Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3313 Let’s go! Looking for spring spring!

Sealed Demonic God Realm.

The ruins of the original Demon Sealing Tower have been transformed by the Evil Bone Demon Lord into an abyssal cave filled with ominous atmosphere.

This demon-sealing tower has sealed and suppressed countless evil spirits. For thousands of years, the accumulated resentment and evil spirits are unparalleled in the world.

And it happens to be the place where the earth's spiritual energy converges in the Demon Sealed God Realm.

For monks like the Evil Bone Demon Lord, who are fellow cultivators of immortals and demons, it is undoubtedly the best place to retreat and attack the supreme realm.

At this moment, the Evil Bone Demon Lord is meditating in seclusion, his breath is restrained, not leaking a trace of the evil spirit. The whole person looks like an immortal, but who would have thought that he is the Evil Bone Demon Lord who brings harm to the common people.

At this moment, a loud sound came from above the cave.

"Master, my subordinate is a red-faced slave (ugly slave). I have something to ask for!"

It was Ran Hongyan and Chou Nu who had returned from the Sao Feng Camp in disgrace.

Fortunately, they acted immediately and evacuated decisively, otherwise, they would have ended up on the endless sea.

"The master is in retreat, no one is allowed to disturb him."

Another deep voice sounded, it was Mu Xuanshuo, the second in command of the Jiuli Divine Clan, Mu Xuanxiao's younger brother, and Mu Qianxue's biological father.

In order to save his tribe, Mu Xuanshuo succumbed to the evil power of the Evil Bone Demon.

Now, he is still forced to stay outside the cave to protect the evil bone demon.

Mu Xuanshuo was somewhat curious about this.

Does the Evil Bone Demon Lord not doubt his loyalty at all?

Or, it is precisely because he merged with the ancestors of Mulong City that he shows special mercy to the descendants of the Jiuli God Clan.

But, would Mu Longcheng really be willing to collude with this devil?


This is absolutely impossible!

Sometimes, when people are unwilling to accept something, they often choose to avoid it.

The same is true for Mu Xuanshuo.

Now, the situation forced him to have no choice.

Perhaps, just like this, staying with the Evil Bone Demon Lord, maybe there will be an opportunity in the future to deal with the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Of course, to a greater extent, this is probably just Mu Xuanshuo's self-comfort.

"Presumptuous! Who are you, and you dare to stop us?"

Ran Hongyan glanced at Mu Xuanshuo, "You are just a dog kept by the owner, get out of here!"

Mu Xuanshuo clenched his fists. No matter what, he was once the all-powerful second patriarch of the Jiuli Divine Clan!

Now, the tiger has fallen into Pingyang!

"Okay, let's talk about something!"

Under the cave, the strong and powerful voice of the Evil Bone Demon Lord came.

After a period of retreat, the aura of the Evil Bone Demon Lord seemed to have reached another completely different realm.

This is a realm that they, "mortals", can no longer understand.

"Master, let's take Beiming Demon Kun to conquer Sao Feng Camp..."

Ran Hongyan felt uneasy and uneasy. After hesitating for a moment, she gritted her teeth and said, "Failed."

"Did it fail?"

As if he had expected it, the Evil Bone Demon Lord's mood did not fluctuate at all.

"It seems that Ling Feng is more difficult to deal with than I imagined."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord smiled instead of being angry, "That's fine, that's fine! It's so lonely to be invincible. When I break through the barrier, it's just in time to kill him and sacrifice the flag!"

"The master is wise!"

Ran Hongyan and Chou Nu quickly agreed.

"But Master, what should we do next?"

Ran Hongyan said carefully: "That Ling Feng side..."

"There is no need to provoke him for the time being. Let Beiming Demon Kun reopen the star blockade and go to the star fields to absorb more soul sources for my use."

"Yes, Master! Then, I'll take my leave!"

Ran Hongyan and Chou Nu responded, then turned and left.

Mu Xuanshuo was overjoyed when he heard that Ling Feng actually defeated Beiming Demon Kun of the Evil Bone Demon Lord. At the same time, he was even more impressed with Ling Feng.

Could it be that, as Ye Weiyang said, Ling Feng is the one destined to defeat the Evil Bone Demon Lord?

"You look happy?"

The voice of the Evil Bone Demon Lord came.

"No...don't dare..."

Mu Xuanshuo was frightened and uneasy.

"It's okay to be happy, but don't forget, this is Mulong City, and Mulong City is this seat. I am the ancestor of the Jiuli Clan, and I can create an unprecedented high state for the Jiuli Clan, and even bring the Jiuli Clan to the top. , to grow into the top race in the Immortal Realm. As a descendant of Jiuli, don’t you understand my ambition?”

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all living things are like bastards. What I do is to comply with the sky. Mu Xuanshuo, you are a smart man, and I believe in your own vision."


Mu Xuanshuo clenched his fists and did not dare to say anything.

