Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3323 The Fox of Tushan! Chiyou's evil!

"Give me back my Nine Dragon Divine Sky Furnace!"

Xiao Xianling's lungs were about to burst with anger. This shameless ant from the lower world could actually say such a thing!

What should be returned to you after it is repaired?

What a shame he had the nerve to say it!

This was something I learned through hard work for several months before I got it from my grandfather.

Although this treasure is an alchemy furnace, it is made of special material and is extremely strong. Even immortal weapons cannot leave any trace on it. How can this guy break it with a kick?

He clearly wanted to use an excuse to occupy his own alchemy furnace!

"Didn't you say this is an iron pot? What kind of Nine-Dragon Shenxiao stove? I obviously just took a pot, but you want an alchemy stove."

Ling Feng actually complained first, "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you."

As he said that, he actually took out a pill furnace, but it was the Yin Yang Xuanhuo Cauldron that he had already eliminated.

Although this alchemy furnace is not bad, it is simply incomparable to Xiao Xianling's Nine Dragon Divine Sky furnace.


Ling Feng put down the alchemy furnace with a look of great loss, "I'm just a scrap iron pot, but I give you an alchemy furnace. You've made a lot of money!"


The corners of Xiao Xianling's mouth twitched slightly.

I have never seen such a shameless person!

Not to mention Xiao Xianling, even Ye Weiyang and Shenshui Yinji looked at Ling Feng with somewhat different eyes.

It turns out you are such a Ling Feng!

Only Yan Jinghong and Mu Qianxue, who had been with Ling Feng from Tianwei Academy, were not too surprised by Ling Feng's move.

Although Ling Feng is strictly speaking a gentleman, and he is quite serious on weekdays. However, one of his principles is that he is a bastard if he does not take advantage of him!

This is probably due to being led astray by a bitch.

The so-called color is red when it is close to vermilion, and black when it is close to ink.

Having been with the bitch for a long time, I have become somewhat tainted with a ruffian spirit.

This is inevitable.

Xiao Xianling was so angry that she kicked the Yin-Yang Xuanhuo Cauldron several hundred meters away. She gritted her teeth and said, "Boy, do you dare to play tricks on me?"

"Don't dare."

Ling Feng waved his hand and grinned at Xiao Xianling, "Just a little joke to ease the tense atmosphere."

Ling Feng smiled and said: "Actually, I just want to borrow your alchemy furnace, Miss Xiao, to refine some elixirs. Once completed, I will return them intact."

"You can also...make alchemy?"

Xiao Xianling's angry eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

This boy is not old, but his tone is quite young.

Can a mere mortal control this fairy furnace?


Absolutely impossible!

"Understand a little bit."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled.

"You understand, do you need the Nine Dragons Divine Sky Furnace?"

Xiao Xianling frowned and stretched out her jade-white palm towards Ling Feng, "Give it back to me quickly!"

"Or so be it."

Ling Feng knew that Xiao Xianling would not give up easily. After all, she was the leader of the Tianzhi organization, so he couldn't offend her too much.

After pondering for a moment, Ling Feng smiled and said, "How about we make a bet?"


Xiao Xianling blinked her eyes and looked up at Ling Feng with a little interest, "How do you want to bet?"

This girl is very playful and obsessed with face. Ling Feng only grasped these two points to keep her under control.

"Girl, you can choose a first-level immortal elixir for me to refine. As long as the medicinal materials are ready, if I can refine it, you can lend me the alchemy furnace for one year. If not, I will How about I give it back to you right away?”

"You're just making this prescription with nothing! You think I'm stupid!"

Xiao Xianling immediately jumped up with anger and glared at Ling Feng fiercely, "You stole my elixir furnace, and you still want to defraud me of my elixir recipe!"


How shameless!

"Yes, he is simply a shameless person!"

The bitch was obviously still upset that Ling Feng almost turned him into donkey meat and was burned on fire, so he actually started to make a fool of himself.

"Smelly black donkey, even if you said something human, I won't eat you anymore!"

Xiao Xianling waited for Ling Feng and gritted her teeth and said: "Boy, you can't even stand your pet anymore!"

"Miss Xiao, I think you have misunderstood. I actually want you to choose one of my immortal elixir recipes."

As Ling Feng spoke, he actually took out a thick stack of pills and handed them to Xiao Xianling.

"This...this is..."

Xiao Xianling took the thick prescription and carefully read a few pages, her expression suddenly changed.

They are all immortal elixir recipes, and among them, even I have never seen or heard of them.

How come this kid has so many immortal elixir recipes?

Could it be that he is really a master of alchemy?

There are not many such talents even among Tianzhi.

He has not been promoted to the Immortal Realm yet, but once he breaks through to the Mana Realm and becomes a strong Immortal Realm, even the Immortal Court of the Five Immortal Emperors will do whatever it takes to recruit such talents.

Unfortunately, she didn't know that Ling Feng belonged to the Tiandao clan. The Immortal Emperors of the Xantian Clan are natural enemies.

After all, this girl has a lot of experience. Although she can recognize the aura of the Xuantian clan on Yan Jinghong at a glance, in the fairyland, the Tiandao clan has long become a long history.

In fact, there are many of these juniors in the Immortal Realm who are not familiar with the Tiandao clan.

Unless Ling Feng reveals his Shura Eyes, maybe she can still identify it.

