Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3330 All evil and crooked people must die!

"Brother Ye!"

Ye Weiyang's appearance made Ling Feng a little strange.

Everyone else was trapped in the illusion test on the first level, but Ye Weiyang walked out of here.

Did he also meet Tushan Zhihu and the others?

But why haven’t I heard Tushan Zhihu mention it before?

Ye Weiyang seemed to have a normal expression and walked in front of everyone with a calm face. When she saw everyone staring at her, she couldn't help but laugh and said, "What's wrong? What are you looking at me for?"


Ling Feng stepped forward and patted Ye Weiyang on the shoulder. He was relieved when he found that he was not injured or anything abnormal. Everything looked normal.

"Brother Ye, after walking out of the fog, did you see anything?"

Ye Weiyang shook her head and said calmly: "Nothing else, I just saw a dry spring."

Ye Weiyang's words undoubtedly confirmed what Ling Feng said before, that the spring spring has dried up.

It seemed that they were destined to return empty-handed.

Now that it was confirmed by Ye Weiyang's mouth, everyone stopped staying and returned the same way.

As a golden light flashed, and after a brief blindness, everyone was teleported outside the Holy Snow Mountain.

"Boy Ling Feng, do you still know that you are coming back?"

As soon as he returned to the outside world, he immediately heard an angry roar, and then, a black shadow flew towards him like a bolt of electricity.

Not just a bitch.

The bitch can be said to be holding back a lot of anger at the moment. In the past few days, he has been tortured by that "crazy woman" Xiao Xianling.

If Ling Feng hadn't "betrayed" himself, how could he have suffered so much and left an unforgettable shadow for his entire life!

This guy kicked Ling Feng hard in the face with anger.

Fortunately, Ling Feng reacted quickly enough, grabbed the donkey's hoof with one hand, and pulled him back with a twist of his luck.

"You bitch, why are you so crazy?"

Ling Feng frowned. He was just coming back a few days later than agreed.

As for this guy?

"go Ape?"

The bitch stared angrily at Ling Feng, "This beast is going crazy. It's better for you to go look for treasures and leave this beast here!"

"Three days! Three whole days!"

The bitch became more and more excited as he talked, and his eyes were red, "Do you know how this divine beast survived these three days?"

"There are no arms or legs missing!"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and looked at Jian Dong. Apart from his skin color, which seemed to be a little darker, there were no other changes.

"That's inner suffering and torture, far worse than physical!"

The bitch got mad and roared, "If we don't divide the spring spring spring into half of the divine beast, this matter will never be over!"

Good guy!

Good feelings are waiting for you here!

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and thought for a long time that this guy was just trying to get some benefits.

What a bitch, you are indeed worthy of it!

What a drama queen!

"Okay, okay."

Ling Feng casually released Donkey, shrugged, and said helplessly: "Donkey, I'm afraid you will be disappointed this time, because I didn't get any spring nourishment spring at all. The spring nourishment spring in the secret realm was as early as two hundred years old. It dried up years ago.”


The bitch went crazy over it, "I don't believe this beast!"

"Believe it or not."

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed, "I don't want to believe it either, but the facts are before our eyes. If you don't believe it, you can ask Brother Ye. He has seen with his own eyes that the divine spring has dried up."

"Dried up?"

At this moment, Xiao Xianling's voice was heard in the distance.

The voice sounded from far away, and in the blink of an eye, Xiao Xianling was staring at Ling Feng with a suspicious look on her face, "Boy, do you really mean what you said?"

Ling Feng turned his head and glanced at Jian Dong. He still didn't know that this guy was probably "rebellious".

The bitch turned his head to the side, feeling somewhat guilty.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. This can't be entirely blamed on the stupid donkey. After all, he promised to come back in one day. Who would have expected that in the end, it would take him three days and three nights to finally complete the test of the Divine Desolate Emperor.

It's a pity that in the end, I couldn't get the spring spring.

But he also got a Wild Dragon Violent Pill. The value of this pill is probably not as much as a drop of Spring Nourishing Spring.

Not to mention, he also obtained the "Original Creation" secret book left by Emperor Shenhuang.

As long as time is given, Evil Bone Demon Lord doesn't matter.

However, what he lacks most now is time.

