Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3327 Your guess is pretty accurate!


Above the sky, there was a mass of darkness and billowing clouds, rolling into a huge whirlpool, covering the entire Demon Sealing God Realm.


The storm was blowing, and the thunderclouds were rolling.

In the deep and dark whirlpool of dark clouds, a dazzling dark red thunder flashes from time to time. Even if the Northern Dark Demon Kun blocks it in the middle, it still exudes a soul-stirring terrifying pressure.


The tribulation power of immortals and demons gathered together, turning into a dark red thunderbolt with a diameter of tens of thousands of feet, falling from the sky!


More than one!

The first wave of tribulation thunder alone had as many as nine!


The violent thunderbolt landed directly on Beiming Demon Kun's huge body at an incredible speed.

When the thunder passed by, even Beiming Demon Kun's huge body was immediately blasted with blood holes that were deep enough to show the bones.

The power of the Immortal Demonic Tribulation burned Beiming Demon Kun's flesh and blood into coke, decomposed it into invisible tiny particles, and was annihilated in the void.

The wound tore open and spread thousands of feet, tens of thousands of feet, hundreds of thousands of feet!


The Beiming Demon Kun roared at the top of his lungs, and the severe pain made him become furious and manic.

The huge body moved crazily in the air, and then, a dark brilliance covered it like a barrier.

It was the Ten Thousand Souls Sealing Heaven Formation formed by condensing the souls of hundreds of millions of living beings as sacrifices.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord has spent thousands of years planning for this moment!

Bang bang bang bang!

As the first wave of tribulation thunder poured out and exploded, the Ten Thousand Souls Sealing Heaven Formation really withstood the terrifying destructive power of the tribulation thunder.

With a cruel smile on his face, the Evil Bone Demon Lord resisted the first wave of the Immortal Demon Tribulation, only consuming less than one percent of his soul power.

It is only a matter of time to survive this catastrophe of immortals and demons.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord has taken the final step, but Ling Feng and the others still haven't made much progress.

It has been three days since Ling Feng entered the Three Thousand Floating World illusion of Holy Snow Mountain.

The deadline of three days and three nights before the Shenhuang Emperor only left the last night.

Outside the Holy Snow Mountain.

"You bastard, you are such a cheat!"

The mean donkey looked in the direction of the snow-capped mountains and brayed like a slaughtering pig.

"We agreed on one day, how many days has it been now? Huh?"

Xiao Xianling felt that she had lost all her patience.

Ling Feng and the others didn't come back on the first day. Xiao Xianling let him go despite his hard work and pleading.

As a result, Ling Feng and the others still didn't come back the next day.

Xiao Xianling started to explode again.

But seeing as this bitch has been serving tea and water to me these days, acting like a cow and a horse, I can just tolerate it.


As the saying goes, there are only three things to do.

This is already the third day!

"Auntie, we have been guarding outside the snow mountain. There is absolutely no way that Ling Feng boy can escape!"

The bitch was crying and trying to reason with Xiao Xianling.

However, mortal women don’t like to reason very much. Can a fairy be reasonable?

That designation is impossible!

"I do not care!"

Xiao Xianling stared at the little black donkey with evil intentions, "Little black donkey, now, immediately, immediately, tell me what the kid is looking for during this time, otherwise!"

"No, this beast can't say that!"

The bitch immediately covered his mouth, "This divine beast still has this kind of loyalty!"


Xiao Xianling narrowed her eyes, smiled coldly, a golden light flashed in her hand, and a sharp dagger appeared, "Then you want to be burned into donkey meat?"

The bitch's legs trembled, and he muttered and cried: "Boy Lingfeng, it wasn't this beast that wanted to betray you, it was you who tricked this beast in the first place!"

"What did you say?"

Xiao Xianling glared at the bitch.

"I said! I said!" The bitch roared at the top of his lungs, "They are looking for the Spring Spring!"

"Spring Spring Divine Spring?"

Xiao Xianling blinked her beautiful big eyes, vaguely seeming to have heard it somewhere.

What is this?

