave Jian Lu a faint look.

"Um, you know?"


Ling Feng nodded. With his intelligence, after half a month, he could figure out where the normal problem was with just a little thought.

The only people who have the opportunity to do anything to you are the people around you.

It's impossible for the bitch, and it's even less possible for Yu Junyao and the others.

Only Ugly Sheep, the timing of his bringing up the six-color Tianhe flower was too much of a coincidence.

It was only out of his trust in the ugly donkey and because he happened to need such a spiritual flower at that time that he fell into the trap of the ugly sheep.

A combination of circumstances led to a big mistake.

"Actually, that guy can't be entirely blamed."

The bitch hesitated a little and said: "Actually... Actually, that stupid sheep was also plotted by those demons and was controlled by a guy who claimed to be some kind of evil spirit."

"I can probably guess it."

Ling Feng nodded, "Since Ugly Sheep was trained by you, his temperament should be similar to yours. Although he has many faults, his nature is not bad."

"Yes, yes, that stupid sheep is not bad in nature."

The bitch grinned, and with a thought, he threw the ugly sheep out of his magic weapon space, "Boy Lingfeng, the divine beast has left this stupid sheep to you to deal with. You can do whatever you want. What? It doesn’t matter if you beat him or not, just let him breathe.”

"Wow, Donkey...Brother Donkey, I...I really don't know. I admit that I was indeed forced by the Evil Bone Demon Lord to find those guys from the demon clan, but I was also forced It's a last resort. If I don't follow these instructions, my life will not be saved..."

"Later... later I found out that they actually wanted to deal with Brother Feng, so can I agree? Although I, Chou Yang, am not an upright man, I will not betray my friends. Brother Lu, you know me. !”

"Who knew they were so despicable, they pretended to let me go, but in the end they let that evil spirit secretly possess me. I never thought of plotting against Brother Feng!"

Chou Yang kept defending himself. Ling Feng took a deep breath, walked up to Chou Yang, raised his hand slightly, which frightened Chou Yang, "Just... even if you want to hit me, Brother Feng, please be gentle!"


However, the next moment was the sound of the rope breaking.

Ling Feng did not take action against the ugly sheep. Instead, he loosened his restraints and said calmly: "Okay, I don't blame you for this."

"Many... many thanks to Brother Feng, Brother Feng really understands justice!"

The ugly sheep wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Just now he almost thought that he would have to shed his skin even if he didn't die.

"However, I won't keep you here anymore. You can go. I can't be sure whether the Evil Bone Demon Lord has done anything else to you, so you can't stay with me any longer."

"Understood, I understand."

Chou Yang nodded repeatedly, "I'm sorry, Brother Feng. If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely repay you for not killing me today, Brother Feng."

"Brother Donkey..."

With that said, the ugly sheep turned to look at the stupid donkey again, "Then I'll leave first, you take care of yourself."

"roll roll roll!"

The stupid donkey greeted the ugly sheep with a hoof, but when the ugly sheep really walked away, the stupid donkey couldn't help but feel sad for a while.

"What, you can't bear to part with it?"

"Hey, it's just a pity that there is less of a punching bag around me."

The bitch curled his lips, picked up the wine bottle, and drank it all in one gulp.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He said no more and just raised his glass to the moon. Tonight, he would only rest after getting drunk.

Early the next morning, Ling Feng repacked his bags and left the small valley where he had lived for half a month.

Although it is simple and plain, it is a rare and beautiful memory that Ling Feng has had since he set foot in martial arts.

"You mean, all the clan leaders have been killed?"

On the way to Haotian Divine Realm, Ling Feng asked Jianlu about everything that happened after he left.

"Although I didn't see the body, it seems that Ye Changtian's natal soul lamp has been extinguished."

The bitch groaned.

Ling Feng clenched his fists and said nothing, but secretly speeded up.

Although all this was not his intention, the reason why the Evil Bone Demon Lord was able to break the seal was because he ruined Ye Shen's wedding.

Asking himself, he felt deeply guilty, but he had no regrets.

Perhaps he was possessed and lost his usual calmness and rationality.

But he did something he usually wouldn't dare to do.

In any case, things have come to this, and some things cannot be changed.

All he can do is to turn the tide and stop the Evil Bone Demon Lord from continuing to cause harm to the world.

This can be regarded as a kind of compensation.

As for whether others will forgive him, he never cares about what others think of him.

Just ask, be worthy of your heart.

"Such as Ye Weiyang, that boy asked the geniuses from each clan to return and look for the hidden ancestors of the clan. If these ancestors unite, they should be able to fight against the Evil Bone Demon Lord."

The bitch said in a deep voice: "Anyway, no matter how powerful the Evil Bone Demon Lord is, he must not have truly crossed the threshold of the immortal path."

