Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3336 Miss Xiao! Lend it to you!

"Watch your back!"

Ling Feng's roar was like thunder.

The strange thing about the reincarnation of the Border Prison is that the Evil Bone Demon Lord has two bodies at the same time.

Even if one of them is instantly killed by him, he can still be perfectly reborn in the so-called "side prison" dimension.

The only difference is that his form will constantly switch between Evil Bone Demon Lord and Mu Longcheng.

Last time, Ling Feng led Shenshui Yinji and several other half-step Void Immortal-level ancestors to test the Evil Bone Demon Lord while he had just broken the seal and his power had not yet been fully stabilized. Strength.

It was precisely because of the ignorance of the abilities of the Evil Bone Demon Lord that the ancestor of the Tai'a Protoss, Dutian Taihuang, died tragically under the clutches of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Unexpectedly, this time, the Evil Bone Demon Lord actually used his old tricks again. The same moves seemed to work repeatedly.


Xiao Xianling's bright big eyes flashed with a hint of astonishment.

The moment she turned back, she clearly saw a ferocious and ugly monster emerging from the void. A sharp claw grabbed her chest.

Too fast!


It was so unexpected!

Even with Ling Feng's reminder, Xiao Xianling still failed to make the best response right away.

After all, she is a young lady who has been pampered since she was a child. Although her talent is not bad and her level is not low, she seriously lacks practical experience.

Ling Feng thought that his physical reminder should be enough for Xiao Xianling to react.

But it was obvious that Ling Feng overestimated this woman.

Among the camps of the Alliance of All Races in the Star Territory, a monk was stunned.

Why does this "fairy" from the fairyland seem unreliable?

Could it be that hope is going to be dashed again?


Shenshui Yinji snorted softly, she knew the horror of reincarnation in the border prison best.

This unexpected killing move was probably inevitable.

Among the crowd, Ye Weiyang clenched her fists and sighed softly.

Originally, if Xiao Xianling's power could really destroy the Evil Bone Demon Lord, maybe he wouldn't have to make a deal with the Chunzi Spirit Husband.

But now it seems...

Fate cannot be escaped after all!

A trace of determination appeared on his face. Today is probably the day when his soul returns to hellfire.

And when his soul is burned to ashes by the hellfire of Mahakala, I am afraid that no one in this world will be able to remember that there is another person named Ye Weiyang.


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, and a purple light suddenly burst out in his eyes. Then, his eyes stung, and blood flowed out of his pupils.

In the midst of lightning and flint, Ling Feng had already used the time and space mark of Taixu Zhoulong to display the magical power of time and space displacement.

Fortunately, he was more thoughtful and left his own soul mark on Xiao Xianling.

Otherwise, in such a hurry, it may be too late to rescue.

"Innocent! Do you still want to save people from me?"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord sneered. The Evil Bone Demon Lord transformed into a demon form. Not only did he lose the slightest aura of gentleness and elegance, but his eyes were crimson and he looked like a maniac. He let out a terrifying roar, "Breaking the Barrier of the Sky!"

In an instant, Ling Feng's figure was directly blown out of the void.

This is also the first time that Ling Feng has been interrupted by an opponent since he mastered the laws of time and space.

Obviously, the Evil Bone Demon Lord has also mastered the laws of time and space, and it is far beyond himself.

Xiao Xianling, that woman, probably has no choice but to ask for her own blessings.


The sharp claws had already reached Xiao Xianling's chest, and an extremely ferocious look flashed in the Evil Bone Demon Lord's eyes.

What about the messenger from the Immortal Realm?

What about the Heavenly Gatekeepers?

Today, everyone here will die!


The Evil Bone Demon Lord let out a ferocious laugh, but the next moment, the laughter stopped abruptly.

A sharp pain came over me.

Although his claws fell hard on Xiao Xianling's chest, they did not penetrate Xiao Xianling's chest. Instead, it was like piercing an iron plate.



All five sharp claws collapsed, and blood flowed from his fingertips. The terrifying force of the shock directly made his entire arm numb.


Xiao Xianling also screamed and was blown away.


The next moment, a figure flashed and appeared behind Xiao Xianling, catching her firmly.

And Xiao Xianling seemed to be frightened, she turned around and hugged Ling Feng's body tightly, and immediately started crying loudly, "It's so... so ugly! He is so ugly, it scared me to death, ugh Woo hoo..."


A black line shot up on Ling Feng's forehead. This woman with such a good relationship turned out to be...

