Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3306 The attacking Beiming Demon Kun!

"Everyone, please leave the room temporarily."

Ling Feng turned back to look at everyone. When he was applying the acupuncture, he could not be disturbed in any way, otherwise, he would probably fail in his success.

Not only could Freder's life be saved, but even his memory images could not be read.

"Then Brother Ling, I'll leave everything to you!"

Ye Weiyang nodded towards Ling Feng, cast a trusting look, and then led the rest of the people out of the ward.


The door closed, Ling Feng gathered his mind, calmed down, and put all distracting thoughts behind him.

The Taixuan Golden Needle sealed Fredro's Yuan Power and incomplete soul. The next moment, the yin and yang fish floated in Ling Feng's eyes.

Try your best to let the power of your consciousness penetrate into Fredra's spiritual sea as gently and skillfully as possible.

The origin of his soul was incomplete and extremely weak. Although it was stabilized by the Taixuan Golden Needle, the only way to prevent him from being harmed at all when reading the memory was to rely on Ling Feng's extremely delicate and meticulous control.

After a while, there was a slight sweat on Ling Feng's forehead.

The origin of Fredrael's soul has been damaged. Two of his three souls and five of his seven souls have been lost. This will most likely result in the loss of important memories, as well.

However, the memory of fear at the end has the deepest impression, so it is relatively easy to read it.

The eyes of the emperor moved, and in the eyes, the yin and yang fish floated, mixed with a faint golden light.

This is a symbol of the promotion of the Eye of the Emperor to the Golden Eye of the Emperor.

It also gave him a huge increase in the ability of every Eye of the Emperor he obtained.

Be as gentle as possible!

As light as possible!

The origin of human souls is very complex. In the past, Ling Feng mostly used the most barbaric and arrogant methods to forcibly break apart the origin of the opponent's soul and read the required memories from it.

Therefore, most people who are infected will die immediately after their brains explode.

But this time, because Ling Feng needs to analyze the soul layer by layer, it is undoubtedly a challenge for his control.

But precisely because of this, it gave Ling Feng a deeper understanding of the basic structure of the soul's origin.

This can be considered an unexpected gain.

Finally, Ling Feng saw the memory soul sea belonging to Fredrale in the depths of Fredrale's spiritual sea.

Theoretically, all a person's memories will be stored here.

From countless insignificant memories, Ling Feng finally clearly saw the horrific scene he witnessed after Fredra arrived at the Dragon-Slaying God Realm.

"This...this is!"

Ling Feng's pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw an extremely huge shadow cast over the Dragon Slaying God Realm.

It was still noon, but the huge Dragon Slayer City was actually dark, and it was almost impossible to see even one's fingers.

That huge thing covers the sky and the sun, stretching across countless miles!


too big!

But this scene seems to be...

Deja vu!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly, and he suddenly remembered.


It was exactly the doomsday disaster predicted by Mr. Gui!

It turns out that the beginning of that catastrophe actually happened in the Zhongyuan Realm?

Ling Feng was secretly glad that not all the people in Donglingxian Pond were transferred to the Zhongyuan Domain. Otherwise, wouldn't that be sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth?

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng collected his mind. Now is not the time to be shocked. Let's take a look at why Fredro became like this.

Half an hour later.

Outside the ward, everyone was anxiously waiting for Ling Feng's results.


The door was slowly pushed open, and everyone suddenly became energetic and walked towards the door.

It was Ling Feng who came out.

"How about it?"

Gaia, who was the most impatient, was the first to rush forward and asked urgently.


Ling Feng nodded slightly, "Brother Frey is still alive, and I also got the information I wanted."


For a moment, everyone was obviously relieved.

This is undoubtedly the best result.

However, Ling Feng's face looked unusually solemn.

Ye Weiyang took a deep breath, looked at Ling Feng's appearance, and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Ling, did you find anything?"

"Everything is clear."

The look on Ling Feng's face became more and more solemn, "It was a giant monster that passed through the sky above the Dragon-Slaying God Realm, and then, it became what it is now."

"Have... passed by?"

Gaia's eyes widened, like a pair of copper bells.

"Just... passing by?"

Kurosaki swallowed hard, "Did I hear you correctly?"

"What do you mean when you say passing by?"

Even Ye Weiyang, who was always the calmest, became a little uneasy.

