Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3317 I am not the kind of casual person!

Not long after, the cheap donkey flew from the direction of the imperial city.

Judging from the elated look on this guy's face, it was obvious that he had already taken back the Dimensional Polarimeter.

"Hahaha! Boy Lingfeng, now the Tianji Polarimeter is complete!"

The stupid donkey monster smiled and fell from the air. Seeing that the originally dense mountain forest had become bare and devastated, he couldn't help but be a little confused.

"By the way, what happened just now? Why did the situation suddenly change?"

Bitch asked curiously.


Ling Feng pointed at Xiao Xianling, the eldest lady from the Immortal Realm, "Isn't that her?"


The bitch looked at Xiao Xianling and immediately said carelessly: "Where did this yellow-haired girl come from? She looks like that. What, is this my little lover you met somewhere again?"

Ling Feng's forehead went dark, what? Do you have many little lovers?

Oh no!

I don’t have any little lover at all!

"Shut up!"

However, a trace of anger appeared on Xiao Xianling's face, and she yelled at the bitchy donkey, "The black donkey demon who appeared out of nowhere is looking for death!"

The coercion of the powerful man in the Immortal Realm was released and locked directly in the direction of the cheap donkey.

In an instant, the bitch made a "plop" sound and knelt heavily on the ground.

Completely oppressed and unable to move.

Xiao Xianling couldn't help but murmured that her immortal aura was clearly not broken.

Whether it was those human races or the current demon race, they were all unable to move under their own momentum and were crushed by them.

But there was only the boy named Ling Feng.

What went wrong?

Somewhat disbelieving in evil, Xiao Xianling fixed her gaze on Ling Feng again and opened up her momentum again.

It's a pity that the momentum that he used to try his best in others, when in front of Ling Feng, disappeared completely like a mud cow entering the sea.


Xiao Xianling was so angry that she had no choice but to take her anger out on the donkey. She used her own momentum to suppress the donkey and kowtowed to the ground. It wasn't until the donkey's head was broken and bleeding that she felt relieved.

"Ivory can't come out of a dog's mouth. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will tear your mouth apart!"

How has the bitch ever suffered such a big loss? He looked at Ling Feng and howled repeatedly: "Boy, are you just going to watch this divine beast suffer such humiliation?"

Ling Feng shrugged and moved his lips slightly, but did not speak. Judging from the shape of his mouth, he should have said: You deserve it!

This bitch should have been dealt with long ago.

However, seeing that the donkey was already bleeding, Ling Feng still felt a little soft-hearted. He looked at Xiao Xianling and said with a smile: "Miss Xiao, this black donkey is my spiritual pet. I hope you will show your respect." ”

"Your taste in accepting spiritual pets really needs to be improved!"

Xiao Xianling seized the opportunity and never forgot to hit Ling Feng hard, "My Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor is as powerful as the sky or the earth compared to you, a black donkey."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Ling Feng nodded repeatedly, why did the words that belittle the bitch sound so pleasant to the ear.


The bitch almost fainted from anger, forget about that yellow-haired girl, Ling Feng's own people actually didn't help their own people!

Seeing Ling Feng's posture being so low, Xiao Xianling gave up, took back her momentum, and stopped torturing the bitch.

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted Xiao Xianling, then walked towards the donkey and reached out to help him, but was slapped away by the hoof of the donkey.

"You brat, I'm going to be cruel to you!"

The bitch lost his temper and glared at Ling Feng, cursing, "This beast finally recognizes you! From now on, this beast will draw a clear line with you!"

"Isn't there nothing wrong with you?"

Ling Feng chuckled and said, "Anyway, you are thick-skinned and thick-skinned. You won't die even if you knock on your head a few times. The big deal..."

Ling Feng took out a drop of ancestral dragon essence and blood.


The bitch swallowed, and the one who caught the traces collected the essence and blood of the ancestral dragon, and the expression on his face immediately changed 180 degrees, "This sacred beast has a lot, and I don't have the same knowledge as you!"

Good guy!

That's a lot of this bitchy donkey.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, not bothering to worry about it. Anyway, the essence and blood of the ancestral dragon was originally going to be given to the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, but that guy didn't want it.

This is like picking it up for nothing and giving it to a cheap donkey without feeling any pain.

"Okay bitch, it's time to get down to business."

Ling Feng took a deep look at Jianlu, "Can the Tianji polarimeter still be used?"

"This divine beast is here, of course it can be used!"

The bitch slapped his chest, "What do you think this mythical beast is? Is it a decoration?"

"That's good!"

Ling Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief. After so many days, one thing finally went as he wished.

While talking, Bitch had already taken out the Tianji polarimeter.

This guy has reassembled the Tianji Polarimeter. It is indeed a mirror-like treasure, almost half a person tall.

The glass ball formed from the energy core is embedded in the center of the mirror.

However, because it has been covered in dust for so long, it doesn't seem to be anything unusual.

It's like a very ordinary mirror. If there's anything different about it, it's probably just the textures on it, which are very complex and seem to have some other deep meanings.

"Tianji polarimeter?"

Xiao Xianling, who was not far away, actually recognized this treasure at a glance, and there seemed to be a little surprise in her eyes.

Is there such a treasure in the lower realm?


The bitch turned around and glanced at Xiao Xianling, " are quite knowledgeable!"

The bitch originally wanted to call Xiao Xianling a yellow-haired girl, but remembering what happened just now, he swallowed the words.

