Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3301 The moment to witness a miracle!

After some discussion, it was finally decided that the veteran half-step Void Immortal experts Xuan Yi Gui Ancestor and Holy Ancestor Dracula, who came to reinforce, would stay behind at Sao Feng Camp.

They are undoubtedly the core combat force in the entire alliance, and they are also one of the few strong ones who can pose a certain threat to the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

They will sit in charge of Saofeng Camp, remain unchanged in response to the ever-changing situation, and adopt the best strategy.

On the other side, headed by Ye Weiyang, Kurosaki Ikkuang, Qin Yu and other young rising stars from various races, they led a group of elites from the Star Territory Alliance to go north to explore why those cities suddenly turned into one after another. The roots of the dead city.

Of course, this is just to inquire about the information first, and it is not appropriate to have a head-on conflict with the other party for the time being.

After all, it is likely that the Frey family completely lost their traces because of that mysterious and unknown power.

It can be seen that this power is probably very terrifying, and its threat level may not be lower than that of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

As for Ling Feng, as the commander-in-chief of Sao Feng, he undoubtedly knows the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation best. In addition, the deep-sea demon whale king sleeping in front of Shen Hai only obeys the deployment of Ling Feng alone.

Therefore, he must also sit in Sao Feng Camp.

After the meeting ended, everyone left. Ling Feng hesitated for a moment, then walked up to Kurosaki Ikkuang and others and bowed to these former good opponents and good companions.

"Brother Kurosaki, Brother Gaia, I cannot absolve myself of the blame for the unfortunate murder of the elders by the Evil Bone Demon Lord..."

Ling Feng clenched his fists. Although Kurosaki Yikuang and the others didn't mention it, it didn't mean that it didn't happen.

"Hey, forget it."

Kurosaki shook his head wildly and sighed softly: "You didn't want the situation at that time. What's more, you already tried to give up resistance and die to quell this catastrophe, and we all saw it."

"Brother Kurosaki..."

Ling Feng took a deep look at Kurosaki and felt moved in his heart.

"Yeah, how can I blame you entirely?"

Gaia's powerful big hand patted Ling Feng's shoulder heavily, "We, the men of the Titan clan, have clear grievances and grievances. If you want to blame, you should blame the evil bone demon! Everything was caused by that demon. Yes, now that Brother Ling can wake up and become our companion again, it’s not too late for me to be happy!”


Although the Immortal River of the Tengui clan has always been taciturn, he nodded and expressed his position.

"At the last moment, Ye Shen chose to miss the sword. I think he must have firmly believed that only you can completely eliminate the Evil Bone Demon Lord."

Kurosaki stared deeply at Ling Feng, "So, I also choose to believe in you. Just like when you led us to defeat the Aragami together, now we can definitely defeat the Evil Bone Demon Lord!"

Gaia: "I believe you too!"

Immortal River: "Same!"

Even Kakabel nodded slightly.

The Cybermen, who have always been loners and even a bit maverick, are extremely proud in their hearts.

But only Ling Feng convinced him from the bottom of his heart.

"Everyone! I really don't know what to say, thank you! Thank you for your trust!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

Unexpectedly, these geniuses from all the star realms understand the righteousness so well, which only made his inner self-blame deepen even more.

Even if it was just for these friends, he must not let the Evil Bone Demon Lord continue to be rampant.

The hatred of all the stars, clan leaders, seniors, and everyone in the universe must be washed away with blood!

"Brother Ling, let's create another miracle!"

"Only you can!"

"We absolutely trust you!"

A famous and proud man, looking at Ling Feng, there was only unconditional trust in his eyes.

Once upon a time, when they faced Aragami again, they felt the same despair.

And it was Ling Feng who led them out of the desperate situation!

Qin Yu on the side clenched his fists. Indeed, he had been completely overwhelmed by anger and hatred.

But now that I think about it, I was indeed too impulsive at the time.

However, he couldn't bring himself to apologize to Ling Feng, so he just gritted his teeth, turned around and walked out of the main hall.

"Then Brother Ling, let's set off first!"

After settling all the previous suspicions, everyone left.

After being brought into the main hall, leaving only Ling Feng and Ye Weiyang, Ye Weiyang said: "Brother Ling, your return has really inspired everyone's confidence to a great extent. As the saying goes, a snake can't do without a head, so you should too It’s obvious that our huge alliance needs a commander-in-chief, and you are the most suitable candidate.”

"No, actually it should be Yagami's arrangement. It can be said that it is almost comprehensive and well-organized. I am ashamed of this. Without you, I think everyone would still be in a mess."

Ling Feng shook his head and took a deep look at Ye Weiyang, "Yeshen, I believe you are more suitable than me."

"Don't shirk it anymore. This is also your responsibility, isn't it?"

Ye Weiyang raised her hand and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "Okay, it's time for me to leave. I hope you can bring us some good news when we come back from the north!"

"I also hope you can bring back good news!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and the two of them looked at each other. That was probably the so-called sympathy for each other.

Bang bang bang!

Ice flowers were flying, and the entire island looked like a frozen country.

And in the sky above this island, two figures collided wildly, and each confrontation seemed to split the world into two halves.

"This sword is not bad! Boy, your understanding is indeed very high!"

Shenshui Yinji forced back the attacking Yan Jinghong with one sword. In just two days, Yan Jinghong's progress was completely beyond her expectations.

As everyone knows, Yan Jinghong obtained the magic seed of Emperor Dutian, and in addition to the last time he accidentally broke through the seal restriction of the Sky Patrol Divine Mark, plus in the past few days, Shenshui Yinji His constant pressure actually allowed him to completely integrate Emperor Dutian's magic seed into one body in a short period of time.

