Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3321 The original creation!

The sky is getting brighter, and the light of dawn breaks through the darkness of the night.

The sun is exceptionally bright today, and the rays of light shine down, bringing a rare warmth to this bitterly cold place.

Outside the Snow Valley.

At the entrance of a cave, four people and a donkey were sitting.

The bonfire had gone out, leaving embers on the ground.

"It's been a night."

Yan Jinghong stood up slowly and looked towards the direction Ling Feng left last night.

"Yeah, one night."

Ye Weiyang frowned slightly, as if she was a little worried, but she wanted to pretend to be calm in front of everyone.

"There won't be any accidents, right?"

Mu Qianxue was a little worried, even though she knew that with Ling Feng's strength, no one in a place like the Northern Cold Region could pose any threat to him.

But there are no absolutes.

When I was in the Eastern Spiritual Realm, a "fairy" with a little bit of brains fell from the sky.

Although he has a weak brain, he is very strong!

"probably not."

Ye Weiyang shook her head and smiled, "Perhaps, when Brother Ling comes back, there will be some unexpected gains."

"hope so."

Mu Qianxue bit her silver teeth lightly, but the worry on her face still did not ease.

"If I look around again, I might be able to find a way into the valley."

Ye Weiyang took a deep breath, stood up and left the cave.

"me and you togather!"

Mu Qianxue also stood up quickly, and quickly caught up with Ye Weiyang without saying anything.

"Looking for whatever you are looking for is not in vain."

On the other hand, that mean donkey, with a piece of dead grass in his mouth, was lying on his back on the ground very leisurely, with a pair of donkey hooves behind his head, and his hooves were raised up, so comfortable.

After a while, the figures of Ye Weiyang and Mu Qianxue gradually disappeared into the snow, and the fairy lady who had been sleeping peacefully in the cave all night finally woke up.

Xiao Xianling stretched out and walked out of the cave. When she saw that half of the people at the entrance of the cave were missing, she couldn't help but frown, "Where are the people? Where have they gone?"

Of course, the only thing she paid attention to was Ling Feng.

It's a pity that no one wants to pay attention to her.

Xiao Xianling was so angry that she gritted her teeth and stared at the remaining people, "Answer me!"

The aura of the powerful immortals swept across, but the bitch was the first to be unable to bear it and begged for mercy again and again, "Auntie, please take away your magical powers, that kid is just looking for a way to enter the snow valley, and he won't run away! "

"Really? If you dare to lie to this lady, you know the consequences!"

Xiao Xianling raised her eyebrows and stared at the bitch.

"Why are you lying to me? This divine beast is still here. With the courage of those three boys, he dares to leave this divine beast and run away?"

The bitch spoke so confidently that Xiao Xianling was temporarily stabilized.

"Okay, give it two hours. If that boy doesn't come back, I will eat donkey meat and be burned at noon!"

Xiao Xianling looked at the cheap donkey with evil intentions, "You, a black donkey, actually have the blood of a true dragon, it must taste very good!"

When the bitch heard this, he couldn't help but shuddered all over, and secretly muttered in his heart: Boy Lingfeng, boy Lingfeng, come back quickly! The life of this divine beast is in your hands!

"Brother Yagami!"

The rime is vast and snow covers the whole world. Only trees with strong vitality like cedar can still thrive here.

However, there is thick ice and snow accumulated on the crown of every snow tree, which seems to be able to swallow up all sounds between heaven and earth.

Even the sound of footsteps on the ground was swallowed up completely.

The world is extremely quiet, so quiet that it makes people feel hairy.

Finally, Mu Qianxue couldn't help but speak and shouted towards Ye Weiyang's back.

"What, is something wrong?"

Ye Weiyang turned around and glanced at Mu Qianxue.

He actually didn't want Mu Qianxue to follow.

At this moment, he just wanted to be alone for a while.

Even if it's just for a moment.

"You saw it, right?" Mu Qianxue stared into Ye Weiyang's eyes and gritted her teeth.


"After Brother Ling gave you the Shenhuang Treasure Box, you must have sensed something, right?"


Ye Weiyang hesitated for a moment, then denied it, "Nothing."

Ye Weiyang was a little surprised. He thought he had concealed it well and deceived everyone.

However, it seemed that he could not deceive Mu Qianxue.

No wonder his fate will always be intertwined with hers.

"I know you can't lie to me."

Mu Qianxue clenched her fists, "What if..."

After a pause, Mu Qianxue took a deep breath before continuing: "I know you don't want to say it, there must be your own reasons, but if you feel that you have to hide everything in your heart and shoulder the burden alone, If everything is too hard, I will be your best listener."

Mu Qianxue patted her chest and promised, "I promise that everything I heard will not be told to the second person!"


Ye Weiyang then raised her head and looked into Mu Qianxue's jewel-like shining eyes. She then shook her head and smiled, "It's really nothing, but I still want to thank you, at least..."

He clenched his fists.

Like other children of various races in the star fields, he also lost all his relatives.

The sky is vast and the earth is vast, and the feeling of being alone and alone fills people with loneliness and sadness.

Although Yagami never mentioned it, nor did he show any vulnerability or sadness.

But, he is also human.

