Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3297 Water has no permanent shape! Immortal and demonic heart!

"Master Demon, let's go after him!"

Seeing that Yan Jinghong was about to leave with the Emperor of Dutian, Mo Beikuang led several demons under his command and flew out to chase him.

"Stay here! The fire will burn the sky!"

Ling Feng shouted, and the sword of Ten Directions Annihilation in his hand turned, and he slashed in the direction of Mo Beikuang.

The domineering and blazing demon dragon's purifying fire swept over, turning into a huge fire dragon hundreds of feet long, and was about to swallow up all of Mo Beikuang and his party.

"Your opponent is me!"


In an instant, a ball of black air came rolling over, and the evil bone demon lord slapped out with a palm, and the violent palm wind actually directly shattered the giant dragon of fire condensed by Ling Feng's sword.

And in this lightning moment, Mo Beikuang had already taken several demons and escaped from Ling Feng's blockade, chasing in the direction of Yan Jinghong's escape.

"Damn it..." Ling Feng clenched his fist tightly, and sweat broke out on his forehead: Brother Yan, you're on your own! This time, he was powerless. Facing an opponent like the Evil Bone Demon Lord, he was not qualified to be distracted. "How about it, do you finally understand the gap between you and me now?" The Evil Bone Demon Lord, who had regained his hideous and ugly appearance, seemed to have become more violent and cruel. "Today is the day when you, the ants who claim to be righteous, will be wiped out! Hehehe..." Ling Feng took a deep breath and flew to the side of Shenshui Yin Ji. The two of them looked at each other and saw a trace of solemnity and uneasiness in each other's eyes. The Evil Bone Demon Lord's Border Prison Reincarnation Technique is almost invincible. He can completely do no defense and let the enemy's attack fall on him. And he only needs to transform the two bodies into different latitudes once to be unscathed. Then, he can strike the opponent with thunder when the enemy is unprepared. Emperor Dutian was caught by the evil bone demon without knowing it, and now his life is in danger, and his life or death is uncertain.

"Senior Yin Ji, the only way now is for you and me to cooperate!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "You and I must attack and defend, and when one of us attacks, the other must defend with all his strength. In other words, you and I must give our lives to each other 100%, and trust each other completely, only then will there be a chance, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, you and I will definitely die!"

Shenshui Yin Ji said first: "Boy, I can see the situation clearly! You come to attack, and leave your back to me!"

In a flash, Shenshui Yin Ji had made a decision.

She is an evil cultivator. Although she is also a sword cultivator, her own attack destructive power is very strong, but Ling Feng's demon dragon purifying fire is naturally restrained against demons like the evil bone demon.

Therefore, letting Ling Feng attack is undoubtedly the wisest choice.

As soon as the voice fell, Shenshui Yin Ji took the initiative to get close to Ling Feng's back.

Instantly, an astonishing chill hit, and the temperature of Shenshui Yinji's body was so low that she looked like an ice sculpture.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and smiled bitterly in his heart.

The ice and fire power of him and Shenshui Yinji offset each other to a certain extent, and the cooperation between the two did not seem to be smooth from the beginning.

"Even so, the evil bone demon has too many conspiracies and it is too easy to separate our formation."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment, then said with some embarrassment: "If you don't mind, I hope to tie the two of us together with a magic weapon."

What he meant was to tie the two people's waists with ropes, which would be an additional layer of insurance.

However, Shenshui Yinji looked indifferent: "No need to bother so much, water has no fixed shape, you should have heard of it."

"Well, I have heard of it, but..."

Just when Ling Feng was a little confused, he felt a chill on his back, and then Shenshui Yinji's body turned into a pool of ice-blue liquid, and the whole lower limbs seemed to melt, and melted into Lingfeng's back little by little.

From the perspective of others, it was as if Lingfeng's body had grown an upper body from his back, and it was Shenshui Yinji!

In other words, it was like conjoined twins.

In this way, even if Xiegu Demon Lord used any conspiracy, he would never be able to separate her and Lingfeng, and naturally it was impossible to attack their backs easily.

"How about it, it's more clever than your big method."

Shenshui Yinji's expression was still indifferent, "Leave all the defense to me, you just attack from the front!"


