Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3320 The altar of Holy Snow Mountain!

As Tu Shansou and Chi Yan talked, Ling Feng realized that it turned out that these two tribes were both tribes that believed in the "Holy Snow Mountain".

The Holy Snow Mountain is a mountain range that stretches for hundreds of miles here.

The Snow Valley that Ling Feng and the others found based on the map of the Shenhuang Treasure Box was in the center of the Holy Snow Mountain and was covered with snow all year round.

This snow valley is isolated from the world with the Holy Snow Mountain as its natural moat.

In the legends of the two tribes, they are their holy places and places of faith.

This snow valley, every sixty-six years, will emit a nine-color divine light one day, illuminating the sky.

After this nine-color divine light dissipates, sweet rain will fall from the sky.


That is rainfall.

It stands to reason that in such an ice field, even if there is rain, it will be directly frozen into ice crystals during the falling process, and fall down as hail or snowflakes.

But this rain was not affected at all, falling like spring rain.

Along with the sweet rain comes vitality and the spring of all things.

Both tribes will store rainwater, and every new child born in the tribe will be baptized by this rainwater.

Children who are baptized by this kind of rain will become strong and strong.

In this bitterly cold place, the neonatal mortality rate was originally extremely high.

But it was precisely because of those magical rains that the people of these two tribes were able to thrive.

Originally, the two tribes had the same beliefs. Logically speaking, they should live in peace and coexist peacefully.

But all this has changed because the rain from the Holy Snow Mountain has disappeared.

"For three sixty-six consecutive years, the Holy Snow Mountain no longer shines with divine light, and no more rain falls."

Tu Shansou's deeply sunken eye sockets became a little red, "For us Tushan people, the rain from the Holy Snow Mountain is a gift from the gods, which protects our tribe from thriving. But now, there is no longer anything in the Holy Snow Mountain." The reward must be for the Chiyou tribe. They have defiled the gods and offended the Holy Snow Mountain, so they were punished by the gods and also caused trouble for us, the Tushan tribe!"

"You fart!"

Chi Yan was so angry that he flew into a rage, "Old man, it's obvious that your Tushan clan's beliefs are not strong enough and pious enough, so you angered Shengxue Mountain! I said it's you who have caused trouble for my Chiyou clan!"

The two clan leaders became more and more excited as they talked.

For three sixty-six years, nearly two hundred years, there have been fights like this more than once or twice.

If the Holy Snow Mountain cannot be restored in one day, I am afraid that the dispute between the two tribes will not stop in one day.

"Okay, please stay calm for a while."

Ling Feng separated the two clan leaders, but his brows became more and more deeply furrowed.

According to the legends of these two clans, there may indeed be great energy hidden within the Holy Snow Mountain.

This may have something to do with Chunzi Shenquan.

However, starting from two hundred years ago, the holy snow mountain no longer rains down, what does this mean?

Could it be that the spring spring inside has completely dried up?

If this is really the case, it would be extremely bad news for Ling Feng.

But that may not be the case.

Perhaps, it was because of other reasons that such anomalies occurred in the Holy Snow Mountain.

"Two clan leaders, haven't you ever thought about entering the Holy Snow Mountain to find out what's going on?"

Ling Feng looked at the two of them and asked tentatively.

"Holy Snow Mountain is a sacred place, how can we, mortals, be allowed to set foot on it?"

Tu Shansou shook his head repeatedly, "That is blasphemy and you will be punished by the gods!"

"Holy Snow Mountain must not be desecrated!"

Chi Yan rarely disagreed with Tu Shansou, but said with a sincere face: "Your Excellency is an outsider, and it is not strange if you don't know, but please never mention this matter again, otherwise, even if I know that I am not your opponent, I will still I will die together with you."

Ling Feng shook his head and couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

These guys are really superstitious!

Although Ling Feng could be wiped out with one sword even if all the two clans came together, Ling Feng was not a bloodthirsty person and there was no need to commit more crimes.

