Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3326 The evil bone comes out of seclusion! The catastrophe of immortals and demons!

"It seems that he has made his choice."

The graceful girl transformed by Tushan Fox was sitting on a swing frame woven with tree vines. Her pair of light pink eyes, although not directly watching Ling Feng's every move, were completely aware of the situation inside the entire Holy Snow Mountain. Know everything.

The burly man transformed by Xiong Zhen stood behind the swing, pushing the swing gently while muttering in a low voice: "There is obviously an easier way, but that boy chose the most difficult and complicated path. I see, he I’m afraid there is little chance of passing the test of Three Thousand Floating Worlds.”

"That's not necessarily the case."

Tushan Zhihu smiled and said: "Otherwise, let's make a bet?"


The bearded man grinned, "Ajiu, how do you want to bet?"

"If that little guy successfully passes the test of three thousand floating worlds and breaks through the mirror of illusion in front of him, then I win. Otherwise, you win."

"Hey, what if you win? What if you lose?"

"If you win, I won't call you Big Stupid Bear anymore. If I win, you must agree to a condition, and you can't go back on any condition!"


The bear's huge head is obviously filled with complaints and dissatisfaction.

What's this bet?

This is simply a waste of time!

No, set a white bear!

"Ajiu, do you think my brain is not working well?"

"Then do you want to bet?"

The coquettish voice of Tushan Zhihu made the man Xiong Zhen tremble all over, and his bones felt a little numb.

"Bet, bet, bet! Just bet!"

The man Xiong Yan swallowed, "I definitely can't lose anyway. The Immortal Path is inherently ruthless. This guy didn't care about the smooth path of the ruthless path, but chose the compassionate path. The difficulty is ten times a hundred times that of the ruthless path! He can break through After three thousand floating worlds, it will be a ghost!"

It turns out that the original intention of Three Thousand Floating Worlds is actually to allow people to realize a fantasy world of inner demons that transcends cause and effect, unites with the way of heaven, and follows the heart of heaven among thousands of choices.

In other words, love is equivalent to one's own inner demons.

Therefore, the easiest way to break through the Three Thousand Floating Worlds is to cut off all cause and effect.

But Ling Feng's choice was completely opposite. It could be said to be the opposite.

Although in these three thousand floating worlds, all paths lead to the same destination, the path Ling Feng chose is undoubtedly the most difficult and rugged one.

Moreover, according to the instructions of Emperor Shenhuang, if one cannot break through the Three Thousand Floating Worlds within three days, then it will automatically fail.

Two days and one night have passed, and there is not much time left for Ling Feng.

"But I just believe he can succeed." Tushan Fox, Rourou said.


"Intuition, a woman's intuition."

While Ling Feng and his party were traveling to the Northern Cold Territory in search of the immortal fate left by the Emperor Shenhuang.

Zhongyuan domain.

Sealed Demonic God Realm.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord, entrenched in the cave below the Demon-Sealing Tower, meditating in seclusion, has reached the final critical point.

He seems to have grasped something. With just one final kick, he can achieve the final step that no one in the Xuanling Continent has been able to cross for thousands of years.

The path to immortality!

Since the ancient war between demons, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this Xuanling Continent has declined sharply. For thousands of years, no one has been able to take this step.

And the Evil Bone Demon Lord is going to be the first person!

Fusion of evil bones and the power of the immortals and demons of Mulong City, the two unparalleled monsters merged into one, and finally achieved this unparalleled achievement!


A strong wind!

The sky changes color!

Mu Xuanshuo, who was guarding the top of the cave, felt an unparalleled sense of oppression, and his robes rustled under the strong wind.

Looking up, I saw that the stars in the sky had shifted, and it turned out to be a vision of Tengu eating the sun!

The power of the Evil Bone Demon Lord is actually so powerful that it can affect the universe and galaxies!

"Are we about to break through?"

Mu Xuanshuo's eyes flashed with an extremely fanatical look.

At this moment, he seemed to be a devout believer of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

In other words, he has regarded the Evil Bone Demon Lord as the ancestor of the Jiuli Divine Clan.

Only the Evil Bone Demon Lord can lead the Jiuli God Clan to break through the shackles and constraints of blood and become the supreme and powerful race!

His ambitions and desires also expanded rapidly, and he became the most loyal believer of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

In his heart, the Evil Bone Demon Lord is already his belief.

It has to be said that the brainwashing of the Evil Bone Demon Lord was indeed very thorough.

Moreover, with the help of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, Mu Xuanshuo has also broken through the threshold of half-step virtual immortal, and has even incorporated a trace of the Evil Bone Demonic Qi!

His strength has surpassed that of Chou Nu and Ran Hongyan, and he has become the most powerful person under the Evil Bone Demon Lord.