"If I want to make you a puppet, I can easily control your mind. But ask yourself and submit to me. Have I ever forced you to do anything against your will?"

Mu Xuanshuo was silent, indeed, there was none.

"I am not just an evil bone, I am also a member of Mulong City. You are my descendant, and I also hope that when I reach the top of the Supreme Being and reach the supreme realm, those around me will not It’s just a matter of having a group of flattering subordinates and a truly trustworthy relative, even an heir!”

"Think about it, everything I have will belong to you in the future, the supreme power to dominate everything. Are you going to give up all this for the so-called right path?"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord's words were so confusing that even Mu Xuanshuo, who was so determined, caused an uproar deep in his heart.

Yes, the so-called justice...

How much is justice worth?

Being able to lead the Jiuli Divine Clan to reach a higher peak, break through to a higher level, and even become a powerful clan above the Immortal Realm.

This is a great wish that many ancestors have been unable to complete for thousands of years.

Now, it seems to be within easy reach.

It's in the palm of your hand.

Bang bang!

Bang bang!

Mu Xuanshuo's heart was beating wildly.

"Greetings to the ancestor..."

Taking a deep breath, when he woke up, Mu Xuanshuo had already knelt on his knees, and his eyes were no longer filled with hostility and resentment.

Instead, there is a hint of fanaticism and a hint of piety.

"Wise choice."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord smiled lightly. This brainwashing was obviously very successful.

the other side.

After learning about the Evil Bone Demon Lord's conspiracy, Ling Feng could no longer waste time.

He made a quick decision and decided to immediately go to the Tianbai Empire in the Eastern Spiritual Territory to look for the Tianji Polarimeter.

As for the selection.

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, Ling Feng asked him to stay and take charge.

With the Demon Whale King here, at least the young ones would not dare to attack.

The other is Yu Junyao. She is the person who knows the Tiangang Xuanxiao Immortal Formation best besides herself.

She must stay and lead the immortal formation.

After obtaining the Tianji Polarimeter, Ling Feng will immediately set out to find the Spring Spring.

Therefore, he still needs to bring a few teammates.

Needless to say, the cheap ass Zifeng.

Shenshui Yinji, Ling Feng had promised to take her with him before, so naturally he would not break his promise.

With her strength, it is also a big help.

Then there is Mu Qianxue.

For a long time, Ling Feng and Mu Qianxue spent less time together and more time apart.

Before the battle with the Evil Bone Demon Lord, during this period of time, from a selfish point of view, it was understandable that he hoped to spend more time with Mu Qianxue.

What's more, once the original fires of Mu Qianxue and Ling Feng merge, the demonic dragon's world-purifying fire will be even more powerful.

This is also one of Ling Feng's trump cards.

The number of people on this trip should be few rather than too many. Ling Feng decided that this kind of team is just right.

"Count me in."

Just when Ling Feng was about to leave, Yan Jinghong rarely took the initiative to stand up.

No words, just one sentence, "Count me in."

With a determined look in his eyes, Ling Feng knew that he would come regardless of whether he agreed or not.

Ling Feng shook his head, smiled, and nodded in agreement.

"Brother Ling, if you don't mind me, I hope I can help you."

Ye Weiyang hesitated for a moment, but still said: "I think my ability can be of some help."

The Eye of Haotian has the ability to predict the future to a certain extent.

Perhaps, it was exactly what he saw that prompted him to ask to go with him.

Otherwise, with his temperament, he should choose to stay and take charge of the overall situation at this time.

"Oh well."

Ling Feng nodded, and saw that Kurosaki Ikkuang, Gaia, and Immortal River were all ready to make a move, and he quickly said: "Okay, now I have enough people in the team. Everyone, I appreciate everyone's kindness. , don’t say anything!”

Ling Feng took a deep look at everyone and slowly said four words: "Wait for me to come back!"

"Smelly boy..."

Yu Junyao bit her silver teeth lightly, her eyes turning slightly red, "You must come back safely."

"I will, silly girl."

Ling Feng raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corner of her eyes, "It's not a farewell, why are you crying. Besides, when I'm not here, it's up to you! This time, our Miss Yu is also a hero! Invincible. Let the beautiful heroine!”

Yu Junyao's pretty face turned red, and she glanced at Ling Feng shyly, "Anyway...anyway, I...we are all waiting for you!"

Tuo Bayan and Yue Yunlan stood far away among the crowd, looking deeply at Ling Feng, and also secretly blessing and praying for Ling Feng in their hearts.


Jiang Xiaofan clenched his fist tightly, hating himself, but he couldn't help at all.

"Let's go."

Li Bufan glanced at Jiang Xiaofan and said calmly: "Go practice!"

Only by cultivating ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times as hard can we have a chance to catch up with that man's back.


Jiang Xiaofan nodded heavily. To become a partner who can stand with Ling Feng and fight side by side, they still have a long, long way to go...

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