Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3325 The Way of the Night God! Ling Feng’s way!

In the fog, some people are trapped in the memories of the past, and some are fettered by the confusion of the road ahead.

Except for Ling Feng, whether they are veteran powerhouses like Shenshui Yinji, rising stars like Ye Weiyang, Yan Jinghong, or young talents, they are all trapped in the fog at the entrance to the Holy Snow Mountain. , can't find a way to break the doubt.

This is the first test of Emperor Shenhuang.

Even if you want to find all five pieces of the Shenhuang Picture Book, it will be extremely difficult.

Even if you want to crack the Shenhuang Treasure Box, you still need to work hard.

But even so, after finding the entrance and coming here, Emperor Shenhuang still faced many challenges.

No one without great determination, great perseverance, and great wisdom can obtain his true inheritance.

Shenshui Yinji and Yan Jinghong are entangled by the murders of the past.

Ye Weiyang and Mu Qianxue were confused about the way forward and unable to take their own path.

Unable to break through this layer of fog, it is also destined that they will not be able to obtain the immortal fate of Emperor Shenhuang.

But as time goes by, the situation seems to have changed.

The other three were still trapped in the fog, but Ye Weiyang seemed to have received guidance from somewhere.

He just followed the voice in his heart and walked out of the fog easily.

Different from the direction Ling Feng took before, Ling Feng walked along the grass and walked to a world intercepted by mirrors.

But Ye Weiyang, after walking out of the fog, came to a decadent and desolate mountain forest.

There is no vitality, no spring nourishment for all things.

Some are just decay and dilapidation, and endless desolation.

"This is……"

Ye Weiyang frowned slightly.

According to Ling Feng, among the nine springs in the sky, the spring spring is the most special. This spring has one mother spring and eighty-one child springs.

If there really was a spring spring here, then it shouldn't be such a decayed and dilapidated scene.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Weiyang took steps and strode forward.

They come, the security.

Since I came here under guidance, what do I have to fear?

Anyway, I have already seen the end point.

He clenched his fists, not caring about the desolation and decay around him. Finally, he stopped in front of a sunken hole.

It seems that this is a dried up spring, about tens of feet in diameter, and every grain of soil has completely lost its moisture and turned into loose sand.

And above the dry spring, there seemed to be a light blue halo floating.

All the spiritual energy around him was continuously absorbed by the blue light, and then injected into the cave below by the blue light.

It seems to be trying very hard to restore this spring, but unfortunately, the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth has long been drained away.

No matter how hard it tries, it's always in vain.

As if aware of Ye Weiyang's arrival, the blue light gradually transformed into a human form.

The whole body showed a dull blue-gold color, and a pair of eyes were even more different. They only had the whites of the eyes, but no pupils, but they exuded a bright divine light that shocked the mind.

There is a little cinnabar mark between the eyebrows, which seems to be some kind of unique divine pattern.

What's even more weird is that behind him, there is actually a hexagram-like light array floating behind him, spinning at high speed behind him.

He hung his hands in front of his chest, forming a special mark. He looked at Ye Weiyang with empty eyes and said slowly: "Ye Weiyang, you are here."

The voice was calm, without joy or sorrow.


Ye Weiyang's eyes widened and she looked at the halo-condensed figure in front of her in disbelief, "Do you know my name?"

"The moment you step into this place, I already know everything about you."

" are?"

Ye Weiyang was secretly surprised. This feeling of being completely seen through, as if she had been stripped naked, made Ye Weiyang a little annoyed, but helpless.

"I am the spirit warrior, the spirit warrior of spring nourishment."

"A spiritual warrior..."

Ye Weiyang blinked. The so-called spirit warrior was not difficult to understand.

Chunzi has a spirit, and the spirit is probably a guard-like character who protects Chunzi.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Weiyang bowed towards Chunzi Linghu, "Did it be the senior who guided me out of the fog?"

"Yes and no."

The indifferent voice of Chunzi Linghu sounded again, "I am Chunzi Linghu. Except for guarding Chunzi Divine Spring, everything else has nothing to do with me."

"Then I..."

"It's just that your Haotian Eye actually established some weak connections with me, so you were able to sense my existence and get out of the realm of clouds and smoke."

"I see."

Ye Weiyang clenched her fists, "In other words, senior you already know..."

"I said before, I already know everything about you."

"I saw……"

Ye Weiyang gritted her teeth, her expression a bit bitter and sad, "I see my end, my life will end soon!"

"This is your ability and has nothing to do with me."

Chunzi Linghu's voice was still calm and indifferent. The life and death of others were nothing but meaningless matters to him.

He is the spirit warrior of Chunzi. Except for things related to the Spring of Spring, even if the outside world is turned upside down and falling apart, it has nothing to do with him.

"Then, what does it have to do with you?"

