Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3300 Two hidden ancestors!

An hour later, inside the headquarters' residence.

At this moment, in addition to the Ye Shen group who had already returned to Sao Feng Camp, the Odin clan, the Void Soul clan and the Titan clan had also received the news and came to Sao Feng Camp from the Haoyang branch.

Unfortunately, they all returned in vain and did not find the hidden ancestor of the clan.

In order to fight against Tianshu, these powerful reclusive men have always been deeply hidden, isolated from the world, and not interested in worldly affairs.

In fact, in order to pursue integration with heaven and earth, the six senses have been closed off, just to pursue the ethereal glimmer of hope in the impossible.

Or perhaps, it has long been turned into a speck of dust, a piece of rotten wood, and disappeared into the dust of history.

It is too difficult to find them.

However, Osade from the Odin clan, Gaia from the Titan clan, and Ikku Kurosaki from the Void Soul clan still brought the pillars and backbone of the clan.

Although their strength may not be as good as that of the clan leaders, as the saying goes, there is strength in numbers. In the face of this catastrophe in all the stars and realms, no cultivator can stay away.

The three major races together brought about more than a hundred strong people who were above the middle stage of the Ancestral Realm, and as for the early stage of the Ancestral Realm, there were as many as five hundred people.

Taken together, this power cannot be underestimated.

Unfortunately, what they have to face is the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

There are more and more demons under the command of the Evil Bone Demon Lord. Not only that, but after this opportunity, it is just around the corner to cultivate a perfect Taoist heart and break through to the immortal way.

By then, the situation of the Star Territory Alliance will definitely be more dangerous.

"This is all the intelligence we got from this operation."

In the main hall of the General Secretary, Ling Feng sat upright with an extremely solemn expression on his face, telling all the information he had collected after his fight with the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Including his mysterious reincarnation in the border prison, and also his upcoming breakthrough to the immortal path.

After listening to Ling Feng's words, everyone's expressions were solemn.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord, who is only half a step above the Void Immortal level, is already almost invincible.

Now, the reason why he is still dormant is to take a step further.

And after the Evil Bone Demon Lord truly breaks through, is there still hope for all the stars and all the realms?

the answer is negative!

"As for Senior Tai Huang..."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked at Qin Yu, the young leader of the Tai'a clan.

Qin Yu had almost lost control and wanted to ask more questions. Now that he heard Ling Feng finally mention it, his heart suddenly jumped up, "What, what happened to him, ancestor? Why didn't he come back with you? He is still sealed. Demon God Realm, will you continue to monitor the movements of the Evil Bone Demon Lord?”


Ling Feng clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice: "I'm sorry, Senior Tai Huang, he was infected with the evil bone demonic energy and has... died."


Qin Yu almost jumped up from his seat and slammed the table, "This is absolutely impossible! The ancestor of the Emperor is invincible in the world, how could he die? Absolutely impossible! You are lying, you are lying to me! You are all lying I!"

"No one lied to you!"

Yan Jinghong, who was always silent, stood up slowly and said slowly: "The ancestor of the Taihuang has indeed fallen. When he died, I was beside him. Before he died, the senior passed on the seed of mana to me. , my current identity is the true disciple of the Taihuang Ancestor!"

As he spoke, Yan Jinghong slowly activated the mana seed passed down to him by his Taihuang Ancestor. The aura belonging to the Tai'a clan filled the air. Qin Yu froze, and then he slumped down helplessly.

First the clan leader, then the ancestor.

Could it be that the Tai'a clan has really run out of energy?

"Brother Qin, my condolences."

"Hey... even the legendary Emperor..."

"That Evil Bone Demon Lord should be cut into pieces with a thousand swords!"

In the main hall, some people comforted Qin Yu, while others scolded the Evil Bone Demon Lord. Unfortunately, everything had already happened and was a foregone conclusion.

"We are all very sad to see the passing of Senior Emperor Tai Huang, but we should not wallow in sorrow and pain now. If the evil bones are not removed, such tragedies will only keep happening again."

