Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3299 Please bear with me!

"What an amazing chill!"

The further they flew to the core area where the power of Xuntian Ice Soul struck, even Shenshui Yinji couldn't help but show a hint of horror.

As a monk with the Yin-Cold attribute, she knew more clearly what level the cold air had reached.

It can be said that this is no less than her Tianhan evil aura, and even exceeds it in terms of rank!

It was obvious that the boy's cultivation level was only at the middle stage of the Ancestral Realm, but he was actually able to erupt such terrifying cold energy.

It seems that during the thousand years since he was sealed, many talents have indeed emerged in future generations.

First it was Ye Weiyang, then Ling Feng, and now even that boy named Yan Jinghong is so good.

However, Ling Feng's brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

He was naturally very aware of Yan Jinghong's strength. This cold energy had already exceeded Yan Jinghong's peak level.

Could it be that in order to fight against the demonic pursuers, this guy did not hesitate to forcibly activate the power of the Sky Patrol Divine Pattern?

He had indeed obtained the original divine mark of the Xantian Clan, but with his current state, if he forcibly used power beyond his own limit, the consequences would be disastrous once the power backfired.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng frantically activated his movements, increasing his speed to the extreme, and his figure turned into a bolt of thunder, piercing the sky in an instant and disappearing at the end of the sky.

About half a quarter of an hour later, as the power of Xuntian Ice Soul became more and more intense, Ling Feng felt as if he had entered a country of frost. The whole world seemed to be frozen, and everything that came into his eyes was a piece of crystal clear ice. .

There was no sound, only the cold wind!

Such an astonishing frost kingdom stretches for a hundred miles. When Ling Feng and Shenshui Yinji arrived at the core of this frost kingdom, they saw Yan Jinghong holding an ice crystal long sword and leaning on the ground with the edge of the sword. It was difficult to maintain a standing position.

And around him, there were several figures that had been frozen into ice sculptures.


The next moment, with Yan Jinghong's loud shout, all six ice sculptures shattered, blood and water splashed, but in an instant, they condensed into ice shards and scattered all over the ground.

Also disappearing with it were the life breaths of Mo Beikuan and the demons under him.

All the demons and monsters were completely destroyed at this moment!

At the center of Yan Jinghong's eyebrows, the Sky Patrolling Divine Mark burst out with extremely dazzling divine light. It was obvious that the power Yan Jinghong used just now belonged to this Sky Patrolling Divine Mark, not his own power.

"Brother Yan!"

Ling Feng stepped forward quickly. He had thought of countless endings, but he never expected that Yan Jinghong would be able to kill all the monsters like Mo Beikuan by himself!

There must be some other reason for this.

"How are you? Where is Senior Tai Huang?"

Ling Feng searched everywhere, but could not sense the slightest aura of Emperor Dutian at all.

Logically speaking, he should be with Yan Jinghong.

Unfortunately, before Yan Jinghong had time to answer Ling Feng, his whole body fell heavily on his back like a mountain of gold or a jade pillar.

The next moment, he completely lost consciousness.

He relied on Emperor Dutian's magic seed to forcibly break through the first level of restriction on the Sky Patrol Divine Pattern, and temporarily gained power comparable to half-step Void Immortal level.

However, this power was not something he cultivated himself after all. It came and went away just as quickly.

When the power disappeared, all his energy, physical strength and Yuanli were consumed, and he naturally fainted.

Fortunately, the situation is not too serious.

Ling Feng's figure flashed and he held Yan Jinghong's body steadily. Seeing that Yan Jinghong had passed out, he shook his head and sighed softly.

It seems that the specific situation can only be known after Yan Jinghong wakes up.

However, Ling Feng was completely unable to sense Emperor Dutian's aura, and he probably already had some guesses in his mind.

Unexpectedly, this famous ancestor who suppressed an entire era would end up like this without success.

