Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3292 The storm is surging! Emperor Dutian!

Three days later.

In the retreat room of Haoyang Branch Hall, Ling Feng and Ye Weiyang were healing their wounds in the room and had not come out for three days and nights.


Finally, Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath, took out the regeneration golden needles stuck all over Ye Weiyang's back one by one, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and then said lightly: "Brother Ye, your injuries are no longer serious. It’s in the way.”

Ye Weiyang circulated the true energy in her body for a week, and the previous feeling that the true energy would leak out at any time disappeared completely.

Ling Feng's medical skills can indeed be said to bring people back to life and bring extraordinary fortunes.

It's a pity that he never has the chance to take steps towards a higher level of martial arts.

Thinking of this, Ye Weiyang's expression darkened slightly again.

"I hope I'm in the human world."

Ling Feng patted Ye Weiyang's shoulder gently, "As long as you are alive, you will definitely have a chance."

"I am very grateful to be able to maintain my current cultivation level."

Ye Weiyang smiled bitterly, "Brother Ling, you have worked hard these past few days."

If he simply gave himself acupuncture, how could it take three days?

In fact, Ling Feng spent a lot of energy and even used a drop of ancestral dragon essence and blood to allow Ye Weiyang's cultivation to return to its peak.

"Don't say that. I am also to blame for what you are like now."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, changed the subject and said, "Let's go out, I believe everyone is already very anxiously waiting."

As Ling Feng expected, everyone was really anxious while he was healing Ye Weiyang. After all, even if he could just recover Ye Weiyang, he was only 60% sure.

60%, that means there is still a 40% chance of failure.

If Ye Shen really becomes a useless person, Mu Qianxue may never be able to forgive herself for the rest of her life.

On the second day, a group of elite disciples from the Sao Feng camp, led by several ten-blade powerhouses, rushed to the Haoyang Branch Hall.

Among them, Yan Jinghong, who has been in the limelight recently, is also included.

He had not attended Ye Shen's wedding before, but after hearing about the changes in the Haotian Divine Realm, he joined the reinforcement team.

As for Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan, after hearing the news about Ling Feng becoming a demon, they originally wanted to come, but were stopped by Yan Jinghong.

After all, with their current cultivation, they would be nothing more than cannon fodder on the battlefield in the ancestral realm.

Unlike other major racial forces, there is no hidden ancestor in Sao Feng Camp.

Therefore, after the two generals fell, the commanders of each battalion died, and even the whereabouts of Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng (Ling Feng) were unknown, the burden of commanding the overall situation naturally fell on the shoulders of Gotei Juren.

Among them, the highest ranked one is Duanmu Bai, the second-ranked funeral flower sword.

After Duanmubai gathered a group of elites from the clan, he hurried back.

Although they may not be able to play much role in the decisive battle against the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

However, no one is afraid of death.

Fortunately, after arriving at the Haoyang Branch Hall, they met Mu Qianxue and the others, and then learned that Ling Feng had understood the demonic miasma, regained consciousness, and was healing Ye Weiyang.

This is undoubtedly good news worthy of excitement for the entire Saofeng Camp.

However, Yan Jinghong seemed a little absent-minded. After learning that Ling Feng had returned, he left.

No one knows where he went.

Haotian Divine Realm is in ruins.

The originally magnificent palace was now only a fragment of ruins.

In a relatively empty open space, there are newly erected stone monuments.

These stone tablets were all piled up to commemorate the seniors who sacrificed their lives heroically in the Demon Sealing God Realm.

Whether he was once a powerful clan leader who dominated a country, or he was just the leader of a small force, now he only has left behind a series of dry monuments made of rubble, and not even a decent tomb. Down.

All that can be used to commemorate them are the words engraved with the blood and tears of their relatives and companions.

Yan Jinghong walked slowly in front of the stone tablets. When he came to the forest of tablets in Xiaofeng Camp, he finally stopped.

There is a stone tablet with the words "Ji Ruye" written on it.

Looking at this extremely simple stone monument, Yan Jinghong couldn't help clenching his fists.

Although it was just a romantic relationship that each wanted, at this moment, Yan Jinghong felt a burning pain in his heart.

Slowly walked to Ji Ruye's monument and gently stroked the rough stone, but it seemed that he could touch the gentle soul under the monument.

There was actually a trace of tears in Yan Jinghong's eyes.

"I will avenge you."

Yan Jinghong took a deep breath and stood in front of the monument for a long time before finally turning around and leaving.

However, when she left, there was an extra word "Hong" on Ji Ruye's stone tablet.

Went to a banquet in the world, chatting and laughing without emotion.

Whether he is emotional or not, perhaps, only he knows.

In the blink of an eye, another three days passed.

Ye Weiyang's cultivation level recovered quickly. Without the worries of true essence leakage, he soon returned to his former peak state.

In the past few days, Ling Feng and his team have not been idle, they are all practicing their cultivation and magical powers.

Although the Evil Bone Demon Lord has not been killed yet, I believe this is the calm before the storm.

Perhaps, the catastrophe will be at the next moment!

