Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3329 The qualitative change of Jiuli’s bloodline!

"The Divine Spring of Spring! It turns out to be the Divine Spring of Spring!"

Outside the snow valley, Xiao Xianling dragged the donkey and rushed to the entrance with an angry voice.

She didn't expect that Ling Feng, the ant from the lower world, was actually looking for the legendary spring spring!

Naturally, she had also heard of the legend about the Nine Springs of Heaven.

Although it is just a very ancient legend and its authenticity cannot be tested, after all, the legend is the source of the birth of the ten great ancestral dragons.

If you take it seriously as the spring spring, if you can get even a drop of spring water, after you go back, even those three wonders, four gods, six brilliance and seven kings in the Tianzhi organization will not be able to look at you with admiration?

A drop of spring water is definitely enough to transform her!

Fortunately, I was smart and cautious, otherwise, I would have wasted a huge fortune!

Xiao Xianling secretly rejoiced in her heart. She didn't believe that a mere secret realm in the mortal world could stop her.

However, when the bitch finally led her to the entrance of the snow valley, she was in trouble.

There is no fluctuation in the power of time and space at all.

In other words, the entrance to the secret realm cannot be found.

She frowned slightly, feeling a little depressed. Why could Ling Feng, the ant from the lower world, find the entrance, but she couldn't find it herself?

Is it possible that he is worse than a mere ant from the lower realm?

Thinking of this, Xiao Xianling suddenly felt a little bit eager to win.

I saw her performing a trick and actually took out a magic weapon shaped like a heavy cannon from the space magic weapon.

"If you don't let me in, I will use this Xuanyuan Thunder Cannon to blast open the door to your space!"

This little girl is really a magic weapon. Looking at the dark muzzle of the Xuanyuan Thunder Cannon, Bitch felt a chill running down his spine.

If this shot goes down, it will definitely be powerful enough to blow him into ashes.

"Aunt...aunt, please be careful, don't point the muzzle at me."

The donkey felt that his calves were a little weak, and his ears were drooping. The donkey, who had always been majestic and arrogant, really lost his temper in front of this little ancestor.


Xiao Xianling raised her eyebrows and ignored the bitch. Instead, she made a point and began to accumulate energy in the Xuanyuan Thunder Cannon.

A dazzling light began to appear on the black muzzle of the giant sword, and then, blazing tongues of fire spurted out, and a dark red light shot out like a rainbow.

call out!

Dark red light shot out, the void trembled, and the earth shook.

Wherever it passed, the void collapsed, and the entire Holy Snow Mountain seemed to be razed to the ground by this shot.

However, just when Xiao Xianling was feeling proud, a transparent light curtain suddenly burst out with a dazzling golden light around the Holy Snow Mountain.

Immediately afterwards, the heaven-destroying shot of the Xuanyuan Thunder Cannon was actually bounced back and shot straight in the direction of Xiao Xianling.


Xiao Xianling was so frightened that her eyes almost fell out.

The energy of Xuanyuan Thunder Cannon was actually bounced back from the original path?

"It's fatal!"

The bitch roared loudly, "You're cheating me, you stupid woman! This beast is going to be killed by you!"

For a moment, Bitch even began to flash back to the past in his mind. Everything he had experienced over the years was like a revolving lantern, flashing by.

He never expected that he would die so unexpectedly.

"Why are you panicking!"

Xiao Xianling bit her silver teeth, and at the critical moment, she actually took out another umbrella-shaped magic weapon.

I saw Xiao Xianling opening the umbrella-shaped magic weapon, and then, out of kindness, she covered the donkey's body under the magic weapon.


Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

The devastating blow of the Xuanyuan Thunder Cannon hit the umbrella-shaped magic weapon heavily.

In an instant, the snow under the feet was directly melted by the blazing high temperature, and the earth buried deep under the snow sank directly, blasting out a huge crater thousands of feet deep, spreading more than ten thousand feet, and it looked shocking.

The power of this cannon is so terrifying!

A long while.

The smoke dissipated.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

The bitch coughed violently, spitting out bursts of thick black smoke.

This guy was originally a black donkey, but after being fried, it became like charcoal. Except for a big white fang, his whole body seemed to have been rubbed with black charcoal.

Xiao Xianling, on the other hand, although she experienced the same big explosion, except for some damage to her clothes, she still looked the same clean and elegant overall.

Just like a normal person.

This woman's defense ability is really terrifying!

The bitch is holding fire in his belly, but he doesn't even dare to fart.

What's more, this girl at least saved his life. If she hadn't used that magic weapon to block the impact of the explosion for him, his life would have been lost.

However, although the umbrella-shaped magic weapon blocked the rebounding Xuanyuan Thunderbolt, it was completely scrapped, leaving only a dilapidated umbrella stand.