"hope so."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, but his expression was extremely solemn.

From the first gift of the Kun Yuan Pearl in the Demon Sealing Tower to the isolated island in the Endless Sea, and then the Fountain of Mist Soul brought by Li Jiu, he saw the so-called "future"...

Step by step, everything seems to be in the calculation of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

This opponent is definitely the most scheming being he has ever encountered.

He counts every step he takes, which has shaken Ling Feng's undefeated belief.

Dealing with the Evil Bone Demon Lord is by no means easy.

Not long after, the group of people came to an intermediate city. In the Yuanshen Temple branch here, there should be a teleportation array directly leading to the Haotian Divine Domain.

In this way, you can also save some time.

"Ahead is Anyang City. Although it is only a medium-sized city, it also has a branch of the Yuanshen Temple."

On a cliff, Yu Junyao looked ahead, pointed at a city due south, and said lightly.


Ling Feng nodded, "Let's go to Anyang City."

The group of people immediately rose into the sky, and with their speed, they appeared outside the gate of Anyang City in almost a hundred miles in a few blinks of an eye.

However, a strange scene occurred.

I saw two guards in front of Anyang City Gate. They seemed to be asleep. They were leaning upright against the city wall. The brim of their hat was lowered and their faces could not be seen clearly. They seemed not to notice anyone coming at all.

"The city gate defense is so lax?"

Ling Feng frowned slightly and stared into the city through the city gate.

At a glance, Ling Feng was shocked. All the people in the city were like the two guards guarding the city, standing still in place as if they were sculptures.

Some staggered and fell into pieces, while others maintained the same movement and remained motionless, even without blinking.

It was as if suddenly everyone was petrified.

Ling Feng frowned, walked up to one of the guards, and lifted the brim of his hat.

Sure enough, like everyone else in the city, this guard seemed to be a sculpture that had lost his soul. Although his body was stiff, he was still clearly made of flesh and blood.

"How is this going?"

Ling Feng looked at the "statue" in front of him, and when his consciousness swept away, he was surprised to find that there was nothing in the other person's spiritual sea.

Although the body is still there, the source of the soul has disappeared.

This situation is not uncommon.

Some evil cultivators, in order to break through their cultivation in a short period of time, will adopt some extreme methods, such as devouring the souls and essence of living beings, or collecting yin and replenishing yang, etc., in exchange for the improvement of their own cultivation.

However, such a large-scale plunder of the soul's origin would even create an entire dead city.

This is already an act of inhumanity.

According to the standards of the Yuanshen Temple, if someone really dares to risk the world's disapproval and do such a cruel thing, he will definitely be listed as a top wanted target, and all the manpower in the Yuanshen Alliance will be used to kill him in the shortest possible time. kill.

Therefore, even evil cultivators do not dare to become too active in a short period of time, lest they attract the hatred of the entire Yuanshen Temple.

but now……

"Is it because the Evil Bone Demon Lord was born that all evil heretics came out to cause trouble?"

Ling Feng frowned. It seemed that the Evil Bone Demon Lord must be eradicated as soon as possible. Otherwise, more and more innocent people will die in vain.

"You brat, look at the sky!"

At this moment, Yu Junyao pointed to the sky and said with surprise: "Why are the clouds in the sky so strange?"


Ling Feng focused his gaze and looked at the sky. Sure enough, the clouds in the sky seemed to be forcibly divided by some huge thing. The clouds that were originally connected were torn apart from the middle.

Moreover, it spreads endlessly towards the distant sky.

It was as if something had passed through the clouds.

And judging from the gap in the clouds, if something really passes through the clouds, then the size of that thing is probably unbelievably huge.

Ling Feng frowned. If he followed the gap in the clouds, he might be able to solve the mystery of why Anyang City turned into a dead city.

"Boy, let's not get into trouble now. Let's meet up with Ye Weiyang and the others first. I hope the Evil Bone Demon Lord has not taken any further action, otherwise, that boy will probably be in trouble."

The bitch sighed.

"What, what's the situation with Brother Ye?"

"His injury is very serious. The pretty girl in the medical camp can't cure him anyway."

"You're talking about Mr. Hua, right..."

Ling Feng shook his head and his expression darkened.

Ling Feng has always felt guilty about Ye Weiyang. Now that he is seriously injured, he should return as soon as possible to heal his injuries.

"Hey, that's fine, let's go back to the Haotian Divine Realm first!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and without caring about other things, he found the branch of the Yuanshen Temple. Although everyone here had turned into "statues" and remained motionless, the magic circle inside could still function normally.

After activating the magic circle, the group went directly through the teleportation magic circle and arrived at the Haotian Divine Realm.

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