Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3298 The Emperor teaches his skills! Shocked and angry!

Whoosh whoosh!

Several black shadows flashed past in the sky.

The person who took the lead was none other than the general under the Evil Bone Demon Lord, Mo Beikang.

"Dear me, that little bastard ran quite fast. How could he have disappeared in such a short time?"

Mo Beikang glanced around, only to find that his group had completely lost sight of Yan Jinghong, and even his breath seemed to have completely disappeared.

"Master Kuang, that kid is accompanied by an old guy who was seriously injured. If he can't run far, he must be hiding!"

A demon with a green face and fangs said gloomily.

"That makes sense!"

Mo Beikang's eyes narrowed, and he said in a cold voice: "Everyone searches separately, but I don't believe that we can't find that little bastard!"


All of a sudden, Mo Beikong's demons spread out in all directions, conducting a blanket search across the mountain and forest.

And just as the green-faced ghost guessed, Yan Jinghong and the seriously injured Emperor Dutian couldn't escape far at all.

In a hidden cave, Yan Jinghong and Emperor Dutian were hiding here.

Although Yan Jinghong temporarily used the illusion of surveying the sky to refract the light from the entire cave outward, so when viewed from a high place, he would only see the reflected mirror image in the distance, and could not notice that there was a cave here at all.

However, if you search like a carpet, sooner or later you will find it here.

At this moment, Emperor Dutian has been eroded by demonic energy, and a large amount of evil bone demonic energy has accumulated in his internal organs.

Although he used his magic power to suppress it, his expression became weaker and weaker.

He was already almost exhausted. Even if he lived in seclusion in the mountains, he would not have many more years to live.

Now, having suffered such a heavy blow, even if Xiaodie helps him absorb the demonic energy from his body, he may not be able to survive this disaster.

I saw Xiaodie sitting very quietly next to Emperor Dutian, gently holding up his palm, biting Emperor Dutian's wrist, and began to flow through his blood, constantly absorbing the essence from Emperor Dutian's body. Demonic energy.

However, this process may take a long time.

At this moment, Emperor Dutian's complexion turned blue and black, sometimes he was shaking and sometimes twitching. The evil bone demonic energy was corroding his internal organs. The pain of disintegrating and eating away from the inside was almost unbearable. language to describe.

However, Emperor Dutian was able to endure the silence all the time, and he was considered a tough guy.

"Boy, let's go. The pursuers will find this place sooner or later..."

Emperor Dutian's whole body was soaked with cold sweat, but his eyes were still firm and resolute, "I have spent my whole life, and I don't want to drag others down before I die!"

"Don't worry, I will give up on you when I have to. But, not now."

Yan Jinghong's expression was dull, as if he had said something irrelevant.

If Ling Feng hadn't entrusted him with Emperor Dutian and asked him to take Emperor Dutian away, he would naturally not take this burden with him.

He has never been a good person. Everything he does is based on his own preferences.

"You are... very honest."

Emperor Dutian smiled with difficulty. He had lived through his entire life and met countless people. He had seen all kinds of people.

"Don't waste your energy talking, it will only waste your own energy."

Yan Jinghong looked solemn. While observing the situation of Emperor Dutian, he also had to be wary of outside disturbances.

With his current strength, if he encountered Mo Beikuan's group of demons, he would almost certainly die.

All he can hope for now is that Xiaodie can expel the demonic energy from Emperor Dutian's body as soon as possible. In this way, with him and Emperor Dutian joining forces, they may be able to break through the tight encirclement.

"I'm just afraid. If you don't speak up, I may not have a chance in the future."

Emperor Dutian held his chest, and there was still thick black smoke rising from it.

Not only did the wound emit a strong stench, but it even began to fester and ooze pus.

His magic power seems to be beginning to be unable to suppress the evil bone demonic energy.

Although Xiaodie has tried her best, Emperor Dutian's condition seems to be more serious than expected.

