Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3324 Three thousand floating worlds! Spring nourishes the spirit!

"This...what is this?"

Everyone looked in disbelief when they saw the two stone pillars suddenly rising.

Everyone stared at Ling Feng, how could he know that there were still two giant pillars hidden under the snow valley?

Moreover, how did he know how to summon these two giant pillars?

"This should be the totem believed by the two major tribes living in this area."

Ling Feng looked calm, thought for a while, and took out the Shenhuang Treasure Box from the Naling Ring.

Sure enough, there is a very hidden-looking depression at the heart of the totems carved on the two giant pillars.

The size and shape of the depression are very consistent with the Shenhuang Treasure Box.

Ling Feng tried to embed the Shenhuang Treasure Box into Tushan Fox's heart. Sure enough, with a light golden light flashing, a bright and dazzling golden light suddenly rose above Tushan Fox's stone pillar.


The earth rumbled and trembled, as if from the depths of the earth, an ancient power was awakening.

He grabbed the Shenhuang Treasure Box and turned it clockwise. The space between the two giant pillars began to light up with a light blue light curtain.

However, it only occupies the right half of the Tushan Fox Totem Pillar.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, took off the Shenhuang Treasure Box, and did the same thing again, activating the giant pillar of the Xiong Zong Totem.



In an instant, the golden light above the two stone pillars condensed and turned into a nine-tailed fox and a bear respectively, roaring and circling in the high sky.

The blue light curtain between the two giant pillars finally connected together, like a gate of time.

Obviously, this is the entrance to the Holy Snow Mountain!

"Finally found the entrance!"

A look of joy appeared on Shenshui Yinji's face, finally her trip was not in vain!

"Let's go in and talk later!"

Ling Feng put away the Shenhuang Treasure Box, and the light curtain gradually began to dissipate.

In other words, one must dare to enter the light curtain before it completely dissipates.

Everyone nodded, and with excitement and nervousness, they clenched their fists, held their breath, and followed Ling Feng towards the light curtain.

Only Ye Weiyang seemed to have an unusually solemn expression, looking a little hesitant and hesitant.

But in the end, a hint of firmness and determination flashed through his eyes.

He took a deep breath and stepped into the unknown territory before the light curtain dissipated.

The dazzling light makes it difficult to open your eyes.

The moment he stepped into the light curtain, Ling Feng seemed to have completely lost his sense of direction, and even lost his sense of space and time.

He seemed to be wandering in nothingness.

Everything in front of me is empty.

No light, no shadow, no brightness, no darkness.

The other people who came in with him also completely lost their traces.

Within this space, Ling Feng could not sense any breath at all.

He couldn't even sense his own breath or his own strength.



Vaguely, Ling Feng seemed to hear the sound of rolling water, as if there was a spring that was constantly emerging from the depths of the ground.

But there was clearly nothing to see around him, so much so that Ling Feng even wondered if he had appeared...

Auditory hallucinations.

"What the hell is this place?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked around cautiously.

Suddenly, a hazy white mist seemed to begin to float in this space.

Through the white mist, all the memories in the depths of his spiritual sea began to be reflected.

Scenes of past memories are floating in the clouds like a revolving lantern.

In other words, in this space, no one will have any secrets.

Ling Feng frowned. He came here to find the Spring Spring, but now he fell into such a strange space.

He can't get stuck here.

Otherwise, once the Evil Bone Demon Lord takes that step, the outside world will turn into a complete purgatory.

And the partners, friends, relatives, elders that I cherish...

Everything will cease to exist!

His firm and powerful willpower actually allowed his gaze to penetrate directly through the thick layer of fog.


In an instant, the clouds of doubt and mist melted away like ice and snow.

Ling Feng seemed to have returned to the real world from a rootless nothingness.

A piece of grass appeared under his feet, and the feeling of being down to earth made Ling Feng feel very comfortable.

When you first see it, you will see a land full of everything and full of vitality.

This gave Ling Feng more reason to believe that there might really be a spring spring here.

Otherwise, how could there be such a paradise in the depths of such a snowy mountain?

He looked around, but unfortunately, he still couldn't see anyone else.

Probably, only after breaking through the fog of memory like myself can we truly enter the snow valley.

They come, the security!

My feet stepped on the soft grass, and what I smelled between my nostrils was the fragrance of spring mud.

There seemed to be a faint golden light, guiding him towards the front.

What could that be?

Is it the divine spring of spring nourishment?

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Ling Feng seemed to have walked a very, very far and long road, and finally came to the end.