On the other hand, because of the tough attitude shown by Ling Feng, although many people among the major protoss still resented Ling Feng, they did not dare to act rashly again.

At least, even if he scolded Ling Feng, he only dared to curse a few secretly behind his back.

This is often the case with human nature.

The weaker a person is and can be bullied, the person may not be greeted with sympathy, but with exaggeration.

On the contrary, the tougher a person is, then anyone who wants to provoke him must first weigh three points.

On this day, in the other garden where Ling Feng was staying temporarily, Ling Feng stood up with his sword and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Whether it was the Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques learned from observing and practicing on the top of the God of War Mountain, or the Sky Void Blade Sword Technique extracted from the treasure trove of all races, Ling Feng had already made great progress.

These two swordsmanships, plus the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, are the only forces Ling Feng can rely on at the moment.

With these trump cards, Ling Feng asked himself, even if he faced the Evil Bone Demon Lord, he should be able to fight.

What's more, after the perfect fusion of his original divine fire and Mu Qianxue, it has become closer and closer to the pure demon dragon's world-purifying fire. He has a certain degree of restraint against evil heretics like the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Perhaps, as Ye Weiyang said, he is the destined enemy of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, and only she can truly completely eliminate him.

At this moment, a tall man with a Chinese character face walked in from outside the hospital.

This person was Ye Zhongyang who attacked Ling Feng outside the Haoyang Branch Hall that day.

"Why, come to me now to settle the account with the Queen?"

Ye Zhongyang stopped thirty steps away from Ling Feng, the resentment and murderous intent in his eyes undisguised.

"Kill if you want. If I, Ye Zhongyang, frown, I am not a good man!"

"kill you?"

Ling Feng shrugged, "Why should I kill you? You want to kill me because you want to avenge your father. It's reasonable."

Ye Zhongyang was slightly startled and glanced at Ling Feng with some doubts. What kind of medicine is this guy selling in the gourd?

"And you failed to hurt me, so there is no need for me to settle the score with you."

Ling Feng glanced at Ye Zhongyang and said calmly: "But your strength is too weak. If you want to take revenge, even another hundred years of training will not be enough!"


Ye Zhongyang clenched his fist tightly, "A scholar can be killed, but cannot be humiliated. I will fight with you!"

Before he finished speaking, he rushed forward with teeth and claws.

"You can't get revenge by acting impulsively."

Ling Feng casually threw down a skill and a swordsmanship secret book, and said calmly: "These are the top holy-level skills and martial arts. Once you have mastered your skills, I will take revenge. Otherwise, I will not even be interested in taking action against you." No."

Ye Zhongyang was so angry that he was shaking all over, but finally under Ling Feng's terrifying pressure, he slowly squatted down, picked up the secret book, gritted his teeth and stared at Ling Feng, and said fiercely: "You will regret it, you You will definitely regret it!”

After saying that, he turned around and left angrily.

Even just for this breath, he would practice crazily and desperately, striving to improve his strength by leaps and bounds in the shortest possible time.

"Damn it, boy Ling Feng, you are cultivating enemies for yourself."

The bitch appeared out of nowhere and said with a biting smile: "This kind of behavior of yours can only be described as bitch by this beast."

"This kid is not bad at heart, and his talent is not bad. Even though he knows that his strength is far inferior to mine, among so many people, he is the only one who dares to take action against me. Based on this alone, he is already considered the number one figure. ”

Ling Feng took a deep breath and sighed softly: "Anyway, I did make some mistakes. As long as he turns his hatred for me into the motivation for cultivation, I believe that his strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and he will be able to deal with the evil bone demon when the time comes. At least it’s not that easy to die when you are respectful.”

"Then you really have good intentions." Bitch raised his eyebrows and laughed, "Aren't you afraid that he will deal with you?"

"Deal with me?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "Then he's probably going to have to borrow another five hundred years from heaven."

On this day, the Haoyang branch finally welcomed its first heavyweight hidden power.

And this powerful man is none other than the hidden ancestor of the Tai'a clan, Emperor Dutian!

This powerful man was also a super strong man who suppressed an era. His status in the Tai'a Clan was almost as high as that of the Supreme Emperor.

After he retired from the world, although his original name was gradually unknown, the name of Emperor Dutian was enough to be resounded throughout the ages. In his heyday, he was even associated with the generation of Haotian and the geniuses of the Jiuli and Li clans. , all suppressed by his light and dimmed.

As early as hundreds of years ago, he was already recognized as the existence closest to the virtual immortal in the entire Yuanshen Temple.

Now, more than five hundred years later, this ancestor who had long been hidden from the world has finally reappeared in the world.

"Brother Ye, I'm back!"

Qin Yu strode into the Haoyang branch hall with a look of uncontrollable ecstasy on his face.

He didn't expect that he could actually find Emperor Dutian so smoothly.

When he saw this ancestor, he almost couldn't believe his eyes.

It turns out that in the secret realm where Emperor Dutian hides from the world, there is also a natal soul lamp of Qin Zheng, the leader of the Tai'a clan.