After all, from the time Yan Jinghong brought him to the cave, the flow of Qi and blood had spread the demonic Qi to his internal organs.

Even if Ling Feng is here, I'm afraid it's too late to save him.

Emperor Dutian seemed to have expected this. There was no fear or pain in his eyes, but he looked very relaxed.

"Cough cough cough..."

Emperor Dutian coughed violently several times, and the blood he coughed up turned as black as ink.


The blood sprayed on the ground, and it was like poisonous acid, burning the ground black.

The evil bone demonic energy is indeed terrifying!

Yan Jinghong frowned. It seemed that Emperor Dutian might not be able to survive this test.

In this case, he should leave before those demons notice it.

"Boy, you... come here..."

Emperor Dutian glanced at Yan Jinghong feebly and leaned against the rock wall of the cave. His life had obviously come to an end.

"Senior, do you have any last words to say?"

Yan Jinghong took a deep look at the Emperor Dutian and walked from the entrance of the cave to the Emperor Dutian.

Although he had no feelings for Emperor Dutian, such a powerful man who was once famous all over the world ended up with such a tragic ending.

Even though he had already taken life and death lightly, Yan Jinghong inevitably felt a trace of sadness in his heart.

"Put...your hand over."

Yan Jinghong nodded and stretched out his hand, not doubting that he was there.

Perhaps Emperor Dutian still has some relics that he wants to give to his descendants.

However, just when Yan Jinghong stretched out his hand in front of Emperor Dutian, Emperor Dutian summoned the last strength from nowhere and suddenly raised his hand and pressed Yan Jinghong's wrist tightly. .


Yan Jinghong's expression changed, and he stared at Emperor Dutian in surprise.


Emperor Dutian said feebly: "I... After a thousand years of cultivation, I feel unwilling to fall short of my achievements like this. Boy, it is probably God's will. When the end of my life is approaching, you are the only one by my side. Old... I will I will plant the seed of my magic power, which I have spent thousands of years to condense, into your body to you advance half a step..."

Just as Emperor Dutian said, he was peeling out the only mana seed in his body that had not been eroded by the demonic energy bit by bit, and then transferred it into Yan Jinghong's body.


Yan Jinghong took a deep breath. Although Emperor Dutian's move was somewhat unexpected, he responded quickly.

Although stripping away the mana seed would undoubtedly hasten the death of Emperor Duten.

But as he said, it was a pity that he had practiced hard for thousands of years and died like this.

In this case, I can only accept his kindness.

The process of transmitting the mana seeds did not last long, and it was over in less than thirty breaths.

After the mana seed was completely implanted into Yan Jinghong's Dantian Qi sea, Emperor Dutian's aura also completely withered.


Another mouthful of blood stained with demonic energy spurted out wildly. Emperor Dutian's body became hunched and shrunk. He used to have a childlike face and a strong body, but now he was like a handful of dead wood, his bones were broken and his bones were crumbling.

His hair had turned into withered yellow grass, and his face was horribly decayed, and he looked like a skeleton.

"Little... boy..."

He raised his hand with difficulty, trying to catch Yan Jinghong.

Yan Jinghong tightened his fists and reached out to grasp his palm tightly, "Senior, do you have any other instructions?"

" mana seed, are my descendant. Everything in my spiritual ring...belongs to you."

"Thank you, senior!"

Yan Jinghong held the palm of Emperor Dutian tightly, his eyes were slightly red. Although he did not have much interaction with this old man, at this moment, he had an inexplicable urge to cry.

"Still... still call me senior?"

"Master! From now on, you are my master!"

When Emperor Dutian was dying, no matter how unsophisticated Yan Jinghong was, he did not want Emperor Dutian to die with hatred.


A smile appeared on the old face of Emperor Dutian, "Finally, before he died, there was a successor! Disciple...disciple..."

"Disciple is here! Master, please give me orders!"

"The Tai'a clan... I would like to ask you... to take care of you..."