He better save face and don't want to make a fool of himself in public again.

"Huh, who am I, this lady? I can have as many things as this, as much as I want!"

Xiao Xianling had a look of pride on her face, "What kind of treasure do you think it is!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose without contradicting her. He just smiled and said: "To Miss Xiao, of course, this is nothing, but we still have some secrets to talk about. I believe the girl will not treat us like this." Are you interested in the secrets of little mortals? Of course, if the girl wants to listen, I don’t dare to have any objections. "


Xiao Xianling immediately stepped back dozens of feet, "Will this young lady spy on your secrets? You naive and stupid ants from the lower world are so ridiculous!"

As she said this, the woman didn't think she was far enough, so she stepped back several hundred feet and set up a barrier. At the same time, she yelled: "If I eavesdrop, my ears will be rotten! A pair of them will be rotten!"

"She is worthy of being the granddaughter of the Immortal Master, she is courageous! I admire you!"

Ling Feng shouted in the direction of Xiao Xianling from a distance and gave a thumbs up at the same time. The girl immediately showed a proud expression, as if she was extremely satisfied.

"This yellow-haired girl is really easy to fool."

The bitch couldn't help muttering and looked at Ling Feng, "As expected of you, the scheming man!"

Surprisingly, Shenshui Yinji, Yan Jinghong and even Ye Weiyang all nodded subconsciously.

Although Xiao Xianling has a bad temper, it is somewhat unkind to deceive this little girl into this.

Only Mu Qianxue always firmly believed in Ling Feng's character.


Ling Feng coughed a few times and said, "This secret of the Divine Emperor is related to the legendary Nine Springs of Heaven. It is always right to be careful. Although her brain is not very good and her strength seems to be suppressed, she must be careful." There are also many trump cards, which are definitely difficult to deal with. ”

Ling Feng explained a few words, but felt that it was unnecessary, so he changed the subject and said: "Anyway, bitch, you first activate the Tianji polarimeter on the map of the Shenhuang treasure box."

"Wrap it on this divine beast!"

Jianlu patted his chest in assurance, and heard him mutter something for a while, and then reached out to Ling Feng to ask for some top-quality Yuan Jing.

Sure enough, the nine-color divine light began to shine on the mirror.

Everyone's expressions suddenly became happy.

Not far away, Xiao Xianling saw Ling Feng and the others activating the Tianji Polarimeter, and she couldn't help but feel extremely strong curiosity in her heart.

With her ability, it couldn't be easier to peek and eavesdrop.

However, she relied on her status and insisted on not listening or watching. At the same time, she muttered to herself, "If you don't listen, you are a bastard chanting sutras! If you don't look, you are a bastard laying eggs!"

Time passes extremely quickly.

Unknowingly, the girl leaned on a boulder and fell asleep.

Coming from the Immortal Realm Breaking the Boundary, although all the spiritual power of the Nine Flames Phoenix Emperor was consumed, the long time still made her feel tired.

"Miss Xiao, Miss Xiao..."

In a daze, she didn't know that she had been pushed.

The girl frowned slightly and rubbed her sleepy eyes. Her pupils gradually focused on Ling Feng's hateful face.

As for the others, they did not dare to come and provoke this woman like Ling Feng, so they could only watch from a distance.


Xiao Xianling was quite angry when she got up and glared at Ling Feng, "Have you never seen a fairy sleeping?"

"So this is called fairy sleeping. Do fairies also like to drool?"

Ling Feng teased with a smile and pointed at the corner of his mouth.

"I need to take care of it!"

Xiao Xianling's face turned red, and she quickly raised her hand to wipe the corner of her mouth with her sleeve, but in front of so many people, the fairy couldn't bear to lose face.

With an idea, Xiao Xianling stretched out her hand and grabbed a piece of Ling Feng's clothes, trying to tear off a piece of his sleeve to use as a temporary gauze scarf.

Who knows if he used too much force, he heard a "chi" sound and tore Ling Feng's robe to pieces.

The fragments all over the sky turned into butterflies, dancing gracefully.

"Holy shit!"

Ling Feng quickly crossed his arms and stared at Xiao Xianling in confusion, "Xiao...Miss Xiao, I am not the kind of casual person!"

! ! !

In the distance, there are four pairs of eyes, three people and one donkey, big eyes staring at small eyes.

Is it just the way fairies say hello?

It's a little bit wild!

The expression on Xiao Xianling's face froze.

Is this the scene of social death?

For a moment, the girl wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Shame on you!

What a shame!

Who knew that the fabric in the lower world could be so uncontrollably pulled!

However, it's embarrassing because I didn't expect this guy to have a pretty good figure.

Eight pack abs!


What am I thinking!

Xiao Xianling covered her hot cheeks and immediately yelled, "Ahhh! You! Stinky! Rogue! Rogue! -"


Then there was a crisp sound, and a red palm print was left directly on the left side of Ling Feng's chest.

There was a brief short circuit in Ling Feng's mind.


Stinking rogue?

Please, is it your torn clothes?

This is completely unreasonable!

Ling Feng sighed softly. Fortunately, he had witnesses at the scene, otherwise he wouldn't be able to explain it.

Rolling his eyes, Ling Feng didn't bother to argue with this "fairy" who had some problems with his brain. He just said angrily: "We are ready to leave. If you don't get up, we will leave first!"

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