Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3304 Mountains and Rivers Map! Plate movement!

Following the golden light source, they flew all the way. In the blink of an eye, Ye Weiyang and Mu Qianxue arrived at a valley.

The scene in front of me was shocking.

The entire valley has almost been razed to the ground, and all the surrounding creatures, flowers, plants and trees have been crushed, and there is also a trace of the power of the Wheel Grave involved in the collapsed void cracks.

It is the remaining aura of the Frey clan's supreme divine fist, the Wheel Tomb Collapse Fist.

"Brother Frey!"

Soon, Ye Weiyang saw Fredral unconscious and lying on the ground not far away, and his body was still emitting golden light. Although it was very dim, it burned like a flame and lasted for a long time.

This is the state of Golden Frey.

However, Freder was clearly unconscious at this moment, so how could he continue to maintain his fighting form?

Weird, very weird!

"What happened to him? How could this happen?"

Mu Qianxue couldn't help but be secretly curious when she saw that Fredra still maintained the form of Golden Frey in his coma.

Logically speaking, if you want to maintain the body of Golden Frey, you must continuously burn the original power of your bloodline.

But at this moment, Fredro was clearly in a coma, and without self-consciousness, he was still burning his original essence and blood.

Wouldn't that be equivalent to a state of obsession?

Ye Weiyang shook her head and frowned deeply.

It's a pity that Ling Feng is not here, otherwise, with Ling Feng's medical skills, he should be able to answer Mu Qianxue's question.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Weiyang tried to pour a ray of true energy into Freder's body.

Under the nourishment of his incomparably rich true energy, sure enough, after a while, Fradrao slowly opened his eyes.

However, his eyes were empty and bloodshot, and then, with a terrifying roar like a wild beast, Fredro slapped Ye Weiyang hard with his palm.

"be careful!"

Mu Qianxue's eyes jumped and she quickly reminded her.

Fortunately, Ye Weiyang reacted very quickly, and quickly dodged sideways to avoid Fredro's extremely fierce blow.

But even so, the wind from his palm hit his chest, still leaving a burnt black scratch on Ye Weiyang's chest.

"Brother Frey, it's me!"

In the flash of lightning, Ye Weiyang did a somersault, jumped behind Fred's quilt, grabbed Fred's right arm with one hand, twisted it, and pushed his body to the ground from behind.

Putting her knees on Fredraul's back, Ye Weiyang said in a deep voice: "Brother Frey, please calm down, it's us!"


However, something terrible happened!

Fradre, who didn't even notice the pain, turned around suddenly and broke his own arm.


With another beast-like roar, Fredral pounced on Ye Weiyang like a tiger, and the arm that he had just broken hung down weakly, bleeding endlessly, and the white bones fell from the flesh and blood. Stab out, shocking.


Ye Weiyang's face became more and more solemn. Freder's current state was somewhat similar to the time when his bloodline exploded and he couldn't control himself.

But, haven't his symptoms been cured by Ling Feng?

Could it have happened again?

"Brother Yagami, knock him unconscious first and then talk!"

Mu Qianxue glanced at Ye Weiyang, gritted her teeth and said, "If this continues, he will die of exhaustion!"

Ye Weiyang clenched her fists. At present, it seemed that this was indeed the only feasible way.

Soon, with Ye Weiyang and Mu Qianxue joining forces, there was no big problem in dealing with a frantic Fradre.

After the two of them worked together to knock Fredral unconscious, they used a seal to temporarily suppress the elemental energy in his body. Only then did the golden light on his body gradually dissipate.

Looking at Fredral who finally passed out on the ground, both of them sighed.

I originally wanted to get some easy-to-use information from Fredro, but now it seems that Fredro himself has become a trouble.

"Let's go back and join everyone first!"

Ye Weiyang lifted Fredra's body up, and then returned to Dragon Slaying City with Mu Qianxue.

When Ye Weiyang and the two arrived at Dragon Slaying City, the other three teams had already returned.

Before coming back, Ye Weiyang had passed the talisman to everyone and briefly explained the situation.

"Yakami, what's going on?"

Gaia, who was the most impatient, saw the unconscious Fredro, and immediately stepped forward to take Fredro's body and placed it on the bed that had been prepared long ago.

"Although he is still alive, he seems to have fallen into madness."

Ye Weiyang shook his head and sighed: "Therefore, we may not be able to get any valuable clues from him."

"Damn it!"

Kurosaki punched a stone pillar nearby, "It took a lot of effort to find Fradre, but we failed again."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Mu Qianxue blinked her beautiful eyes, "Although we can't cure Fradol, Ling...Brother Lingfeng can certainly do it! My suggestion is that we divide our forces into two groups and continue heading north to look for clues. The other team takes Fredro back to Sao Feng Camp. As long as Brother Ling takes action and restores Fredro's consciousness, won't everything be clear? "

"That makes sense!"

Everyone nodded. Ling Feng's medical skills were obvious to everyone, so naturally there would be no problems.

"I agree with the idea of ​​the Holy Lady!"

Kurosaki Ikkuang was the first to express his stance.

"I agree!"

Then, Gaia from the Titan clan and Holy Son Miller from the Yodel clan also nodded in agreement.