"Feel sorry!"

Ling Feng bowed his hands to the two of them and said apologetically: "I didn't mean to desecrate the holy places of the two races, but thinking about it from another direction, if no one enters the Holy Snow Mountain, how can they know the true will of the 'gods'? You have been blaming each other and fighting each other, but no one knows the reason why the Holy Snow Mountain no longer rains. Could it be that you have never thought that maybe the will of the gods is that you can enter the Holy Snow Mountain and accept the gods. instructions?"

Ling Feng used his strong deception ability, and secretly exerted some pressure from the source of the soul. Unknowingly, both clan leaders were "bewitched" by Ling Feng's words.

"That makes sense! Is this an instruction from the gods?"

Tu Shansou looked suddenly enlightened.

" that really the case?"

Chi Yan also blinked his eyes repeatedly, "Could it be that the fighting between our two clans over the past two hundred years has been meaningless!"

For a moment, the two clan leaders knelt down at Ling Feng's feet, "This young master, I finally realized it!"

"Sir, you are the benefactor of our Chiyou clan!"

"Please get up quickly."

Ling Feng stretched out his hand to help the two of them up. Although he was somewhat deceptive, it was a great merit to be able to prevent the killing of the two clans.

more importantly!

Ling Feng took a deep breath and asked tentatively: "So, you two, do you have a way to enter the Holy Snow Mountain?"

This is Ling Feng's true purpose.

Only by entering the Holy Snow Mountain, that is, the snow valley, can we find out.


Tu Shansou pondered for a long time, and then slowly said: "There is indeed a way."


Chi Yan nodded, "In the records of our two clans, there is the same oracle."

"What oracle?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and his heart jumped up.

It was finally time to reap the rewards after all the hard work I had put in.


Tu Shansou and Chi Yan looked at each other, but hesitated to speak.

"Originally, Your Excellency helped our two clans to resolve the conflict. We should not have concealed anything from You, but..."

Chi Yan took a deep breath and sighed softly: "In the oracle, only outsiders who hold the gods' tokens can find out this secret. Otherwise, both of our tribes will be annihilated. Therefore, I am so sorry……"

"God's token?"

Ling Feng blinked, "What kind of divine token? I am also an outsider. Maybe I am the person in the oracle?"

Ling Feng's heart became a little hot.

If it is true that the divine destiny of Emperor Shenhuang is buried in the Holy Snow Mountain, then the so-called token of the gods mentioned by the Tushan and Chiyou tribes is naturally the Shenhuang Treasure Box!

"That's a treasure box."

After hesitating for a moment, Chi Yan continued to speak: "The token of the gods in the oracle is a treasure box. There shouldn't be such a coincidence, right?"

"Maybe, it's just such a coincidence."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled lightly.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the Shenhuang treasure box from the spiritual ring.

"Boy, is this the treasure box in the oracle?"

Tu Shansou and Chi Yan's pupils shrank obviously, and they stared intently at the Shenhuang Treasure Box in Ling Feng's hand.

"It''s the mural in the altar!"

"That's right, the same mural!"

The two of them stared at the Shenhuang Treasure Box and carefully looked at every pattern on it.

But it turns out that the patterns pieced together based on the Shenhuang Illustration are exactly the same as the murals in the altars of these two tribes?

Is the illustrated catalog of Shenhuang that everyone in the world is chasing after and longing for just a few murals?

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, he had a feeling.

It seemed that the answer to the mystery was right in front of him.

All the answers, all the truth, will be revealed soon.

"The wait is here! We finally waited for the person predicted by the oracle!"

Both clan leaders looked extremely excited and even wanted to bow to Ling Feng again.

"You two, now I should be qualified to know the so-called oracle and the method of entering the Holy Snow Mountain, right?"

Ling Feng supported the two clan leaders. These superstitious gods are troublesome.

However, thanks to this, I can know the answer I want without any effort.

"Of course! Of course!"

