Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3305 Tianji Polarimeter!

This didn't go well!

Even though Yu Junyao and Ling Feng had tried very hard, they almost forgot to eat and sleep.

However, the entire data is too huge and spans millions of years. It is extremely difficult to deduce the current topography from an ancient map from ancient times.

"It can't be done, it can't be done!"

The bitch lay straight on the ground again, rolled his eyes, and looked weak, "If you keep doing this, this beast's brain will explode!"

Ling Feng also let out a long sigh, not to mention that he couldn't hold it any longer, even he was about to go crazy.

It's completely a feeling of powerlessness that arises from deep within.

This is simply more painful than confronting the Evil Bone Demon directly.

Yujunyao gritted her silver teeth and saw that her teammates had become demoralized and began to collapse.

This is not a question of whether you are clever or not, or whether you are knowledgeable or not. It is just that the information to be processed is too huge.

"Yao'er, let's change our thinking."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly and said: "Do you think there is a magic weapon that can pass through the laws of plate changes in the Xuanling Continent? As long as the general situation of the map in the Shenhuang Treasure Box is recorded in it, it will automatically deduce the future tens of millions of years in the future. , that is, what is the current landform?”


Yu Junyao frowned. If there was such a magic weapon, it would be of great help.

However, I have never heard of such a treasure.


Suddenly, the bitch turned over and jumped up. "I remember this beast. There is a treasure. It may really be able to meet the requirements you mentioned."

"What baby?"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up and he angrily threw aside the thick mountain and river map in his hand.

He's really had enough of these things!

"You have to ask old Tianbai Emperor about this. I stretched out my hand and still remember it. That old man seems to have such a treasure!!"

The bitch raised her hooves and said nonchalantly.

"Senior Tianbai Emperor?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and, unable to hold back, directly took out the Immortal Token of the Imperial Sect from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

This token symbolizes the identity of the successor of the Imperial Sect. Because it has a trace of the divine soul imprint of Emperor Tianbai, Ling Feng directly transferred the magic circle under the misty ghost forest to this token.

And Tianbai Emperor's Faxiang is sleeping inside this token.

After a while, Ling Feng woke up Tianbai Emperor Faxiang.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?"

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang woke up from his deep sleep. In order to preserve his little spiritual consciousness, Ling Feng would usually not disturb him unless there was something important.

In other words, Ling Feng must have encountered some problem now.

Ling Feng kept the story short and told Emperor Tianbai about the situation.

After listening to Ling Feng's words, Emperor Tianbai stroked his long beard and said with a faint smile: "I see, so the treasure you need is the Tianji Polarimeter."

"Tianji polarimeter?"

Ling Feng blinked.

"Yes, this treasure has a history."

Tianbai Emperor Faxiang smiled slightly, "You know, I am actually one of the tens of thousands of incarnations of Tianbai Emperor. When I left my original body, the things I took with me, besides the egg of the mythical beast that hatched this bitch, was that A Tianji polarimeter.”

"Where is this thing now?"

Ling Feng asked anxiously.

"If nothing unexpected happens, this object should be a sacred object passed down from generation to generation by the Tianbai royal family. However, because there is not enough energy to drive this treasure, it may have become dusty and left to gather dust in the treasury."

"Are you still in the Tianbai Imperial Family? That will be easy!"

A hint of joy appeared on Ling Feng's face, "Thank you, senior, for your guidance. Okay, senior can go back to the token to rest."


Emperor Tianbai nodded, glanced at Ling Feng again, and said slowly: "I hope you can successfully find the Tianji Polarimeter."

"Thank you, senior!"

After collecting the soul of Emperor Tianbai into the token, Ling Feng turned to look at Yu Junyao.

This girl seemed to be relieved. With such a treasure available, only an idiot would continue to read here stupidly!

It turns out that it's not just Ling Feng and Jian Lu who can't hold on anymore, Yu Junyao is also about to collapse.

Seeing that Yu Junyao's eyes were bloodshot and haggard in order to help him decipher the map, Ling Feng couldn't help but sigh, walked up to Yu Junyao, and said warmly: "Yao'er, thank you for your hard work."

"It doesn't help much either."

Yu Junyao bit her silver teeth lightly, and when she saw Ling Feng's concerned eyes, all her fatigue seemed to disappear at once.


The bitch on the side came up to me at some point, and said with a sinister look on his face: "Oh, you are really in love with your concubine! Do you want this beast to make some space for you?"

Ling Feng glared at this guy angrily, and then said: "It looks like I have to make a trip to Tianbai Empire."

Fortunately, Ling Feng has a treasure like the Donghuang Bell, so even if the two realms are separated, he can come and go freely, saving worry and effort.

Otherwise, just relying on the Poseidon to travel through various major areas would only take a month or two on the road.

Just when Ling Feng was about to sacrifice the Donghuang Bell, a disciple rushed in hurriedly outside the library.

"Lord Souji, Yagami and the others are back!"


Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and immediately decided to put on hold the matter of returning to the Tianbai Empire to retrieve the Tianji Polarimeter.

If there's anything, let's wait until we see Ye Shen.

A moment later, the main hall of the General Secretary.

"Brother Ye, Brother Kurosaki..."

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted the geniuses of all races who were already waiting in the hall.

As for the Ghost Ancestor Xuan Yi and the Holy Ancestor Dracula, they had already arrived, and they only had to wait for Ling Feng to arrive before they could discuss important matters.

