Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3293 The reborn Shenshui Yinji!

"What a boy, you are somewhat heroic!"

Emperor Dutian glanced at Ling Feng, with a hint of approval flashing in his eyes.

At his age, it can be said that he has seen countless people, but Ling Feng is the first junior to be so calm and calm in front of him.

"If you weren't the culprit who indirectly released the Evil Bone Demon Lord and killed all the clan leaders, I might appreciate you very much and even become friends with you forever. It's a pity..."

Emperor Dutian looked cold and said in a deep voice: "I can ignore the affairs of other clans, but I cannot sit idly by and ignore the hatred of my Tai'a clan leader."

Ling Feng's heart sank. It seemed that this battle was inevitable after all.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng focused his eyes and looked at Emperor Dutian, "Then, senior, please give me some advice!"

"one move!"

Emperor Dutian slowly stretched out a finger and said, "As long as you can catch my move, everything that happened before can be wiped out."

"Tai Huang, you..."

Qin Yu's expression changed and he quickly said: "Ancestor Taihuang, how could you take advantage of him like this?"

"Now our main enemy is the Evil Bone Demon Lord. It's time to hire people. Chief Sao Feng, with his strong cultivation, can be considered a help. What's more..."

A ray of light suddenly burst out in Emperor Dutian's eyes, "Is my move easy to catch?"

In an instant, a cold air like ice purgatory swept across, with Emperor Dutian as the center.

Even with Ling Feng's physique, he couldn't help but shudder.

This Taihuang Ancestor is indeed very close to the level of Xuxian.

However, he is too old, and even the true energy he inspired has an aura of aging.

According to Ling Feng's estimation, if he could not take the last step, Emperor Dutian's lifespan would probably be less than ten years.

But, even so, the aura he released at this moment was still heart-stopping.

"Boy, do you dare to take my move?"

Emperor Dutian's eyes fell on Ling Feng, "I won't hold back on this move. Whether you live or die depends on your luck."

"Senior Tai Huang, you..."

Ye Weiyang clenched her fists and wanted to dissuade her, but she didn't have the position to do so.

"You brat, don't be stupid, that's Senior Tai Huang!"

Yu Junyao's heart immediately rose to her throat, "Quickly beg for mercy from Senior Tai Huang. He is a senior expert and will definitely not embarrass you! Right Senior Tai Huang?"

This little girl is smart, and she actually thought of using the method of provoking generals to prod the Emperor.


The Grand Ancestor Tai Huang narrowed his eyes, smiled faintly, and ignored Yu Junyao's questions.

This little girl is actually playing tricks on her, a thousand years too early!

"Brother Ling..."

Mu Qianxue also grabbed Ling Feng's sleeve and shook her head slightly at him.

Ling Feng patted her palm gently with his backhand, smiled tenderly, then turned to look at Emperor Dutian, and said with a calm expression: "Please come forward, take action!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and just took one of Emperor Dutian's moves. He had the method of blood rebirth and was already invincible.

not to mention……

He also wanted to know how big the gap was between himself and these hidden powerhouses who had already crossed the half-step threshold of the Void Immortal.

"You certainly did not disappoint me."

Emperor Dutian nodded, "I will give you thirty breaths of time to prepare. By then, one move will determine life or death!"

"The Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation!"

Ling Feng recited silently in his heart, and for a moment, the two qi of immortals and demons, coupled with the power of the ancestral dragon, and the divine curse of the Heavenly Holder, all started to move in an instant.

On Ling Feng's body, a series of heavenly holding divine patterns appeared, pushing his whole aura to a whole new level.

The next moment, fire surged, and the overbearing and blazing demon dragon's world-purifying fire circulated around Ling Feng.

Facing Emperor Dutian, Ling Feng naturally did not dare to hold anything back.


Emperor Dutian's gaze changed again and again, and his understanding of Ling Feng was refreshed again and again.

"This kid is so young, but he has such terrifying background."

Emperor Dutian took a deep breath and thought to himself: "I even feel like I am not inferior to me! Is he really the same generation as that kid Qin Yu?"

If he hadn't been able to feel the vigorous energy and blood in Ling Feng, Emperor Dutian would have even doubted whether Ling Feng was an old monster from the same era as him who was so popular now.

And as Ling Feng also sacrificed the Demon Dragon Purifying World Fire, a hint of horror suddenly flashed across Emperor Dutian's eyes.

However, this hint of fear passed away in a flash, and no one noticed it.

"This...half-step virtual immortal! Definitely half-step virtual immortal!"

