Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3302 The secret of the treasure box! Spring spring divine spring?

The northern part of Zhongyuan Domain.

The exploration team headed by Ye Weiyang went all the way north. According to the last news passed back from the Frey clan, the place where they last appeared should be the Dragon Slaying God Realm.

This place is the realm where the Zhanlong Clan is located. The Zhanlong Clan is also one of the ten high-ranking divine clans in the Yuanshen Temple, and is considered to be on the same level as the Demon-Sealing God Clan.

Therefore, the team led by Ye Weiyang immediately teleported through the Yuanshen Temple branch of the Dragon Slaying God Realm.

However, when the team teleported to the branch hall of Dragon Slaying City, the scene they saw was just like the news from the Frey clan. Everyone seemed to have turned into statues, and the huge city was lifeless.

Only the swaying bodies were left, and the soul beneath the bodies had long been evacuated by an unknown force.

Moreover, not only the mortals, but also the masters of the branch halls and other worshipers in the huge branch halls of Dragon Slaying City were turned into statues.

According to Ye Weiyang's knowledge, the master of the branch hall of Dragon Slaying City is also a strong man in the late ancestral realm!

Even the strong ones in the ancestral realm have no room to resist?

After a while, everyone who was sent by Ye Weiyang to investigate came back one after another.

Gaia: "Brother Ye, the east side is full of statues like this, but there are no living people!"

Kurosaki was furious, "It's the same in the north."

Qin Yu also nodded solemnly, "The same goes for the south."


Kakabel was the last one to come back. His face was extremely solemn and he said in a deep voice: "In a city two hundred miles away to the west, I found the humanoid statue of the Frey family. However, I didn't see the Frey family." Raidall.”

"Could it be said that Fradrael escaped?"

Ye Weiyang's eyes lit up and she made a quick decision, "Let's go find him!"

If Freder was really lucky enough to escape, he would be the only witness so far.

Only he can tell everyone what happened in the Dragon-Slaying Divine Realm.

"How to find it?"

Kurosaki sighed softly, "I have tried to contact them with the sound transmission talisman, but there has been no response. I'm afraid that even if Fradral has not turned into a statue here, he has already..."

"Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, don't give up."

Ye Weiyang took a deep breath, and the golden light flickered slightly in her remaining right eye.

Not long after, Ye Weiyang's figure swayed slightly, and his whole body seemed to be a little out of strength.

Kurosaki hurriedly stepped forward to support Ye Weiyang and said in a deep voice: "Yakami, what's wrong with you?"

"There is a discovery."

Ye Weiyang's face was a little pale, but she seemed a little excited, "Fredraul, he is still alive!"

His Haotian Eye has a certain ability to deduce heavenly secrets.

Although when he was at the ruins of Shenshui Palace, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his left eye in order to repair the Haotian Mirror. He had lost most of the abilities of the Haotian Eye, but he could still sense some destiny in the dark.

Freder's fate is not yet sealed.

In other words, Fredrael is still alive at least for now.

"Okay! That's great!"

Ye Weiyang's news immediately cheered up everyone present.

As long as they find Freder, the purpose of their trip will be achieved.

"Since Freidel is missing in the west, we will divide our troops into four groups and search for Brother Frey's traces along the way. Regardless of whether there is any harvest, we must come back at midnight and meet at Dragon Slaying City!"


Kurosaki Ikkuang was the first to nod, "Then, I will act together with Brother Gaia."

"Holy Son Miller, let's go together."

Qin Yu looked around in the crowd and finally selected Holy Son Miller of the Yodel tribe.

Strictly speaking, this Holy Son of Miller is still far behind the top geniuses of other races.

However, Veigar, who was most suitable to be the heir, died in the hands of the Aragami. The Yodel clan had no successor, so they had to replace the next-level Holy Son of Miller.

However, he is a Yodel after all, and is born with extremely powerful soul talent.

Correspondingly, his perceptual ability is naturally relatively strong, and he is a good hand at finding people.

Then, Kakabel and the Immortal River of the Tengui clan teamed up.

In the end, the only ones left were Ye Weiyang and Mu Qianxue.

This was Mu Qianxue's initiative to apply to participate in the operation. Although Ling Feng did not want Mu Qianxue to participate in this operation, in the end, he still did not stop Mu Qianxue.

Although Mu Qianxue is a woman, she is also Saintess Li.

Nowadays, the Jiuli Divine Clan is leaderless, and Mu Qianxue must also shoulder her own responsibilities.

Moreover, in fact, her current strength is comparable to that of Yagami.

After all, she also has the inheritance of the power of seven generations, so how can the power contained in her body be inferior to that of Ye Shen?

All she lacks is the will to fight.

Soon, the other three teams left.

"Brother Yagami."

Mu Qianxue walked to Ye Shen and saw Ye Weiyang's weak look. She hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward to hold his arm, "otherwise, let's take a rest first."

"No need."

Ye Weiyang shook her head, "I'm not that weak, but you..."

Ye Weiyang looked at Mu Qianxue and said, "Actually, you could stay out of the incident, but this action may be very dangerous."

"I know."

Mu Qianxue nodded, "However, I should also shoulder some responsibilities. In the past, my uncle and father always protected me from wind and rain. Later, both Brother Lingfeng and you He has been protecting me, but I am actually not that weak. I don’t want to be a burden to others forever, and I don’t want to be a drag on Brother Ling Feng!”

