Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3334 It’s hard to have both friendship and friendship!

Sao Feng Camp, inside the Forbidden Demon Dungeon.

Although Mu Xuanshuo is Mu Qianxue's father, at this moment he has been completely brainwashed by the Evil Bone Demon Lord and turned into an evil demon.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Ling Feng still imprisoned the cheap father-in-law in the dungeon.

This dungeon has a magic circle that suppresses evil and demonic energy. Once any evil heretic is imprisoned in it and wears a specially made magic-forbidden chain, even if it has great abilities, it will become like a mortal and unable to mobilize at all. the power of.

"Senior Mu, until you resolve the demonic energy in your body, I can only force you to stay in this dungeon temporarily."

Ling Feng glanced at Mu Xuanshuo, then looked back at Mu Qianxue.

Mu Qianxue's eyes were slightly red. Although she didn't want to see her father imprisoned in the dungeon, she also knew that Ling Feng was the chief of Sao Feng after all. How could he show favoritism just because of his relationship?

The fact that he was able to leave the quarantine early for his own affairs showed that in Ling Feng's heart, he still cared about his own feelings.

"Hmph, even if I am imprisoned until death, I will never betray my ancestor!"

Mu Xuanshuo sneered, "Boy, you only have a few days left to live. It won't be long before the world belongs to our ancestors. If you know the truth and surrender to our ancestors as soon as possible, you may still have a way to survive."


Kurosaki Yikuang and others glared at Mu Xuanshuo fiercely. His unrepentant look was simply irritating.

This traitor betrayed his allies, and now he has become the loyal lackey of the Evil Bone Demon Lord!

Simply shameful!

Mu Qianxue clenched her fists tightly. No longer willing to face such a father, she hid her face and rushed out of the dungeon.


Ling Feng sighed softly, the trouble was that Mu Xuanshuo had been completely brainwashed by the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord did not use any evil spells or drugs. He simply released the desires and ambitions deep in Mu Xuanshuo's heart, causing him to completely fall into the quagmire of the devil's path.

This is the most troublesome.

Ling Feng can resolve it with elixirs or evil spells, but he is loyal to the Evil Bone Demon Lord, unless Ling Feng directly erases all his memories and creates new memories for him.

This is not what Ling Feng can do now.

However, there are some related records in "Original Creation".

Perhaps, in the future, after he has mastered this magical power, he can "wash" Mu Xuanshuo's brain back again.

"You stay here!"

Ling Feng shook his head and told the guards not to embarrass Mu Xuanshuo before leading everyone out of the dungeon.

"Boy, you won't be alive for a few more days, hahaha!"

Mu Xuanshuo was lying very comfortably on a pile of weeds, laughing loudly at Ling Feng's back.

"Brother Ling, this guy is completely hopeless! Let me kill him!"

Kuchiki Kenpachi said with a dark face.

Kurosaki Yikuang also said in a deep voice: "Director Ling, the Evil Bone Demon Lord is insidious and cunning. He deliberately sent this guy to deliver the message. Don't you know that this guy is not your opponent at all and will even be captured by mistake? I Guess, the Evil Bone Demon Lord must be brewing another conspiracy!"


Ling Feng nodded, "What you said is not unreasonable."

Indeed, the Evil Bone Demon Lord can be said to be one of the most scheming opponents that Ling Feng has encountered since he set foot in martial arts.

This guy's schemes are endless. I have found his way many times, and I was even manipulated by him step by step, as if I was one of his chess pieces.

His scheming is really terrifying and must be guarded against.

I am afraid that the Evil Bone Demon Lord was sure that he would never kill Mu Xuanshuo directly, so he asked Mu Xuanshuo to come to summon him.

Could it be that the Evil Bone Demon Lord's backhand is hidden in Mu Xuanshuo's body?

This is what Ling Feng is worried about.

Because of Mu Qianxue, Ling Feng would definitely not be able to kill Mu Xuanshuo, which gave the Evil Bone Demon Lord room to make plans.

Ling Feng was also distressed. Killing Mu Xuanshuo would be all over the place, but he was Mu Qianxue's father after all!

This is the terrifying thing about the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Every step he takes, he is destined to face a dilemma.

No matter what the choice is, he will definitely be the one who benefits.

This old monster has indeed not been sealed for thousands of years in vain. After all, I am still too young in front of him.

Since ancient times, it is difficult to balance love and justice, and the Evil Bone Demon Lord's intentions are too insidious.

"Brother Ling, if it's not convenient for you to do it, just let me do it!"

A flash of cold murderous intent flashed in Immortal River's eyes, "Kill that guy, no matter what conspiracy he has, it will be over!"


Ling Feng quickly stopped Immortal River, "No one is allowed to attack Mu Xuanshuo without my order. I will think of a perfect solution."

