Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3335 The Demon-Conquering Seal! Emperor-killing sword!

The top of Mount Tai is located in the middle of the Zhongyuan Domain and is the core area of ​​the Zhongyuan Domain.

From a geographical point of view, it is located in the center of the Haotian Divine Realm. However, this area is covered with thousands of miles of mountains and lacks spiritual energy from heaven and earth, nor does it have any mineral resources.

And because of the relative lack of spiritual energy in the world, even high-level demon clans rarely inhabit this area.

Therefore, the Taiyue Mountains are a virgin forest that has never been developed.

This can be regarded as some of the evil bone demon lord's intentions.

The Taiyue Mountains are lacking in spiritual energy, and it would be difficult for any monk in this area to restore their strength by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

But the Evil Bone Demon Lord is different. He has broken through the path of immortality (demon), and the mana in his body is flowing continuously.

The efficiency of mana recovery alone is countless times higher than that of a monk at the half-step Void Immortal level.

The mountain wind is strong.

The Taiyue Mountains were originally sparsely populated, and because Beiming Mokun had absorbed the soul origins of countless living beings before, there were almost no traces of birds or animals in this mountain forest.

But today, it was almost crowded with people.

The two camps of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races and the demons under the Evil Bone Demon Lord were facing each other across the mountains, just a ravine away.

This ravine stretches between two peaks, just like a giant sword in the sky, splitting a mountain peak in half from the middle.

All the powerful men from the two camps stood on two bare mountaintop platforms, facing each other from afar.

Today is the day the Evil Bone Demon Lord and Ling Feng agreed to have a decisive battle.

This battle can be said to be related to the life and death of the entire Xuanling Continent. Therefore, almost all the monks from all races in the Saofeng Camp came out in full force.

Only a few disciples responsible for guarding Xiao Feng Camp were left.

Of course, in order to prevent the Evil Bone Demon from behind, Ling Feng specially asked Yan Jinghong to stay at Xiaofeng Camp and guard the Forbidden Demon Dungeon.

With Yan Jinghong here, if any accident occurs, his ability should be enough to handle it.

If the situation comes to a last resort, Ling Feng has also specifically explained that Yan Jinghong can make full decisions.

Even if it means killing Mu Xuanshuo!

As for Mu Qianxue, I believe she can understand it.

Of course, this is the worst-case scenario, and Ling Feng certainly doesn't want to see this happen.

And at this moment, he had no time to be distracted and could only leave the rear to Yan Jinghong.

And he himself had more important things to do.

Although Ling Feng has made some achievements in practicing "Original Creation" in the past few days, what he has to deal with is the Evil Bone Demon Lord who has been promoted to the immortal realm after all!

Just his reincarnation in the border prison is already a headache.

Not to mention, after he was promoted to Immortal Dao, his mana flowed endlessly.

His confidence in dealing with the Evil Bone Demon Lord was less than 50%.

I just had to bite the bullet.

Of course, there is another variable.

That is Xiao Xianling.

Although this messenger from the Tianzhi organization has average and ordinary abilities, he is still a genuine immortal powerhouse after all.

Although it is restricted by the laws of this world, it cannot exert its full strength.

However, there are many treasures in her pocket.

As long as she can contain the Evil Bone Demon Lord, she can calm down and analyze the weaknesses and flaws of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Maybe, there is still a chance!

"Little friend Ling Feng, we meet again."

At this moment, the Evil Bone Demon Lord still has the appearance of Mu Longcheng. He looks gentle and elegant. In addition, he exudes a faint fairy aura, which really makes him look like a fairy.

Fellow Immortals and Demons, after crossing the threshold of the Immortal Path and merging with the Evil Bone Demon Lord and Mu Longcheng, they can indeed be said to be a peerless genius.

It's a pity that those who are not of my race must have different minds.

Ling Feng's sharp eyes were like a hawk, staring at the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

The last time they fought in the Demon-Sealing God Realm, he and Shenshui Yinji's power merged together, and they could only barely resist the attack of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

If the Evil Bone Demon Lord hadn't cut off the karma with him and repaid him for saving him from breaking the seal, his situation would have been very critical last time.

But now, although Ling Feng has also received the immortal fate from Shenhuang Emperor, he has improved a lot.

However, after all, he did not get the spring spring spring that can directly improve his cultivation level and skyrocket his realm.

The gap in realm, especially the threshold across the realm of immortality, although it is only half a step away, is actually a chasm.

Even if Ling Feng had not had a special physique, the bloodline of the Tiandao clan and the blessing of the ancestral dragon's will, the Evil Bone Demon Lord's immortal coercion alone would have been able to completely crush any Void Immortal.

Shenshui Yinji, who used to be able to compete with the Evil Bone Demon Lord, now probably has no choice but to be killed instantly.

Not only Ling Feng, in fact, the disciples from all races in the star field were all staring at the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

The hatred between them and the Evil Bone Demon Lord is as deep as the sea. Their relatives and their companions have all lost the origin of their souls because of the Evil Bone Demon Lord's selfishness.