"I can see that you really like Brother Ling!"

Ye Weiyang shook his head and smiled bitterly. The woman in front of him almost walked across the Immortal Magpie Bridge with him and became his wife.

Now that I think about it, it's really sad.

"I'm sorry, Brother Yagami, I..."

"There is nothing to be sorry for in the past. However, now I have a new understanding of you."

Ye Weiyang smiled lightly, "You are not just a flower in the greenhouse as I imagined. You are strong and brave, even braver than me."

Mu Qianxue quickly shook her head, waved her hands and said, "I...I'm not as good as you said."

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about these things, let's go! I hope we can find out everything this time!"

Ye Weiyang shook her head slightly at Mu Qianxue, indicating that she could let go of her arm without supporting her.

Then, two figures flew out at the same time and began to search for traces of Fradre.

Sao Feng Island Group, an isolated island.

"Next, it's time to witness the miracle!"

Zifeng looked at Ling Feng with a smile, holding the Shenhuang Treasure Box with a pair of front hooves, and slowly completed the last rotation of the treasure box.

Ling Feng held his breath, the divine destiny of Emperor Shenhuang seemed to be very close at hand!


After the last rotation, five of the six sides of the Shenhuang Treasure Box have completed the patterns on the Shenhuang Picture Book.

And the last face, from the original chaotic pattern, gradually began to twist and change automatically.

And at the moment when Zifeng completed its last turn.


It seemed to be the sound of a machine spring turning, and something vaguely seemed to be running inside the treasure box.

A ray of divine light soared into the sky. When he saw this divine light, some chaotic pictures seemed to flash through his mind.

Ling Feng's heart seemed to be in his throat.

Finally, will all the answers be revealed?

At this time, the pattern on the sixth side seemed to have some clues.

like what?

It's just like……

A mountain, a river, a forest, a valley, and finally, a spring!

Several images flashed back in my mind, and finally, the pattern finally came to a standstill, judging from the winding textures and patterns above.

This is obviously a map.

In the upper left corner of the map, there are two very special symbols.

It seems vaguely that it should be written in ancient times.

This kind of writing is so ancient that even Ling Feng can't identify it.



At this moment, Yan Jinghong and Shenshui Yinji seemed to be attracted by the golden light just now, and flew over directly.

When she saw the treasure box in Ling Feng's hand, Shenshui Yinji's expression changed slightly and she blurted out, "Shenhuang Treasure Box?"

"you know?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. He was in a hurry to reveal the secret of the Shenhuang Treasure Box, but he forgot that there was an outsider here.

That's it, Yan Jinghong and Shenshui Yinji are currently allies, but this relationship is not reliable.

It is not ruled out that she will snatch the Shenhuang Treasure Box.

Subconsciously, Ling Feng hid the Shenhuang Treasure Box behind his back.


Seeing Ling Feng's little move, Shenshui Yinji smiled disdainfully, "Do you think I will snatch it away?"


Ling Feng's expression froze and he quickly explained, "Senior, I didn't mean that."

"That's all, the Shenhuang Treasure Box is related to an immortal fate. If it were me, I would still be wary of anyone."

Shenshui Yinji snorted coldly, "Since you can't trust me, I'll just leave."

After saying that, he was about to fly away.

"Feel sorry!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and hurriedly called out to Shenshui Yinji, "This junior is just a villain. If senior had the intention to snatch it, he would have already done it. I'm sorry, senior, it's my fault this time. Senior, please stay. It just so happens that junior still has questions and wants to ask senior."

"It's just this once, it won't happen again."

Only then did Shenshui Yinji stop. It was naturally impossible for her to have no idea about a treasure like the Shenhuang Treasure Box.

However, she also has her own pride.

At least, she didn't bother to compete with a junior for a chance.

What's more, Ling Feng is still his ally.

"Okay, just this once, never happen again!"

Ling Feng was secretly amused. He didn't expect that this goddess Shui Yinji was quite easy to coax.

Having said all that, Ling Feng stopped hiding it, took out the treasure box openly, and directly displayed the pattern on the sixth side.

"Senior, those are the two words."

Ling Feng pointed to the pattern on the sixth side of the treasure box, "This should be a map, but the two characters on it are difficult for me to identify."

Shenshui Yinji's eyes narrowed and she looked at them carefully for a long time before slowly saying: "I can't recognize these two ancient characters. However, from the perspective of the creation and development of characters, they are nothing more than pictograms, meanings, and meanings. , phonetic, these four principles. From the perspective of hieroglyphs, the first character above seems to be... spring."


Ling Feng blinked and heard what Shenshui Yinji said, it seemed a bit similar.

"Perhaps, it is also related to the several scenes projected by the golden light just now." Shenshui Yinji continued to analyze.

"You all saw it too?"

Ling Feng blinked his eyes. When the golden light flashed, the picture that flashed in his mind seemed to be...

A mountain, a river, a forest, a valley, and finally, a spring!


Vaguely, Ling Feng seemed to have thought of something. Could it be that the immortal fate of the Divine Desolate Emperor was related to the legendary Nine Springs of Heaven?

If this is really the case, then if you can get one of the nine springs, the mere Evil Bone Demon Lord, what does it mean?

If it is really related to the nine springs in the sky, there is another word "spring".

Could it be that it is the most complex spring spring spring among the nine springs?

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