There was no road ahead, but instead, as if out of thin air, a huge mirror appeared, blocking his eyes.

He saw himself in the mirror and everything behind him.

The layers of shadows confused him.

He suddenly looked back, only to find countless phantoms of himself, overlapping layer by layer.

It was as if there were thousands of selves moving in different directions at the same time.

But in the end, it seems that they all ended up here.

"Your road seems to have come to an end."

A soft female voice suddenly seemed to come from deep within her heart.

Ling Feng was startled.

"who is it?"

He looked around with caution, and the layers of illusion behind him, as well as Ling Feng in the mirror, were also on guard.

They were overlapping and intertwined, even Ling Feng was a little dazzled.

However, the next moment, a golden light flickered from Ling Feng's body and gradually transformed into a nine-tailed fox, slowly floating in front of Ling Feng.

But the strange thing is that neither the world in the mirror nor the illusion behind him shows any trace of the nine-tailed fox.

He only exists in this reality, without any illusory reflection.

"Tu...Tushan Fox?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. Could it be that the Tushan Fox who once followed the Emperor Shenhuang was still alive?

From ancient times to the present?

"Yes, I am Tushan Fox, but I am just a shadow of Tushan Fox left here."

The golden nine-tailed fox floated in front of Ling Feng's eyes, and the sound coming out of her mouth was like that of a gorgeous lady, which was confusing.

No wonder since ancient times, people like to compare beautiful and graceful women to vixens.

"I've met senior."

Ling Feng bowed towards the shadow of the Tushan Fox, and then said straight to the point: "This is where the immortal fate of Senior Emperor Shenhuang is buried, right?"


Tushan Zhihu nodded and said with a smile: "I haven't congratulated you yet, but you can actually find this place. Yes, you are only one step away from the immortal fate of Lord Emperor."

"One more step?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He thought he had found all the catalogs of the divine wilderness and cracked the treasure box of the divine wilderness. After spending countless efforts, he finally found this place.

Immortality should already be within reach.

Unexpectedly, there is one more step.

"When you can get rid of the phantoms behind you, when you can break the mirror in front of you, what you want will naturally appear in front of you."

Tushan Zhihu prompted with a smile.

"Get rid of... Phantom?"

Ling Feng was stunned.

Indeed, he thought that the millions of phantoms behind him were just caused by the special rules of this world.

However, there is no phantom of Tushan Fox. Even in the mirror world in front of him, there is no figure of Tushan Fox.

what is this?

He was confused and couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at Tushan Fox.

"If you cannot understand the truth, then you are not qualified to obtain the immortal fate of Lord Emperor, and then you will have no choice but to go home."

Tushan Zhihu smiled slightly, "Although you are the only person who has entered here in thousands of years, I also hope that you can succeed, but everything must be done by yourself. The only thing I can remind you is, Everyone has his or her own path to follow.”

"Thank you, senior."

Ling Feng nodded, looked at the world in the mirror, and then looked at the layers of illusory shadows behind him.

Does everyone have their own path to take?

So, what is my path?

Ling Feng took a deep breath and gradually began to calm down. He sat cross-legged and did not act in a hurry. Instead, he began to close his eyes and rest.

This is not a problem that can be solved by force, but more importantly, enlightenment.

"Children can be taught."

The gentle voice of Tushan Zhihu sounded again, and a divine light flashed around her body, gradually transforming into a woman wearing a white dress, with a fox tail and fox ears.

"Ajiu, how are you doing here?"

Another rough voice came, and accompanied by a gust of wind, I saw a tall and burly man with a voice as deep as a bell, staring at the head of a bear. The stripes on his face were distinct in black and white. Very majestic.

However, he had a round belly, which made his overall appearance look a little funny.

"He has begun to comprehend these three thousand floating worlds. I hope he can find his own way."

Tushan Zhihu said warmly: "Where are the other people? How are they?"

"Hehe, some people are trapped in the memories of the past, and some people are confused about the road ahead. In short, I'm afraid they won't be able to get in."

Suddenly, the bear-scarred man's eyelids twitched and he exclaimed: "Oh no, there is a boy, he...he actually broke into the divine spring!"


Tushan Zhihu also frowned.

"Damn it!"

The Xiong Zhuan man clenched his fists, and then sighed softly, "Now that we have broken into the Shenquan, even we can't take him back in the hands of the Chunzi Spirit Guards."

"I hope he won't make a deal with the soul, otherwise, the price he will have to pay will be..."

Tushan Zhihu shook his head slightly, hesitated to speak, and finally just let out a long sigh.

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