Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3294 The evil coldness of heaven! Yin Ji reappears!

"Damn it, I actually let that bitch run away!"

On top of the ruins of Shenshui Palace, Mo Bei was so angry that he was shaking all over.

This time, in order to release Shenshui Yinji, he not only consumed the entire bottle of blood essence and blood given to him by the Evil Bone Demon Lord, but in the end he was not able to bring Shenshui Yinji back.

It’s really a loss of my wife and a loss of soldiers!

"Master Kuang, what should we do now?"

The demon next to him, who had only one eye and was as hideous and ugly as Mo Beikuan, asked cautiously.

"What else can be done?"

Mo Bei's eyes widened with fury, and he glared at the one-eyed dragon fiercely, "Go back!"

He gritted his teeth, now that he was not doing things well, he would inevitably be punished by the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

However, the Shenshui Yin Ji can't even think of getting any advantage.

Those who follow will prosper, those who go against will perish.

Since that woman considers herself noble and unwilling to surrender, then there is only one way to die!

Haoyang City branch hall.

Three more days have passed since Emperor Dutian arrived at the branch hall.

In the past few days, after everyone's discussion, it was decided to move the main position of the counterattack against the Evil Bone Demon Lord to Sao Feng Camp.

After all, in order to face the coming catastrophe, Ling Feng had already arranged the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation.

With this immortal formation, at least there is a base that can resist the attack of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

In addition, there is a Deep Sea Demon Whale King. With its ability to fight in the sea, even if it is not as good as the Evil Bone Demon Lord, it can at least cause him huge trouble.

In this way, it can also increase the chance of winning.

"Okay, okay!"

Hearing Ling Feng's proposal, Emperor Dutian nodded repeatedly, and was full of praise for Ling Feng, "Good boy, I never thought you could complete an immortal formation in just one month. Not only that, but you also Being able to tame a deep-sea overlord is really surprising!"

"This junior is just lucky and happened to get a copy of the Immortal Formation Diagram."

Ling Feng smiled modestly and did not explain too much, "Now we should remove the Evil Bone Demon Lord before he takes any further action. Otherwise, it will only create more tragedies."


Emperor Dutian nodded slightly in agreement, "Now that I have come out, there is no need to continue delaying it. According to your wishes, we will take the initiative and kill the devil first!"

Ye Weiyang also nodded, "According to the information from the spies we sent to the Demon-Sealing God Realm, after the Demon-Sealing Tower collapsed, the Evil Bone Demon Lord accepted a large number of demons and ghosts as slaves, and also sent out three of his subordinates. The demon general is going around to unblock the sealed demons, and seems to be recruiting troops to expand his power."

Yu Junyao blinked and analyzed: "In other words, looking at it from another perspective, maybe there is power on the Xuanling Continent that makes him afraid, so he is not in a hurry to take action against us?"

Qin Yu's eyes lit up, and he immediately blurted out: "It must be because among all the tribes, there are some ancestors who have not come out of the world, such as the Taihuang ancestor, which is enough to make the Evil Bone Demon Lord fearful. ”

"I'm afraid it may not be that simple."

Ling Feng frowned slightly, having some guesses in his mind, but he couldn't figure out the mystery for the moment.

"What do you mean?"

Qin Yu clenched his fists, "Are you trying to build up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige?"

"I didn't mean that."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Although Qin Yu had seemingly put aside his prejudice against him and did not mention the fact that he indirectly killed the clan leaders, there was still a thorn in his heart.

Ling Feng knew this very well, so he didn't bother to argue with him too much.

In the past, Ling Feng might not be able to tolerate these provocative behaviors and would definitely retaliate. But now, Ling Feng is no longer the young and energetic Ling Feng back then.

After becoming the Commander-in-Chief of Sao Feng, not only his strength, but his character also grew a lot.

"Okay, okay, no matter what the reason is, now that we know where the devil is, it's time to take the initiative before his power has fully grown."

Emperor Dutian narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Now we are divided into two groups. We will shift our positions first and concentrate all the forces to counterattack the Evil Bone Demon Lord to Sao Feng Camp."

"Secondly, I will personally go to the Demon Sealing God Realm and meet the Evil Bone Demon Lord."


Everyone looked at Emperor Dutian, and Ye Weiyang couldn't help but said: "Ancestor Tai Huang, although we have confidence in your strength, you are the backbone of our side after all. If something goes wrong, …”

Emperor Dutian stood with his hands behind his back, his expression calm, "With my ability, even if I can't defeat him, I still have the ability to escape."

