Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3328 Lingtai Fairy Mountain! A small area!

"As expected..."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head helplessly.

He had already been mentally prepared for this result.


Ling Feng's calm attitude surprised both Tushan Zhihu and Chi Youzhizhi.

This kid has gone through a lot of hardships and passed many tests, and finally arrived here. Finally, he learned that the spring spring has dried up, but he was not upset or depressed at all?

This is too calm.

"Boy, if you were a normal person, wouldn't you be beating your feet and chest right now?"

Chi Youzhizhi stared at Ling Feng and couldn't help but ask.

"When this junior came, he had already guessed this."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "If I guessed correctly, the spring spring should have dried up more than two hundred years ago."

This time point should be exactly the time when the Tushan and Chiyou tribes said that the rain from the Holy Snow Mountain disappeared.

It was also at that time that the spring spring had dried up.


Chi Youzhizhi nodded, "You're more than two hundred years late! There does turn out to be a sub-spring of the Spring Divine Spring here. Unfortunately, over the years, and the mother spring has long since dried up, this sub-spring cannot be maintained. It’s been a miracle that it’s taken so long.”

"Junior understands."

Ling Feng said calmly: "Actually, what I get from entering this place is very precious."


Chi Youzhizhi's eyes lit up, and he turned around and looked at each other with Tushan Zhihu, both showing a faint smile.

This boy is indeed extremely smart!

Three Thousand Floating Worlds is indeed an illusion of inner demons and an extremely difficult test. However, in the illusion, one can understand one's own way, which can be used throughout one's life.

In other words, as long as Ling Feng's cultivation reaches the critical point that is enough to break through the immortal realm, then there is no need to sharpen his mental state and there are no bottlenecks before he can break into the immortal realm.

However, for Ling Feng, cultivation and bottlenecks are probably not the factors that limit his breakthrough.

But in this world, I am afraid that he will no longer be able to break through.

After all, even when he broke through the ancestral realm, Ling Feng escaped into the void and relied on billions of star calamities to achieve enlightenment in his physical body.

If he wanted to break through to the immortal path, I am afraid that with the power of the world laws of Xuanling Continent, it would be impossible to accumulate the catastrophe of immortals and demons that is enough for Ling Feng to break through.

In other words, it is almost impossible for Ling Feng to break through in Xuanling Continent.

This is probably the sadness of being a member of the Tiandao clan.

Perhaps, the three-way river Xiao Xianling mentioned should be able to achieve a breakthrough in that special time and space.

"Boy, your understanding is indeed not bad. You have already understood this level before we even opened our mouths."

Chi Youzhizhi laughed loudly, "But don't worry, since you have passed all the tests of Emperor Zun, even though you cannot get the spring spring, you will never come back empty-handed."

As he said that, Chi Youzhi turned his palm over, and a small porcelain bottle appeared on the huge bear's paw, which looked a bit funny.

"I see that you are quite accomplished in body refining."

"Senior is so complimentary."

Ling Feng waved his hand and smiled modestly.

"Hey, are you saying that my eyesight is not good?"

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

"This is a Mad Dragon Violent Pill. Only this one can increase your physical strength tenfold!"

Chi Youzhizhi chuckled, "Don't underestimate this ten-fold increase. This ten-fold increase can be doubled as your strength increases. In other words, you are only a mortal at the level of a virtual immortal now, but When you reach the level of Immortal Lord, Immortal Lord, or even Immortal Emperor, the increase brought by this pill will still be ten times higher!"


Ling Feng's eyes widened, this pill was too outrageous.

"This elixir was refined by the emperor's master who collected the soil from the Longtan Divine Spring ruins and added ten drops of Taichu Life Dragon Essence and Blood. Even the master only succeeded once and made three pills. That’s all.”

Chi Youzhi looked at Ling Feng with a look of pain on his face.

"This... this is too precious!"

Ling Feng looked at Chi Youzhi in disbelief. What the ten drops of Taichu Minglong's essence and blood meant was naturally self-evident.

In the chaotic sea of ​​​​the battlefield of thousands of races, Ling Feng also received a gift from the void predator Wiz, and received ten drops of ancestral dragon essence and blood.

However, these ancestral dragon essences and blood are the essence and blood condensed by Wiz absorbing the remaining blood power of countless corpses in the battlefield of all races.

