Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3331 Ten days later, Mount Tai reaches its peak!

Sealed Demonic God Realm.

The great calamity of immortals and demons lasted for three days and three nights.

Under the violent tribulation thunder, the Demon-Sealing God Realm had already turned into a piece of scorched earth.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord, relying on the power of the hundreds of millions of souls absorbed by Beiming Demon Kun, was able to withstand this catastrophe of immortals and demons.

Although Beiming Mokun had been almost riddled with holes by the violent immortal demon tribulation thunder, and large areas were weakened and burned to charcoal.

But as the Evil Bone Demon Lord absorbed the spirit of the immortal spirit after the tribulation into his body, all his energy was completely transformed into mana. It was originally connected to the soul of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, but was transformed into a demon by Xian Kun from Mulong City. Become.

After the Evil Bone Demon Lord broke through, Beiming Demon Kun also absorbed the spirit of the fairy and completed his final transformation.

The mana quickly circulated within Beiming Demon Kun's huge body.

The body that had turned into charcoal and turned into decay suddenly re-expanded and took on a new vitality.

"Congratulations, master! Congratulations, master!"

Seeing that the calamity cloud dissipated, the evil demons who had already retreated thousands of miles away dared to fly up, and they all knelt on the ground and paid homage to the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

I saw the Evil Bone Demon Lord standing with his hands behind his back. After breaking through the immortal path, his whole aura also underwent a fundamental change.

The way he raises his hands and feet, and his stern gaze, he has a domineering air.

The golden and red brilliance descended from the sky and circulated around the Evil Bone Demon Lord. His independent figure slowly fell in mid-air.

In his profound gaze, there seemed to be billions of divine kingdoms and thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

In his mind, he has already begun to plan his own blueprint.

This world will be dominated by him!

Since the ancient times, after the war between immortals and demons, the Immortal Realm has long closed the door to ascend to the Immortal Realm.

In other words, his breakthrough in Xuanling Continent will not alarm the powerful people in the Immortal Realm.

He can remain in this world and continue to grow his power.

Until Beiming Mokun completes further transformation, he can try to reopen the door to the Demon Realm.

At that time, the powerful demons will come and use the Xuanling Continent as their home ground to sweep across and wreak havoc in the fairyland again?


Go to hell!

They will all become the domain dominated by demons!

Of course, these things are somewhat too far away for the current evil bones.

It is closer to the wishful thinking and fantasy of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

But one thing is for sure——

He is already the only powerful immortal in this world.

This world will be completely under his control, he can do whatever he wants and do whatever he wants!

And the first step...

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

He has made his final breakthrough, and no one in this world can pose any threat to him.

Even if all those hidden ancestors came out in full force, to him, they were just a group of slightly more powerful ants.

The reason why he hunkered down in the Demon-Sealing God Realm before was to prevent any possibility of capsizing in the sewer.

Being sealed for tens of thousands of years has already made him develop the habit of being cautious.

He didn't want to be re-sealed again because of his carelessness.

But at this moment, after breaking through to the Immortal Realm, he no longer has any worries.

The only trouble is that Ling Feng.

After all, the descendants of the Tiandao clan possess powers that do not belong to the Xuanling Continent.

To ensure true foolproofness, this trouble must be solved.

"Little friend Lingfeng, it's time to truly put an end to the grudges between you and me."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord looked towards the distant sky, with a cold smile clearly hanging on the corner of his mouth.

But hidden in the depths of his eyes was extremely vicious, extremely cold, and if there was any real awe-inspiring murderous intent!

Once Ling Feng is eliminated, no one can challenge his position.

"Xuan Shuo."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord opened his mouth, and Mu Xuanshuo hurriedly knelt on the ground, looking at the "ancestor" in front of him with a pious expression, "Ancestor, what are your orders?"

"How about it? Do you feel the increase in the power of your bloodline? I didn't lie to you, did I?"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord said calmly.

"Old Ancestor, through the heavens and the earth, is connected with the universe. Xuan Shuo is enlightened!"

At the same time that Jiuli's bloodline had completed its transformation, Mu Xuanshuo's cultivation level had also been greatly improved.

Not only him, but also many Jiuli disciples who have collateral bloodlines of the Jiuli God Clan can obviously sense the benefits of this bloodline breakthrough.

Even Ling Feng, who had received some of Mu Qianxue's divine blood, could sense this change.

However, the Jiuli bloodline does not have much significance to his Emperor's blood, so its improvement to him can be said to be minimal.

"Now, it's up to you to select a few subordinates to go to Sao Feng Camp and deliver a message to Ling Feng on my behalf."

