Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3295 I only wish I was born thousands of years late!

Haoyang branch hall, the sky above the villa where Ling Feng lives.

At this moment, the sky was reflected into two halves, one red and one blue, with clear distinctions. They were divided into two halves, and they seemed to be evenly matched!

After a while, the hot and cold auras converged, and two figures, one red and one blue, slowly fell from the air.

Surprisingly, it was Ling Feng and Shenshui Yinji.

"Yes, the speed of your progress is indeed surprising."

Shenshui Yinji nodded, obviously appreciating the strength displayed by Ling Feng.

Compared with when he was at the ruins of Shenshui Palace, what Ling Feng relies on now is entirely his own strength, rather than relying on the four spiritual tokens to forcibly improve his cultivation.

Now he has a combat power comparable to that of a virtual immortal.

Moreover, they are all at least fifth-grade virtual immortals!

It is rare in the world to be able to reach the strength of a fifth-grade virtual immortal with a cultivation level at the peak of the ancestral realm.

Originally, in order to better deal with the Evil Bone Demon Lord, before exploring the Demon-Sealing God Realm, Ling Feng suggested that the three people involved in this operation first understand their respective trump cards and strengths, so as to facilitate better cooperation.

Neither Emperor Dutian nor Shenshui Yinji refused. However, Emperor Dutian only described his many abilities in detail and did not demonstrate them in actual combat.

After all, for him, consuming mana during sparring is too luxurious.

As for Shenshui Yinji, she discussed it with Ling Feng very happily.

Of course, in order to retain their strength, both sides just stopped there.

And Ling Feng's performance also shocked Shenshui Yinji.

It seems that less than half a year has passed since he was sealed again.

In such a short period of time, Ling Feng's growth rate is too terrifying!

However, now that the two sides are allies, the stronger Ling Feng is, the more confident he will be when dealing with the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Perhaps, with the three of them joining forces, they can really get rid of the Evil Bone Demon Lord directly.

But when the time comes, this kid will probably become his enemy again.

At this moment, Shenshui Yinji's heart was very complicated.

On the one hand, she hopes that Ling Feng will be as strong as possible, but on the other hand, she does not want Ling Feng to be too powerful.

And it’s not just Shenshui Yinji who has the same idea.

The same is true for Ling Feng.

At present, both sides have a common enemy, so of course they can cooperate.

However, once the Evil Bone Demon Lord is eliminated, Shenshui Yinji will become the biggest demon threatening the peace of Xuanling Continent.

Therefore, Ling Feng also had extremely conflicting thoughts.

They shook their heads almost at the same time, and both of them temporarily put these distracting thoughts behind them.

Now is not the time to think about these issues.

Since we want to cooperate, we must cooperate without reservation and sincerely.

The night is getting darker.

Ling Feng is still communicating and discussing with Shenshui Yinji. Both of them are the proud kings of their respective eras, and both are swordsmen who are proficient in swordsmanship and have reached the highest state of swordless swordsmanship.

The communication between them can be said to be a kind of mutual achievement and mutual improvement.

In one night, both sides benefited a lot, and gained a new understanding of their respective swordsmanship.

It’s such a late meeting!

It was a twist of fate. Who would have thought that Shui Yinji, the empress of the fallen protoss, would actually have a very happy conversation with Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng, and even regret meeting each other so late.

If it weren't for the common enemy of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, perhaps the only thing that could happen when Ling Feng and Shenshui Yinji meet is a life-and-death fight. How could they sit together and discuss swords like they are now?

"Listening to your words is better than ten years of practice!"

While the two were discussing swords, the sky was getting brighter, and Ling Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "I only wish that I was born a few thousand years later!"

A strange color flashed through Shenshui Yinji's ice-blue eyes, and her eyes fell on Ling Feng, "What if you were born a thousand years earlier?"

"of course……"

Ling Feng was excited at first and blurted out, but then his expression dimmed again: "It's a pity that senior is a girl, otherwise I would have drank three glasses of wine with senior and become brothers!"


Shenshui Yinji glared at Ling Feng angrily and said coldly: "It's dawn, call that old guy and let's go!"


Ling Feng was stunned. He was fine just now, but suddenly he seemed a little angry.

The devil is the devil, and she is indeed moody.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and did not dare to express his thoughts. He just smiled lightly and turned to leave.

Before leaving, there are still some things that need to be explained to Ye Shen and the others.

Seeing Ling Feng's leaving figure, Shenshui Yinji couldn't help but bite her silver teeth, and a hint of female shyness appeared on her cold and frosty face.

Why was I suddenly angry just now?

Gently stroking her slightly hot cheek, Shenshui Yinji quickly shook her head and murmured to herself: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Shenshui Yinji was a supreme genius throughout her life. She suppressed her for an entire era and never looked at any man with her eyes.

However, at that moment, in front of a young boy like Ling Feng, she suddenly realized that she was also a woman!

Of course, that's all.

In fact, a strong woman like Shensui Yinji will only show her female side when facing a man who is more powerful than herself.

But the talent shown by Ling Feng made even her feel ashamed.

In other words, Ling Feng was just the first person she recognized as a man.

And other people, in her eyes, are not even men.

Half an hour later, after Ling Feng finished explaining everything, he said goodbye to Mu Qianxue and others, and divided his troops into two groups.

First, Ling Feng, Emperor Dutian and Shenshui Yinji went to the Demon Sealing God Realm to find out the truth.

Of course, the main purpose is to find out what level the Evil Bone Demon Lord has reached.