Ye Weiyang took a deep breath, raised her head and stared at Chunzi Linghu, and shouted loudly.

He almost used up all his strength and courage to shout such a sentence.


Chunzi Linghu did not change in any way because of Ye Weiyang's attitude. He just said slowly: "Within the scope allowed by the rules, you can realize any of your wishes. But you also need to pay a corresponding price for this. "

"What price?"

"Your existence."

"my existence?"

Ye Weiyang was stunned for a moment, "What is existence?"

Chunzi Linghu raised his right hand and made a light stroke in the void behind him.

Then, from the depths of the ground, a blazing flame suddenly surged up.

If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely scream in surprise.

This pitch-black flame turned out to be the legendary hellfire of Mahakala.

(PS: When I was in the Ten Thousand Races Arena, I introduced the Hellfire of Mahakala once. When Li Jiu, the demon figurine of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, exploded, some modified Hellfire erupted, which was not as powerful as the real Mahakala. One in 10,000,000 hellfires.

This hellfire of Mahakala is also called the fire that devours cause and effect.

If one is burned by the hellfire of Mahakala, then all traces of one's own existence in this world will disappear.

His cause and effect does not exist in this world.

In fact, even the people he loves most will completely forget about him.

This is existence.

"When the transaction is completed, your soul must be thrown into this hellfire. From then on, your existence will be completely deprived of it."

Chunzi Linghu said calmly, as if he was just describing a very ordinary thing.

However, deep in Ye Weiyang's heart, there was already an uproar.

Has his own existence completely disappeared?

Then, even if you save the world, no one will remember you.

"Yes, even if you become a hero who saves the world, the only person who can remember you is me."

Chunzi Linghu seemed to have seen through Ye Weiyang's thoughts and said calmly: "Therefore, whether to make a deal or not is entirely up to you."

Ye Weiyang clenched her fists, and his body seemed to be shaking due to excessive tension.

Even if I do everything, can't I even leave a name?

He smiled bitterly, someone who could do such a thing must be a saint.

It is undeniable that he is willing to sacrifice his life in order to protect the world, his tribe and his companions.

However, would it be too cruel to completely forget about one's closest relatives and loved ones?

It should be said that this is too cruel!


Ye Weiyang, just use your fist, he can't make this decision.

"You don't have to rush to make a decision, and when you make a decision, your wish will definitely become a reality. Because it is exchanged for your existence."

"Can you wish for anything?"

"As long as the rules allow it."

"How about letting the Evil Bone Demon Lord disappear from this world?"

"I'm sorry, the person you are talking about has the ability to hide in another unintrusive dimension. In other words, within the scope allowed by the rules, I can only eliminate half of him, but he can easily Come and be reborn in another dimension. Then everything you have done will become meaningless."

Chunzi Shenquan calmly reminded: "If you make a transaction, you only have one chance to make a wish, so even I don't want the wish exchanged for your existence to be too futile."

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me."

Ye Weiyang clenched her fists. It was obvious that it was a very difficult decision for him to make a deal with the spirit warrior.

the other side.

At the moment when Ye Weiyang was facing the most difficult decision in her life, Ling Feng was also looking for his own way amidst the thousands of illusions.

A layer of shadows, like shackles.

His eyes and his heart seemed to be deceived by the millions of phantoms, making it difficult for him to see clearly what is reality and what is illusion.

This layer of illusion is also called the Three Thousand Floating Worlds.

Each phantom is actually equivalent to a different world.

In every different world, as long as the choices made are slightly changed, everything in the future will undergo incredible reversals.

It was like he was standing at an intersection with tens of thousands of passages.

He wants to find a path among the thousands of intersections that can break the mirror world in front of him.

However, every time he made a choice, there seemed to be thousands or tens of thousands more phantoms behind him.

No matter how he makes a choice, the phantoms he carries become more and more numerous.

The more phantoms there were, the heavier he felt his body became.

Three thousand floating worlds, countless causes and effects.

He didn't know that what he chose was not just a path, but a cause and effect.

Just as the Evil Bone Demon Lord wants to cut off the cause and effect of the trace of kindness between himself and Ling Feng.

If you want to take the final step of transforming a mortal into an immortal, the most important thing is to cut off the karma you are burdened with.

Of course, this is just one path.

There are thousands of roads. Letting go and cutting off are just the simplest and most direct ones.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, was obviously not willing to choose this path.

lay down?

How can we let go of the hatred of genocide and the hatred of parents so easily?

Cut off?

Beauty, mentor, brother, partner, how to break these bonds?

He would rather bear everything, be overwhelmed by the constraints of this body, and would never give up his emotions as a mortal.

Even if I carry Tian Yuan on my back and carry countless friendships in one hand, I, Ling Feng, can do the same and be invincible in the world!

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