Now, he has actually been directly promoted to the level of half-step virtual immortal.

Compared to Ling Feng, it was actually one step earlier.

However, if it were a head-on confrontation, Ling Feng would probably be slightly better.

After all, no matter in terms of destructive power, defensive power, or vitality, Ling Feng has no flaws or weaknesses.

Although Yan Jinghong's attack power is comparable to Ling Feng's, if he is fatally injured, his recovery ability is not at the same level as Ling Feng's.

But even so, Yan Jinghong's improvement in strength is undoubtedly great news for the entire star field alliance.

In a corner of the island, Ling Feng sat cross-legged, looking at the northern sky, and murmured in a low voice, "It has been two days, and there is still no news, and I don't know what the situation is. ”

He sighed softly. In the past two days, apart from practicing with Shenshui Yinji and others, he was also looking for ways to break the hell cycle of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

It's a pity that no matter whether it is checking the classics in the library, or discussing and communicating with veteran powerful people such as Holy Ancestor Dracula and Xuanyi Ghost Ancestor, in the end, nothing can be done.

In fact, Ling Feng had already been mentally prepared.

Not even my own Emperor's Eye can see through the weakness of reincarnation in this prison. Although Xuanyi Ghost Ancestor and the others have lived for several thousand more years and have rich experience, they have probably never encountered such a weird ability.

Otherwise, they may not be able to survive until now.


With a flash of purple light, Zifeng's body shrank to the size of a puppy and landed on Ling Feng's shoulders very naturally.

"Zifeng? Why are you here?"

Ling Feng turned his head and glanced at Zifeng, sighing softly, looking at the blue sea, the waves were calm, but his heart seemed to be a chaotic whirlpool, with thousands of threads, and he didn't know where to go.

"Master, you are here alone in a daze, I will accompany you."

Zifeng jumped from Ling Feng's shoulder to a rock nearby, bounced lightly on the spot a few times, and said with a smile: "Master, actually you don't have to be so gloomy. You came from the Eastern Spiritual Territory, and then... From the Western Sword Territory, to the Southern Witch Territory, and then to the Central Yuan Territory, we have overcome so many difficulties, and we are not short of an Evil Bone Demon Lord."

"Having said that..."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, "But it won't be long before the Evil Bone Demon Lord breaks through to the Immortal Realm. To be honest, the current Evil Bone is already invincible with the secret technique of Border Prison Reincarnation." Well, if he breaks through to the Immortal Realm, the chance of me defeating him is less than one in ten thousand!"


Zifeng blinked his big bright eyes and jumped back from the rock to Ling Feng's shoulders, "Then master, you can also break through to the immortal way, isn't that enough?"

"Easier said than done?"

Ling Feng sighed again. Although the bloodline of the Tiandao clan was powerful, it was much more difficult to achieve a breakthrough than others.

On that day, in order to break through the ancestral realm, he had directly escaped into the void and endured hundreds of millions of star calamities. He had to go through almost tens of millions of bloody rebirths before finally using his physical body to overcome the calamities and achieve the ancestral realm.

If you want to break through to the realm of immortality, you still don't know how much energy is needed.

Breaking through to the Immortal Realm would probably be more difficult for Ling Feng than defeating the Evil Bone Demon Lord in the Immortal Realm.

"Hehe, Master, all the way to this level, is there any easy step?"

Zifeng chuckled and took out a hexagonal treasure box from his spiritual pet space.

"Shenhuang Treasure Box?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. This Shenhuang treasure box is related to the secret treasure of immortal fate left by the Shenhuang Emperor in Xuanling Continent.

If you can get this secret, it might be an opportunity to break through to the realm of immortality.

However, the five pieces of the Shenhuang Picture Book were later fused into a golden book, but the secret of the Shenhuang Treasure Box has not yet been cracked.

The immortal fate of Emperor Shenhuang always seems to be lacking something.

Zifeng smiled mysteriously, and kept turning the treasure box with his forelimbs. He said with a smile: "Hey, master, do you still remember how long it has been since you handed this treasure box to me?"


Ling Feng was stunned. This treasure box was accidentally found when he was training on the battlefield of gods and demons in the Eastern Spiritual Domain.

It's been about four or five years now.

"That's four years, six months and eighteen days!"

Zifeng looked serious, "After all this time, do you think I have given up on opening this broken box?"

Ling Feng stared at Zifeng. Could it be that this boy wanted to give him an unexpected surprise today?

"Could it be?"

Ling Feng blinked, his heart in his throat.


Zifeng imitated the look of a bitch and stood up, "Me! Zifeng! The handsome, wise and mighty Zifeng has given up long ago!"


The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he had the urge to push him into the sea and drown him.

"Hey, hey, don't be impatient, don't be impatient!"

Feeling the murderous aura in Ling Feng's eyes, Zifeng quickly said: "I gave up, but I didn't forget your instructions, Master, so I left it to Xiao Qiongqi!"

"Do you think he has been sleeping in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace for so many years? He has been under my sincere teachings, working hard day and night, trying to open the Divine Desolate Treasure Box!"

"The results of it?"

Ling Feng stared at Zifeng, he wanted the result.

Zifeng grinned, turned a pair of small hooves on the Shenhuang Treasure Box, and slowly stopped, "It turns out that five of the six sides of the Shenhuang Treasure Box correspond to the five patterns in the Shenhuang Picture Book. Hey, those patterns are all in my head! Now, just turn the last five patterns and they will all be aligned!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, four years, six months and eighteen days!

Will the secret of the Shenhuang Treasure Box finally be revealed?

"Next, it's time to witness the miracle!"

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