Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3340 Demonic Fire Poison Pond!

"Is this the roar of the ancient dragon?"

Xiao Xianling's eyes flashed with shock and astonishment.

In the fairy realm, there are naturally many magic techniques that imitate the roars of various fairy beasts to defeat the enemy.

This kind of magic is collectively called the magic of music.

It can be done by transmitting sound through a musical instrument, blowing air through the nose, or even hitting a certain part of the body, or flicking the tongue, etc.

But simulating the roar of a mythical beast directly with your voice is undoubtedly the most difficult one.

The throat has always been an extremely fragile part of the human body. If you want to simulate the roar of a dragon, you must first have a strong body comparable to that of a dragon.

Otherwise, whether this roar can suppress the enemy is another matter. I am afraid that my voice will be destroyed first.

Therefore, in the fairyland, although there are not many people who use music magic, most of them use various musical instruments to transmit sounds.

Such as guqin, flute, even shengxiao, erhu and so on.

Like Ling Feng, he can simulate the roar of an ancient dragon with just his voice.

This in itself is already a very outrageous thing.

How many trump cards does this kid have hidden in him?

Xiao Xianling couldn't believe it. She was born in the fairyland and was regarded as the apple of her grandfather's eye. It was not surprising that she had a lot of treasures on her body.

But this kid is obviously just a mortal from the lower realm!

Maybe you can find a treasure this time.

With his talent, if he can really join Tianzhi, he might be able to reach a level comparable to Jiuyao within a hundred or two hundred years.

When the time comes, maybe I will hug his thigh in turn.

"Damn it!"

Ling Feng's dragon roar immediately disintegrated Beiming Mokun's magical power.

His plan to use the humans below to threaten Ling Feng was completely shattered.

Naturally, Ling Feng would not give the Evil Bone Demon Lord any chance to breathe. He stared at the Evil Bone Demon Lord and at the same time sent a message to Xiao Xianling, "Miss Xiao, continue the offensive just now, just to beat him to keep using The secret of reincarnation!”


Xiao Xianling nodded. Seeing that Ling Feng was so talented, she did not argue with Ling Feng for the first time. Instead, she chose to cooperate with Ling Feng very obediently.

The Demon-Subduing Seal and the Emperor-Slaying Sword were two great celestial weapons that directly forced the Evil Bone Demon Lord to lose his temper. In addition, Ling Feng was holding a halberd, and every move he made was domineering, fierce, and unparalleled in power.

In just thirty breaths of time, he had already been forced to reincarnate five times.

His form is also constantly switching and changing between the forms of Evil Bone Demon Lord and Mu Longcheng.

Not to mention anything else, Xiao Xianling's Demon Subduing Seal alone was too much of a restraint on him.

He could only bite the bullet and accept Ling Feng's Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques. He was forced to go crazy and used the Heavenly Extermination Attack to directly obliterate Ling Feng.

Unfortunately, although Xiao Xianling lacks actual combat experience, it does not mean that she is a combat idiot.

Her powers of observation and attention were very sharp. As soon as she noticed that the Evil Bone Demon Lord was using a killing move that could threaten Ling Feng, the nine-color protective divine light immediately appeared around Ling Feng, making the Evil Bone Demon Lord All the killing moves that were planned for a sneak attack were in vain.

"Thank you!"

Ling Feng turned back and glanced at Xiao Xianling. This woman from the fairyland was not completely useless.

With her assistance, Ling Feng can attack without any scruples. Even if the Evil Bone Demon Lord uses the Border Prison Reincarnation and attacks at a tricky angle that he cannot notice at all, he will still be attacked by Xiao Xianling's body-protecting spirit. The light is completely canceled out.

Even the Demon-Subduing Seal and the Emperor-Slaying Sword can cooperate with him to a certain extent to increase his attack speed and power.

Such incredible auxiliary ability allowed Ling Feng to almost completely dominate and take the initiative in this battle.

There is only one word that can describe the feeling of a mortal beating up a strong man who has crossed the path of immortality.


Ling Feng became stronger and stronger as he fought, and the faster he fought, the faster he fought.

The halberd that was more than ten feet long in his hand was like a black whirlwind, destroying everything it passed and stirring up the heaven and earth.

A quarter of an hour!

Two quarters of an hour!

Half an hour!

An hour!

The fierce battle continued, and in the entire Taiyue Mountains, there was almost no trace of the mountains.

At the core of the battle, the ground below has turned into a sea of ​​fire and purgatory!

The Evil Bone Demon Lord retreated again and again, and even began to use Beiming Demon Kun as a defensive shield to avoid the dual offensives of Ling Feng and Xiao Xianling.

Bang bang bang!

Blood rained all over the sky, splattering wildly.

The huge Beiming Demon Kun, under the terrifying attacks of Ling Feng's White Fangs, appeared in large areas of white skeletons.

Blood rain poured down, and Mo Kun's blood dyed the ground thousands of miles below red.

The stench of blood filled the sky.