However, in the eyes of everyone's hatred, Evil Bone Demon Lord always had a calm face, and just smiled lightly: "You humans have a saying, when two armies are fighting, the envoy will not be killed. I ordered Xuan Shuo to go to Xiaoxiao, my friend. Feng Ying sent a message, but Xuan Shuo hasn’t been seen for such a long time. It’s really inappropriate for me to do this.”

"Cut the nonsense!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. He was not in the mood to discuss Mu Xuanshuo with the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

This devil simply wanted to anger him on purpose.

"It seems like you hate me very much?"

The Evil Bone Demon smiled indifferently, shook his head, and said slowly: "There seems to have never been any deep hatred between you and me. You once saved me from breaking the seal, and I also showed mercy to you three times. Just for the so-called distinction between good and evil, do you have to be my enemy?"

After a pause, the Evil Bone Demon Lord continued: "This battle could have been avoided. As long as you are willing to choose to surrender to me, I can even pass on the experience of my fellow immortals and demons to help others. How do you feel about surviving the great tribulation of immortals and demons?”

"Like you, are you willing to step on the dead bones of hundreds of millions of creatures to reach your so-called peak?"

Ling Feng sneered, "Sorry, I don't bother to use this method!"

The road to martial arts is destined to be full of bloodshed and killing.

Ling Feng asked himself, he had killed many people, some were innocent and some were implicated.

He is not the incarnation of justice, and there are times when he is selfish.

However, he also has his own positions and principles.

A person can be indifferent to life and death, but he can never ignore life.

Otherwise, what is the difference between them and animals?

"Foolish people."

The Evil Bone Demon Lord shook his head slightly, "It seems that between you and me, we have different paths after all, and we don't want to work together. There is only one fight!"


Ling Feng sneered, "Didn't you get the Fountain of Mist Soul? Have you seen your ending? Did you die in my hands?"

Ling Feng's words seemed to sting the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

It seems that he has indeed seen his own end, so he will persuade himself to surrender to him.

"Cut the nonsense!"

Finally, Xiao Xianling, the "little fairy" from Tianzhi, could no longer hold back.

"How long are you going to keep grinding, isn't it just a fight? That old man opposite, you have done many evil things, and this lady, on behalf of Tianzhi, wants to turn you over. If you have any last words, tell them quickly!"

Xiao Xianling lost her patience. She took a few random digs among the space magic weapons and took out a sword and a jade seal.

These two magic weapons may be nothing in the Immortal Realm, but on the Xuanling Continent, they are the most heaven-defying magic weapons.

Even with Ling Feng's wealth, he only has some fragments of ancient magic weapons.


Seeing Xiao Xianling suddenly flying out, Evil Bone Demon Lord's expression changed slightly.

He also sensed in an instant that this seemingly young girl was actually a powerful immortal just like him.

However, the difference is that she is a powerful immortal from the immortal realm.

But I am a powerful immortal in this world who has experienced the catastrophe of immortals and demons.

Therefore, this female doll will be suppressed by this world and will not be able to exert its full power in the immortal world.

But not myself.

He can attack with all his strength and won't be suppressed in any way.

It is this truth that a strong dragon cannot defeat a local snake.

However, the word "Tian Zhi" still made the Evil Bone Demon Lord a little concerned.

He was an ancient evil demon, and he knew what the Heavenly Execution Organization meant back then.

It was an extremely huge force, and its history of existence could even be traced back to before the ancient demon wars.

For such an ancient and mysterious organization, if this yellow-haired girl didn't lie, the Evil Bone Demon Lord would naturally be a little wary.

"Hmph, look at my Heavenly Demon Subduing Seal and Heavenly Emperor-Slaying Sword! Go!"

Xiao Xianling flicked her palm, and two magic weapons flew out and rose into the air.

Then it began to rise against the storm, turning into two golden lights in the air, one sword and one seal. The golden lights intertwined together and actually formed an array of sword energy, sealing away towards the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

As Xiao Xianling muttered something, the golden sword light from the sword array swept across the sky like a violent storm.

Swish, brush, brush!

The terrifying golden sword energy instantly enveloped the mountaintop opposite, and the demon-subduing seal in the sky turned into a large golden net, directly sealing off the world, making it impossible for the Evil Bone Demon Lord to hide.


In an instant, screams came, smoke billowed across the opposite side, and the demons all over the mountains and plains were cut into flesh and blood by Xiao Xianling's move.

Countless screams, one after another, almost wiped out the opponent with one move.


Xiao Xianling's mouth showed a hint of pride, "Loryba has been chattering for a long time, but he can't be defeated in just one move? It's really boring."

She turned back to look at Ling Feng, her eyebrows dancing with excitement, as if she was saying: How about it, now you know how powerful this young lady is, right? praise me! Praise me!

However, in that flash of lightning, she suddenly heard Ling Feng's roar, which seemed to be saying: Be careful! ! !

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