The sound stopped suddenly, and Emperor Dutian's palm slipped down weakly.

A generation of masters, suppressing the former of an era, fell into the barren hills.

Yan Jinghong took a deep breath, supported the body of Emperor Dutian, and lay down peacefully.

Then, he knelt down next to the corpse of Emperor Dutian, kowtowed three times in succession, and then said in a deep voice: "Although I don't really worship you as my teacher, since you have passed on the seed of my magic power, I am yours." Heir! I will avenge you! As for the Tai'a clan, I will never stand by and let them be harmed by that demon, Master, don't worry!"

"He... is he dead?"

Yu Xiaodie on the side looked tired.

After absorbing a large amount of evil bone demonic energy, Yu Xiaodie has become a little drowsy.

Even though she is the evolved form of the Vermilion Eye Ice Silkworm and has the talent to resolve hundreds of poisons, it still takes a while for Xiaodie to completely refine it every time she comes into contact with a new poison.

"Yes, he is dead."

Yan Jinghong nodded, took out a space magic weapon, and said solemnly: "You go in and rest first, and leave the rest to me."

"Oh...Okay, then Xiaodie is going to sleep~"

Yu Xiaodie nodded coquettishly. Although she now looked like a teenage girl, her consciousness was equivalent to that of a seven or eight-year-old girl.

After putting Xiaodie into the space magic weapon, Yan Jinghong took another look at the body of Emperor Dutian, put it away, and whispered: "Master, after we are out of danger, I will bury you properly. "

After saying that, he directly unlocked the illusion of surveying the sky, jumped up, and soared directly into the sky from the cave.

"That kid is there!"

"How dare you come out! Are you so arrogant?"

"court death!"

For a moment, the monsters who were searching for Yan Jinghong's whereabouts immediately rushed over with their teeth and claws open, each with a ferocious look and a fierce look.

After a while, five demons surrounded Yan Jinghong, and Mo Beikuan, the leader, sneered and stared at Yan Jinghong as if he was looking at a dead person.

"Where's that old thing!"

Mo Bei stared at Yan Jinghong and asked coldly.

"he died."

Yan Jinghong's expression was indifferent, but his body had slowly begun to be covered with a layer of icy blue light, which in turn condensed into sky-scanning black ice.

"Hmph, dead?"

Mo Bei laughed wildly, "That's really an advantage for him. Otherwise, I will make that old guy feel like life is worse than death. He dared to kill so many of my subordinates. He deserves death!"

"Shut up!--"

The sound of violent drinking resounded throughout the sky.

Yan Jinghong clenched his fists tightly, anger flowing deep in his blood.


This was the first time since he was reborn from the shackles of the Seven Emotions Demonic Wheel that he was so angry.

"Since you want to see him so much, then I'll send you down to accompany him!"

Yan Jinghong's eyes turned cold. The next moment, his whole body was covered with black ice. Shocking murderous intent filled the air. The whole world seemed to have turned into a frozen battlefield thousands of miles away.


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he felt the astonishing burst of cold air in the distance, and immediately accelerated his speed.

Because he was delayed for too long by the Evil Bone Demon Lord, Ling Feng could only roughly follow the direction Yan Jinghong left to search.

Mo Beikuan's strength has risen to around the level of a third-grade half-step virtual immortal. Together with several other late-stage ancestral realm demons and even peak ancestral realm demons, if he really catches up with Yan Jinghong, with his strength, Coupled with the heavy damage to Emperor Dutian, I am afraid that the situation is very bad.

Moreover, the longer the delay, the higher the possibility that Yan Jinghong and the others would be killed.

Fortunately, at this moment, the astonishing cold air that erupted in the distance was clearly Yan Jinghong's sky-scanning ice soul power!

"Yan Jinghong, hold on!"

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng said nothing, and his figure immediately turned into a rainbow and flew away.

Shenshui Yinji on the side frowned slightly, sighed softly, and flew after him without any hesitation.

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