"How about it?"

Ling Feng looked calm, "Girl, you can make one and see if I can complete it."

"Okay, I'll just lend you the alchemy furnace."

Xiao Xianling actually changed her attitude directly and became more polite to Ling Feng, "But you have to promise me one, no, no, two, no, no, three!"

Xiao Xianling said, holding up three fingers, "You must agree to three conditions before I can lend you the alchemy furnace!"

"What conditions?" Ling Feng asked blurtly.

"Hmph, let's wait until you have a chance to pass the test of Santu River, otherwise, you won't be qualified to know!"

Xiao Xianling pursed her lips. If Ling Feng could break through the realm of immortality, he would certainly be a talented person.

But if it falls in the Three Ways River, it will have no value, and it is not worth recruiting and wooing.


Ling Feng nodded, "It's a deal."

Anyway, I am not afraid of those who wear shoes when I am barefoot, so why are I afraid that Xiao Xianling is plotting something against me?

Ling Feng secretly rejoiced after successfully taking down the Nine-Dragon Divine Sky Furnace.

That "Original Creation" can be described as a miraculous skill that surpasses the heavens, but it is unrealistic to practice it all over again.

But if you can consolidate your foundation all over again, there won't be much of a problem.

And this process also requires the help of a large amount of elixirs.

Although Ling Feng has the mobile "energy package" of Jianlu, which can absorb the spiritual power of the Yin Fruit at any time, and the original magic beads of the Asura Demon Dragon, which can replenish the magic energy.

However, some special training links still need to be supplemented by the improvement of elixirs to achieve breakthroughs faster.

After all, what Ling Feng lacks most right now is time.


Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes at Ling Feng. Since she agreed to lend the alchemy furnace to Ling Feng, she would naturally not dwell on the matter and turned around to return to the cave to rest.

"By the way, Brother Ling, you went to deal with the conflicts between the tribes in the Northern Cold Region last night. What did you gain?"

Ye Weiyang asked.


Ling Feng nodded slightly, "There are some gains."

He didn't say much, just said lightly: "I think I should already know how to enter the snow valley."


Mu Qianxue suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Yan Jinghong and Shenshui Yinji each also showed a hint of joy.

Finally, the trip was not in vain.

Perhaps, we can find the legendary spring spring really soon.

Only Ye Weiyang smiled, but she looked a little unnatural.

It seems to be a kind of forced smile.


Ling Feng nodded again, "You all come with me. As for Miss Xiao, if you are interested..."

Ling Feng raised his head and looked at Xiao Xianling. This woman was a bit difficult to deal with.

"This girl is not interested at all!"

Xiao Xianling put on a proud look, turned around and strode towards the cave. Suddenly she stopped and said coldly: "However, you must leave one of you here. If you don't come back within a day, this girl will You're welcome!"

This woman obviously still doesn't trust Ling Feng.

What's more, Ling Feng is still carrying her precious Nine Dragons Divine Sky Furnace!

If he ran away, it wouldn't be a huge loss.

"This is easy to handle."

Ling Feng grinned and kicked Bitch Donkey over, "Bitch Donkey, just be responsible for taking care of Miss Xiao. Anyway, I think you and Miss Xiao can get along quite well!"

You bitch just called me shameless?

A gentleman keeps a grudge, starting in ten years!


The bitch felt dizzy and almost fainted from anger.

"That's fine."

Xiao Xianling actually nodded in agreement, "No matter how you look at it, donkey meat is more delicious when grilled."

"Didn't you say you don't want to eat..."

The bitch wants to cry but has no tears.

"This time, that time."

"Oh, a woman's mouth is a liar!"

After a while, Ling Feng, Mu Qianxue and others left the snow mountain cave and walked towards the entrance of the snow valley.

This is the first time they have come here in the past few days.

However, there has been no way to enter the snow valley.

The entire snow valley seemed to have an invisible barrier, isolating the outside world.

Even the icy wind and frost seemed to be completely deflected, and they returned the same way.

Therefore, a swirling air current is formed in the sky of the snow valley and mountains, and violent winds are entrenched all year round.

Once the strong wind sweeps across, blizzards will fall for thousands of miles.

This is why the temperature here is colder than other places in the Northern Cold Region.

If it weren't for the so-called sweet rain from the Holy Snow Mountain, the Tushan and Chiyou tribes would not be able to survive here at all.

After all, even Ling Feng and the others could feel the slightest chill at night.

"How about, how to enter the snow valley?"

Shenshui Yinji looked back at Ling Feng.

However, without her having to speak, Ling Feng had already started mumbling something.

It seemed that some ancient memories emerged from the depths of his mind. Ling Feng made a hand gesture with a solemn expression and a solemn appearance, like a god.

After a while, the earth rumbled and trembled, and deep in the snow valley, there were actually two giant pillars standing up, suddenly appearing in front of everyone's eyes.

As the snow on the giant pillar shook off, the patterns on it gradually became clearly visible.

On the giant pillar on the left, there seems to be a fox with nine tails carved, which is vivid and lifelike; while on the giant pillar on the right, there is a beast that looks like a bear (giant panda), with sharp fangs and sharp claws. Very scary.

Ling Feng had also seen these two patterns in the faith totems of the Tushan and Zhuo tribes respectively. They were the Tushan Fox and the Chi You Zhi.

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