Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3316 The River of Three Ways! Nine Flames Phoenix Emperor!

Kneel down to welcome him?

Xiao Xianling's bossy attitude made people frown.

However, I recalled the terrifying vision just now on the horizon.

This person's strength is probably far beyond everyone's imagination.

Do you really want to kneel down?

Ye Weiyang clenched her fists, and for a moment, the atmosphere seemed very cold and solemn.

Only Yan Jinghong and Shenshui Yinji, both of whom have lofty ideals, would not easily kneel down to a mere yellow-haired girl.

Even if it’s someone from the Immortal Realm, so what?

Are people from the Immortal Realm great?


When Xiao Xianling saw the four ants from the lower realm in front of her, she was unmoved and dared to refuse to kneel down. The momentum around her suddenly swept away.

The breath of the powerful man from the Immortal Realm suddenly made Ye Weiyang and the four of them breathless.



Everyone's hearts beat rapidly, almost as if they were about to explode in their chests.

Is this the strong man from the Immortal Realm?

It doesn’t look like a dimensional power at all!

In front of Xiao Xianling, even a powerful person like Shenshui Yinji couldn't even concentrate her magic power.

This gap is simply a world of difference!

The backbones of the four people were bent by Xiao Xianling's aura, and in the end, each of them succumbed to Xiao Xianling's terrifying pressure.

"Wow haha!"

Xiao Xianling put her hands on her hips, looked up to the sky and laughed, pinched her orchid fingers and put them to her mouth, "The ants from the lower world are the ants from the lower world. They are really vulnerable! The old man kept nagging and nagging for a long time, but in the end, it was not at all There is no one who can fight! Really, that stinky old man is so worried!"

As she said that, she looked at Ye Weiyang among the four.

When she saw Yan Jinghong, she was obviously surprised, "Hey, are you from the Xuntian clan? Are there actually humans with such pure Xuntian power in the lower world?"

Stepping on crystal shoes that were crystal clear and like red gems, the girl from the fairyland moved lightly and slowly walked towards Yan Jinghong.

Although her chest is indeed smooth, it has to be said that her appearance is absolutely astonishing.

The so-called Nine Heavens Fairy is nothing more than this.

As Xiao Xianling approached, a strong sense of oppression came over him. Yan Jinghong took a deep breath and tried to circulate his true energy and gather the power of surveying the sky, but he was unable to do so.

"Hey, ants from the lower world, the Heavenly Seal is in your hands?"

The girl stared at Yan Jinghong with her eyes and said arrogantly.

"I don't know what the Heavenly Seal is."

Yan Jinghong clenched his fists tightly and stared at Xiao Xianling coldly.

With his arrogance, he was actually forced to kneel by this yellow-haired girl. Naturally, he hated this girl and gritted his teeth.

It's a pity that under Xiao Xianling's pressure, she couldn't move at all.

"Isn't it you?"

Xiao Xianling frowned slightly and looked at Ye Weiyang next to her, "Is that you?"

"I have never heard of the Heavenly Seal."

There was a layer of fine sweat on Ye Weiyang's forehead. Apparently, he had tried countless methods, but could not escape Xiao Xianling's aura blockade.

"Not you either?"

Xiao Xianling frowned a little more, "Did I make a mistake in my position? No, it's the aura of Tian Zhiyin!"

She glanced at Mu Qianxue and Shenshui Yinji again, "Are they you? Whose body is the Tianzhi Seal on?"

Mu Qianxue and Shenshui Yinji also looked confused.

Obviously I have never heard of Tianzhi Seal.

In fact, they had never even heard of the Heavenly Execution Organization.

In the Xuanling Continent, apart from the beasts like the Jianlu who originally came from the fairyland, I am afraid that only old antiques like the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King know what the Heavenly Execution Organization means.


The girl was very angry, "Damn it, why is it not happening? The aura is obviously around here!"

"It should be me you're looking for, right?"

At this moment, a cold voice came from a distance.

From far to near, it seemed to be thousands of miles away at first, and the next moment, it was so close.

It was Ling Feng who rushed back!

It turns out that the vision of heaven and earth just now could not possibly not have alarmed Ling Feng.

Originally, Ling Feng wanted to retrieve the Tianji Polarimeter before joining Mu Qianxue and the others, but along with the visions of the sky and the earth, there was also an extremely terrifying aura.

Moreover, that aura actually landed right where Mu Qianxue and the others were resting temporarily.

Ling Feng couldn't sit still, so he asked Jianlu to stay and retrieve the Tianji polarimeter, while he rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

They saw Ye Weiyang and the other four people all kneeling down, while the girl in red stood aside in an arrogant manner, seeming to be muttering something about the "Heavenly Seal".