Lingfeng's mouth twitched, what a water has no fixed shape, it can actually grow directly on someone else's body.

Although it feels a bit strange, it is indeed simple and crude enough.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng nodded, holding the Ten Directions Annihilation in his hand, and said word by word: "Then, my back is completely handed over to the senior!"

"Hahaha, interesting, really interesting!"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord watched Ling Feng and Shenshui Yin Ji merge into one, and did not stop them. Instead, he watched them completely merge with interest, and then sneered: "One attack and one defense, attack and defense in one, is indeed a wise choice, but it's a pity that you want to break this seat's border prison reincarnation, it's just wishful thinking!"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Ling Feng shouted, "Nine Art of Heaven Punishment, Senbai Fang!"

In Ling Feng's hand, the sword edge swung, destroying all directions, and immediately transformed into a square-shaped halberd. With a flash of arc light, the entire sky burst into a burst of dazzling white light.

Swish, swish, swish!

A series of eighteen arcs of light directly covered the hideous and ugly body of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, seeming to crush his body into pieces.


In an instant, blood splashed!

The body of the Evil Bone Demon Lord was torn to pieces, and large pieces of flesh and blood fell from the palm of his hand, revealing the white bones inside.

After a while, the entire body turned into a piece of white bones, and there was a faint tendency to continue to spread.

These are the White Fangs. Once struck, it will be like an invisible giant mouth full of White Fangs, constantly gnawing at one's own flesh and blood until both spirit and form are destroyed, and there is no recovery.

This was supposed to be a sure-kill move, but after a strange flash of gray light, the body of the Evil Bone Demon Lord disappeared out of thin air!

"He's going to transform again!"

Ling Feng shouted loudly and shouted: "Senior Yinji, I leave it to you!"

In an instant, a strong sense of crisis hit, but Ling Feng was at a time when his old strength was not exhausted and new strength was not yet generated, so he had no time to react.

Everything can only be left to Shenshui Yinji.

"Huh, good time!"

A gleam of light flashed in Shenshui Yinji's beautiful eyes, and then she saw a huge altar appearing at Ling Feng's feet. There were four demon heads on the altar. The demon's mouth opened, and a jet of black ink appeared. The evil flames spit out on her body.

In an instant, the already extremely condensed evil energy around Shenshui Yinji became even more terrifying.

And above her and Ling Feng's heads, a huge evil god appeared simultaneously.

"Evil soul guards!"


The world was shaken, and the huge evil magic figure suddenly appeared. He raised his hands to the sky, and there was a deafening sound like a bell. It seemed like a big black bronze bell was turned upside down, completely covering the entire evil magic figure. Inside.

Bang bang bang bang!

At the same time, the Evil Bone Demon Lord's planned attack finally completed its final preparation. It seemed as if it was born from nothingness. It was already approaching Shenshui Yinji, but it was so close that it was blocked by that mouth. The big bronze bell suddenly flew out.

Even so, a huge black claw still landed on the bronze bell. Fierce sparks flew everywhere, leaving five clearly visible scratches on the surface of the bronze bell.

This round of confrontation was finally a draw.

Although both sides seemed to be unscathed, it was actually just a process of testing each other.


Ling Feng let out a long breath, with a slight sweat on his forehead. This first test of the move can be said to be a mixed blessing.

Fortunately, Shenshui Yinji's defense can indeed resist the Evil Bone Demon Lord to a certain extent.

What's worrying is that even though he has activated the Eye of the Emperor with all his strength this time, trying to see through the evil bone demon's reincarnation in the prison, he still has gained nothing except the information he just mastered.

He simply couldn't see through which dimensional space the Evil Bone Demon Lord's order was hidden in.

He even couldn't understand why the Evil Bone Demon Lord could actually create a special dimension that couldn't be spied on at all.

In other words, even if he and Shenshui Yinji tried their best and fought to exhaustion, they would not be able to cause any substantial harm to the Evil Bone Demon Lord in the end.

This is a battle with no chance of winning at all!

"How's it going? Did you find anything new?"

Shenshui Yinji's aura was slightly disordered. From the attack just now, she was certain that the attack from the Evil Bone Demon Lord was definitely enough to threaten her life.