"This idea does work!"

Ye Weiyang also nodded, "However, our strength should not be dispersed. Judging from Brother Frey's state, the situation he encountered is probably extremely difficult. If the troops are divided into two groups, it is very likely that one of the teams will be killed. ,completely annihilated."

After pondering for a moment, Ye Weiyang finally said: "So, I think we should not continue to risk going north, and everyone should return to Sao Feng Camp!"


Gaia couldn't help but said: "The mission has not been completed yet. We all go back. Aren't we a little too cautious?"

"Enough people have died, and I don't want any more unnecessary sacrifices."

Ye Weiyang sighed softly, "Anyway, just do as I say."

Now that there is a key figure like Fredra, it should be enough to just bring him back to Sao Feng Camp.

And with their current strength, even if they work together, at most they can ensure that someone leaves alive and brings the news out.

If they spread out, then the chance of survival of the team that continues to go north is almost zero.

One day later.

Xiaofeng Camp, inside the library.

"Lord General, Junior Sister Yu, here are all the mountain and river records in the library."

The disciple guarding the library moved stacks of thick books out of the collection.

You wouldn’t know it if you didn’t look at it, but at first glance, my dear, the books stacked up are actually as high as several mountains!

"Oh my God!"

When the bitch saw so many books, he rolled his eyes, then lay on the ground and pretended to be dead, "This beast suddenly has a headache!"


Not to mention being a bitch, even Ling Feng couldn't help but feel dizzy when he saw the mountains and rivers.

I have never read so many books in my life!

You know, when he was studying at Tianwei University, Ling Feng was a famous skipper!

For things like cultural classes, just run away if you can.

Unexpectedly, today, I still can't escape this disaster.

It turned out that after Ling Feng told Yujunyao and Jianlu the secret of the Shenhuang Treasure Box, Yujunyao was indeed very interested in it.

However, although she is a famous talented woman among the Jiuli Divine Clan, she has read countless ancient books and knows all the contents by heart. It can be called a mobile library.

However, going back to the era of Emperor Shenhuang, there may be hundreds of thousands or millions of years of history!

It has gone through a lot of changes, and it is no easy task to transform that map into a terrain that can be recognized in this era.

However, Yu Junyao seems to be quite interested in this, and also wants to challenge herself to decipher the map in the shortest time.

Therefore, they grabbed Ling Feng and Jianlu early and went to the library of Xiaofeng Camp. First, they had people collect all the mountain and river pictures, and then compared them one by one.

"Yao'er, how about you work harder if you can?"

Ling Feng smiled at Yu Junyao and backed down.

"Don't worry, I won't ask you to read them all!"

Yujunyao pursed her lips, and like a magic trick, she took out one from nowhere...

Well, pointer!


Yu Junyao slapped a stack of books lightly, "Today, I will give you some tutoring on plate movement, so that you can better interpret these mountains and rivers."

"Plate...tectonic movement?"

Ling Feng blinked. He seemed to have heard of this thing before. It seemed a little familiar. He seemed to have heard of it when he was studying at Tianwei Academy.

"What are you talking about?" The bitch rolled over like a lazy donkey, "What's wrong with the immortal?"

"Boy, you big-headed devil! Please pay attention to my lecture!"

Yu Junyao glared at Jianlu, grabbed a thick book and flew it over, hitting Jianlu so hard that stars appeared in his eyes.

"The so-called plate movement means that in the world we live in, all the land is not one piece, but is made up of plates. As we all know, the Xuanling Continent is divided into five major regions, namely the Eastern Spiritual Region, West Sword Territory, Northern Cold Territory, Southern Witch Territory and Zhongyuan Territory.”

"Haha, I know this!"

Ling Feng was overjoyed that he finally had something he could understand.

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes at Ling Feng angrily and continued: "But in fact, millions of years ago, these five regions were originally connected together, but they gradually began to separate due to plate movement."

"Generally speaking, the crust inside the plate is relatively stable, and the crust is relatively active in the area where the plates meet. According to the research of some scholars who specialize in recording mountains and rivers, large plates can move three to ten inches per year. Although this speed is very fast Small, but after millions or even billions of years, the world's land and sea landscape will undergo tremendous changes. When the two plates gradually separate, new depressions and oceans will appear at the separation, such as The endless sea we know...

And when two plates are directly close to each other, they will form a ridge due to the accumulated strength, such as the Titan Peak that straddles the West Sword Territory and the East Spirit Territory, which is also the highest mountain on the Xuanling Continent..."

With Yu Junyao's in-depth explanation and Ling Feng's understanding, it is not difficult to understand.

In other words, if you want to find the treasure on the map of the Divine Desolate Treasure Box, you should not limit yourself to the Zhongyuan Domain.

This secret is likely to be in any domain, and may even be hidden deep in the bottom of the endless sea.

If you want to completely transform the contents of that map into the landforms of this era, you need to continuously deduce and restore them from the perspective of development and change.

This is undoubtedly a huge project.

However, in order to find the Spring Spring, even if the workload was ten times greater, Ling Feng had no way out.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng dived into the sea of ​​books.

Just one word and it’s done!

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