Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3315 A fairy sister fell from the sky!

"Ah wu... ah wu..."

Tian'er grabbed a handful of the elixir and stuffed it into his mouth like jelly beans, scaring Mo Feng so much that he broke into a cold sweat.

"Tian'er, this is not how you take pills!"

After such a long time, Ling Feng's alchemy skills must have improved. The level of the elixir he refined must be above the ninth level.

Tian'er swallowed the elixir like a jujube, but he didn't explode and died!

"Do not worry."

Ling Feng waved his hand, held Mo Fei's shoulders, and said with a smile: "This is a pill that cleanses the marrow and eases tendons. After my improvement, it has no side effects. It is especially suitable for acquired mortals who have not yet practiced. These days If you eat this bottle, this child will at least have the potential to break through to the Saint level in the future as long as he practices hard enough!"

"Holy...holy level!"

Mo Feng's eyes widened. A monk at the level of the Human Emperor was enough to control the wind and rain in this small Tianbai Empire.

As for the Saint level, it is two realms higher than the Human Emperor!

Tian'er got a big deal this time!


Mo Feng couldn't help but swallowed, and had the urge to grab the elixir from his son.

However, after all, he is the king of a country, so he really can’t pull off this old face.

"Feng Mo, I'll give you this bottle of elixir."

Ling Feng threw another bottle of elixir to Mo Feng and said with a smile: "Although your qualifications are average and you have missed the best opportunity to improve your physique, it is still not a big deal for me to help you upgrade to the imperial realm. questionable."

"Thank you, Brother Feng!"

Mo Feng burst into tears of gratitude.

The imperial realm!

When you open your mouth, you are in the imperial realm. Brother Feng is really awesome now!

"And Miss, this is for you!"

As the saying goes, those who see each other have their share, and Ling Feng cannot favor one over the other.

In any case, Deng Yongshi is also his nominal student.

"Hehe! It's you!"

After receiving a bottle of immortal elixir, Deng Yongshi started to smile. It was indeed a woman's heart-wrenching feeling, and she could fall out of favor faster than turning the pages of a book!

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng took advantage of Tian'er to take the pill and gently took off the necklace hanging from his neck.

This is a transparent glass sphere that looks about the size of a pigeon egg. How could it be part of the Dimensity Polarimeter?

The bitch rubbed his hands excitedly, "There's no mistake, this is it!"

As he said that, Bitch grabbed the glass ball and muttered a few words. The glass ball suddenly burst out with bright seven-color light, and the next moment, it actually became as big as a human head.

"Hehe, such an immortal treasure can naturally be big or small, long or short, and it has its own world!"

The bitch was beaming with joy, then looked at Mo Feng and asked: "This is just the energy core of the Tianji Polarimeter, and what about the main body? Boy, where did you get this glass ball in the first place?"


Mo Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "To be honest, I did not gift this glass ball to Tian'er. I can take you to ask Tian'er's mother and concubine, maybe you will know."


Unexpectedly, Deng Yongshi snorted, pointed at herself and said, "Why, there is someone here who knows where this thing comes from, and you don't ask?"

"you know?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly, he grabbed Deng Yongshi's shoulders and said urgently: "Miss, this matter is of great importance. I hope you can tell me the truth."


Deng Yongshi was suddenly grabbed by Ling Feng's shoulders. She felt the breath of the man she dreamed of, so close, and her pretty face felt slightly hot.

Gently biting her silver teeth, Deng Yongshi said a little shyly: "You...let me go first!"

"Sorry, I was abrupt."

"Hmph, come with me!"

Deng Yongshi gouged out Ling Feng and then said: "That glass ball was found by me last time when I was playful and sneaked into the palace of Queen Mother Yan to play. I later gave it to Tian'er."

"Empress Dowager Yan's palace! So that's it, that's it!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, no wonder.

The Empress Dowager Yan had the late Emperor's love and affection at the beginning, so it was reasonable and reasonable for the First Emperor to reward the Empress Dowager with this treasure.

Ling Feng's side is finally making good progress.

Outside the Tianbai Imperial Capital, Ye Weiyang and his party, bored out of their minds, began to chat about one thing or another.