On the other side, Ye Weiyang led the others to the Sao Feng Camp for deployment. The next step was to gather forces from all aspects and use the Sao Feng Camp as a position to launch a comprehensive counterattack against the demon camp of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

If everything goes well, Ling Feng and the others can kill the Evil Bone Demon Lord, and then the turmoil will probably be quelled very quickly.

But if the Evil Bone Demon Lord's strength exceeds expectations, I'm afraid what he will face next will be a protracted tug-of-war.

Therefore, the position of Camp Sao Feng must be defended until the final moment of the battle.

"Brother Ye, I'll leave the Sao Feng camp to you for the time being."

Ling Feng took a deep look at Ye Weiyang, raised his hand and patted his shoulder gently.


Ye Weiyang nodded, "Brother Ling, you have to be careful. No matter what, you must come back safely. You are the one destined to destroy the Evil Bone Demon Lord, and your life is the most important!"

"Don't worry, my life is strong, I won't die so easily!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and looked at Mu Qianxue again. The two looked at each other and said nothing.

"Boy Ling Feng, you are enough for the Evil Bone Demon Lord. I'll just reluctantly escort these guys back to Camp Sao Feng. You don't have to be too grateful to me, hehe..."

The bitch jumped out of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace at some point. Sure enough, this guy who was greedy for life and afraid of death must have chosen a relatively safe path when he knew that Ling Feng was going to find the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Good guy!

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched. The only person who could describe greed for life and fear of death in such a fresh and refined manner was Jie Donkey!

However, Ling Feng did not force him. Although Bian Lu had reached the realm of the Demon Ancestor, he could not help much when fighting against a powerful person of the Evil Bone Demon Lord's level.

"No loyalty!"

With a flash of purple light, Zifeng also jumped out, turned into a small pocket beast, and landed on Ling Feng's shoulder, "Master, don't worry, wherever you are, I, Zifeng, will be there!"

"Okay, okay!"

Ling Feng looked at Zifeng approvingly. He was also a spiritual pet. Why was the gap between demons and demons so big?


The bitch tilted his head to the side, pretending not to see or hear.

Well, that's a bitch!

"You brat, you must come back safely!"

Yu Junyao looked at Ling Feng with red eyes and grabbed Ling Feng's arm, not wanting Ling Feng to leave at all.

"Silly girl!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Isn't it the scourge you said will last for thousands of years? How can something happen to me, a scourge? Okay, let go, what's it like?"


Yu Junyao then broke down into a smile, let go of Ling Feng, gritted her teeth and said: "Don't misunderstand me, I... I'm just afraid that something will happen to you, cousin, she... she will be sad."

"Just wait and see, how long will it take?"

In the distance, the indifferent voice of Shenshui Yinji was heard, and the next moment, her figure was seen rising into the sky, flying towards the Demon Sealing God Realm.

Then, Emperor Dutian followed closely and chased after him.

This old man who likes to make a grand show also gave up his Dragon Chase this time and chose a relatively low-key flight.

"Farewell everyone!"

Ling Feng looked around at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Mu Qianxue. He nodded towards her, flew up into the sky, and chased after her.

However, behind Ling Feng, a blue light followed closely behind.

This figure turned out to be Yan Jinghong!


While flying to chase the two powerful Void Immortals in front of him, Ling Feng suddenly sensed a figure behind him, following closely behind him, and his aura was very familiar to him.

"It's him?"

Ling Feng shook his head, and his figure stopped in mid-air, waiting for Yan Jinghong's arrival.

Sure enough, after a while, Yan Jinghong appeared in front of Ling Feng.

"It seems I didn't ask you to come with me?"

Ling Feng shook his head and asked with a wry smile.

"If you don't let me come, can't I come?"

Yan Jinghong's expression was indifferent, as cold as ever.

"That's not what I meant, it's just that your strength is still a little bit behind." Ling Feng shrugged, not caring whether it would hurt Yan Jinghong's self-esteem.

"Ji Ruye is dead."

Yan Jinghong looked indifferent, "I said in front of her grave that I would avenge her."

"It turns out it's for Professor Ji."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and nodded immediately, "Okay, you can go with us. However, you must obey my arrangements and not act recklessly."

Yan Jinghong said nothing and just nodded lightly.

"Let's go..."

Ling Feng sighed, Yan Jinghong was indeed no longer the same Yan Jinghong as before.

At least, he used to just treat the women around him as playthings, but now he would do some irrational things for Ji Ruye.

But Yan Jinghong like this is more worthy of becoming a true companion, isn't he?

"Why, here comes another kid who doesn't know how to live or die?"

When Ling Feng and the others finally caught up with Shenshui Yinji and the others, Shenshui Yinji couldn't help but frowned when they discovered Yan Jinghong.

Even Emperor Dutian said in a deep voice: "Boy Lingfeng, what is going on?"

"This is Brother Yan Jinghong. Although his cultivation level doesn't seem to be high, he might be able to exert miraculous effects."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, but he didn't completely lie.

After all, Yan Jinghong inherited the Xantian Divine Pattern and possesses the abilities of the Xantian clan, so he may not necessarily become a liability.

"Hmph! Forget it, as long as it doesn't get in the way."

Shenshui Yinji snorted lightly, accelerated again, and rushed to the front of the team.

And at their speed, if they advance at full speed, they will be able to reach the Demon-Sealing God Realm in one hour at most and have a head-on confrontation with the Evil Bone Demon Lord!

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