Emperor Dutian was secretly shocked. Although Ling Feng's cultivation was still at the late stage of the Ancestral Realm, the strength he displayed had already reached the level of a half-step virtual immortal.

Even surpassing most ordinary half-step virtual immortals.

His Demonic Dragon Purifying Fire has the effect of burning mana.

In other words, if he didn't act true to himself, it would be impossible to hurt Ling Feng, and he would even be hurt by Ling Feng instead.

In his current state, his body is aging very seriously. Almost every time he uses half-step Void Immortal level magic power, it will put a huge load on his body.

In order to live for a few more years, he has long since dared not use magic power easily. If it were not to deal with the Evil Bone Demon Lord this time, he would not come out.

Now, it would be a bit redundant to attack just to teach the juniors a lesson, regardless of whether they can survive or not, and waste mana here.

Taking a deep breath, the thoughts in Emperor Dutian's mind turned rapidly, and finally, his eyes became firm.

Emperor Dutian slowly walked up to Ling Feng, then raised his hand slightly and patted him lightly on the shoulder.


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, what does this great ancestor mean?

Emperor Dutian said calmly: "Okay, one move has been passed. Boy, the grudge between you and my Tai'a clan has been wiped out with one stroke."


Everyone was stunned. No one expected that Emperor Dutian would actually do this.

Even Ling Feng couldn't believe his ears.

He just said that the grudge between himself and the Tai'a clan has been wiped out, eh?

"Very good!"

Mu Qianxue and Yu Junyao almost jumped up with excitement and hugged each other excitedly, seeming to be glad that Ling Feng had escaped another disaster.

"Senior is indeed an expert outside the world."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and bowed deeply to Emperor Dutian, "Junior, I admire you!"


Emperor Dutian's old face was slightly hot, and he secretly murmured in his heart, maybe this kid doesn't know how powerful his demonic dragon's world-purifying fire is, right?

If you really take action, you may not be able to get any benefits.

This solution now is actually to save my old face.

"Actually, I had no intention of taking action against you. The reason why you lost control that day was probably because of the plan of the Evil Bone Demon Lord. Now, you have used your courage and courage to prove that you are an upright person. A man, a true warrior, even if he has done something wrong, he deserves to be forgiven as long as he has the heart to make up for it."

"Thank you, senior, for your teachings."

Ling Feng was secretly moved in his heart, the Grand Ancestor Taihuang was really a senior worthy of respect!

"Xiaoyu, it's time for you to let go of the past."

After Emperor Dutian finished speaking, he looked back at Qin Yu and said seriously: "Do you know why you have always been inferior to that boy Ye Weiyang? It's not just because he has seven more lives than you, but also because you His mind is far inferior to his! You need to cultivate your mind first. Your talent only determines the lower limit of your martial arts, but it is your heart as a warrior that determines how far you can go on your way to becoming a strong person."

"Ancestor, disciple understands!"

Qin Yu nodded heavily. Although he might not be able to forgive Ling Feng for a while, at least he would no longer be as extreme or extreme as before.


Emperor Dutian nodded, then raised his hand and patted Qin Yu's shoulder, feeling secretly relieved.

It was so suspenseful, but it has finally come to an end!

In fact, I originally planned to take a strong attack first and kill that kid Ling Feng half his life.

Who knew that the plan could not keep up with the changes? Unexpectedly, the trustworthy Chief Sao Feng had actually reached the half-step Void Immortal level of combat power, and he was still so young.

Fortunately, I stayed calm and managed to maintain the reputation of my great ancestor as wise and mighty!

But it turns out that under the seemingly majestic and solemn appearance of the Grand Ancestor, in his heart, he is just an old naughty boy!

the other side.

The three demons under the Evil Bone Demon Lord, Chou Nu, Mo Beikang and Ran Hongyan, led a group of newly joined demons respectively to the sealed places set by the Yuanshen Temple to remove the demons and evil spirits sealed in them. Ghosts are released individually.

Among them, a team led by Mo Beikuan came to the ruins of the former Shenshui Palace.

This is where the sealed Shenshui Yinji is located.

In the beginning, in order to seal the Shenshui Yinji again, the boss Si died, which made Ling Feng lose too much life force and almost grew old overnight.

The strength of Shenshui Yinji has surpassed the entire power of the Yuan Temple at that time. If it were not for the four sealed divine objects that forcibly pushed Ling Feng's cultivation to the level of a half-step virtual immortal, I am afraid that she might not be able to conquer the gods again in the end. Shui Yinji sealed it.