In an instant, Ling Feng reacted immediately.

It must have been that when the Cangtian Green Bull Python passed the Tianzhi Seal to him, it had already alerted the people of Tianzhi.

That's why they sent people to look for themselves.

However, the woman in red didn’t know whether she was an enemy or a friend.

But the good news is that, at least, the Tianzhi organization shouldn't have much ill intentions towards him.

Otherwise, Ye Weiyang and the others might not survive now.

He looked at the girl carefully.

With black hair and red clothes, she has a graceful and slender figure, especially her beautiful legs, which are breathtaking.

It's just a pity that the chest is really a little unremarkable.

The so-called "poor-breasted and extremely evil" girl probably doesn't have a very good temper.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted the girl in red, and said calmly: "My Ling Feng, if I guess correctly, the girl should be from the Tianzhi organization."


Xiao Xianling showed a proud look on her face, "I didn't expect that you, an ant from the lower world, have some eyesight! Yes, I am the granddaughter of the Tianzun organized by the Tianzhi organization, and so is Xiao Qianling! You, an ant from the lower world, still have some eyesight! Don’t you kneel down quickly?”

"I'm sorry, my knees, Ling Feng's, have been suffering from a strange disease since I was a child. I was born not to know how to bend my knees. I don't know how to kneel to the sky or to the ground. Girl, it's better not to force others to make things difficult for you."

Ling Feng's face was calm. Not only did he not kneel, he also helped Mu Qianxue and the others up one after another.


The girl is obviously the kind of pampered and proud girl who grew up in a honey pot.

Seeing that Ling Feng actually dared to disobey her, he immediately frowned and said, "You are an ant from the lower world. You have a strange disease, right? I am here to cure your stinky disease!"

In an instant, the momentum of the powerful men from the Immortal Realm swept across.

The expressions of Ye Weiyang, Mu Qianxue, Yan Jinghong and Shenshui Yinji all changed at the same time.

Just after being helped up by Ling Feng, he knelt down again in an instant.

Even the ground was left with two deep depressions.

On the other hand, Ling Feng remained unmoved at all.

To overwhelm people with your momentum?

Ling Feng chuckled.

If he was still just a colorful fighting spirit, he might be afraid of him.

However, he is a freak with an immortal fighting spirit!

Not only that, the power of heaven, the power of patrolling the sky, the power of ancestral dragons, the power of Asura, and the power of Demon Queen Keveli's Eye of the Void are all integrated into one body, and the Hunyuan Immortal Demon is formed by fusion. How could the power of calamity be overwhelmed by any breath.

Even if he could, he wouldn't be intimidated by just a yellow-haired girl.

The one she mentioned to welcome the Immortal Lord came in person, it was probably more or less the same.

What's more, this is Xuanling Continent.

If he guessed correctly, although this girl is a powerful immortal, she will definitely be restricted by this world.

She simply couldn't exert her full power.

" is it possible?"

Xiao Xianling had a look of surprise on her face. This mortal could actually ignore her own aura suppression.

He is obviously far from breaking through to the immortal path!

Even if his strength is suppressed, he won't be able to deal with even a mortal.

"Damn boy!"

The girl gritted her teeth and glared at Ling Feng fiercely.

"Thank you girl for showing mercy."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, but he didn't show mercy to others. Instead, he caught the traces and gave them a step down.

Sure enough, when Xiao Xianling heard this, she immediately showed a proud smile, "Humph, you have good eyesight. If I hadn't been merciful, you wouldn't even be a scumbag now, and you could still stand here talking to me. ?”

"Yes Yes Yes."

Ling Feng smiled and said: "Then, can you please show mercy to my friends?"

Xiao Xianling snorted softly, and then released the pressure on the other four people.

For a moment, Ye Weiyang and the others relaxed and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"You ant from the lower world, get ready."

Xiao Xianling pointed at Ling Feng and said calmly: "Since the Tian Zhi Seal is in your hand, then you are a candidate for Tian Zhi. This girl has come here specially to take you to the River of Three Ways and accept my Tian Zhi." The test of the organization. If you successfully pass the test, you can become a member of Tianzhi. If you fail, you can only die in the River of Three Ways and return to the River of Huangquan. "

I see.

Ling Feng nodded secretly in his heart.

It turns out that the recognition of the Tianzhi organization mentioned by Cangtian Qingniu Python is the test of the River of Three Ways.

However, I can't leave like this now.

What's more, this test must be full of difficulties and dangers. If you can get the spring spring, you can not only defeat the evil bones, but also gain more confidence in the test of the Three Ways River.


Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "Thank you very much for coming all the way to pick me up, but I have something important to do right now. I'm afraid I can't leave with you. If possible, I hope you can give me some time." Day, how about it?”

"Hmph, do you want to take it easy?"

Xiao Xianling glared at Ling Feng, "You, an ant from the lower world, dare to negotiate terms with me?"

As he said that, he saw Xiao Xianling's figure flashing, grabbing Ling Feng's shoulders with her big hand, and immediately shouted: "Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor, come out!"

However, this girl shouted loudly, but for a long time, there was no movement at all.

The fiery phoenix that brought Xiao Xianling down from the sky before actually seemed to be sleeping without any response.

"Come out! Come out!"

"Hey! Stinky Phoenix Emperor, damn Phoenix Emperor, if you don't come out, I'll roast yours and eat them like chicken legs!"

The girl didn't believe in evil and shouted a few more times, but unfortunately, there was still no response.

"What... happened? What went wrong?"

A look of panic appeared on the girl's face.

How would I go back without the Nine Flames Phoenix Emperor to guide me?

This is her first time in the lower world. Even she doesn't know how to go back.

Although Jieyin Xianzun chatted with her a lot when she left, she ignored them all.

It's fine now, I was afraid...

Can not go back!

The atmosphere became somewhat awkward.


Ling Feng turned his head and looked at Xiao Xianling, "Girl, are you crying out for nothing?"

"How dare you, a lowly ant from the lower world, mock me?"

The girl was angry and punched Ling Feng.

However, Xiao Xianling, who clearly had the aura of a powerful immortal, punched slowly and softly.

Perhaps her strength and speed were good, but in Ling Feng's opinion, at best she was at the level of the middle stage of the talent ancestor realm.

As an envoy descending from the immortal realm, it seems that she is a little too weak.

Of course, if the Nine Flame Phoenix was there, it would not matter.

But now, the Phoenix did not appear.


Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and deflected the girl's punch, saying lightly: "It seems that the girl is used to being lazy when practicing. Although this punch is exquisite, it's a pity that it has too many flaws in your hands!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ling Feng had already punched back and attacked.


There was a loud bang, and Xiao Xianling's body was hit hard by Ling Feng's punch and flew out.

The envoy of the fairyland, that's it?

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, raised his hand and looked at his fist, a little unbelievable.

This woman is too weak!

I'm afraid she can't even beat Shenshui Yin Ji.

However, she is not useless.

At least, after being hit by his punch, she got up like nothing happened.

Uh, the attack power is not high, but the defense power has reached an unbreakable level?

It seems that this girl did make some preparations before descending to the lower world.

The girl seemed to have some mysophobia. As soon as she got up, she kept patting the dust on her body, and then glared at Ling Feng.

After a while, the girl actually cried "Wow... I... I can't go back, woo woo, and... there are still bad people bullying me!"


Ling Feng's mouth twitched for a while. After all this time, he bullied her?

Was it true?

Didn't she start it first?

However, seeing the girl crying, Ling Feng really felt a little guilty.

He was not a human being to bully such a cute girl!

He was just a beast!

Sure enough, Ye Weiyang, Mu Qianxue, even Yan Jinghong and Shenshui Yinji, took the initiative to walk towards the girl and began to comfort her in a hurry.

It seemed as if they were bewitched by the girl and obeyed her.

In the girl's eyes, Ling Feng clearly saw a trace of cunningness of a successful scheme.

Good guy!

This is the secret method of the soul!

Ling Feng shook his head hurriedly, and the sea of ​​​​spirit shook violently.

Just a little bit, I was also in the trap of this girl!

It was so close!

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he had an immortal fighting spirit, otherwise, I am afraid that he would have been controlled by this yellow-haired girl.

"Take back your tears." Ling Feng stared at Xiao Xianling, "It seems that you have lost contact with your Nine Flame Phoenix?" "You damned ant from the lower world!" Xiao Xianling glared at Ling Feng fiercely. She had used all her methods, but in the end, she still failed miserably. This brat is really extraordinary! Gnashing her teeth, Xiao Xianling said angrily: "So what? Even without the Nine Flames Phoenix, do you think I can't cure you?"

"That's not the case. Miss Xiao is naturally very capable. I admire her. However, it seems that Miss Xiao can't go back for the time being. In this case, it seems that you can only stay in the lower world for the time being. After you find a way to contact your Nine Flames Phoenix, you can talk about going to the Three Paths River. How about it?"


Xiao Xianling glared at Ling Feng, and her expression changed again and again. Finally, she gritted her teeth and said: "During this period, I will keep an eye on you. This is my first time to go to the lower world to guide the candidates for the Heavenly Master. I absolutely cannot afford to make any mistakes!"

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