Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3337 Chaos True Demonic Ape!

"Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques! Fighting posture!"

Facing the Evil Bone Demon Lord, Ling Feng immediately used the most powerful technique he had mastered so far.

Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques!

In the mist of war at the top of the God of War Mountain, Ling Feng had the opportunity to observe the fierce battle between Ling Taixu, the ancestor of the Tiandao clan, and the demon clan.

And during that nearly month, Ling Feng gained a lot of experience with this set of peerless martial arts that surpassed the Immortal Emperor level.

Although this set of martial arts is not yet fully mastered by Ling Feng, it can at least exert one ten thousandth of its power.

The fighting posture is on!

The ten directions in Ling Feng's hand were destroyed, and turned directly into a square-shaped painted halberd, which was often one foot long. The blade of the halberd emitted a cold light, and there were faint red-purple flames beating on it.

This is Ling Feng's original fire. After merging with Mu Qianxue's original fire, his original fire has become closer and closer to the form of the demon dragon's world-purifying fire.

However, at this moment, the Flame Swallowing Technique that Ling Feng originally practiced has been swallowed up and transformed into a more advanced form of Flame Swallowing.

After fusing many top-quality exotic fires, Yan Yan has surpassed the limit of the sixth level Yan Yan that Jianlu told him at the beginning.

Starting from the initial ordinary elixir fire, it has evolved all the way until it has now reached the limit of the "Flame Swallowing Technique" that can be practiced.

Yan Yan has become one of Ling Feng's most powerful trump cards.

"Li Huo Liao Tian!"

Waving the halberd, Ling Feng used the form of the halberd to display the Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique. The power exerted actually surpassed the previous form of Destruction in All Directions.

Raging flames spurted out from the halberd blade, and the fire filled the sky, turning the sky red.

The next moment, balls of blazing flames condensed into tens of thousands of blazing fire dragons, bombarding them indiscriminately in the direction of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Only with such a strong offensive and allowing the Evil Bone Demon Lord to repeatedly use the secret technique of Border Prison Reincarnation, could Ling Feng have the opportunity to find out the flaws with the powerful insight of the Eye of Heaven.


The Evil Bone Demon Lord sneered, why didn't he understand Ling Feng's thoughts.

He suddenly opened his hands, and a dark pillar of light behind him suddenly seemed to emerge from the depths of hell and soar into the sky.

His body was instantly swallowed up by the black light. The next moment, the Evil Bone Demon Lord, who was originally in the elegant middle-aged form, immediately grew in size and turned into a demon over ten feet tall with wings growing out of his ribs.

There was a pair of thick devil horns on his head, and the skin all over his body turned dark purple.

He was exuding ominousness, breathing fierce flames, and dark thunder was beating and flowing around him.

The blood-red eyes have firmly locked on Ling Feng.

The violent aura almost set the entire world on fire.

The void trembled and the earth shook.

The magma fire hidden deep in the earth's veins actually erupted at this moment!

Boom boom boom!

The sky is falling apart!

The Taiyue Mountain Range, which spans thousands of miles, has turned into a sea of ​​​​purgatory fire in an instant!

Is this the true strength of a powerful immortal?

For a time, everyone, whether they were from the Star Territory Alliance or the demons under the Evil Bone Demon Lord who were lucky enough to save a small life in Xiao Xianling's hands, all retreated thousands of miles away in a frenzy.

It is impossible for them to participate in a battle of this level.

Even those as powerful as Shenshui Yinji or as powerful as the Deep Sea Demon Whale King are not qualified to intervene.

The powerful immortal pressure was enough to make all of them breathless.

Only Ling Feng, with his special physique, could ignore this pressure.

This is why Xiao Xianling can make any other mortal crawl under her momentum, but she can't do anything about Ling Feng.

The bloodline of the Tiandao clan is inherently superior to all living beings.


There was an explosion, and the robe on his upper body shattered into pieces, and his purple skin was covered with dark red inscriptions.

And the source of these inscriptions actually spread from the divine pattern between the eyebrows of the Evil Bone Demon Lord!

His divine patterns were so complicated that they were so exaggerated!

Even, all over the body!

For a moment, the monks from the Alliance of All Races in the Star Territory all opened their eyes wide and looked at the huge demon in front of them in disbelief.

Is this the complete form of the Evil Bone Demon Lord?

"What a terrifying smell!"

"God, is this the power you have after taking that last step?"

"I...I can't help but tremble!"

Geniuses from all star realms all feel the trembling from their souls.

Even Shenshui Yinji and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King have terrifyingly gloomy expressions.

Can Ling Feng really defeat such a monster?

Even if he was very "shameless" in using Xiao Xianling as a shield, he might still be no match for the Evil Bone Demon Lord's many methods.

No one noticed that among the crowd, Ye Weiyang had secretly retreated to a corner. He looked a little tired and sat quietly behind a rock.

His deal with Chunzi Linghu has already begun to take effect.