Being made ugly by the Evil Bone Demon Lord?

He quickly backed away from Xiao Xianling and took a closer look at her. Sure enough, after enduring the blow from the Evil Bone Demon Lord, this woman was unscathed!

It seemed that the grandpa who received the immortal in her mouth probably understood her situation very well.

Therefore, before she went down to the next world, countless life-saving means were prepared for her.

At that time, even if you are not strong enough to defeat some monsters in the lower realm, you will not be harmed in any way.


There was a trace of anger in the eyes of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, and he struck with all his strength. He originally wanted to kill Xiao Xianling instantly, but who knew that he was actually blocked by the other party without any damage.

Moreover, he even insulted himself for being ugly!

He snorted coldly, returned to his Mu Longcheng form, and stared at Ling Feng coldly.

The thoughts in his mind were racing, and he also realized that this little girl whom I Tianzhi held was probably not something he could kill.

However, she was completely unable to pose any threat to herself.

If that's the case, then don't pay attention to this girl and just concentrate on dealing with Ling Feng.

Having made up his mind, the evil bone demon king's whole body was blazing with demonized Jiuli fire.

From his palm, a black flaming magic sword stretched out. With a swing of the sword's edge, it seemed to be able to shatter this space and collapse this world.

Those who are powerful in the immortal way should not be insulted lightly.

Although Xiao Xianling, a powerful Immortal Daoist, seemed ridiculously weak, that was only because her power was suppressed by this world.

Not so with the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

He has almost become the master of this world!

"Little friend Ling Feng, today is the decisive battle between you and me. Why, do you still want to hide behind this girl?"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord stared at Ling Feng coldly and said in a deep voice.

"of course not."

Ling Feng shook his head, but looked at Xiao Xianling and smiled slightly at her.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Seeing Ling Feng's "insidious" gaze, Xiao Xianling felt a chill all over her body, always feeling that something bad was going to happen.

Facts have proved that Xiao Xianling's premonition was really accurate.

"Miss Xiao, I'm sorry, I can lend it to you!"

"Lend...lend it to me?"

Xiao Xianling was stunned, how could she borrow it?

However, the next moment, she understood completely.

Ling Feng's palm grabbed Xiao Xianling's waist, turned her body sideways, and then quickly spun around his own body.

The next moment, Xiao Xianling was directly carried on Ling Feng's shoulders.

"Miss Xiao, your body is comparable to the strongest shield in the world, so..."

He focused his gaze and said word by word: "In order to defeat this devil, please be my shield for the time being!"



There was dead silence.

Among the crowd, big eyes and small eyes were staring at each other, their eyelids were twitching wildly, no one could believe what they heard or saw.

Ling Feng, a powerful immortal man and messenger of heaven, was actually carried on his shoulders as a shield.

This guy really knows how to make the best use of everything!

Such a cute and beautiful little fairy actually uses others as a shield.

Please be a human being!

Only those who know Ling Feng very well, such as Yu Junyao, Mu Qianxue, Yue Yunlan, etc., who knew Ling Feng in the Eastern Spiritual Territory, can understand.

This is indeed something Ling Feng can do.

"I don't agree-"

Xiao Xianling let out a hysterical roar. This hateful ant from the lower world was so rude.

This young lady is a little fairy, the apple of the eye of the Immortal Master, a proud daughter of heaven, not a shield!


Ling Feng knocked this unwilling "little fairy" unconscious with a single strike of his knife.

With such a strong defense and almost indestructible physique, wouldn't it be a waste not to use it as a shield?

It’s not going to die anyway, so what’s wrong with borrowing it and using it?

Ling Feng held the Destruction in All Directions with his right hand, and wrapped his left hand around Xiao Xianling's waist. Fortunately, this woman's waist was thin enough, and it was very convenient to use. It was even lighter than Destruction in All Directions.

Not only were the monks in the star regions confused by Ling Feng's operation, but even the Evil Bone Demon Lord was slightly stunned.

It’s true that I’m cruel and ruthless, and I’m afraid you won’t be able to give in too much!

He took a deep breath. He never expected that Ling Feng would have such a skill, and he could use Xiao Xianling's ability to the extreme.

As a result, my plan to quickly defeat Ling Feng might not work.

However, being promoted to the Immortal Path is not just as simple as improving one's cultivation and breaking through a realm.

Even if this kid is "human and shield", so what?

As long as he has not crossed the path of immortality, many of his methods, in front of him, are no different than an ant looking at the sky, or a cricket shaking a tree!

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