After Qin Zheng's natal soul lamp was extinguished, Emperor Dutian calculated that he had arrived at Xuanling Continent, fearing that he was about to face a huge catastrophe.

Since more than five hundred years ago, Emperor Dutian has been hiding from the world, looking for the last chance to make a breakthrough. Now, he has only a few years to live. Instead of wasting the last of his life, it is better to take advantage of the fact that he still has one. With the power of war, he came out again to stop this catastrophe.

Therefore, rather than saying that Qin Yu found Emperor Dutian, it would be better to say that Emperor Dutian found Qin Yu on his own.

After a while, all the disciples gathered in the Haoyang Branch Hall gathered over one after another.

Sure enough, in the high sky, a huge dragon dragon suddenly appeared, pulled by sixteen flying dragons.

This dragon hunter is resplendent and luxurious. The sixteen flying dragons that have reached the level of Demon Ancestor are actually just vehicles used to pull carts!

And above the dragon, there sat a man wearing golden armor and robes, painted with dragon patterns. He was truly the emperor among men, Emperor Dutian!

"Oh, what a grand ceremony!"

"Oh my god, I have never seen such a luxurious dragon in my life. It deserves to be the legendary Emperor Dutian!"

"When he appears, he is like an immortal on the clouds. The Evil Bone Demon Lord is definitely no match for him!"

Amid countless admiring and surprised looks, the Dragon Chaser, pulled by the combined efforts of sixteen flying dragons, finally slowly landed.

The crowd dispersed automatically, and each of the sixteen ancestral realm flying dragons stood in different directions with their heads high and their chests held high. Their aura was overwhelming. Those who were less courageous would even have their legs shaking with fear and peeing.

The next moment, Emperor Nadutian was seen walking out of the dragon's chase. In an instant, the spring breeze blew in his face, and peach blossoms spread all over the place. Every floor tile he stepped on shone with golden light, as if it had turned into gold bricks. !

The light flows step by step, and the flying flowers are like stars.

The ostentation of this Dutian Emperor is really extraordinary!

"Junior Ye Weiyang has met Senior Tai Huang!"

Ye Weiyang stepped forward to salute. Emperor Dutian was a legendary power. When he was still very young, he had been hearing about various legendary deeds about the ancestor of the Emperor. The emperor is definitely a powerful man comparable to the ancient sages.

For such a strong man, no matter how huge the ostentation is, it will never be exaggerated.

"Holy Son of Haotian, Ye Shen Weiyang."

Emperor Dutian looked like a very kind old man and nodded towards Ye Weiyang, "Although I have been in seclusion for many years, I have heard a lot about you. When I saw you today, you are indeed a human being. "The Dragon in the Middle."

"Senior is so complimentary."

Ye Weiyang smiled modestly. In front of Emperor Dutian, he could only be regarded as a little kid playing in the mud.

"Junior Ling Feng, I have met senior Tai Huang!"

Ling Feng also stepped forward to salute. As the commander-in-chief of Xiao Feng, etiquette must not be messed up.

"Ling Feng, it's you!"

Unexpectedly, before Emperor Dutian could speak, Qin Yu drew his sword and rushed forward, "Ling Feng, do you still dare to come back?"

Liexiao Immortal Sword was pointed directly at Lingfeng's face.

Tai'a's sword energy was so hot that it was completely unable to suppress the suffocating chill emanating from Qin Yu's body.

"Repay my father's life!"

Qin Yu was already blinded by anger. Although Qin Zheng was not killed by Ling Feng, he died because of Ling Feng.


There was a crisp sound, but Ling Feng flicked away the Liexiao Immortal Sword with one finger, and the violent force went against the trend, directly knocking Qin Yu back ten steps, and then he was able to stabilize his body.

"Brother Qin, I'm sorry for what happened to you, but I can't die now."

Ling Feng looked solemn and stared at Qin Yu, "If you want to settle a score with me, just wait until you deal with the Evil Bone Demon Lord."

"The Evil Bone Demon Lord deserves to die! You deserve to die too!"

Qin Yu couldn't hear Ling Feng's words, gritted his teeth and said: "Today, I will kill you!"


At this moment, it was Emperor Dutian who stopped Qin Yu.

The Taihuang Ancestor's eyes changed as he looked at Ling Feng, and then he said calmly: "It's you who caused the Haotian Jiuli clan's thousands of years of hard work to be in vain, so that the evil bones The devil, the demon king, reappears in the world?"

"it's me."

Taihuang Ancestor's gaze was as sharp as a sword, but Ling Feng still straightened his spine and said neither humble nor arrogantly: "I will take responsibility for my faults. If you want to avenge Tai'a Patriarch, you can take action now." ! However, I, Ling Feng, will never sit still and wait for death!"


Emperor Dutian narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly, "You mean, how many more tricks do you want to fight with me?"

"If God wants to destroy me, I will fight with God! If Heaven wants to destroy me, I will fight with Heaven!"

Ling Feng's spirit soared into the sky, and he looked up to the sky and roared: "Senior wants to kill me, so I have no choice but to fight with all my strength!"

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