The two of them nodded at the same time, "Everything starts from our altar!"

Tu Shansou stroked his long beard and spoke happily.

It turns out that the origin of the two races originated from a mysterious altar.

In ancient times, the Tushan clan and the Chiyou clan were just two very ordinary tribes in the Northern Cold Region. In fact, they were not the real Tushan clan and Chiyou clan.

However, everything started from that altar. The ancestors of the two tribes received instructions from the altar. From then on, they abandoned their original surnames and changed them to Tushan and Chiyou.

They have been guarding this altar and living in this isolated and cold place with the Holy Snow Mountain as their faith.

In fact, although the Northern Cold Region is generally cold, this snowy region is a barren land in the true sense.

Even when Ling Feng and the others followed the map to find this place, they had no idea that there would be a human tribe here.

These two races seem to have really been blessed by the Holy Snow Mountain. From ordinary and weak races, they have become clans with powerful bodies. In a sense, they are no longer weaker than some of the gods in the Zhongyuan Domain. .

While the two clan leaders were telling Ling Feng about the origins of their two clans, they led Ling Feng to what they called the "sacred altar."

This is a cave full of murals. In the center of the cave, there is a throne that looks like gold and jade.

The throne seems to exude mysterious power in its eyes, making any human who approaches the cave feel the urge to worship.

Sure enough, the two clan leaders, Tu Shansou and Chi Yan, had already knelt down and worshiped on the ground at the entrance of the cave.

After kneeling three times and knocking nine times, he was able to stand up.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, although he also felt this invisible oppression, was not greatly affected.

He studied the cave paintings.

The murals on the left and right sides, from the outside to the inside, are indeed the weird and incomprehensible patterns on the Shenhuang Picture Book.

As the murals continued to move inward, some patterns similar to recording some historical stories began to appear.

The first picture on the left seems to record a baby. When it was born, it was accompanied by nine springs.

This seems to be the story of the Xuanyuan family.

Then, the nine springs dried up, and ten divine dragons of different shapes were born, drawing from the spirit of the nine springs.

This is the birth of the ten great ancestral dragons.

If Ling Feng had not heard Na Li Jiu tell these stories once before, he would have been completely confused.

Then, it seems to be recorded that a man found a dry spring, but found that there were some sacred springs in the dry spring!

Then there is the story of a man becoming an immortal.

After the young man became an immortal, he left a treasure box and five stone walls in the world.

The mural on the right, from the outside to the inside, tells a completely different story.

The story begins with a young man finding the treasure box left in the mural on the left where water and fire blend.

The place where water and fire blend together makes Ling Feng feel very different.

Because when I first found the Shenhuang Treasure Box, I was indeed in the depths of an underground river.

Moreover, it blends with magma.

Isn't this the blending of fire and fire?

For a moment, Ling Feng felt his scalp numb.

It seemed that everything was doomed from the beginning.

Then, the young man collected five pieces of the Atlas of Divine Desolation, and even the five pieces of the Atlas of Divine Desolation were gathered together into a golden book, and they were all recorded in the mural.

Then, holding the golden book and the mural, the young man came to the altar.

Finally, the murals on the left and right merge together.

The young man holding the treasure box sat on the throne in the center of the altar.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and his breathing became extremely rapid.

As long as you sit on that throne, maybe you can know something, right?

He seemed to be unable to control his body. One step...


Keep moving closer to that throne.

As everyone knows, at the entrance of the cave, the two clan leaders looked at each other with a look of horror.

"He...what did he see?"

Chi Yan was surprised.

Tu Shansou also looked surprised, shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "I don't know, but he stared at the stone wall on the right for a long time, as if he saw something. The stone wall on the right has always been empty. There’s no content, right?”

After a pause, Tu Shansou continued: "It seems that he is the person in the oracle. Our two clans are saved this time!"

"Yes." Chi Yan nodded, "It can be saved. This time, it really can be saved!"

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