Xiao Xianling threw the scrapped magic weapon aside, frowning, staring at the snow-capped mountains in front of her.

It seems that the barrier of this snow mountain is not simple. Even the attack of Xuanyuan Thunder Cannon can be completely rebounded.

She clenched her fists, bit her lip, and stared ahead angrily.

a long time……

For a long time...

Xiao Xianling finally breathed a sigh of relief, snorted softly, and turned around to glare at the bitch.

The bitch shivered all over and stood up straight immediately, "Auntie, is something okay?"

"Keep a close eye on me, young lady. Once that brat comes out, notify me immediately!"

"I know... I know!"

The bitch nodded repeatedly, feeling relieved in his heart.

Fortunately, this little girl didn't continue to act recklessly, otherwise, I might not know whether I could have saved my little life!


The Tushan Fox pointed a finger at the center of Ling Feng's eyebrows, and a huge amount of information seemed to pour into his spiritual sea.

Then, the world around him disappeared like smoke.

When Ling Feng came to his senses again, he seemed to have been pushed back to a piece of soft grass.

Mu Qianxue, Shenshui Yinji and Yan Jinghong were all sitting cross-legged nearby, their brows furrowed, and they seemed to be still in a fantasy world, unable to extricate themselves.

Only Ye Weiyang was nowhere to be seen.

Ling Feng frowned slightly, remembering the way Tushan Zhihu hesitated to speak, and felt that she seemed to be hiding something from him.

"Qianxue, wake up!"

Ling Feng took the lead to support Mu Qianxue, put his hand between her eyebrows, and injected the power of spiritual consciousness into her body. Mu Qianxue trembled slightly and finally woke up.

Then, Ling Feng followed suit and revived Yan Jinghong and Shenshui Yinji.

They all looked very tired, and their expressions were terrifyingly gloomy.

Ling Feng knew that they were afraid that in the illusion, they would see the experience they least wanted to recall again.

This illusion is indeed very scary. If the willpower is not strong enough, I am afraid that I will be imprisoned in it for the rest of my life, unable to extricate myself.

Often defeating yourself and facing yourself is the most difficult thing.

"Is everyone okay?"

Ling Feng looked at everyone and asked with concern.


Mu Qianxue shook her head, "Brother Ling, where are we?"

"It should still be inside the Holy Snow Mountain."

Ling Feng looked around and said in a deep voice.

"I have a vague feeling that a long time has passed."

Shenshui Yinji took a deep breath and rested for a long time. Her complexion finally recovered a little. She gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice: "Boy, since you can wake us up, have you passed the test and obtained the spring?" Zi Shenquan?”

Ling Feng sighed, nodded, and said solemnly: "I have indeed passed all the tests, but the spring spring has dried up."


Everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

They worked hard and finally found this place, but finally got the news that the spring spring had dried up?

This was nothing short of a bolt from the blue.

Without the Divine Spring of Spring, how to deal with the Evil Bone Demon Lord?

What's more, since they have been away for such a long time, the Evil Bone Demon Lord may have made the final breakthrough, right?

At this moment, Mu Qianxue's expression suddenly changed, and a dazzling golden light burst out from her body.

Immediately afterwards, her body slowly floated into the air, as if a powerful force was transforming her bloodline.

She was exuding holy white light, and the Jiuli Divine Fire was automatically swept away, as if she was beginning to evolve towards a higher level.

"What...what is going on?"

Not only everyone in Ling Feng was surprised, but even Mu Qianxue herself was confused.

Why does the power of blood suddenly evolve automatically?

Isn't this too strange?

After a while, Mu Qianxue's life essence seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The aura of the whole person seemed to have risen a lot, and it was vaguely similar to Xiao Xianling.

This is clearly the aura of a powerful immortal!

Could it be...

At this moment, Ling Feng suddenly realized.

The reason why Mu Qianxue's bloodline power has evolved must be because someone in her family has broken through to the immortal path.

This also allowed all descendants with the bloodline of the Jiuli God Clan to essentially evolve their own bloodline power.

And the person who broke through to the immortal path is basically certain.

It must be Mulong City, which has already merged with the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Therefore, although Mu Qianxue's abilities have been greatly improved, for Ling Feng and the others, it is undoubtedly another bolt from the blue.

Unexpectedly, the Evil Bone Demon Lord broke through faster than expected.

Even if Ling Feng obtained the original creation, it would be difficult for him to display all its magical powers in a short period of time!

For a moment, everyone's expressions became extremely solemn.

"The evil bones have broken through, we can't stay here any longer."

Finally, it was Ling Feng who broke the silence.

"It's time for us to leave."

He sighed softly and looked around, but couldn't help but feel a little strange, "It's just that everyone is here, why don't we see Brother Ye?"

"I'm here."

At this moment, a figure slowly walked out of the fog.

Surprisingly, it was Ye Weiyang.

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