Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3314: Cheating people away from their most precious things!

About half an hour later.

As a golden light circulated, outside the western suburbs of the imperial capital, a golden light curtain descended from the sky, and a golden crack opened in the light curtain.

Immediately afterwards, several figures slowly walked out of the crack.

The leader...

Well, strictly speaking, it should be a man standing upright, a black donkey.

"I didn't expect to come back so soon!"

The bitch laughed strangely and seemed to be in good spirits.

The Tianbai Empire was founded by the former Tianbai Emperor Faxiang. Although it is now divided into four empires, only the Tianbai royal family maintains the orthodoxy of Tianbai Emperor Faxiang.

If the Tianji Polarimeter was passed down as a sacred object from generation to generation by the Tianbai royal family, then it should have been passed down to this generation of Tianbai emperors.

That is, Mo Feng, the younger brother who followed Ling Feng when he was in Tianwei Academy.

"Senior Yinji, Brother Ye, and Qianxue."

Ling Feng looked back at the people around him and said seriously: "Please wait here for a moment. I'll be back soon."

The Tianbai Empire is just a small mortal kingdom, and the most powerful beings in it are the powerful Human Emperors like Yan Cangtian.

And among those present, they were all half-step virtual immortals, at the peak of the ancestral realm.

The aura of these people is too strong, so it is better not to follow them back to the palace.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will bring unnecessary shadow to my former good brother.


Ye Weiyang nodded towards Ling Feng, "Brother Ling, go and come back early."

Mu Qianxue also responded softly. Although Shenshui Yinji had a cold face and was extremely cold, she didn't have any objections.

As for Yan Jinghong...

Ling Feng looked at Yan Jinghong. This guy was also from the Yan family in the eastern capital of the Tianbai Empire.

This is also his hometown.

However, he was originally controlled by the Seven Emotions Demonic Wheel and led the Yan family of the Eastern Capital to rebel in an attempt to overthrow the Tianbai royal family.

In the end, Ling Feng stopped him, and almost everyone in the Yan family in the eastern capital was executed.

There was only one Empress Dowager Yan left, and now she has followed Yan Cangtian to live in seclusion in a small fishing village in the East China Sea port.

Thinking about all the past events now, it seems like a lifetime ago.

Yan Jinghong's expression was indifferent, and he seemed to have no attachment to the past.

"I'll stay here too."

Yan Jinghong found a boulder and sat down on it, and immediately began to close his eyes and rest.

Ling Feng nodded, and flew to the Tianbai Imperial Capital with Jianlu together.

"Long time no see, Your Majesty."

In the deep palace, a familiar voice came.

At this moment, Mo Feng was in the imperial study room, reviewing memorials. When he heard this voice, a faint smile immediately appeared on his face.

The only one who can appear here despite the heavy security is that man.


Mo Feng stood up and said, "As I said, in private, you and I still treat each other as brothers."

Ling Feng walked quickly to Mo Feng, with a faint smile on his face, "Okay, Brother Feng Mo!"

"Ha ha!"

Mo Fenglang laughed, "Feng Mo, I really miss the old days!"

Soon, the two of them stopped smiling. Mo Feng looked at Ling Feng and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Feng, according to the frequency of your coming back in the past, you only come back once every few years. Why, is this time a special visit?" Brother’s?”


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Don't make fun of me. I really have something to ask for when I come back this time."

"Between brothers, there is nothing that can't be asked for. If it weren't for Brother Feng, I wouldn't be able to take this position."

Mo Feng took a deep look at Ling Feng and said, "Brother Fanfeng, if you have any request, I will do whatever it takes, go through fire and water, and I won't hesitate."

"It's not that serious. I just want to borrow a sacred object from your Tianbai royal family."

Ling Feng stared at Mo Feng's eyes and said in a deep voice.

"Holy object?"

Mo Feng blinked, "There are quite a few things passed down from our ancestors, but those that can be called sacred..."

"It's just something that looks like a mirror with a ball underneath. Because it doesn't have enough energy to drive it, it should just be a decoration at the moment."

The bitch appeared out of nowhere and showed his big white teeth towards Mo Feng, "Boy, do you remember?"


Mo Feng tried very hard to recall, but finally shook his head, "I don't have any impression, but I can take you to the empire's treasure house to look for it. Since it is a sacred object, it should be in the treasure house."

"Thank you very much."

Ling Feng patted Feng Mo on the shoulder and prayed secretly in his heart, hoping that he could successfully find the Tianji Polarimeter during this trip, otherwise, the clues would be lost again.

An hour later.

"no no……"

"Not this one either!"

"Not at all, damn it, why can't I find it?"

The bitch cursed and threw the treasures aside. He almost rummaged through the treasure house, but could not find the Tianji Polarimeter.

Sure enough, things didn't go that smoothly.

"Bitch donkey, could it be that you misremembered the appearance of that treasure?"

Ling Feng frowned and said, "Take a closer look."

"I've already said it's a treasure, can I remember it wrong?"

The bitch raised his head and glared at Ling Feng, "It's impossible for this beast to remember it wrong."

"Then there is none."

Ling Feng sighed softly, wondering if he would return empty-handed after all.