Suddenly, Xiao Xianling's eyelids twitched, "Are you talking about the Spring Spring Spring?"

The legendary Nine Springs of Heaven!

Xiao Xianling took a sharp breath and grabbed the donkey's ears, "Bring me over quickly!"

At the same time, in the illusion, Ling Feng was panting, and the countless heavy pressures of the path of love almost made it impossible for him to breathe.

However, he relied on his strong willpower to survive.

"It's incredible, it's incredible."

Ling Feng's strong willpower also shocked the Xiong Yan man.

He had clearly chosen the most difficult and rugged road, yet this boy could still persist for such a long time.

Even he couldn't help but admire this boy.


The bearded man smiled faintly and said, "Ahjiu, the time is coming soon. I think this kid has no chance."

"How can you know the final result until the last moment?"

Tushan Zhihu rolled his eyes at the Xiong Zhuan man, "I think he is about to succeed."

"Okay, okay, whatever you say is what it is."

The man Xiong Zhi raised his hands in surrender, but a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, "I don't know what happened to the boy who entered the divine spring. Although the power of the spirit warrior is not strong, it is a law that comes with the divine spring. No one can escape the constraints of this law.”

In other words, even if the Broken Immortal Emperors above the Immortal Realm go there, they can only obediently make deals with the Chunzi Spirit Husband in order to get what they want.

The Chunzi Spirit Hu does not have any fighting ability, but it can rely on the power of laws to erase everything that violates its rules.

According to its laws, the priority of guarding the Spring Spring is higher than anything else.

"Chunzi Linghu will not force anyone to trade with him, but once the transaction contract is completed, it is absolutely irreversible."

Tushan Zhihu took a deep breath and shook his head again. Thousands of words turned into a sigh.

"That kid shouldn't be that stupid, right?"

"If he didn't have strong enough faith, he wouldn't be able to see Chunzi Linghu." Tushan Zhihu said slowly: "Human beings are sometimes things that cannot be measured by reason. The former emperor's master , isn’t it the same?”


The figure of Emperor Shenhuang appeared in the mind of the man Xiong Zhi, but his eyes were slightly red.

Now he suddenly understood why Ah Jiu always believed that Ling Feng could break through the illusion of three thousand floating worlds with his own power.

Because the path chosen by the former Shenhuang Emperor was also the path of sentience.

Spring spring.

Above the dry spring, spring spirits float in mid-air.

It looked at the young man below quietly, without urging or persuading, without saying a word.

It is just waiting quietly for the other party's decision.

It doesn't even have self-awareness, no joy, anger, sorrow or joy.

Its essence is just a law.

Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged on the ground, he had been thinking about it for three days.

Give up everything, give up your existence in this world, and then become a true unknown hero?

Ye Weiyang smiled bitterly, no matter how selfless she was, it would probably be difficult for her to do this.

Shaking his head, he finally slowly opened his eyes.


He looked up at Chunzi Linghu, clenched his fists, and laughed at himself: "I really can't... I really can't do such a thing!"

"It seems that you have made your choice."

Chunzi Linghu did not show any disappointment. It was always as calm as before, and the expression on its face was as calm as an ancient well.

Everyone has selfish motives.

This is normal.


Ye Weiyang smiled bitterly. He gently raised his palm, covered his left eye, and said with great difficulty in a voice that was almost desperate and hoarse: "I have already seen my ending. Maybe, from the beginning, The reason why I came to this world is probably to destroy the Evil Bone Demon Lord..."

As if she was talking in her sleep, Ye Weiyang began to mutter to herself.

It seems that he has never lived a good life for himself in his whole life.

Even for one day.

"Since my time is running out, since my fate has already been determined, I must die."

He slowly raised his head, his eyes showing a third part of self-mockery, a third part of bitterness, and the rest showed unshakable determination.

"I made a decision."

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Senior Linghu, I will make a deal with you."

"You are an incredible human being."

Chunzi Linghu nodded, "Then, tell me your conditions."

"Before that, can I make a small request?"

"On the premise that it doesn't violate the rules, yes."

