Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3332 The demon is coming! Father and daughter reunited!

As soon as Xiao Xianling took action, the whole audience was calmed.

This also revived the already depressed and low morale.

Although Xiao Xianling is somewhat unreliable, as a "mascot", the effect is pretty good.

Ling Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing a strong enemy is not scary.

The terrible thing is losing the courage to fight against it.

Judging from the momentum and emotions of everyone just now, I am afraid that everyone will collapse before the Evil Bone Demon Lord can kill them.

In this case, how can we fight this tough battle?

"So, this is the fairy?"

Many female disciples looked at Xiao Xianling's majestic appearance with admiration in their eyes.

Yu Junyao and many female disciples in the medical camp couldn't help but rush forward and said with excitement: "Sister Xianling, you are so amazing!"

Seeing the adoring eyes of these little fans, Xiao Xianling was even more proud and her eyebrows were dancing with joy.

This guy is so happy about his achievements and likes others to praise him. Now that there are so many little fans surrounding her, this little girl is even more excited.

"My dear, you are really a powerful immortal!"

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, who had transformed into a human form, also stepped forward with a look of horror on his face.

Although this guy was a bit aloof, he had an appointment with Ling Feng after all, so during the time when Ling Feng left, he stayed in Sao Feng Camp and did not leave even half a step.

Now, Ling Feng returned, and he actually brought with him a powerful immortal from the Tianzhi organization.

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King finally believed that Ling Feng had not deceived him.

He does have a close relationship with the Tianzhi Organization.

No, when I saw something was wrong, I went to Tianzhi to move reinforcements.

I actually had doubts about this guy before, it was really inappropriate!

Thinking of this, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King looked at Ling Feng with three parts apology and one part admiration.


His direct gaze made Ling Feng feel a little nervous. He didn't know why the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King suddenly changed his condescending attitude.

It seems that the appearance of Xiao Xianling has caused a slight change in the mentality of the deep sea overlord.

However, this should be considered a good thing for Ling Feng.

It would be a great blessing if the rebellious Deep Sea Demonic Whale King could obey me obediently in the future.

After appeasing everyone, Ling Feng had time to disperse them.

He still needs some time to practice alone.

Ever since he got the "Original Creation", he has not been able to calm down and study this mysterious method carefully.

According to Tushan Zhihu, "Original Creation" was not created by Emperor Shenhuang, and its origins probably go back to a much longer period.

It's a pity that he is already a half-step Void Immortal level expert, and the first volume "The Awakening Spirit Volume" corresponds to various techniques and magical powers under the Immortal Way.

It would be best if Ling Feng had obtained this unique skill at the beginning of his career in martial arts and practiced it directly.

But if you have great perseverance, it is not a bad idea to abandon your cultivation and start over.

However, Ling Feng's situation is a bit special.

Every step he takes is really difficult and almost impossible to copy.

If I give up my cultivation and practice from scratch, I don’t know when I will reach the current state.

If he had been promoted to the human emperor realm, Ling Feng would have chosen to start over again without hesitation, but now, the price was too high.

What's more, now that the situation is urgent, he is not allowed to start over.

Otherwise, when the Evil Bone Demon Lord comes to kill us, will we really have to rely entirely on Xiao Xianling's unreliable "little fairy"?

Ling Feng didn't dare to put all his treasure on her.

Even his own mount couldn't summon Silly Girl 100% successfully, so he didn't dare to rely entirely on her.

Therefore, the first three volumes of the volume of awakening the spirit: awakening the spirit, concentrating the heart, and exploring the void.

After these three volumes, Ling Feng was destined to have no chance to practice.

However, his foundation is not bad, and because he started practicing the three paths of body refining, qi refining and soul refining, this in a sense coincides with the content of the first three volumes of the Awakening Spirit Scroll. .

This also made it less unrealistic for him to skip the first three volumes and directly practice all the contents of the next nine volumes.

If you practice one of the three ways of body refining, qi refining or soul refining alone, you are bound to miss out on some of these magical powers.

The fourth chapter of the Awakening Spirit Volume is called Siming.

The so-called commanding method can actually control the yin and yang spirits of the five elements of heaven and earth for one's own use.

Ling Feng was ready to start with this commanding method.

Although it is just a last-minute effort, if you can learn more magical powers, learn more.

It should be helpful for me to deal with the Evil Bone Demon Lord in the future.

at the same time.

While Ling Feng was in seclusion practicing "Origin of Creation", Mu Xuanshuo was already on his way to Saofeng Camp with dozens of demons.

Mu Xuanshuo was seen standing on top of a behemoth that was more than thirty feet tall with his hands behind his hands.