There are also various bloodlines in it, which are completely different from the true essence and blood of the ancestral dragon.

What's more, the Taichu Life Dragon is the dragon of life and creation among the ten ancestral dragons.

The vitality of the Taichu Minglong is so powerful that it ranks first among the ten ancestral dragons!

It is not surprising that the medicinal effect of the elixir made from the blood of the Taichu Life Dragon can reach this level.

A tenfold increase in physical strength!

Ling Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath. This increase was no less than a magical secret method. Moreover, it did not consume any energy or have any side effects.


This is definitely a heaven-defying elixir.

It's no wonder that Chi Youzhi showed a pained expression on his face.

If it were you, you wouldn't be willing to give it to others.

"Then, this junior, it is better to be respectful than to obey."

Ling Feng put away the elixir. With the billions of dragon power he now controlled, plus a tenfold increase, even the Evil Bone Demon Lord who had broken through to the immortal realm would probably be far inferior to him in terms of brute force alone.

This elixir is as if it was tailor-made for his "Dragon and Elephant Overlord Body Technique".

Perfect match!

"But put it away, don't lose it!"

Chi Youzhizhi watched Ling Feng put the porcelain vase into his arms, feeling a pain in his heart.

If he hadn't lost the bet to Ah Jiu, he wouldn't have taken out this Mad Dragon Violent Pill even if he died.

"Senior, don't worry."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. Such a precious thing, even if he lost his own head, he couldn't lose this elixir.

"Then if nothing happens, you can leave."

Chi Youzhizhi had a dark face and turned his back. The moment he turned around, his expression became a little out of control.

My Mad Dragon Violent Pill!

I have been reluctant to eat it for thousands of years and have always kept it in the secret realm of the Holy Snow Mountain.

The result is good, this guy is better off!

The fox of Tushan was as white as a bear, and his spiritual consciousness said: Look at your worthless appearance!

Chi Youzhizhi walked aside with a dark face and sulked. He should have known better that he should not have fallen for this vixen.

What kind of bet are you making with the bridesmaids?

Sure enough, it is a white bear with empty gloves!

I just want to be quiet now!

"Little guy, although the spring spring is gone, since you can come here, you should have obtained the "Original Creation" left by the master, right?"

Tushan Zhihu walked up to Ling Feng and said warmly.


Ling Feng nodded, "This junior has obtained the "Original Creation", and the content recorded in it is really shocking to this junior."

"This "Original Creation" was not created by the Emperor Master. Even he was not able to fully cultivate the "Twelve Volumes of Immortal Dao". Perhaps, you can complete what the Emperor Master has not yet completed."

"This...could it be that Senior Emperor Zun..."

Ling Feng's expression changed slightly. Since Emperor Shenhuang is a powerful person in the Xuanling Continent who has broken through the realm and ascended, it stands to reason that he should have an almost endless lifespan.

For thousands of years, even if the years change and the sea changes, it should be immortal and immortal.

But listening to Tushan Zhihu's tone, it seems that Emperor Shenhuang has...


"The master's aura has long since disappeared. Perhaps he has already reentered reincarnation."

Tushan Zhihu sighed softly, and then took a deep look at Ling Feng, "When you travel in the Immortal Realm in the future, if you pass by Lingtai Immortal Mountain, within a small area, you may be able to find some clues about the emperor's master."

"Is Lingtai Fairy Mountain a small area?"

Ling Feng nodded, "Okay, I'll note it down. Then, it's time for this junior to leave here."

In the environment of the Holy Snow Mountain, I was delayed for another three days, and I don't know what the situation is like.

However, although Xiao Xianling has a fierce mouth and is a bit unruly and willful, she is not bad-hearted.

She might scare the donkey, but she probably wouldn't make the donkey meat into meat and burn it.

On the contrary, he was more worried that during this period of time, they went to the Northern Cold Territory to search for the Spring Spring Divine Spring, and whether the Evil Bone Demon Lord had completed the final breakthrough.

Also, what is the current situation of Mu Qianxue and the others?

"By the way, senior, the few companions who came in with me..."

"Don't worry, they're all fine."

Tushan Zhihu smiled tenderly, raised his slender jade fingers, and tapped Ling Feng's forehead gently, "Go, go and join your companions..."

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