"It's better to let this junior accompany you for a while."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said, "It's good for us to take care of each other if we two act together."


Emperor Dutian looked at Ling Feng and then said with a smile, "Little guy, are you not afraid of death?"

"This junior has no other abilities except that he is very good at saving lives."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cubs? I also want to see what kind of medicine the Evil Bone Demon Lord is selling in the gourd. The more dormant he is, the more reason I have to believe it. , he is secretly preparing some huge conspiracy."

"Good boy!"

Emperor Dutian did not hide his approval of Ling Feng at all, "If you and I join forces, we may be able to directly kill the Evil Bone Demon Lord. By then, nothing will happen."

"I hope so."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He did not dare to be so optimistic, but in his heart, he was still somewhat confident.

With Hunyuan's Immortal Demon Tribulation, and the Demonic Dragon's Purifying Fire that specifically restrains all evil demons, with his current strength, he may not be able to challenge the Evil Bone Demon Lord head-on.

At this moment, a biting chill fell from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Haoyang branch seemed to be frozen by black ice, and the rockery gardens were covered with a thick layer of frost.


Yan Jinghong, who was most keen on the laws of the ice system, immediately stood up suddenly. This cold air actually faintly overwhelmed his sky-scanning ice soul power.

In this world, there are only a few people who can control such terrifying cold energy.

"This breath..."

The next moment, Ling Feng and Ye Weiyang looked at each other suddenly, and they obviously had some guesses in their minds.

This breath is very familiar to them!

Shenshui Yinji!

This must be the evil cold energy of Shenshui Yinji!

It's just that last time, they worked hard to use the four spiritual tokens to seal Shenshui Yinji again, but they didn't expect that she would show up again so soon?

Could it be...

"It must be the Evil Bone Demon Lord!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he said in a deep voice: "The evil bone demon sect's demon generals are releasing those sealed demons everywhere. Shenshui Yinji must be one of the targets."

"I think this is the only reason that can explain why Shenshui Yinji appears here."

Ye Weiyang's expression also became extremely solemn.

The power of Shenshui Yinji is still vivid in my mind at this moment.

On that day, if Shenshui Yinji had not fully recovered her strength, and there were spirit tokens specially used to restrain her, she formed the Four Spirits Killing Heaven Formation, concentrating all the power of the four camps of the Yuanshen Temple into Ling Feng. , I am afraid that this terrifying empress will already dominate the Xuanling Continent again.

Even Ling Feng still felt heart palpitations when he recalled it.

"Is it actually the Divine Water Yin Ji?"

Even Emperor Dutian took a deep breath.

He is a half-step virtual immortal, and Shenshui Yinji is also a half-step virtual immortal.

However, the gap between half a step and half a step is also very huge.

Shenshui Yinji is undoubtedly the best among the half-step.

If the Evil Bone Demon Lord really subdues a strong person like Shenshui Yinji, then his subordinates will naturally be even more powerful.

"This is bad!"

For a moment, everyone in the hall was worried.

One Evil Bone Demon Lord is enough to cause a headache.

Now, the addition of Shenshui Yinji has completely disrupted their original plan.

"Everyone, please be patient for a moment."

Only Ling Feng was relatively calm, "I believe things have not reached the worst point yet. Yes, Shenshui Yinji may indeed have been released by the subordinates of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, but I don't think Shenshui Yinji Ji will choose to seek refuge with the Evil Bone Demon Lord."

"She is a very arrogant person. At that time, in order to ensure that Shenshui Yinji would win, the Evil Lord of the Sky Killer forcibly attacked the disciples of all races who were maintaining the Four Spirits Killing the Sky Formation. However, she was stopped by Shenshui Yinji. !”

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "I believe that Shenshui Yinji has her own arrogance and principles. Even if she is a fallen god, she is a unique fallen god and an opponent worthy of respect. Even if she is a fallen god, she is a different one. She is an opponent worthy of respect. Even if she is a fallen god, she is a different fallen god. Other fallen gods will choose to join the demons, but I believe Shenshui Yinji will not."

"I never expected that the person who knows me best would be a young boy!"

A voice as cold as frost resounded from the void.

Then, there was a crisp sound of "click, click, click", and the entire palace collapsed in an instant.

And high in the sky, a beautiful ice-blue figure descended slowly, like a blooming iceberg snow lotus, proud of the snow and frost, yet possessing the unrivaled youthfulness of independence.