"Hey, attaching importance to love and justice is your strength, but sometimes, it is also your weakness."

Kurosaki shook his head wildly, "That's all. Since this guy has been imprisoned in the Forbidden Demon Dungeon, I'm afraid he can't do any tricks. Everyone should just obey Director Ling's decision."

"Huh, you're taking advantage of that traitor!"

The monks from all races left one after another. Ling Feng gave Kurosaki a grateful look and said, "Brother Kurosaki, thank you very much."


Kurosaki shook his head and smiled, "Director Ling, I hope your decision is not wrong."

After saying that, Kurosaki turned around and left.

He could understand Ling Feng's choice, but that didn't mean he agreed with Ling Feng's choice.

For a traitor who betrayed all his allies, death was his only outcome.

However, everyone restrained the urge to kill Mu Xuanshuo for Ling Feng's sake.

After all, all of them are alive to this moment only because of Ling Feng.

Without Ling Feng, perhaps, they would have turned into statues that had lost their souls.

"I hope this decision will not make me regret it."

Ling Feng sighed softly. Even Kurosaki Ikkuang, who had always been the most supportive and understanding of him, now had some barriers to him.

However, for Mu Qianxue, he could not kill Mu Xuanshuo.

Friendship and justice are hard to have both ways!

"The Evil Bone Demon Lord asked me for a decisive battle in seven days. In other words, the time left for me is only the last seven days."

Ling Feng shook his head and threw all distracting thoughts behind him.

Now is not the time to dwell on these issues.

As long as he can completely eliminate the Evil Bone Demon Lord in the decisive battle seven days later.

Then, no matter what the conspiracy is, it is doomed to fail.

While thinking about it, Ling Feng had already walked to the courtyard outside the residence of Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng.

"Brother Ling..."

But it was Mu Qianxue who had been waiting for Ling Feng in the courtyard for a long time.

"I'm sorry, Brother Ling, it's because of me that I let you..."

Mu Qianxue's eyes were a little red and swollen, obviously she had cried just now.

She knew her father had done something unforgivable.

However, he is still his father!

"Silly girl."

Ling Feng gently hugged Mu Qianxue into his arms, "You are my woman, and your father is my father. Don't worry, no matter how difficult it is, I will make my uncle recover."

He gently scraped Mu Qianxue's little nose and said warmly: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one will embarrass Uncle Mu. Once I deal with the Evil Bone Demon Lord, all problems will be solved."

"But, seven days later..."

Mu Qianxue wanted to say something more, but Ling Feng gently pressed her lips, "Don't worry, just trust me, that's enough!"


Mu Qianxue nodded heavily.

Yes, just believe in Ling Feng.

Along the way, isn't he always like this, constantly creating miracles, constantly breaking through himself, and breaking through difficulties?

Believe him, that's enough.


At this moment, there was a rustling sound from the roof. Ling Feng frowned, looked intently, and said coldly: "It's not a good habit to eavesdrop on other people's conversations! Miss Xiao!"

But it turned out that it was that woman Xiao Xianling who was hiding on the roof and eavesdropping!

"Asshole, I am enjoying the view on the roof. You guys are talking about love here, which disturbs my mood. I haven't spoken yet, but you are the evil one to file a complaint first!"

Xiao Xianling stared at Ling Feng and said coldly: "You damn ant from the lower world, I really don't know where you got your confidence. Why do you believe that it's enough for you? Damn you!"

"sorry Sorry."

But Mu Qianxue quickly apologized, "We are the ones who disturbed your enjoyment. We are very sorry."

"Humph, I guess you still know the truth."

Xiao Xianling raised her eyebrows, and then she turned from anger to joy, "You are quite pleasing to the eye, little girl. Don't worry, after seven days, I will help you protect your little lover, and I won't let you do it in vain. The widow."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. This girl is so young herself, yet she keeps calling others little girls.

He really hoped that Xiao Xianling could really be as capable as he said and wouldn't let her slip at the critical moment.

However, Ling Feng felt that this woman was unreliable.

In the past few days, it is best to continue to study "Original Creation" more.

Sealed Demonic God Realm.

"It seems that everything is just as I planned."

Deep in the darkness, the Evil Bone Demon Lord sat cross-legged on a skull throne, with a pair of cold eyes bursting with a strange bloody light.

There was an evil arc at the corner of his mouth.

Just as Ling Feng guessed, he arranged for Mu Xuanshuo to deliver the message, so he naturally had his own plan.

"Who said fate cannot be changed? I will change my destiny against the will of heaven! I have no nemesis! No! Jie Jie Jie..."

The cold laughter echoed in the darkness for a long time, like an evil ghost emerging from the depths of hell. It made people's scalp numb when they heard it.

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