"That's literally what it means."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, "That giant monster will suck souls wherever it passes. The souls of all living creatures within a radius of thousands of miles will be directly sucked away. Whether they are humans, monsters, or even No bird or beast is immune."


Everyone was extremely shocked.

Just passing by from above can directly suck away the souls of all living creatures.

What kind of monster is that?

"Without any defense, even the strong ones in the ancestral realm will definitely not be spared. Even if they give early warning and use the soul barrier to resist in advance, they will basically be destroyed in an instant."

Ling Feng sighed and continued.

"Then...isn't there no solution?"

Gaia stared at Ling Feng, "If the monster changes its route and walks from Camp Sao Feng, then... then..."

For a moment, everyone's faces were as dark as water.

If it was true as Ling Feng said, wouldn't they just sit here and wait for death?

On the other hand, Mu Qianxue's eyes lit up, she gritted her silver teeth and asked, "But why was it that even in Dragon Slaying City, everyone else's souls were sucked away, but Fradrao could still... Keep one soul and two souls?”

"That's the crux of the matter."

Ling Feng cast an approving look at Mu Qianxue.

Mu Qianxue is indeed a wise woman, able to notice the subtleties that others cannot.

"In Brother Frey's memory, I saw a surprising scene."

Ling Feng said slowly: "Originally, the origin of Brother Frey's soul was the same as that of others. There was almost no obstacle, and he was pulled out of the sea of ​​​​spirits to be swallowed by the giant monster. However, just At this time, Brother Frey just activated the power of blood in his body and completed the transformation of Golden Frey. "

"And it was the transformation of Golden Frey that allowed Brother Frey to retain one soul and two souls."

"In other words, there is a way to break the soul-sucking power of that monster?"

For a moment, everyone was excited again. At least, after knowing the method to crack it, at least they would not wait to die here.

"Yeah. In theory, yes."

Ling Feng nodded, "According to my analysis, the bloodline of the Frey family originated from the Nether Boiling Blood Beast in ancient times. This Nether Boiling Blood Beast is the descendant of the Taichu Life Dragon, which is the source of life." and the Dragon of Creation. The reason why Brother Frey was able to resist the soul-sucking power of the monster after completing the incarnation of Golden Frey was precisely because of the bloodline power of the Nether Boiling Blood Beast."


Gaia blinked, "Doesn't that mean that except for people with this bloodline, we still can't resist the soul-sucking power of that monster?"

"That's not necessarily the case."

Ling Feng said lightly: "According to my estimation, as long as you stay in Xiaofeng Camp and have the protection of the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Guard Formation, it can isolate the transmission of any energy, even the soul-sucking power of the giant monster, Just as impenetrable.”

"Aren't you going to be a turtle?"

Gaia frowned, "That's not possible. If you don't go out, will you just watch everyone outside being devoured by the monster?"

"That's right, we can't stay in Camp Sao Feng forever."

Ye Weiyang also nodded, "If this is the case, when the Evil Bone Demon Lord is promoted to the immortal realm, we will never have any chance again!"


Everyone nodded in agreement.

Staying at Sao Feng Camp can certainly guarantee that there will be no worries for the time being, but at the same time, the Evil Bone Demon Lord is still in seclusion to attack the realm of immortality.

If a method cannot be found to break the evil bone demon's reincarnation during this period, then after he breaks through, the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races will probably be completely defeated.

At this moment, a messenger soldier rushed over with a hurried expression.

"Big... something bad is going to happen!"

The messenger soldier Chong rushed too fast. When he landed, he fell directly to the ground, but he almost rolled and crawled in.

"Reporting to the Chief Secretary, about five hundred miles northwest of the Sao Feng Islands, a huge dark cloud suddenly appeared. On top of the dark cloud, I vaguely observed a big... big... big... very... A very huge monster seems to be approaching our direction of Camp Sao Feng.”


For a moment, everyone took a breath of cold air.

I was talking about that giant monster just now, but I didn’t expect it to kill him so quickly?

Everyone frowned, clenched their fists tightly, and their expressions became more solemn.

According to the route this monster traveled, it shouldn't appear in the vicinity of Sao Feng Camp now.

Could it be that it is not just simply wandering around as it pleases, but that it is artificially controlled by some kind of force?

Or maybe, it is actually a giant beast under the command of the Evil Bone Demon Lord?

All this seems to be getting more and more complicated!

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