The strange phenomena of heaven and earth here immediately attracted the attention of Ran Hongyan and Chou Nu.

These two powerful demon clan men immediately flew over, preparing to welcome the Evil Bone Demon Lord out of seclusion!

After so many years, in this continent and in this world, someone is finally going to take that step and achieve the supreme immortal (devil) path!

Throughout the Demon Sealed God Realm, countless demons and devils began to howl.

Once the Evil Bone Demon Lord breaks through, he will become the undisputed ruler of this world.

And all of them, the monsters and monsters, no longer have to hide to escape the pursuit of the Yuanshen Temple.

They can do whatever they want, destroy at will, and turn this world into their paradise.

Paradise of sin!


A black beam of light shot up from deep underground.

A pitch-black flame attached to the beam of light, and a figure slowly rose into the air.

Sometimes he was an elegant and dignified middle-aged man, and sometimes he was a hideous and ugly demon.

The forms of the Evil Bone Demon Lord and Mu Longcheng were constantly switching and changing.

His aura continued to rise, and even caused vacuum cracks to appear in the surrounding void.

These cracks spread like spider webs, and the power of the void surged in the cracks.

The power was too violent and terrible, almost completely destroying the surrounding time and space.


The Evil Bone Demon Lord stretched his body and roared to the sky.

The violent sound waves, as if tens of millions of tons of explosives exploded, shook the surrounding land for tens of millions of miles.

The mountains shook and the earth trembled!

The rivers collapsed!

The sky became dark, and the setting sun was shining down, like the dusk of the gods.

"Congratulations, Lord Demon!"

Countless demons all over the mountains and plains knelt down in the direction of the Demon Lord Xie Gu.

He came out of retreat!

He broke through!

This world welcomed the first strong man who broke through the supreme immortal (demon) way.

Ran Hongyan, Chou Nu and Mu Xuanshuo also knelt down.

The Demon Lord Xie Gu broke through, and everything was a foregone conclusion.


Then, thunder roared.

At the moment when the Demon Lord Xie Gu broke through, the laws of heaven and earth in this world also sensed this huge power.

What will greet him will be a great calamity of immortals and demons!

The cultivation of immortals and demons together certainly made the Demon Lord Xie Gu's power far beyond the ordinary immortal masters of the same level.

But at the same time, at the moment of the breakthrough, the great calamity of immortals and demons also followed.

The laws of this world cannot tolerate such a strong man, and will regard him as a huge threat.

Therefore, the Immortal Demon Tribulation will use up all the power of the world in this world, and will destroy the Evil Bone Demon Lord at all costs.

However, if the Evil Bone Demon Lord successfully survives the Immortal Demon Tribulation, then his power will also reach a peak.

Normally, after breaking through a major realm, it will take some time to consolidate the realm after successfully passing the tribulation.

However, if the Immortal Demon Tribulation is successfully passed, it is equivalent to defeating the will of this world, and it can in turn plunder the world power of Xuanling Continent.

This power will allow the Evil Bone Demon Lord to quickly improve in a short period of time, and even to the third level of the Mana Realm!

Just completing the tribulation is equivalent to hundreds of years of hard work by ordinary Mana Realm masters.

"The Immortal Demon Tribulation is coming, you all leave quickly."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord finally returned to the form of Mulong City.

His figure floated quietly in the air, and with a flick of his sleeves, it seemed that he could easily mobilize all the laws of this world.


Ran Hongyan and Chou Nu nodded together, and then led many demons and evil ghosts, like a tide, and quickly retreated.

It's easy to imagine how terrifying this great calamity of immortals and demons will be.

Perhaps, the entire Sealed Demon Realm will become a scorched earth!

The eyes of the evil bone demon lord were looking at the sky, facing the fierce calamity of immortals and demons, but he did not show too much panic.

With a thought, the sky above tore a huge crack.

And then, a huge monster slowly emerged from the crack.

The huge body that covered the sky and the sun actually directly covered the sky above the entire Sealed Demon Realm!

The size of the Beiming Demon Kun was so huge that it was comparable to the entire Sealed Demon Realm!

The terrible sense of oppression was almost suffocating.

The evil bone demon lord smiled coldly, and then he pinched a finger gesture with both hands, and muttered something in his mouth.

In order to fight against this great calamity of immortals and demons, he has made sufficient preparations.

Using the souls of millions of lives as fuel and the North Sea Demon Kun as a medium, the Ten Thousand Souls Sealing Heaven Array was formed.

The resentment and hatred of millions of lives will condense into a barrier that is strong enough to withstand everything.

And the price is that all the souls that were absorbed and plundered will be annihilated!

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