"I hope that senior can give me some more time. If possible, I hope to see that day. I hope to see with my own eyes the day when the Evil Bone Demon Lord is eliminated!"

He clenched his fists tightly.

If you must lose your life and all your existence in order to destroy the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Then, he hopes that he can see that all the price he paid was not in vain.

This may be regarded as his last little selfishness.

"This request is reasonable and reasonable."

Chunzi Linghu nodded, "I agree."

Three thousand floating worlds, in an illusion.

At this moment, Ling Feng was almost completely unable to move.

The path of being sentient that he chooses, any choice he makes will produce millions of karma, and the shackles of layers of karma make every step he takes seem like he is carrying thousands of worlds and millions of reincarnations on his back.

It was impossible to get rid of the phantoms behind him, let alone the mirrored world in front of him.

If he cannot break the mirror in front of him, he will be imprisoned here forever.

But persisting until this moment is already the limit, let alone having the extra strength to break through the mirror world in front of you.

He clenched his fist tightly, and no matter how strong his willpower was, it would eventually run out.

If he continues to carry all this, one day, he will be crushed.

But, this is the path he chose.

There seemed to be a voice in the depths of his mind, constantly telling him that as long as he chose to give up, all the pressure would disappear.

He can get through this level very smoothly.

He can live the inheritance of Shenhuang Emperor and gain supreme power.

This voice of temptation is even more difficult to resist than the pressure of countless layers of cause and effect.

However, Ling Feng remained unmoved.

Finally, in that electric moment, he realized it!

He opened his eyes suddenly, bursting out with an unparalleled domineering light.




Cracks suddenly appeared on the mirror in front of him, and the world around him also fell apart at this moment.

For three days, he had been sitting cross-legged, motionless.

He endured everything silently, without cutting off any cause and effect.

But when three thousand floating worlds and thousands of causes and effects finally merged into him, he finally understood.

cause and effect! Bond! emotion!

All of this is not just shackles and restraints.

This is a powerful force, and this force will be endless and become an inexhaustible driving force on the path of seeking immortality!

With this moment of enlightenment, all the pressure disappeared in an instant.

The world around him gradually became clearer.

The first thing that caught his eye was a beautiful woman with fox ears.

Although it had transformed into a human form, Ling Feng still recognized it at a glance as the Tushan Fox.

As for the person next to her, he should be Chi You Zhizhi among the two totems outside.

"Congratulations, little one."

Tushan Zhihu came forward with a smile. It was less than an hour before the deadline, but Ling Feng actually succeeded.


Compared to Tushan Zhihu's joy, the Xiong Zhu man looked a little depressed, but he still held up his hands and congratulated Ling Feng.

Although he lost the bet, Ling Feng was able to break through three thousand floating worlds by relying on the way of sentience. This alone was enough for him to admire.

"Thank you two seniors."

Ling Feng bowed to Tu Shanzhihu and Chi Youzhizhu. These two were spiritual beasts who had been seated by Emperor Shenhuang. They were strong men from eternity ago, so they could naturally bear his bow.

"This is because your will is strong enough and your mind and understanding are impeccable."

Chi Youzhi's tall and burly body walked up to Ling Feng, raised his huge bear paw, and patted Ling Feng's shoulders lightly a few times, "Well, his body bones are pretty strong, and he has some foundation!"

Ling Feng's bones were slightly numb from these few slaps, and he was secretly sweating on his forehead. This guy's strength must be too terrifying.

This is just a shadow!

"We don't need to say anything more next."

Tushanzhihu and Chiyouzhizhu looked at each other, and it was Tushanzhihu who said, "You came here to find the Spring Spring, right?"


Ling Feng nodded quickly, "This junior is indeed following the instructions on the Shenhuang Treasure Box and came here to find the Spring Spring, just for..."

"There is no need to elaborate on why you are here, but there is one thing we must tell you. You'd better make some mental preparations first."

Tushan Zhihu stared into Ling Feng's eyes and said warmly.

"Could it be..."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "The Divine Spring of Spring has dried up?"

"You guessed it...ahem..."

Chi Youzhizhi coughed a few times, then smiled and said: "It's pretty accurate!"

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