The earth became desolate and desolate in the poisonous blood, and the soil turned dark red. Even the magma that erupted from the depths of the earth's veins seemed to be contaminated with wisps of dark red demonic energy.


Ling Feng gasped for breath. Such high-intensity continuous output, even in his current state, has almost reached the critical point of collapse.

After all, among his many methods, the only one that could inflict serious damage to Evil Bone Demon Lord and Beiming Demon Kun was the Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques.

Although the Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques are powerful, for Ling Feng, each move and every move requires a lot of energy to maintain.

Unless Ling Feng also crosses the threshold of the immortal path, and the magic power in his body flows endlessly, he will be relatively relaxed.

However, even if this is the case, Ling Feng and Xiao Xianling have beaten the Evil Bone Demon Lord to the point where he has used the Border Prison Reincarnation eighteen times in a row.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord was still not defeated.

Although he also looked very embarrassed, his clothes were ragged, his expression was weak, and he looked a little weak.

In fact, a pair of pupils were full of bloodshot eyes, looking crazy and ferocious.

"No...I can't do it anymore! Huh...huh..."

Xiao Xianling was so tired that she almost fainted.

Her whole body was already soaked with sweat, and coupled with the purgatory magma below, it was constantly emitting hot steam that almost melted the void.

Xiao Xianling's current state is already somewhat severely dehydrated.

She looked weakly at Ling Feng, and the Demon-Conquering Station and the Emperor-Slaying Sword in the air were shaking slightly.

Whether it was physical strength or energy, Xiao Xianling seemed to have exceeded her load.

After all, controlling the Demon-Subduing Seal and the Emperor-Slaying Sword requires a lot of mana, and she needs to be highly concentrated for an hour, paying attention to the subtle changes in the battle situation, so that her body-protecting divine light can envelope Ling Feng in time. It consumes a lot of energy.

She had never fought so hard for so long.

That Evil Bone Demon Lord is simply an unbeatable monster!

Ling Feng clenched her fists. She knew that Xiao Xianling was at the end of her strength and could no longer fully assist her.

"You have helped me a lot. Thank you!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, gently held Xiao Xianling in his palm, and immediately threw her out of the battlefield with a vigorous swing.


With the wind whistling in her ears, Xiao Xianling stared at Ling Feng's back with her eyes wide open, and exclaimed: "You brat, what are you doing? You can't beat him alone!"

After fighting side by side for a long time, Xiao Xianling temporarily put down her hostility towards Ling Feng, and even began to put herself in Ling Feng's shoes.

It's a pity that she is too weak now and can't even stabilize her body in the first place.

And when the power of Ling Feng's throw dissipated, she had been sent to the safe zone where everyone in Sao Feng Camp was with great precision.

"Next, leave it to me!"

Ling Feng tightened his fists, leaving everyone with an extremely majestic back.

The yin-yang fish floated in the dark golden pupils of the True Demon Ape of Chaos, "Because, I have seen through everything!"

Reincarnation in the Border Prison is not without its flaws.

And after an hour of hard work by him and Xiao Xianling, they gained insight into the Eighteen Border Prison Reincarnations performed by the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Ling Feng finally found the flaw!

"Hahahaha! See through everything?"

Evil Bone Demon Lord laughed ferociously, and he stared at Ling Feng, "No one can break my reincarnation in prison! Boy, you can't do it either! Today, there is no longer that difficult girl, now, I am I want you to completely perish here! This farce must end! Being annihilated is your only destiny!"

"Is it?"

Ling Feng sneered and stared into the evil bone demon lord's wild eyes, "However, I saw a trace of panic and a trace of timidity in your eyes! In the same way, I will return it to you as it is! Fei Ash. Annihilation is your only ending!"


Evil Bone Demon Lord laughed wildly, "Then, look at your feet again! Do you think that I was really under your attack and had no power to fight back, so I let Beiming Demon Kun come out to resist your offensive? ?”


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and the air that was already very pungent and extremely hot began to turn into thick black smoke, rising into the sky.

The sea of ​​magma and fire below has actually turned into a pool of demonic fire and poison!

"Poison Fire Demonic Dragon, sacrifice!"

Just then, the Evil Bone Demon Lord roared loudly, and from the depths of the poisonous pool, poisonous fire demon dragons soared into the sky.

While those demonic dragons were hovering in the air, a red-black six-pointed star array also slowly floated at the feet of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

He actually used the flesh and blood of Beiming Demon Kun as the medium to guide the power of the earth's veins in this world, just like when he was in the Haotian Divine Domain, Ye Weiyang gathered the entire Haotian clan's mountain-protecting formation, thus Obtaining a Haotian Divine Eye, his strength skyrocketed instantly.

At this moment, the power of the Evil Bone Demon Lord actually climbed up again and skyrocketed again with the help of the Demonic Fire Poison Pool.

As if, he has become the only master in this world!

This battle seems to have returned to the starting point, but the difference is that the opponent Ling Feng faces will become more terrifying and terrifying!

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