"Shenshui Yinji is also a number one person! She deserves to be under the master's command!"

Mo Beikuan was holding a roster in his hand. In his team, there were already several released demons, but, without exception, they had all chosen to surrender.

"You guys, clean up the open space in front of us!"

Mobeikuan gives out orders at will, and those demons who once dominated one side can only obey Mobeikuan's orders now.

Soon, the formation diagram that used to seal Shenshui Yinji slowly emerged.

Mo Beikuan sneered and took out a bottle of dark green liquid.

These dark green liquids are the essence and blood of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Just one drop can theoretically destroy any seal below the immortal level.

The demons released by Mo Beikuan before consumed only one drop of Evil Bone Demon Lord's essence and blood, which was enough to completely disintegrate the magic circle.

The next moment, Mo Beikuan walked to the center of the magic circle, tilted the transparent porcelain bottle in his hand, poured out a drop of blood, and landed on the patterns of the magic circle.


In an instant, a black smoke rose from the ground, but there was no sign of the magic circle collapsing.

"Interesting, this is a very powerful magic circle!"

Mo Beikuan became even more excited. The more powerful the magic circle was, the stronger the demon sealed inside was.

One drop!

Two drops!

Three drops!

As a result, Mo Beikang poured out ten drops of the Evil Bone Demon Lord's essence and blood in succession, until all the essence and blood left in the bottle was poured out. Finally, the magic circle collapsed completely.

Immediately afterwards, a blazing red light erupted from the depths of the earth.

Then, in the red light, a graceful figure slowly rose up, wearing an ice-blue robe. There was no emotion on his face that a normal human should have. However, he looked a little transparent and his eyes looked very empty. .

Shenshui Yinji finally reappears in the world!

The extremely beautiful face and the unrivaled appearance of the empress in the world made the eyes of the demons who released him temporarily dull.

"Who are you?"

Shenshui Yinji looked around with her ice-blue eyes, and when she saw Mo Beikuan and the other strange monsters, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

These people in front of me are not fallen gods.



They have the demonic aura that I hate so much!

Although she is a fallen god, she is still human at heart.

Demons are the common enemy of all humans.

"What a great beauty!"

"I have long heard that Shenshui Yinji is a most beautiful woman, and it is an eye-opener to see her today!"

Those demons were laughing and looking at Shenshui Yinji with furtive eyes. If the eyes could take off clothes, Shenshui Yinji would have been naked.

Shenshui Yinji frowned slightly, how dare these ferocious and disgusting monsters look at her with such wanton and vulgar eyes?

"Humph, Shenshui Yinji, right? I am a general under the Evil Bone Demon Lord. Now, under the orders of my master, I welcome demons and evil cultivators from all over the world. If you understand me, you will surrender obediently. Otherwise, I will have When the power releases you, it will make you irrecoverable!”

"Evil Bone Demon Lord?"

A cold light flashed through Shenshui Yinji's beautiful eyes, "No matter how fallen the fallen gods are, they are still gods, and the demons will always be my mortal enemies!"

The next moment, Shenshui Yinji's whole body was filled with aura. With her as the center, the surrounding cold wind stopped, and the ground under her feet was instantly covered by frost, and it continued to spread towards the endless distance.

"Fuck, it's so cold!"

"This bitch is so fierce!"

"She seems to be stronger than Master Mobei Kuang!"

All the monsters were in a panic, and the bodies of the few monsters with lewd and unscrupulous looks froze directly. Then, there was an explosion of "click" and they turned into debris all over the sky.


Mo Bei was furious. He didn't expect that the girl he had released would dare to attack him!

"You're going against the grain!"

Mo Beikang's eyes narrowed. Fortunately, the Evil Bone Demon Lord had a clever plan and had already expected that among the sealed demons, there might be some rebellious ones who were unwilling to accept the restraint.

Therefore, the three demons have been given their trump cards.

In an instant, a sense of crisis came over. Shenshui Yinji was indeed a strong person who had experienced hundreds of battles. She actually used the Thousand Miles of Ice method to freeze the world before Mo Bei could show her trump card, and rushed there. In a thunderous moment, he escaped.

In the flash of lightning and flint, Shenshui Yinji had broken through the blockade of the void tide, escaped, and appeared on a sea area thousands of miles away.


Shen Shui Yinji slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and a look of exhaustion appeared on her beautiful face.

Looking up at the sky, Shenshui Yinji's beautiful eyes flashed with a trace of solemnity, and she murmured to herself: The demons have reappeared, and the Xuanling Continent may be changing again...

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