And his life is about to come to an end.

However, everyone is paying attention to the decisive battle between Ling Feng and the Evil Bone Demon Lord in the sky. No one will notice that the former number one genius of the Genshen Temple and the number one powerhouse of the Ten Blades of the Gotei, in the middle of the night, at this moment How weak and tired.

It seemed that even opening his eyes had exhausted all his strength.

"not now!"

Ye Weiyang clenched her fists tightly, and he forced himself to cheer up and keep his eyes fixed on the battlefield high in the sky.

He wants to see the final victory.

At least, he needs to know that everything he has done has not been wasted.

"Brother Ling..."

Mu Qianxue held her breath and stared at the sky, looking at Ling Feng's back.

That figure seemed very small compared to the behemoth he faced.

But his back protected everyone behind him.

He is immortal and everyone coexists with him.

If he dies, all the stars and all the realms will surely fall.

She clenched her fists tightly and, like everyone else, silently prayed and cheered for Ling Feng.

But soon, she discovered that Ye Weiyang, who had been standing next to her, seemed to suddenly disappear.

Ever since she arrived in the Northern Cold Territory to look for Spring Spring, she found that something was wrong with Ye Weiyang.

Although Ye Weiyang didn't say anything, with her delicate mind, she still noticed some clues.

He seemed to start saying goodbye to some people intentionally or unintentionally.

He began to donate some of his treasures to some of his companions in Sao Feng Camp.

He even began to give serious guidance to some of the younger members of the Haotian God Clan, teaching them how to master the various magical powers and secret techniques of the Haotian God Clan.

All of this is really abnormal.

What was he hiding?

Mu Qianxue gritted her teeth and searched for something in the crowd.

Soon, he discovered Ye Weiyang's figure.

She walked forward quickly, but Ye Weiyang was so weak that she could only lean on the rock and barely raise her head.

But his eyes were always looking firmly at the sky, looking forward to the outcome of this battle.

"Brother Yagami!"

Soon, Mu Qianxue walked up to Ye Shen. She gently supported Ye Weiyang's body, with a puzzled look on her face.

Why did Yagami become so weak?

Didn't Ling Feng heal all his internal injuries before?

"'re here. Haha..."

Ye Weiyang looked pale and smiled calmly.

At the end of life, it seems good to have someone to die with.

Although, after this, she may also forget about herself.

Ye Weiyang smiled to herself.

In this life, I have not been able to live a good life for myself. If there is another life...

He doesn't want to be a genius, nor does he want to shoulder any mission. Being an ordinary ordinary person may already be very happy.

"Brother Ye Shen, what's wrong with you? How did you become like this?"

At this moment, Ye Shen was not only weak, but his arms and legs had begun to become transparent and unreal.

"Don't worry, it will be fine soon. Everything will pass."

Ye Weiyang smiled hard and said warmly: "Believe it or not, in this battle, your brother Ling, my good brother, he... will definitely win!"

Mu Qianxue bit her lip, eyes filled with crystal tears, and nodded heavily, "I believe! He will win! He will definitely deal with it! Brother Ye Shen, you must support him, and wait until he comes back. ...I can help you heal your injuries.”

Ye Weiyang shook his head and smiled. At this moment, he finally understood that he had seen that the fate between him and Mu Qianxue would always be entangled.

But it turned out to be because, at the end of his life, it was Mu Qianxue who was by his side.

"Boy, you had a way to survive, but you chose a dead end!"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord stared at Ling Feng with a pair of huge pupils. With a roar, his huge and majestic body rushed towards Ling Feng like a meteorite.


The next moment, flames wrapped around Ling Feng's body, and with a dazzling flame, Ling Feng's figure also swelled up against the storm.


With a terrifying roar, Ling Feng transformed into a golden-haired giant ape that was also over ten feet tall.

The true form of Chaos!

After mastering the form of Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation, Ling Feng used the true form of Chaos for the first time.

And the halberd in his hand that was transformed into the Destruction of All Directions also stretched crazily, automatically reaching the level of a weapon that matched his body shape.

As for Xiao Xianling, who was used as a shield by Ling Feng, Ling Feng did not waste any time and directly used the hair on his body to wrap Xiao Xianling around her heart.

Xiao Xianling directly transformed into a human-shaped "heart mirror".

The majestic messenger of heaven is now used as a pendant on Ling Feng's body. This operation is truly amazing!

The next moment, Ling Feng once again let out a roar that shook the world, and the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation was immediately launched.

The Divine Marks of Heavenly Control spread from the palm of the hand, and the hair of the golden-haired giant ape began to turn red, and under the slender hair, the brilliance of Divine Marks of Heavenly Controls was still faintly exuding!

What's even more terrifying is that between his eyebrows, a huge blood-colored ball suddenly opened.


The Shura Killing Realm was also swept across in an instant. Within this realm, the Chaos True Demonic Ape transformed by Ling Feng would also turn into a ferocious beast that would never be tired.

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