Ye Weiyang took a deep breath, stood up slowly, looked at everyone in the hall, and said in a deep voice: "The top priority is to find a way to deal with the Evil Bone Demon Lord."

"That's right, Ye Shen is right! We can't let Senior Tai Huang's sacrifice be in vain!"

Ling Feng also nodded. He had to say that Ye Shen was indeed more suitable as a leader than himself.

Ling Feng has always been a loner, and Ye Shen has been trained as the successor of the Haotian clan since he was a child. Ye Shen is naturally better at handling this situation than Ling Feng.

But it is undeniable that Ling Feng also has another unique charm.

He always seems to be able to give people a bud of hope in desperate situations.

And this hope is the most precious.

"Director Ling, you have fought against the Evil Bone Demon Lord. Is the reincarnation in prison really as weird as you say?"

Kurosaki Ikkuang, from the Void Soul Clan, looked at Ling Feng intently, "Could it be a secret technique of the Soul Dao?"

"No." Ling Feng shook his head, "It's not the secret technique of the Soul Dao, but it's like creating a mysterious latitude that is completely incomprehensible, impossible to explore, and impossible to invade. At least, with my current cognitive ability, I can't see into it. Unravel the mystery."

"Doesn't that mean that the Evil Bone Demon Lord is impossible to defeat?"

Gaia punched the table and gritted her teeth with hatred, "Then what are we still doing sitting here? Each of us finds a piece of tofu and we'll kill him!"

"No matter how good the magical power or secret method is, it cannot be without flaws. It's just that the information we have is too little."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, "No matter what time, you can't get into trouble, there will always be a way!"


Kurosaki seemed to remember something again, and said in a deep voice: "When I returned from the Void Soul Realm, I received a thousand-mile transmission note from the Frey clan. It seemed to mention that when they came from the north, they encountered a A lifeless dead city, everyone in it seemed to have turned into statues in an instant, without any trace of living people. "


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he looked back at Mu Qianxue, who was sitting behind him.


A lifeless dead city!

Full of motionless statues!

They have witnessed all this with their own eyes.

It was just that I was in a hurry to rush back to heal Ye Shen, so I didn't pursue it further.

Now it seems that this situation has begun to spread at a terrifying speed.

"and after?"

Ling Feng asked anxiously.

"I once sent out a telepathic message to ask, but then I never got any response."

Kurosaki frowned and said, "It stands to reason that the Frey family should have arrived at Camp Sao Feng earlier than us. But now, there is no trace of them. I'm really worried."


Ling Feng tightened his fists. Could it be that the Frey family has also encountered something unexpected?

Faintly, Ling Feng felt that none of this was unusual.

Perhaps, it is also inseparable from the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Could it be that the Evil Bone Demon Lord is brewing some other big conspiracy?

Ling Feng didn't know all this.

However, if this continues, the number of people who will die may be incalculable.

"It seems that the culprit who created a large number of dead cities can no longer let it go."

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, but the current situation was really a bit stretched.

With the Evil Bone Demon Lord on one side, they were already struggling.

Coupled with an unknown monster, it is really frustrating.

Fortunately, at this moment, another guard came to report outside the door.

"Reporting to Mr. Souji, the young master of the Tiangui clan, Immortal Sichuan, has arrived with a mysterious old man! There is also the Yodel clan's Holy Son Miller, who also brought an old senior with him! In addition, the Cyber ​​clan's Ka Young Master Kabell is here too.”


Ling Feng's eyes lit up. Now the Titans, Void Souls, Odin tribes, and the Frey tribe, which had lost all news, were unable to invite a half-step Void Immortal level expert.

I thought that the hope of other tribes was also very slim, but unexpectedly, they actually found them.

The two half-step virtual immortals, plus him and Shenshui Yinji, as well as Yan Jinghong, who can initially display the half-step virtual immortal level combat power, now their strength has also been greatly improved.

