Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3296 Confrontation! Reincarnation in Border Prison!


In the gloomy sky, four figures flashed past like shooting stars.

Finally, he landed firmly on the top of a mountain.

Looking into the distance, Ling Feng couldn't help but sigh inwardly when he saw the demonic energy rising and the devastated scene in front of him.

Speaking of which, the first time he stepped into the Zhongyuan Realm, it was through his relationship with Qin Ming that he was qualified for entry selection and became an external disciple of the Demon Sealing God Realm.

After that, by chance, he passed the recruitment order and joined the Sao Feng Camp, and later became the Chief Sao Feng.

The Demon-Sealing God Realm was Ling Feng's starting point in the Zhongyuan Realm, but now, the Demon-Sealing God Realm has become the first area controlled by the demons. This is really an irony.

Considering the cruelty of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, the entire Demon Sealing God Clan may no longer exist.

As for Li Chunyang, his master from the Demon-Sealing God Clan, I am afraid that he has...

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Although he worshiped Li Chunyang for a very short time, he did not establish as deep a bond with Duanmu Qingshan or Yan Cangtian.

However, even if he was only a teacher for a day, Ling Feng would never forget the kindness of that day.

What's more, if Li Chunyang hadn't stood up to everyone's objections, he would have had no place in the Demon-Sealed God Realm, let alone later joined Sao Feng Camp and had the opportunity he has today.

Thoughts are flying in my mind, and I can still vividly recall what happened in the Demon Sealing God Realm in the past.

Invisibly, Ling Feng's hatred for the Evil Bone Demon Lord deepened.

"finally reached!"

Emperor Dutian's eyes narrowed, and golden light surged in his eyes.

If the previous Emperor Dutian had always been like a sleeping beast, always hiding his edge, but at this moment, Ling Feng felt a strong sense of crisis in him.

A strong man who can suppress an era is by no means a vain person.

At this moment when facing the upcoming war, Emperor Dutian finally showed his prowess.

The violent wind pressure swept away with Emperor Duten as the center, and the next moment, Emperor Duten's figure was seen rising into the sky.

Then, Emperor Dutian raised his hand and directly summoned his extremely luxurious dragon chariot pulled by eighteen flying dragons.


For a moment, the dragon roared in the sky, and the golden dragon scales reflected the sunlight, shining brightly and driving away all the dark clouds thousands of miles away.

Such a huge movement suddenly alerted all the demons entrenched in the Demon Sealing God Realm.

The demons and ghosts who escaped from the Demon-Sealing Tower all had ferocious faces and looked toward the sky with ferocious looks.

"You are so brave, you dare to cause trouble on Lord Xie Gu's territory?"

"It's just looking for death!"

Some demons that moved faster rose directly into the sky and flew towards Emperor Dutian. Without saying a word, they launched an attack on Emperor Dutian.


A sneer hung on the corner of Emperor Dutian's lips, and with a wave of his hand, a golden hundred-foot giant sword appeared out of thin air.

Then, as if cutting the heaven and earth, a sword slashed out.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Several figures exploded in the void, only to turn into rain of blood, splashing down.

One move, instant kill!

This hand immediately suppressed all the countless demons and demons below.

It turns out that the person who came to pick a fight was not some stupid young man, but a strong man at the level of a half-step virtual immortal!

"My dear, what's going on now? Are half-step Void Immortals worthless? Why are they all over the streets?"

"It was so dangerous, I almost wanted to rush out just now!"

Those demons who did not act rashly felt a chill down their spines, secretly glad that they did not act recklessly, otherwise, they might have become souls killed by the sword.

Emperor Dutian calmed the audience with one move, snorted coldly, put his palms behind his back, and then jumped up, landing on the flying dragon with incomparable accuracy.

He stood proudly on the golden throne, looked up to the sky and shouted, "Evil Bone Demon Lord, don't hide your head and show your tail, and come out quickly to fight with me!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched. This old guy didn't come here to spy on the truth. He was afraid that the whole world wouldn't know he was here!

However, Shenshui Yinji just stood aside with an indifferent expression and said nothing.

Ling Feng also shrugged. Emperor Dutian was so powerful, and with the Divine Water Yin Ji who was even better than Emperor Dutian, today, perhaps he could really kill the Evil Bone Demon Lord successfully.

Unless, that guy has become a real virtual immortal.

The next moment, amid Emperor Dutian's roar, a strong ominous aura struck from the depths of the self-proclaimed Demon God's Domain.