As a female devil, she is indeed breathtakingly beautiful, but also possesses an arrogance and coldness that denies others.

"Shenshui Yinji!"

For a moment, everyone was at war with each other. Snow was falling on the horizon without warning, and everyone's breath brought out a long line of mist.

Even Emperor Dutian began to look at Shenshui Yinji with a solemn expression, as if he was assessing his chances of winning in a battle with the "female devil" in front of him.

"Senior, we meet again!"

Ling Feng raised his fists and saluted in the direction of Shenshui Yinji.

He was the one who personally sealed Shenshui Yinji. He still clearly remembers that when Shenshui Yinji was sealed, her last words were, "I will come back."

She didn't break her promise, she did come back.

Moreover, without any external force to stop her, she has returned to her former peak and is even more powerful than the last time she was sealed.

"Why, you don't seem as nervous as others when facing a notorious female devil like me."

There was no emotion in Shenshui Yinji's sapphire blue eyes. She just looked at Ling Feng very quietly and spoke lightly, as if she was just chatting with an old friend who had been away for many years.

"Notorious, it doesn't count."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "At least, in the eyes of the younger generation, you are an opponent worthy of respect, and a hero among women who is not inferior to men. On that day, if you had been a little shameless and a little despicable, the result would have been completely different."

"Even if you are a fallen god, it doesn't mean you have to be despicable and shameless."

It seemed that she was quite satisfied with Ling Feng's answer. A faint smile appeared on Shenshui Yinji's face that had been frozen for thousands of years like frost.

She slowly gathered the momentum in her body, and the surrounding temperature gradually returned to normal.

Everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Shenshui Yinji had no ill intentions when she came this time.

"Your strength has improved a lot."

Shenshui Yinji looked at Ling Feng and said calmly: "I was indeed right. Your talent is far superior to mine."

"Senior, you came all the way here just to praise me, right?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and sneered: "Then I'm afraid I'll be proud."

Shenshui Yinji's eyes condensed, and she glared at Ling Feng coldly, and then she said: "What you guessed before was correct. I was indeed released by the subordinates of the Evil Bone Demon Lord. However, although I am a A fallen god, but he is still human in nature. Humans and demons are incompatible with each other. What’s more, he dares to try to invade the territory that belongs to me! "


Ling Feng couldn't help but laugh a few times. He almost forgot that the Evil Bone Demon Lord and Shenshui Yinji had the same plot, both to subvert the Xuanling Continent and become the master of this world.

It's just that the Evil Bone Demon Lord's methods are more bloody and cruel.

To be fair, rather than letting the demons take over the world, it would be better to let Shensui Yinji take over.

At least, she's still human.

"Therefore, the reason why I came to you this time is to temporarily cease the war with you so-called decent people. No matter what, I must deal with the Evil Bone Demon Lord first and drive out all these alien races!"

After saying that, Shenshui Yinji's eyes searched everywhere, "Where are those old guys? Who can make the decision here?"

Finally, Shenshui Yinji looked at Emperor Dutian, and said with an indifferent expression: "Are you the one in charge? The seventh-grade half-step virtual immortal is not weak, but unfortunately, even the magic power is tainted with a trace. Mu Qi, I think he doesn’t hesitate to burn his longevity in order to improve his cultivation, so he won’t be able to live much longer.”


Emperor Dutian's face suddenly darkened, but Shenshui Yinji actually saw through his true identity at a glance, which only meant that her strength was indeed better than his own.

At least, it is above level eight!

"Due to some accidents, all the clan leaders have passed away, so these people that the seniors saw can be regarded as the ones in charge."

Ling Feng smiled awkwardly and quickly stepped forward to smooth things over.

"All dead?"

Shenshui Yinji's face remained calm, and she just said lightly: "That's okay, you seem to be going to meet the Evil Bone Demon Lord, count me in! You can't compete with this powerful man who roamed the Xuanling Continent ten thousand years ago. The battle was originally a great regret in my life, but now I can understand this wish!"

As soon as the words fell, the cold air around Shenshui Yinji erupted uncontrollably, and the fierce fighting spirit almost burned, as if she was already on the battlefield.

Unexpectedly, this Shenshui Yinji, although she is a woman, is actually a full-fledged fighting madman, and her warlikeness is even comparable to that of Ling Feng.

(PS: Tomorrow we will fight evil bones, three against one, guess who wins and who loses?)

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