With a slight exertion of his wrist, he turned Yan Jinghong's body and put it directly on his shoulders. Then he looked back at Shenshui Yinji and said slowly: "Let's go, senior, find a place to heal him first." ”

Shenshui Yinji looked as normal and did not respond to Ling Feng. She just followed Ling Feng calmly.

However, in her heart, there was already a storm.

Being able to create a frost field within a hundred miles by himself, it seems that the strength of this boy named Yan Jinghong is at least close to that of a seventh-grade half-step virtual immortal when he explodes with all his strength.

Even more so.

There are so many geniuses emerging among the younger generation.

Is this the so-called "big world"?

"Cough cough cough..."

In the haziness, Yan Jinghong coughed a few times and felt a slight tingling all over his body. There was a faint light. It was probably a cave.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and what came into his eyes was Ling Feng.

Recalling the last moment before he fainted, it seemed that he saw Ling Feng coming towards him.

"woke up?"

Ling Feng held a few golden needles in his hand and said calmly, "It's faster than I expected."

"Since you are all back alive, could it be that..."

Yan Jinghong's eyes narrowed and he blurted out: "Did you defeat the Evil Bone Demon Lord?"


Ling Feng shook his head and sighed, "He let me go."

"Let you go?"

Yan Jinghong's eyes widened, "Even if you and Shenshui Yinji join forces, you are not a match for Xie Gu?"


Ling Feng clenched his fists. Although the answer was disappointing, it was the truth.

If the Evil Bone Demon Lord's reincarnation in the prison cannot be broken, then even a hundred of him and Shenshui Yinji will not be able to defeat the Evil Bone Demon Lord, let alone kill him.

"And what's even worse is that the next time he fights Xie Gu, his cultivation level will definitely break through the immortal path and become a true virtual immortal powerhouse!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and the golden needle he held in his hand snapped into two pieces.

After listening to Ling Feng's words, Yan Jinghong also frowned, took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "Emperor Dutian has... died."

"It's still a step too late..."

Ling Feng sighed softly. Although he had expected it, a trace of sadness still arose in his heart.

Although he only got along with Emperor Dutian for a few days, he was indeed an elder worthy of respect.

"Before he died, he passed on his magic seed to me. Therefore, he is now my master."

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded slightly. No wonder Yan Jinghong was able to burst out half-step Void Immortal level power. It turned out that he got the mana seed from Emperor Dutian.

This is not difficult to understand.

"As for Xiaodie, she is sleeping in my space magic weapon. I will..."

"Not in a hurry."

Ling Feng held down Yan Jinghong's arm, "You can't use the energy in your body right now. I need to continue acupuncture on you to consolidate the mana seeds in your Dantian."

Yan Jinghong nodded and then slowly closed his eyes.

Yan Jinghong has seen Ling Feng's medical skills countless times, and all he has to do is believe in it.

"Brother Yan, I'm sorry. I accidentally broke the commonly used golden needles just now. I may need to replace them with new ones."


Yan Jinghong opened his eyes, "It doesn't matter, you can do whatever you want."


Ling Feng nodded and said: "Mine is very big, please bear with it!"

Three minutes later.

Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong walked out of the cave side by side, while Shenshui Yinji was protecting the law not far outside the cave.

Seeing the two people coming out, Shenshui Yinji said impatiently: "Have you finally come out? Since everything is fine, it's time for us to go our separate ways."

"Senior, wait!"

Ling Feng quickly stopped Shenshui Yinji and said seriously: "Senior Yinji, you should be very clear about the current situation. The Evil Bone Demon Lord is definitely not something we can deal with alone. Instead of fighting alone, we should work together. At least, until we destroy the Evil Bone Demon Lord, we all have a common enemy, and the enemy of our enemy is a friend."

After a pause, Ling Feng continued: "So, I hope that seniors can temporarily put aside their prejudices and go with us to Sao Feng Camp to unite with the forces of all the tribes in the Star Territory."