That ominous force, with billowing black smoke, came over the city. For a moment, the sky and the earth lost color, the sun and the moon lost their light, and in the thick fog as black as ink, a thin figure was looming.

Around that figure, there were balls of pitch-black flames burning. Although they were enveloped in extremely condensed demonic energy, the aura belonging to the Jiuli Divine Fire could be vaguely discerned.

Not long after, the figure finally appeared, and when he saw the face of the "Evil Bone Demon Lord", Ling Feng immediately clenched his fists.

It's him!

Sure enough it was him!

On the 18th floor of the Demon Sealing Tower, he claimed to be the ancestor of Jiuli, and even introduced a wisp of fire into his body.

On the isolated island in the endless sea, he claimed to be one of the three corpses of Jiuli Patriarch, and he even generously gave the Kun Yuan Pearl to him.

What Ling Feng never expected was that he had fallen into this person's plan from the very beginning.

Although he had already guessed it, at this moment, he saw all this with his own eyes, and Ling Feng still felt an unknown anger in his heart.

"We meet again, little friend Ling Feng!"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord looked the same as before, gentle and elegant, like a very peaceful middle-aged man.

"From the first time I saw you, I saw that you must not be a thing in the pool. Sure enough, you did it. I am able to break through the seal, but it is all thanks to you. For such a great favor, I should thank you. !”

The Evil Bone Demon Lord laughed loudly and actually bowed in Ling Feng's direction.

"Shut up!"

Ling Feng stared at the Evil Bone Demon Lord fiercely, gritted his teeth and said: "You have been deceiving me and using me from the beginning! You are so scheming!"

"I am over-flattered."

Evil Bone Demon Lord smiled even more, "However, what I didn't expect was that you could actually break through my falling love heart. This is something I didn't expect."

"There are always people who better than you!"

Ling Feng summoned all directions to be destroyed, "Today is the day when your evil will be completed! If you have any last words, tell them quickly!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, young people are just too arrogant."

Evil Bone Demon Lord shook his head and said calmly: "Originally, according to my plan, you should have fallen into the devil's way by now, and you could have become the number one general under me. It's a pity that the road I have arranged for you, you But it’s okay to go in the opposite direction.”

The Evil Bone Demon paused for a moment, and then continued: "Being able to break through my fallen love heart proves that your xinxing talent is higher than mine. As long as you are willing to worship me as your teacher, There may be no chance in the future to break through the supreme immortal way in one fell swoop!”

"Worship you as my teacher? Bah!"

Ling Feng spat hard, "If we have different paths, we can't work together!"

"Okay, what a difference."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord nodded, "I understand."

As he said that, he looked at Shenshui Yinji, "What about you? I also give you a chance to choose. Strictly speaking, you were released by me. I have a favor with you. You Now I want to deal with these so-called righteous people. Isn’t it an act of ungratefulness?”

"The right way? The evil way?"

Shenshui Yinji looked cold and said in a cold voice: "I only have one principle, that is, all demons should die!"

"Then there's nothing to talk about."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord shrugged, shook his head and sighed, "It seems that there are still a minority of smart people after all!"

"Do it!"

The next moment, Emperor Dutian shouted loudly. According to the original plan, Emperor Dutian would lead the first round of the offensive to explore the true and false status of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Everyone is a half-step Void Immortal level expert. Even if his attack cannot hurt the Evil Bone Demon Lord, at least he can test out the Evil Bone Demon Lord's true strength and what level it is.

In an instant, the hundred-foot-long Liexiao Immortal Sword behind Emperor Dutian burst out with extremely dazzling bright light.

The terrifying sword energy swept across and illuminated everything for thousands of miles like the sun.

"Tai'a Divine Sword Jue! Heaven and earth are in control!"

When the sword was slashed out, there was actually one vertical and one horizontal line, two terrifying sword energies intertwined together!

One is virtual and the other is real, virtual and real, ever-changing!

The Tai'a clan is famous for its swordsmanship, and Emperor Dutian is the most talented swordsman in the Tai'a clan for thousands of years.

His realm of swordsmanship has indeed reached the highest realm of swordless swords long ago.

At the same time, Ling Feng and Shenshui Yinji also flew out at the same time, one on the left and the other on the right, attacking the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Their purpose was to make it inevitable for the Evil Bone Demon Lord to confront Emperor Dutian's secret sword head-on.

"To be able to cooperate like this in such a short period of time makes him worthy of being one of the three most top-level swordsmen in the world."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord stood with his hands behind his back, but from the beginning to the end, there was no trace of panic.