Mu Xuanshuo nodded heavily, "Ancestor, please speak!"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord smiled coldly and said word by word: "Ten days later, at the top of Mount Tai, I will be waiting for him to come."


All the evil spirits laughed ferociously. In ten days, Ling Feng will die.

"What if that kid doesn't dare to come?"

The ugly slave did not laugh.

Now that the Evil Bone Demon Lord has broken through, Ling Feng still dares to come and die?

"He will come."

The evil bone demon lord had a calm expression and said slowly: "These guys who claim to be righteous have always been so stupid. Even if they know they will die, they will still come."


The golden light dissipated.

Figures walked out of the light curtain of the Donghuang Bell and returned to the residence of the Xiaofeng General.

This time, it took nearly half a month.

Fortunately, everything was still calm in the Xiaofeng Camp.

Since going up to repel the Beiming Demon Kun, the subordinates of the evil bone demon lord have not come to the Xiaofeng Camp to provoke.

However, everyone knows that the evil bone demon lord has only transferred death to other star fields.

During the time when they were hiding in the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation inside the Xiaofeng Camp, all the planes and worlds in the star fields suffered a catastrophe and a doomsday catastrophe!

Although they were in a safe immortal formation, for those geniuses in the star fields, it was like being in purgatory and suffering.

Perhaps they didn't know at which moment, at which second, their relatives and companions turned into statues without souls.

"Master Ling, you are finally back!"

Ling Feng's return finally restored the low spirits in Xiaofeng Camp.

After all, Ling Feng went there to find a chance for a breakthrough.

Now, Ling Feng is back.

Is there a way to deal with the Evil Bone Demon Lord?

"Brother Ling!"

"Master Ling!"

Geniuses from all races in the Star Regions of the Yuanshen Temple Ruins gathered around.

Everyone looked at Ling Feng expectantly, as if waiting for good news from him.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise, he will continue to cause more tragedies.

"How is it?"

Kurosaki Ikuang looked at Ling Feng excitedly, "Have you found a way to deal with the Evil Bone Demon Lord?"

"You must have found a way, right? You must have found it! Right?"

Gaia of the Titans was even more excited to grab Ling Feng's collar and lift him up directly.

His eyes were bloodshot, and bloodshot eyes looked like he was going insane, as if he hadn't closed his eyes for more than ten days.

News came from Gaia's hometown that the entire Titan tribe, except for those who came here to support, all other Titan tribe members were doomed.

How could Gaia not feel heartbroken?

If it weren't for Hei Qi Yi Kuang and the others who beat him up and knocked him unconscious, this guy would have lost his mind and rushed to the evil bone demon to die.

"Ling Zongsi, don't blame him, Gaia and his relatives..." Hei Qi Yi Kuang clenched his fists, shook his head and sighed.

Ling Feng raised his finger and gently touched Gaia's forehead, forcing him to regain his consciousness.

Gaia then let go of Ling Feng, then covered his cheek and cried bitterly.

"I understand the pain in everyone's heart. Don't worry, this time, we will definitely completely eradicate the evil bone demon lord!" Ling Feng took a deep breath and immediately introduced Xiao Xianling to everyone. Although this guide from the Tianzhi organization does not look very reliable, her identity should be enough to comfort everyone. After all, she is also a powerful immortal! Now, everyone urgently needs a hope to cheer up. And Xiao Xianling is the most suitable candidate. "This is Miss Xiao Xianling from the Immortal Realm. She is also a genuine immortal strongman!" Ling Feng said loudly: "With her here, I believe that the evil bone demon lord will not be arrogant for long." "Hehe!" Xiao Xianling stood up with a proud look on her face, "You lower world ants... ahem, lower world mortals, don't worry, I am the messenger of the Tianzhi Organization, the granddaughter of the Jieyin Immortal Lord. With me here, no matter what evil bones or not, don't think of making trouble again!" "Immortal strongman?" "Tianzhi Organization?" Everyone was stunned. Is this a yellow-haired girl who looks only in her teens or twenties? Is it true? "Boy, are you kidding? Just such a yellow-haired girl can deal with the evil bone demon lord?" The Saint Ancestor Dracula of the Yodel tribe frowned slightly. No matter how he looked at it, he didn't think there was anything great about this little girl. "Hmm?"

Hearing someone questioning her, Xiao Xianling frowned and immediately glared at Saint Dracula fiercely, "You ugly bastard, shut up, you are short and clumsy, and you dare to say that I am a yellow-haired girl? Slap me!"

Seeing Xiao Xianling's glare, Saint Dracula trembled all over, and his palms began to slap his old face uncontrollably.

This move immediately stunned everyone present.

Could this yellow-haired girl, who looks young, really be a strong person from the fairyland?

A real fairy?

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