It was a snake demon ancestor with two wings. He was once a powerful man who dominated the area, but now, he could only crawl at Mu Xuanshuo's feet and become his mount.

This feeling made Mu Xuanshuo extremely excited.

With his past cultivation, even if he practiced hard for hundreds of thousands of years, what would happen?

Restricted by his bloodline and his talent, he could only reach the peak of the ancestral realm throughout his life.

But now, without any effort, he has become a half-step Void Immortal, even reaching the eighth level!

The demon ancestor at the peak of the ancestral realm was also at his feet and could only tremble.

To reach the pinnacle of martial arts, one must make sacrifices.

As long as he can achieve hegemony, what do these sacrifices mean?

Now Mu Xuanshuo can be said to have been completely brainwashed by the Evil Bone Demon Lord and has become the most loyal believer of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

The snake demon ancestor is stepping on his feet, and behind him should be dozens of huge demons with different shapes.

The vast army of men and horses moved forward leisurely in the direction of Camp Sao Feng.

Wherever it passes, it turns into Shura Purgatory.

Those demons, killing creatures wantonly, seem to have regarded this world as a hunting ground for their wanton behavior.

And the powerful Yuanshen Temple who once restricted them are now nothing more than a group of shrunken turtles huddled in Sao Feng Camp.

Three days later.

Although the demon army led by Mu Xuanshuo was not traveling at full speed, they still arrived at Saofeng Camp within three days.

Looking at the golden immortal formation shining in the distance, a trace of disdain flashed in Mu Xuanshuo's eyes.

Whether it is an immortal formation or not, when the Demon Lord Dharma King comes to visit, it is just a matter of effort.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

So many powerful demons suddenly appeared in the waters around the Sao Feng Islands. For a moment, everyone in the Sao Feng Camp became alert.

On the watchtower, the disciples responsible for standing guard immediately sounded the alarm.

Then, the disciples responsible for controlling the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation also began to frantically pour a large number of top-quality Yuan Crystals into the formation.

On the array control platform, Yu Junyao was already in place. With the help of people like Ye Shen and the Goddess Shui Yinji, she directly transformed the immortal array into the form of the Golden God of War.

Tiangang Sword and Xuanxiao Shield were set up, and everyone was on alert.

"Go and inform Chief Ling immediately!"

When Kurosaki saw the demon coming, his first reaction was to send someone to ask Ling Feng to come out.

"No need."

But it was Ye Shen who stopped Kurosaki Yikuang and said in a deep voice: "It seems that the Evil Bone Demon Lord is not here in person. Brother Ling is still practicing in seclusion, so there is no need to disturb him."

After a pause, Ye Weiyang continued: "Now we have not only Senior Shenshui Yinji, but also Senior Demon Whale King and Miss Xiao, a powerful immortal. It should be more than enough to deal with these monsters."

"That's natural!"

Xiao Xianling didn't know when she had risen to the sky, with a sneer on her lips, "Whether that kid can get out or not, it's the same. With this young lady here, what else do you have to worry about?"

"Yes, yes, there is a fairy sister here, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Wow! It's just the right time!"

Xiao Xianling's eyebrows were dancing with joy, and she wanted to perform well in front of everyone.

Although she is restricted by the laws of this world and cannot display her true strength, her physique is still that of a powerful immortal.

It also carries the pressure of a powerful immortal.

Except for that freak Ling Feng, no one can ignore his own pressure.

Fortunately, those demons came to her door on their own, and that was a good opportunity for her to show off her power.

"Don't be nervous, open the fairy formation to me!"

Xiao Xianling's figure slowly floated up in the air, her whole body shrouded in nine-colored divine light, and her whole body was like a fairy among gods.

After receiving Xiao Xianling's order, Yu Junyao immediately opened a passage from the middle of the immortal formation and sent Xiao Xianling out of the immortal formation.

However, in order to avoid the soul-stirring evil power similar to that of Beiming Demon Kun, she did not dare to fully activate the fairy formation.

"Hmph, a bunch of people who don't know how to live or die!"

The next moment, Xiao Xianling's figure appeared outside the immortal formation. She was leaning against the blue sea, her hands were slightly raised, and a golden-blue ball continued to expand and become more condensed.

However, just when Xiao Xianling was about to take action to kill the intruder, it was Mu Qianxue whose eyelids twitched and she exclaimed: "Dad!——"

But it turns out that the leader of the opponent's camp is none other than Mu Qianxue's biological father, Mu Xuanshuo!

She thought her father was dead, but she never expected that they would meet him again under such circumstances.

Father, would you betray the Evil Bone Demon Lord?

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