Although he was facing three half-step Void Immortal experts who were at a similar level to him, he seemed to be sure of victory.

Ling Feng frowned slightly, vaguely aware that something was wrong, but he couldn't put it into words.


Boom boom boom!

The terrifying sword energy finally fell on the Evil Bone Demon Lord. The vertical and horizontal sword energy collided, seeming to ignite millions of tons of gunpowder. Then, there was a series of earth-shaking explosions, which made the whole world feel huge. Shake up.


Feeling that the sword energy was actually cutting, Emperor Dutian couldn't help but sneered. He didn't hold back the sword just now, and used his magic power to kill any half-step virtual immortal.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord actually showed no resistance and directly resisted with his physical body.

Absolutely certain death!

"I thought it would be a tough battle, but I didn't expect... poof..."

The sound suddenly stopped, and what was replaced was the scene of Emperor Dutian's blood spurting out.

A pitch-black claw was seen piercing through Emperor Dutian's chest. Immediately afterwards, Emperor Dutian seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and his body began to twitch violently.


There was another loud noise, and Emperor Dutian's body was directly blown away, and half of his body became a bloody mess.

"Senior Tai Huang!"

Ling Feng's expression changed drastically, and he quickly flew forward and waved his sword to stop the shadow chasing Emperor Dutian.

On the other side, Yan Jinghong also flew out in an instant, directly activating the power of Xuntian Ice Soul in his body, freezing the wounds of Emperor Dutian, and temporarily replacing his missing limbs with black ice.


Despite this, Emperor Dutian still spit out another mouthful of blood. His body was eroded by the demonic energy, and his complexion turned dark.

Although he temporarily suppressed the demonic energy with his magic power, if he could not be treated in time, he might not survive.

"Evil Bone Demon Lord!"

Ling Feng clenched the Ten Directions Destruction in his hand tightly, and with a roar, he had already unleashed the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation.

The Divine Pattern of Heavenly Execution covers Ling Feng's whole body, making his perception more acute.


Cold laughter came from the void, and a hideous and extremely ugly monster slowly walked out of the billowing demonic energy.

His hair is withered, his body is memoryless, and his body is covered with abscesses, exuding extremely disgusting dark green pus. He is a completely disgusting monster.

And this monster is the true body of the Evil Bone Demon Lord!

Or perhaps, this is the true face of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

"It turns out that you actually have two bodies!"

Ling Feng circulated the power of immortals and demons, and everything in his hand was destroyed, and his heart began to beat wildly.

Through the observation of the Emperor's Eye, Ling Feng also saw some of the lies and realities of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

The power of this Evil Bone Demon Lord is definitely more than that of an eighth-grade half-step virtual immortal.

And not only that, he actually has two bodies!

In another dimensional space that cannot be perceived, or does not exist in reality at all, another ontology is waiting for an opportunity to move at any time.

His two bodies and lives are completely interchangeable.

In other words, when the body he appears in the outside world is destroyed, he can transfer the origin of his soul to another body that does not exist in reality.

Then, through another body, he can be completely unscathed and resurrected with full health.

In other words, unless both of his bodies are destroyed at the same time, it is impossible to cause any harm to the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

The most troublesome thing is that his two bodies will not appear in the same dimensional space at all.

Unless he can find a way to attack another dimension he controls, he will be immortal.

And that other dimension is different from void and different from the sea of ​​spirit.

Even Ling Feng couldn't understand or explain the existence of that dimension.


A disgusting smile appeared on the evil bone demon king's hideous and ugly face, "I didn't expect that just in the first attack, you could actually see through my reincarnation in the prison. A son of heaven, you are worthy of being a son of heaven!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists and was not disturbed by the Evil Bone Demon Lord. He just used his spiritual consciousness to transmit his voice to remind Shenshui Yinji.

Shenshui Yinji obviously also noticed some clues, but after hearing Ling Feng's explanation, she couldn't help but frown.

This opponent is a hundred times more difficult than imagined!

"Brother Yan, take Senior Taihuang and leave immediately!"

While Ling Feng stared at the Evil Bone Demon Lord with great solemnity, he summoned Xiaodie from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and asked her to temporarily follow Yan Jinghong.

Emperor Dutian was eroded by demonic energy. If he could not be treated in time, he would definitely die.

Yan Jinghong tightened his fists and hesitated for a moment, but finally did not insist anymore. He supported Emperor Dutian with one hand and quickly left the scene with Xiaodie.

This level of battle is indeed beyond his ability to intervene.

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