Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3338 The Art of Life and Death! Heaven's Destruction Attack!

Boom boom boom!

The earth shook!

The two behemoths collided together, and the terrifying energy impact swept across. Thousands of miles away, the terrifying roaring and roaring sounds could still be heard in the core of the battlefield.

Magma erupted, the galaxy shook, and countless torn vacuum cracks appeared throughout the space.

The Chaos True Demon Ape transformed by Ling Feng was able to fight evenly with the Evil Bone Demon Lord at half-step to the realm of the Void Immortal.

You must know that the difference between half-step virtual immortal and half-step virtual immortal is the difference between immortal and mortal.

Ling Feng could not lose to the Evil Bone Demon Lord in terms of momentum, which was incredible.

The True Demon Ape of Chaos held the halberd that was transformed from the Destruction of All Directions with both hands. All three pupils stared at the Evil Bone Demon Lord opposite, emitting a chilling and chilling light that shocked the soul.

"Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques, Senbai Zhiya!"

As the halberd swept, crescent-shaped arcs of light burst out from the halberd blade.

Mori Shiro's Fang reappears!

The terrifying aura that disintegrated everything swept across, and even the Evil Bone Demon Lord did not dare to take it lightly.

Although he can rely on the secret technique of reincarnation in the border prison to be reincarnated again and again, he is also very clear about Ling Feng's purpose.

The reason why Ling Feng used this almost crazy style of fighting, and dared to suppress himself even though he was half a step into the Void Immortal Realm, was to force himself to continuously use the Border Prison Reincarnation.

And every time he uses it, he may be able to see more clues from it.

Any secret technique has its flaws.

Even the reincarnation of the border prison is the same.

Since the Evil Bone Demon Lord knew that Ling Feng was from the Tiandao clan, how could he expose himself too much in front of Ling Feng with his cautiousness.

What's more, he is already in the realm of immortality. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing if he was beaten to death by a mere mortal and had to go back to prison to grind his opponent to death?

The huge wings behind him converged, and the violent wind forcefully deflected Ling Feng's Forest White Fangs. In the next moment, a mountain thousands of miles away was crushed into powder.


The next moment, the Evil Bone Demon Lord's flaming sword collided with Ling Feng's halberd. Every collision was inevitably accompanied by the eruption of magma deep in the earth, the raging storm, and the shaking of the earth.

This level of battle has completely reached the Star Collapse level.

If the fierce battle continues, not only the Taiyue Mountains, but also the entire Haotian Divine Domain will be completely destroyed and all life will be extinct.

And if the battle continues, even the entire Zhongyuan Domain, and even the entire Xuanling Continent, may be beaten to pieces, fall apart, and eventually turn into broken small planes, wandering among the stars. within the domain of time and space.

It was like Ling Feng falling into the Miluo Continent by chance when he was in the West Sword Region.

The former Miluo Continent was once a large world comparable to the Xuanling Continent, but it was also destroyed by the immortal-level war and turned into a broken and shattered plane.

Seeing that the entire Taiyue Mountain Range was almost destroyed, the Chaos True Demon Ape transformed by Ling Feng roared and slammed into the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Then, a pair of thick arms hugged the Evil Bone Demon Lord tightly, kicked hard on the ground with both feet, and took the Evil Bone Demon Lord directly into the sky thousands of feet high.

Here, you can already see the dazzling galaxy, and you can see the planes and stars in the stars and the universe.


The Evil Bone Demon laughed strangely, and countless dark red tentacles suddenly shot out from his body, winding up towards Lingfeng like giant pythons thousands of feet high.

The tops of those tentacles suddenly opened their bloody mouths, and with sharp and poisonous fangs, they bit Ling Feng fiercely.

Ling Feng's expression changed, and he quickly let go of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, waving the halberd in his hand and crushing the tentacles one by one.

"Don't worry, I don't want to directly destroy the Xuanling Continent. However, fists and feet have no eyes. In front of the power of you and me, even the stars in the universe, the sky, the earth, the sun and the moon, seem to be as fragile as an egg!"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord narrowed his eyes and sneered. Ling Feng had something on his mind. He had too many things to take into consideration. This was Ling Feng's flaw.

Even though it was clear that he could not gain the upper hand, he was still unable to devote himself wholeheartedly to the battle.

The outcome of this battle seems to have been determined.

Ling Feng held Shi Fang Ju De tightly. He knew very well that with the insidiousness of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, once he sensed the crisis, he would attack the enemy at all costs and save the enemy.

"The Ten Thousand Demons and God-Killing Curse!"

The red inscriptions around the Evil Bone Demon Lord were beating, accompanied by the vibration of the huge pairs of wings behind him, and then, another phantom of the Demon God suddenly appeared behind him.

The incarnation of all the demons entangled Ling Feng like a resentful spirit.

He determined that the most critical difference in realm between Ling Feng and himself was the ability to fight for a long time.

Although Ling Feng had many trump cards, even he could not completely suppress him for a while.