A mortal with flesh and blood and feelings.

"Although we didn't become husband and wife, you are still the big brother Yagami in my heart!"

Mu Qianxue looked at Ye Weiyang with a smile, "Just like family members!"

Ye Weiyang nodded and smiled, "Yes, just like family members."

After a long while, Ye Weiyang slowly said: "You are right, I did sense something, but it is not something very important, but I know that we will definitely be able to successfully enter the Snow Valley, and Brother Ling will definitely be able to get it. This is enough!"


Mu Qianxue's eyes lit up, and the joy on her face was beyond words.


Ye Weiyang answered in the affirmative, then looked at the surrounding environment, shook his head and smiled, "Okay, it seems that we can't find any clues, so we should go back and wait for Brother Ling to come back."


Mu Qianxue nodded heavily, as long as Ling Feng could get what he wanted, then everything would be enough.

The altars of the Tushan and Chiyou tribes.

One night.

Tu Shansou and Chi Yan waited outside the altar all night.

However, after Ling Feng sat on that throne, he seemed to have lost all consciousness.

He seemed to have become one with the throne beneath him, and he sat there all night long.

The two couldn't help but whisper about what happened to the young man in the oracle.

Unfortunately, nothing is known.

Only Ling Feng himself would know what he had gone through.

"Looking at him, he won't become part of the altar, right?"

Chi Yan couldn't help but murmur.

Looking at Ling Feng's serious face and the way Baoxiang sat solemnly on the throne of the altar, it seemed that he had really turned into a statue of a god.

Moreover, the aura on his body seemed to be integrated with the entire altar.

"Doesn't that mean..." Tu Shansou hesitated for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "It means that he is already... dead?"

"This...this is not clear."

Chi Yan shook his head, "How about going over there and taking a look?"

However, at this moment, Ling Feng, who had kept his eyes closed, like a statue, suddenly opened his eyes.

The soul returns to its true form.

When they stood up, their bodies seemed to float slowly without any weight.

At this moment, his eyes didn't seem like his own.

There is no joy, anger, sorrow, or compassion. It is as indifferent as a piece of ice, and like an abyss that swallows everything.

However, as inside the cave, the murals turned into streaks of starlight and dissipated, eventually integrating into Ling Feng's body bit by bit.

He is finally back!


Ling Feng's body was so heavy that he fell down in mid-air, as if he was weightless.

Fortunately, he reacted in time and avoided the embarrassment of being thrown into the mud.

"What happened? Why am I here?"

For the first time, Ling Feng felt as if he had lost a very important memory.

One night, to him, seemed to be taken away out of thin air.

He just vaguely felt that something had happened.

It seemed like nothing happened.

"The wall...the mural is missing!"

The next moment, Tu Shansou and Chi Yan exclaimed.

Originally, only the rock wall on the right had no murals, but now, the murals on both sides have all disappeared.


Ling Feng turned around and saw that, sure enough, all the murals in the cave that recorded the catalog of divine wilderness and some deeds from ancient times were gone.

Not only that, but immediately after, there was a "click" sound, and the throne was completely shattered.


In the end, the broken throne turned into debris and scattered all over the ground.


The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly.

In the end what happened?

After a brief silence, it could be seen that the eyes of Tu Shansou and Chi Yan changed from shock to anger, to gnashing of teeth, to powerlessness, and finally to depression and helplessness.

What can be done?

This is really unbeatable!

"This...this has nothing to do with me, right?"

Ling Feng showed a wry smile. He really couldn't blame himself.

He doesn't remember anything!

"Your Excellency, what did you see after you sat on the throne?"

Tu Shansou's voice was a little cold.

Naturally, they won't have a good look at people who destroy their beliefs.

If he hadn't been unable to defeat him, he would have fought Ling Feng to the death.


Ling Feng shook his head, "I vaguely thought something happened, but now I have completely forgotten it. Oh, by the way..."

Vaguely, there seemed to be a voice echoing in my mind.




As if by mistake, Ling Feng took out the golden book that was fused together from five pieces of the Divine Desolate Picture Book.

From the first day he got the golden book, he couldn't understand the contents at all.

Oh, it should be said that he didn't even dare to look at it.

Even though he possessed a powerful immortal fighting spirit, he could not withstand the powerful counterattack of the golden book's soul.

Even the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King fell under this golden book. Otherwise, it would be almost impossible for Ling Feng to conquer him.

But this time, Ling Feng was unprepared and opened the golden book directly.


By the time Ling Feng realized what he had done and subconsciously wanted to trick Jin Shu out, it was already too late.

"It's over!"

Ling Feng felt despair in his heart. Wasn't this just shooting himself in the foot?

As long as your eyes fall steadily on the golden book, at least you will be counterattacked by the soul, and you can recover in at least half a month, which is good.

Due to bad luck, his soul was seriously injured, leaving injuries that could never be recovered, and his whole life's future was basically ruined.

It is even possible to die suddenly on the spot!


When his eyes really fell on the golden book, he was surprised to find it.

No backlash!

Moreover, the words above that were incomprehensible at first turned out to be...

It can be identified!

And he was finally able to understand the characters on the cover of this golden book.

On the cover of the book are the four characters "Original Creation"!

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