"Director Ling!"

Immortal Sichuan cupped his fists and saluted Ling Feng, and immediately introduced: "This is the hidden ancestor of our Tiangui clan, Xuanyi Ghost Ancestor! He also improved the Heartless Ghost Slash three times and developed the power of the Tiangui clan to its peak. Strong!"

"This is Dracula, the Saint Ancestor of our Yodel tribe. Lord Dracula's strength is definitely one of the best among the ancestors of our Yodel tribe!"

Ling Feng quickly stood up, walked to the two ancestors, and bowed to them, "Junior Ling Feng, I have met these two seniors!"

The Xuan Yi Ghost Ancestor was covered in a black cloak, with a faint black smoke emitting from his body, making it difficult to see his face.

However, he always exuded a vague and cold murderous intention, which made even Ling Feng shudder.

As for the other Holy Ancestor Dracula, he is already a very tall being among the Yodels, actually 1.6 meters tall!

And unlike ordinary Yodels, he has snow-white skin and handsome appearance. It seems that besides the blood of the Yodels, he has another powerful bloodline.

It's a pity that this bloodline obviously cannot be passed down.

"I didn't expect that after so many years of hiding in the world, such a monster would appear in the future?"

Ghost Ancestor Xuan Yi looked at Ling Feng, and his murderous intent approached Ling Feng in an instant. He wanted to test Ling Feng's reality, but he was easily neutralized by Ling Feng.

This move has already revealed the strength of half-step to the virtual immortal level!

Saint Dracula narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly, but when his eyes saw Shenshui Yinji sitting in the corner, his expression couldn't help but turn aside.

" are..."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he looked back at Shenshui Yinji.

Is it possible that Shenshui Yinji knows this Holy Ancestor Dracula?

This is not surprising, after all, they are legendary figures from thousands of years ago.

But she saw that Shenshui Yinji didn't even raise her eyes, she just had a frosty look on her face and said calmly: "Oh, it turns out you were the coward who pretended to be dead and escaped back then. With your efforts to save your life, you are still alive now. Not surprising."

For a moment, Dracula's complexion turned extremely dark. It turned out that the former Shenshui Yinji had also experienced the Dao Star Realm.

When he arrived in the star field where the Yodel clan was located, in order to challenge his limits, he directly challenged the eight holy sons of the Yodel Holy Court alone. At that time, Dracula was one of them.

However, unlike the other Saint Sons who died from injuries, only Dracula escaped by pretending to be dead immediately.

This incident has always been a lingering shadow in Dracula's mind, and he has never mentioned it to anyone.

And it was precisely because of that "encounter" that all the other saints who were better than him died, which made him the current patriarch of the Yodel tribe.

Later, he got some opportunities again, and his strength was not bad, but with such a dark history, he happened to meet the real owner, so he couldn't save his face.


Dracula was speechless because of Shenshui Yinji's words. Although he gritted his teeth in hatred, he was powerless to refute.

Shenshui Yinji had left an indelible shadow in the depths of his not-so-young heart.

"Everyone is on the same front now, and the most important thing is unity and cooperation."

Ling Feng hurriedly stepped forward and laughed, and stopped it in time before things continued to deteriorate.

However, he didn't expect that this Saint Dracula actually had such a "glorious deed".

It seems that he has to be extra careful with him.

After all, people like this who are greedy for life and afraid of death will most likely become traitors in the end.

Because other people were present, Ling Feng told them about the Evil Bone Demon Lord and the mysterious monster that created countless dead cities.

After everyone discussed, they decided to split into two groups.

One group stayed in Xiaofeng Camp and continued to look for ways to deal with the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

The other group went north to find the monster that created countless dead cities and collect more valuable clues.

As for the allocation of personnel, further discussion is needed.

This also exposed a problem. For such a large alliance, the most urgent and most important thing is to select a general person in charge.

Otherwise, without a leader, they will just be a mob.

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