"Miss Xiao, there is no need for me to lie to you."

Ling Feng said calmly: "The spring spring in the secret realm of the snow mountain has dried up. I have been there for three days, but I got nothing. If you don't believe it, I have nothing to say."

"Yes, the divine spring has dried up, I can testify to that."

Ye Shen also spoke quickly to testify for Ling Feng.


Xiao Xianling looked at Ye Weiyang again, enveloped Ye Weiyang with the aura of a powerful immortal, and found that he was not lying.

In other words, the divine spring has indeed dried up.

She then calmed down her momentum, shrugged and said: "I'm just saying, how can there be any spring spring in this world? Even if there is, it must have dried up long ago, and only you ignorant ants from the lower world can do it. Will believe it!”

This little girl probably doesn't remember how excited she was when she heard the news before.

"Hey, that's not right!"

Suddenly, Xiao Xianling's eyes fell on Mu Qianxue, "You..."

Because of the breakthrough of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, Jiuli's bloodline was also raised to a whole new level, completing the qualitative transformation of transforming mortals into immortals.

Thanks to this, Mu Qianxue, who was originally only at the peak of the late ancestral realm, actually directly reached the level of a fifth-grade half-step virtual immortal.

Such rapid progress in just three days naturally attracted Xiao Xianling's attention.

"You also said that you didn't get the spring spring. How come this woman's cultivation has improved so much all of a sudden?"

Xiao Xianling's eyes widened, "Do you think I'm a fool?"

"Wow, you bastard, this beast treats you as a brother in vain, and you actually lied to me!"

The bitch also looked aggrieved and angry, as if she was an abandoned harem.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry. He could only tell Jianlu and Xiao Xianling his guess.

"What, there is still this matter?"

After hearing what Ling Feng said, Xiao Xianling immediately became furious and filled with righteous indignation.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that such a big devil would appear in the lower world, and he would sacrifice hundreds of millions of living beings just to survive his own calamity!"

Xiao Xianling suddenly became furious, "Our Tianzhi organization has always adhered to the law of killing demons and eliminating demons! Now that I have encountered such a demon, I must kill him with my own hands! Hmph!"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he felt a little fond of Xiao Xianling.

I didn't expect this crazy girl to have such a warm heart.

His understanding of the Tianzhi organization has deepened a bit.


Can this half-assed little fairy be of any help?

He was deeply skeptical.

After all, it seems that this little girl can't even deal with herself, let alone the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

"What's that look in your eyes?"

Xiao Xianling was offended by Ling Feng's suspicious eyes, "You don't really think that I am not good at it, do you? I have many magic weapons. Even if I am bound by the laws of this world and cannot exert my full power, it is not like this The monks in the world can compare!”

She patted her chest and vowed: "Don't worry, once I take action, no matter who he is, whether he is a demon king or not, he will die! Whatever evil bones are crooked, he will turn into a dead man's bones!"

"Then it all depends on Miss Xiao."

Ling Feng and the others looked at each other. After all, she was also a powerful person from the Immortal Realm. Although she didn't look very reliable and had a weird temper.

However, it is still somewhat genuine.

Maybe Xiao Xianling can really solve the evil bone crisis.

"It seems that the reason why you, an ant from the lower world, is unwilling to follow me to the Three Ways River immediately is because of this, right?"

Xiao Xianling's eyes lit up, and she finally understood all of Ling Feng's previous actions.

"The girl is really smart."

Ling Feng smiled and complimented Xiao Xianling, and the woman immediately became proud, "Okay, this matter will be taken care of by this young lady. Once the dead man's bones are taken care of, you won't have any other excuses." Come on. When the time comes, you have to follow me to Santu River!"

As Xiao Xianling said this, she secretly calculated in her heart: When we reach the River of Three Ways, without the constraints of the rules of heaven and earth, and I have regained all my strength, I will settle the score with you, the abominable ant from the lower world! When the time comes, if I don’t beat you until you kneel down and beg for mercy, I will take your surname!


In Xiao Xianling's mind, she imagined Ling Feng kneeling on the ground, holding her thigh and crying for her father and mother, and she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

When everyone saw this woman being silly and happy, they couldn't help but shake their heads and sigh.

She is a pretty girl, but unfortunately, she is not very smart.

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