However, Shenshui Yinji and Yan Jinghong were not talkative people. As for Ye Weiyang and Mu Qianxue, their identities were even more embarrassing, so the whole atmosphere seemed somewhat silent.

"I don't know if Brother Ling has found the Tianji Polarimeter now."

Ye Weiyang shook her head and smiled. There was really no topic to talk about, so she could only talk about Ling Feng.

Shenshui Yinji was silent.

Yan Jinghong was silent.

Only Mu Qianxue, in order to make the atmosphere less awkward, smiled and said: "If Brother Ling takes action, it will definitely be solved."

"Yes, what he said will definitely work."

Ye Weiyang shook her head and smiled bitterly. It seemed that everyone gathered together with Ling Feng as the core.

Ling Feng has such a unique charm that can make people of all kinds of different origins and identities gather around him.

"Something's wrong!"

Suddenly, Shenshui Yinji's original relaxed state became very alert.

She jumped up like an active ocelot and climbed onto a big tree in the sky, looking towards the sky with a wary look on her face.


She looked extremely nervous, even more than when she faced the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Soon, Yan Jinghong, Ye Weiyang and Mu Qianxue also felt the terrible sense of oppression coming from the sky.

This is the Eastern Spiritual Territory!

In the Eastern Spiritual Territory, how could there be such half-step Void Immortal and peak ancestral realm experts present, all feeling extremely...


The next moment, a nine-color divine light appeared on the horizon, and the endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth seemed to be swept away, converging into a fairy cloud of spiritual energy that continued to expand and expand, covering almost the sky within hundreds of miles.

For a time, all the people in the imperial capital looked up to the sky.

Such a vision is the only one I have ever seen in my life.

"How is this going?"

Ye Weiyang frowned. Even he had never heard of such a scene.

"There is a very terrifying aura that is separating from the fairy cloud! Very fast! Very fast!"

Shenshui Yinji's face was solemn, and a layer of extremely cold frost began to slowly form around her body.


The next moment, Shenshui Yinji's eyelids twitched rapidly, and she had already pulled out a long sword made of black ice, pointing directly at the sky.

Yan Jinghong, Ye Weiyang and Mu Qianxue also looked solemn and prepared.


Sure enough, a blazing fireball fell from the fairy cloud like a meteorite.

And the direction in which the meteorite landed happened to be the camp where Shenshui Yinji and the others were resting temporarily.


The ground roared.

Before the meteorite hit the ground, the ground in the camp where Shenshui Yinji and the others were located had already begun to crack and dent.

Click! Click!

Huge rocks were shattered into pieces, and thick trees were crushed into powder.

That terrifying force almost razed the mountains on the western outskirts of the imperial capital to the ground.

And just when everyone's scalp was numb and ready to evacuate, the meteorite suddenly settled in the mid-air.


Sparks flew and meteorites exploded.

Then, from the sparks in the sky, a woman wearing red clothes and surrounded by blazing flames slowly emerged.

Under the woman's feet was a flaming flame resembling a phoenix, slowly falling from the sky.

Ye Weiyang and others were stunned.

The meteorite falling from the sky turned into a...

A young girl?

Could it be that she is the fairy in legend?

But what is certain is that she is definitely not a human being who belongs to this world.

The girl landed slowly, and the firebird beneath her feet turned into sparks and scattered.

She tapped her jade feet lightly on the ground, and then patted her very... ordinary chest.

Well, fairies seem to have their own strengths and weaknesses.

At least, pretty flat.

"Hey! You guys!"

The fairy in a red dress put her hands on her hips and looked at Ye Weiyang and the others angrily.

"Call... call us?"

Ye Weiyang was stunned for a moment and pointed to her nose, "Girl, are you calling us?"

"Besides you, is there anyone else?"

The red-clothed fairy glared at Ye Weiyang angrily, and then walked over arrogantly, "I am the granddaughter of the Immortal Lord of the Tianzhi organization, and so is Xiao Xianling! You ants from the lower world, why don't you give me Miss, kneel down quickly to greet me?"

Such a bossy attitude immediately made Ye Weiyang and others frown.

However, judging from her tone, it seemed that she did come from another world.

Maybe it's the legendary fairyland!

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