Without the Tianji Polarimeter, how easy would it be to find the immortal fate of Emperor Shenhuang?

"Damn it!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists, the anxiety on his face barely concealable.


With a sigh, Ling Feng shook his head. Now that things have happened, he can only make other plans.

Several people walked out of the treasure house. Ling Feng shook his head and sighed, saying goodbye to Mo Feng and preparing to leave here.

At this moment, I saw a child who was only one or two years old, toddling on the bluestone floor outside the treasure house.

The child was not walking very steadily, but he trotted forward, sprinting forward like a gust of wind.

Right behind the child, there was a graceful girl wearing silver soft armor, chasing after him angrily.

"Tian'er, if you run around again, I'll spank you!"

The voice sounded familiar.

Ling Feng looked carefully and saw that the girl was actually Deng Yongshi, the granddaughter of General Ying Yang.

Strictly speaking, he is still half his student.

Is it possible...

Ling Feng turned to look at Mo Feng. Could this boy be married to Deng Yongshi?

That's not surprising. General Yingyang Deng Xian has a distinguished status. His granddaughter married into the palace. Even if she becomes a queen, it will be more than enough.

"Congratulations, is this your child?"

Ling Feng looked at Mo Feng and smiled slightly.


Mo Feng quickly waved his hand and said: "Brother Feng, don't think twice. The child is my child, but the mother is not Miss Deng."


"The child's mother is Miss Deng's cousin, so Miss Deng is the child's aunt in terms of seniority, so it is not surprising that she came to the palace to visit my little prince."

"So that's not it?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, shook his head and smiled, without saying anything else.

"Tian'er, come here."

Mo Feng clapped his hands towards the running child.

"Father, father!"

The child called to Mo Feng and immediately rushed into his arms.


Mo Feng picked up the child, spun it around in a few big circles, and then put the child directly on his back and said with a smile: "Come, say hello to your Uncle Ling."

"Uncle Ling!"

The child looked at Ling Feng with a smile. He had a pair of big, sparkling eyes, jet black, and looked full of aura.


Ling Feng secretly smiled bitterly, was he already at the level of his uncle?

Yes, time makes people grow old. I have been cultivating immortality all year round. Ten or eight years is just a blink of an eye.

But for ordinary people, it is already an extremely long time.


Deng Yongshi caught up with him, but when she saw Ling Feng, her eyes turned a little red.

"Miss, we meet again."

Ling Feng nodded slightly towards her, smiled and said, "Are you okay?"

"You bastard!"

Deng Yongshi's eyes were red, and she punched Ling Feng hard on the chest. She gritted her teeth and said, "You said that I am your only student. You will definitely come back to see me when you have time in the future. What's the result? Every time you come back, you They never came to see me!”


Ling Feng felt at a loss for a while.

"Sure enough, you men are all the same. You cheated others of their most precious things and then disappeared! Damn Lingfeng, stinky Lingfeng, I hate you so much!"

Deng Yongshi looked at Ling Feng angrily, tears welling up in her eyes and almost bursting into tears.

"Damn it! The most precious thing? Brother Feng, you are so unkind!"

"Isn't that ruthless? Tsk, tsk, tsk, Ling Feng boy, you can do it! This divine beast looks at you with admiration now!"

The little donkey was also playing the rhythm and started laughing.

"Go aside! What are you talking about?"

Ling Feng's head went dark. The most precious thing Deng Yongshi mentioned was a demon mirage crystal core. In order to refine the demon-transforming pill, Ling Feng entered the general's mansion and served as Deng Yongshi's "teacher" for a few days.

This girl, can you stop being so ambiguous in your words?

"Hehehe, I understand everything! No need to explain!"

Mo Feng was beaming with joy. Even after becoming the king of a country, this guy is still the slutty Feng Mo at his core.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and didn't bother to explain. He could only laugh or cry and said: "Well, Miss Deng, I'm back now."


Deng Yongshi glared at Ling Feng angrily, "If we didn't meet by chance, would you come to see me?"

"This, this..."

Ling Feng was speechless for a moment, why did he seem to be such a heartless scumbag!

at this time……

"Holy crap! This is the right thing!"

The stupid donkey suddenly brayed strangely and stared at the child riding on Mo Feng's back.

Strictly speaking, it should be a pendant hanging around the child's neck.

"Boy Lingfeng, look quickly, the pendant this kid is hanging on, the round beads on it, are part of the Tianji Polarimeter!"

"This is it?"

Ling Feng was immediately overjoyed.

It's really hard to find anything without wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort at all!

Finally, found it!

"Ha ha!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and immediately transformed into a strange uncle. From the Naling Ring, he took out several bottles of top-quality elixirs that could change tendons and cut marrow, and presented them to the child, "Your name is Tian'er, right? Come on, uncle, there are many here." Good thing, can I exchange the pendant around your neck with you?"

As he spoke, he opened the porcelain bottle, and a strong aroma suddenly hit his nostrils.

After all, Tian'er is just a child under two years old. How could he withstand such a temptation? He immediately stretched out his hand towards Ling Feng, drooling, babbling: "I want it! I want this, I want this!"

This kid knows his stuff!

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