"As the commander-in-chief of Sao Feng, you actually invited a female devil like me to the headquarters of your Sao Feng camp?"

A trace of amusement appeared on Shenshui Yinji's cold and proud face.

"Senior, don't you dare?" Ling Feng smiled and said something irritating.

"I dare to break into the dragon's pond and tiger's den, let alone your Sao Feng camp?"

Shenshui Yinji smiled coldly, "Well, that Evil Bone Demon Lord is indeed difficult to deal with. I will return to Sao Feng Camp with you. But..."

"Just what?" Ling Feng blurted out.

"It's just that if those juniors from the Yuanshen Temple who claim to be righteous dare to provoke me, I will not show mercy."

"Senior, please rest assured about this. Since senior is an important ally in the fight against the Evil Bone Demon Lord, he should be respected by everyone. Anyone who dares to provoke senior will be my enemy, Ling Feng!"

"Okay! Remember what you said."

Shenshui Yinji nodded slightly, and then she agreed.

Since ancient times, there has been no coexistence between good and evil. Shenshui Yinji's worries are not unreasonable.

However, with her extraordinary strength, I believe that even if others have complaints, they will only dare to complain in secret. Anyone who dares to challenge her in person will probably be asking for death.

After making the decision, Ling Feng and his party headed towards Camp Sao Feng without stopping.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord has cut off the cause and effect between him and Ling Feng, and his Taoist heart is perfect. I believe that it won't be long before he can break through to the immortal way.

But before that, I'm afraid it will take some time to retreat.

This world may only last a few days, or it may last a few months, but it will never be too long.

Now, they don't have any time to waste. They must find a way to break the reincarnation of the Border Prison during the period when the Evil Bone Demon Lord is in seclusion.

Other than that, just use this time as much as possible to improve your strength!

Since the Evil Bone Demon Lord can break through the immortal path, Ling Feng might as well give it a try.

It's a pity that the little goldfish has been sleeping since he swallowed the Yang Fruit, and he doesn't know when he will wake up.

Otherwise, with the almost perverted ability of the little goldfish, he might encounter the Evil Bone Demon Lord and swallow it in one gulp.

On the other hand, although Kavli left a mark in his body, he could contact her at a critical moment and ask her to rescue him.

But if it's just this little thing that troubles Kavli, I'm afraid she will re-evaluate the cooperative relationship with herself.

Keweili is the aloof demon queen, and Ling Feng doesn't think of her as a thug who can be summoned and sent away at the drop of a hat.

If she can't even solve the problem of the Evil Bone Demon Lord by herself, then her impression in her mind will be greatly reduced.

It was agreed that Kweli would be called back to help when he broke through to the immortal realm, so Kweli Lingfeng would not consider it unless it was absolutely necessary.

Not to mention, Kavli is probably still in the critical period of recovery. After all, she has been suppressed and sealed for so long. It is not easy to return to the top.

Before recovering, if she showed up rashly, once she was discovered by those powerful people in the fairyland, her situation might be in danger.

Therefore, it is better to rely on yourself than to rely on anyone else!

This time the Evil Bone Demon Lord's crisis may be an opportunity for a breakthrough.

After all, the Evil Bone Demon Lord can also be regarded as a fellow immortal demon. His breakthrough may be a blessing for Ling Feng.

In their wild thoughts, Ling Feng and his party had arrived near the Sao Feng Island Group.

From a distance, you can see the golden fairy formation shining in the sky above Saofeng Camp.

Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation!

It is precisely because of the existence of this immortal formation that Ling Feng has some confidence that he can use it as a base to fight against the evil bones.

Even if we take 10,000 steps back, when the Evil Bone Demon Lord breaks through the immortal path and launches a massive attack, with the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protector Formation, I believe he will be able to hold on for a long time.

The Immortal Formation is a magic formation used to resist the powerful immortals. It is not easy to break through the Immortal Formation.

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