"How's it going, Brother Ye, do you have any clues?"

Ling Feng sat on the chief minister's throne and immediately asked about the situation.

Ye Shen shook his head and said in a deep voice: "We haven't gained anything for the time being. As we went north, all we saw were lifeless dead cities, including the branch of the Yuanshen Temple in the Dragon Slaying God Realm, and even the powerful ones in the Ancestral Realm. , were all attacked indiscriminately and turned into statues.”

Ling Feng frowned more and more. It seemed that the situation was more serious than he expected.

According to Ye Shen, almost the entire Dragon Slaying God Realm is facing the same situation.

In other words, the number of casualties in the Dragon Slaying Divine Realm alone is probably in the hundreds of millions.

That was originally a living life!

Even Shenshui Yinji also frowned.

Even the evil cultivators of the fallen gods have always regarded mortal lives as nothing, but they were still a little shocked when they heard the news that everyone in the entire Dragon Slaying God Realm might have died.


Ling Feng clenched his fists. The danger of that unknown monster was probably far greater than that of the Evil Bone Demon Lord!

"However, we are not without success."

Ye Weiyang paused and continued: "In the outskirts of the Dragon-Slaying God Realm, we found Fredrael who was in a coma. It's just..."

"Just what?" Ling Feng blurted out.

"It's just that Brother Frey seemed to have fallen into madness again. As a last resort, I had to knock him unconscious. After discussion, we decided not to continue venturing north and bring Brother Frey back first."

Ye Weiyang looked at Ling Feng, "Next, it's up to you, Brother Ling."


Ling Feng nodded slightly, "Brother Ye, you did the right thing. In this situation, we really need to be cautious. You didn't take everyone to continue the adventure north. You did the right thing!"

According to Ling Feng's estimation, the unknown monster is probably only half-step to the Void Immortal level.

In other words, among them, except for Ling Feng, Yan Jinghong, Shenshui Yinji, Xuanyi Ghost Ancestor and Holy Ancestor Dracula, there is absolutely no room for resistance by anyone else.

Even for Yagami, the result is the same.

He can no longer use the Haotian Divine Eye, and even because the origin of his soul has been severely damaged, there is no hope of breaking through to the realm of half-step virtual immortal in his lifetime.

"Where is Brother Frey now?"

Ling Feng asked in a deep voice.

Hua Xiaoshuang, the director of the medical camp, stepped forward and said: "It has been sent to the medical camp. According to my preliminary judgment, the soul has been traumatized, as if it was torn apart forcefully, which is what we say, lost. Soul disease. A person has three souls and seven souls, but Fredra's situation seems to be... only one soul and two souls are left."

"Only one soul and two souls left?"

Ling Feng frowned, this situation was really not good.

"Let's take a look first and then talk!"

Ling Feng sighed softly and immediately set off to the medical camp to check on Fredro's condition.

Although he was in a coma, Fredra's body still glowed with a faint golden light.

In other words, he is still burning his own essence and blood all the time.

As the golden light on his body became darker and darker, his vitality became weaker and weaker.

However, although Ye Weiyang has used the sealing technique to seal Fredrale's Yuan Power, it can only slightly slow down the speed at which he burns the original power, but cannot stop it at all.

"Lord Souji."

Several female disciples from the medical camp who were responsible for taking care of Fredro saw Ling Feng coming in and quickly bowed to him.

"Let's go out first."

Ling Feng waved to them, and after a while, only he, Ye Weiyang, and the other geniuses from various races who had brought Fredro back were left in the room.

"Brother Ling, it's up to you now."

Gaia stared at Ling Feng, "You must save brother Frey's life! This guy is a rare and good opponent. It would be a pity if he died like this."

"I try my best."

Ling Feng took out a few Taixuan golden needles and sealed Freddro's spiritual sea for the time being.

Then, he raised his palm and gently pressed it on Freder's head.

Sure enough, as Hua Xiaoshuang had judged, only one soul and two souls were left in Fredra's spiritual sea.

Because of the lack of soul, he still maintained a high level of vigilance in combat even after losing his self-awareness.

This is why he attacks everything around him crazily.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and first used the secret technique of the Soul Dao to soothe Freder's incomplete soul.

After a while, the golden light on Fredro's body finally dissipated completely, and his aura gradually stabilized.

But this only temporarily saved Freder's life.

Because of the incompleteness of two souls and five souls, Fredral could not truly wake up.

In other words, even if he wakes up, he will become a walking zombie without emotions and intelligence.

It is impossible to get any useful clues from his mouth.

However, this is not difficult for Ling Feng.

The Eye of Emperor's memory reading method can forcefully read the other party's memory regardless of whether the other party's soul is incomplete or not.

However, generally speaking, this method is too rough. In most cases, after reading the memory, the person who is hit will have his head explode and die.

If you want to save the life of the person who is attacked, you must spend more power of divine consciousness to control it.

With Freddrow's soul now so weak, Ling Feng couldn't guarantee whether he could save his life after reading his memory.

This is undoubtedly another difficult choice.

However, Ling Feng hesitated for a moment before making his decision.

Sacrificing one person can bring back millions.

Then, he can only choose relatively small sacrifices.

What's more, even if Fredro wakes up, he is destined to be just an idiot and a walking corpse in this life.

It's better to use all his remaining value.

All Ling Feng could do was to control himself as much as possible, stay gentle when invading Freder's spiritual sea, and try to save his life.

That's all.

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