However, once a war of attrition breaks out, no matter how defiant this kid is, he will never be able to outlast himself!


As long as he uses this style of fighting, once Ling Feng is exhausted, even if he has shocking methods, he will definitely be defeated by his own men.

For a time, there were many shadows!

Thousands of phantoms of demon gods are all wrapped up with the power of demons comparable to the realm of virtual immortals. Even though Lingfeng has the Demonic Dragon Purifying Fire body protection and Xiao Xianling's "indestructible" pendant to protect her body, those demon phantoms Even for a moment, he couldn't break through his defense.

However, with countless demons attacking, Ling Feng had to continuously perform the Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques, which was also a big load for him.

However, a cold smile flashed in Ling Feng's eyes.

Are you trying to consume yourself in this way?

The vertical pupil between Ling Feng's eyebrows flashed with faint light, and then, a blood shadow guard group suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

Each Blood Shadow Guard has almost perfectly copied all of Ling Feng's abilities.

Of course, except for the Eye of the Emperor.

Therefore, the Blood Shadow Guard only transformed into a Chaos Giant Ape, but failed to open his Shura Eyes and transformed into a Chaos True Demonic Ape.

But even so, the forty-eight chaotic giant apes that appeared in an instant still reduced Ling Feng's pressure by more than half.

But it's not over yet.

I saw Ling Feng making a hand gesture, and as he muttered words in his mouth, the five elements of spiritual energy that had dispersed between heaven and earth began to condense.

It is the commanding technique of the fourth volume of the Awakening Spirit Chapter in the original creation.

Immediately afterwards, a mighty army of Five Elements spiritual energy suddenly appeared.

Although these spiritual energy armies are almost at the level of cannon fodder and can be shattered by those evil spells, they are victorious because they are endless and numerous.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord wants to entangle Ling Feng with thousands of evil magic spells. However, no matter how many people there are, the Evil Bone Demon Lord is destined to fall into the inferior position.

The army of spiritual energy is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

It's a pity that the spiritual energy in the high altitude where they are fighting is very thin. These spiritual energy armies are destined to be impossible to get anywhere strong.

However, the ants killed the elephant, and the emergence of the spiritual energy army also solved Ling Feng's urgent needs, so that he would not be entangled by those evil magic signs and be exhausted to the point of exhaustion.

You can even take some free time to think about ways to break the situation.

He must force the Evil Bone Demon Lord to perform the Border Prison Reincarnation, so that he can have a chance to break the Border Prison Reincarnation.

The mighty aura army, led by the forty-eight Chaos Giant Apes transformed into Blood Shadow Guards, rushed towards the demonic form like a brave and daring army that was not afraid of death.

Even if it is crushed to pieces by the demonic magic phase, it will only dissipate into spiritual energy again, but under Ling Feng's command of destiny, it can turn into the spirit of the five elements again in an instant and join the battlefield.

This is the real human wave tactic!

The Evil Bone Demon Lord's expression changed slightly and he stared at Ling Feng.

This kid, in less than a month, unexpectedly mastered such an incredible skill.

There are too many secrets in him.

But this is better. When you kill him, everything on him will belong to you!

Thinking of this, the Evil Bone Demon Lord sneered again. Even though Ling Feng had extraordinary skills and many magical powers, he was still suppressed by absolute power.

Everything is in vain!

"Heaven's Jue Destroy Attack!"

With a roar, a dark purple light spread suddenly with the Evil Bone Demon Lord as its core.

The void flows like a liquid, and within the scope shrouded in purple light, everything is annihilated!

Tsk tsk tsk!





Whether it was the demonic shadow released by the Evil Bone Demon Lord, or Ling Feng's aura army and blood shadow guards, they were all shattered almost instantly and turned into nothingness!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, and he retreated again and again, but still could not escape the purple light blockade.

Even his Shura Killing Realm Domain was oppressed by the purple light and continued to shrink. In the end, it could only be maintained within a range of less than ten feet around Ling Feng.

A heavy mountain-like pressure hit him, and Ling Feng could hardly breathe.

However, after performing this move, Ling Feng could clearly see that the Evil Bone Demon Lord was breathing slightly.

Obviously, performing such a killing move would consume a huge amount of energy even for the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

But at this moment, Ling Feng obviously had no time to be distracted.

The terrifying destructive power of Tian Jue's attack was biting into his Shura killing realm.

Once he loses the protection of this realm, Ling Feng is not sure whether he will be directly disintegrated like the blood shadow guards and the spiritual energy army.

In fact, there is no chance for blood rebirth.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng sweated slightly on his forehead.

Huge beads of sweat fell from his forehead. With his current huge body, a single sweat bead was almost the size of a human head.

By coincidence, one of the beads of sweat hit Xiao Xianling's forehead.


The sweat beads broke, and Xiao Xianling directly enjoyed a "wet body" wake-up service.


Xiao Xianling, who was knocked unconscious, woke up instantly and opened her mouth to prepare for the third consecutive attack. But before she could get angry, a strong sense of oppression came over her, making her feel a sense of crisis.

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