In other words, even if there was no such heaven-defying ability as Border Prison Reincarnation, it would already be extremely difficult for her and Ling Feng to join forces to defeat the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

The strength of the Evil Bone Demon Lord has definitely reached the level of a ninth-grade half-step virtual immortal.

He is a half-step virtual immortal in the true sense, because he is really only one step away from the level of virtual immortal.

However, whether or not you take that step is the difference between heaven and earth, immortality and mortals.

"not yet!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists, already thinking about retreating.

This is an unwinnable battle, so there is no need to continue fighting.

With his ability, if he tried his best to escape, I believe the Evil Bone Demon Lord might not be able to stop him.

"Hmph, I believe you have discovered that there are no flaws in my prison reincarnation. No matter how many times we fight, you will never have any chance of winning."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord, who had regained his appearance in Mulong City, seemed to have become a bit gentler.

He glanced at Ling Feng with a dull expression, as if he was thinking about something and was not in a hurry to take action.

Finally, the Evil Bone Demon Lord slowly spoke: "Ling Feng, let's go!"


Ling Feng was slightly startled, almost unable to believe his ears.

I must have heard wrongly.

"You go."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Now, get out of here!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, was this Evil Bone Demon Lord up to another conspiracy?

"With my current strength, if you want to leave, I may not be able to keep you, so I will let you go!"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord said calmly: "After all, it was thanks to you that I was able to escape. So, I owe you a favor. Now, I will not kill you and let you go, which is considered to be a repayment of your favor."


Ling Feng's eyes condensed, as if he realized something, and blurted out: "You want to be free from cause and effect, cultivate a perfect heart of Tao, and break through the last step!"

"You are really sharp."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord laughed loudly, "I will not hide it from you. Today, I will let you go, and your heart of Tao can be completely perfect. The next time you have to face is an evil man who has truly crossed the supreme realm. Bone! You will also die for sure. "

"Of course, you can also choose not to leave and fight to the death with me here. Even if you can't cut off that trace of cause and effect, I will just spend more time. "

The Evil Bone Demon Lord narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly: "However, the friend who came with you may not be able to wait that long. Hehehe, how to choose depends on you. "

"You are so despicable!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and left by himself, then the Evil Bone Demon Lord could be satisfied, repay his kindness in helping him break through the seal, and cut off the last trace of cause and effect between him and himself.

In this way, the Evil Bone Demon Lord's Taoism is perfect, and I believe it won't take long for him to take the last step.

Although Ling Feng didn't want him to succeed, as the Evil Bone Demon Lord said, if he continued to stalemate here, he would not be able to hurt the Evil Bone Demon Lord at all.

Moreover, Yan Jinghong is still being hunted by those demons like Mo Beikuang. If he can't rush to rescue him in time, I'm afraid...

There is only one way to die.

It seems that the reason why the Demon Lord of Evil Bone delayed Ling Feng to fight here was not to kill Ling Feng, but to make Ling Feng face a complete dilemma.

This is another extremely difficult choice, and no matter what decision Ling Feng makes, he is destined to be a loser.

"Senior Yin Ji, let's... go!"

Finally, Ling Feng finally made a decision. His figure flashed and turned into a flash of lightning, flying in the direction where Yan Jinghong left before.

Since he is destined to be a loser, at least save Yan Jinghong's life first.

"Hehe, young people are still young people after all. After all, they still choose their companions. Then, thanks to you, my immortal demon heart is finally complete!" The Demon Lord of Evil Bone was suspended in the air and slowly opened his arms. For a time, the wind and clouds gathered, and between heaven and earth, it seemed that there was a force in the dark that was echoing with him.

After integrating Mu Longcheng's power and the essence of his soul, the Demon Lord of Evil Bone naturally became an "alien" among the immortals and demons, which was no different from Ling Feng.

Therefore, if he wanted to take that last step, he not only needed to perfect his demon heart, but also to condense a Taoist heart.

And Ling Feng was the opportunity for him to condense his Taoist heart.

Now, the opportunity has come.

The Demon Lord of Evil Bone can finally take that last step. As long as he practices in seclusion for a period of time, then the next time, Ling Feng and the others will face a strong man who has truly entered the realm of virtual immortals.

A true immortal strong man!

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